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Bonded (The Raegan Mason Trilogy)

Page 13

by Cheryl Courtney

  Aunt Sarah looked shocked but composed. “Well it looks like I owe you an apology and my gratitude for being there for Raegan. I’m very protective of her and well, you can only guess what went through my mind seeing you two holding hands and dropping a bomb like ‘something happened last night’. I may be an old lady, but I’m not naïve. I apologize for the insinuation that it was anything but innocent.” She smiled apologetically at Kyler and then me. I felt guilty about leaving out our night together, but squashed that emotion as quickly as I could. She stood up and we followed her lead. “Let me get my purse and we’ll go down to the station.”

  Aunt Sarah walked to the bedroom to get her things and I just felt relief wash over me. “That wasn’t so bad, was it?” Kyler smiled at me, took both hands and squeezed them in his. His hands were warm and I could feel the tingles of electricity running through me.

  “I think she likes you very much.” I smiled back at him.

  “She’s not the one I’m worried about liking me.” He cocked an eyebrow at me.

  “I don’t know why you’d worry about that.” I said matter of factly as I pulled my hands gently away. The heated blush exposed my embarrassment again. He laughed quietly as my Aunt Sarah came back in the room. I did my best to control my embarrassment before she could ask any more questions.

  We walked to the door and Aunt Sarah stopped short. “I don’t believe we’ll be taking your dune buggy today. I’m too old to be climbing in one of those.” She smiled at him and walked to her sedan. Kyler grabbed a bag from the back seat of the Jeep and I climbed in the back while Aunt Sarah adjusted her mirrors and backed out of the garage.

  She wasn’t really old, but she always called herself an old maid since she was the oldest out of her and my dad and she had never married. She loved to play the old card when she met new people. Then she always had room to impress them with all she could still do at her age. Kyler showed no stress over her driving us to the police station. He sat at a respectable distance and didn’t attempt to hold my hand in the back seat. He kept his eyes forward and would occasionally catch me staring at him and smile mischievously back. It didn’t take long to reach the police station. Aunt Sarah had to go in with me because I was still seventeen. My birthday was coming up at the end of the month and technically I was still a minor.

  We all went in and told the deputy on duty everything that happened on the beach. They took more photos of my bruised ribs and black eye. They suggested a trip to my family doctor for x-rays and other tests to make sure all the bases were covered. Kyler introduced himself as my boyfriend, which took me by surprise, and provided the deputy with the details on Nate that I couldn’t provide. He explained that he did use force to incapacitate him. He even brought my ruined clothes for the officer. Aunt Sarah was horrified at the sight of my bruises and clothes. She didn’t break down crying like I thought she would. She was putting on the brave face today. I was feeling a bit numb with the replay going on and couldn’t believe I’d actually lived that out less than a day ago. Being in the station and actually reporting it wasn’t as bad as I imagined.

  When we finished our statements and signed the report, they issued an arrest warrant and a restraining order and told us that they would be contacting us again should a trial be needed. We left and drove back home to leave Aunt Sarah. I still wanted to stop by the hospital to check on Jaxon. Kyler offered to join me and drive. I didn’t complain.

  Aunt Sarah invited Kyler to eat dinner with us later that evening, but he politely declined and said he had some things to take care of before his mother returned. Aunt Sarah was obviously disappointed but welcomed him to eat with us another time.

  Kyler drove us to the hospital and we rode silently in the elevator to the third floor. I didn’t realize how uncomfortable this would be bringing Kyler. He had declared himself my boyfriend and now we were going to flaunt this in front of Jaxon. Jaxon – the one I keep hurting over and over. I can only imagine the pain this might inflict.

  Jaxon was in room 315. I paused outside the door for a moment trying to gather my thoughts and composure before barging into Jaxon’s room. Kyler gently turned my chin towards him. “Raegan, this is not your fault. I can see the torment on your face.” His eyes looked pained.

  “I keep hurting him somehow. He’s one of my best friends and he won’t understand…us. Do you mind waiting out here for a few minutes while I talk to him?” I searched his eyes for understanding.

  Kyler’s eyebrows furrowed. “Us? Why would he not understand us?” He paused a moment thinking. “OH, the un-brotherly like dance. Was there more to it that I missed? Is there something between you two that I should know about?” His jaw flexed as he tried to restrain some emotion. I still couldn’t feel his emotions like before, but anyone with a brain could see the jealousy rising.

  “Kyler, nothing is going on between me and Jaxon, but he is having a hard time understanding that. I do care about him and he is one of my best friends. Friends have arguments and disagreements and that’s where we left off a couple of days ago when I last talked to him. I just don’t want this time to be any more difficult than it has to be.” I pleaded with him to understand. His eyes narrowed a bit before relaxing.

  He brushed my hair behind my ear then gently kissed my cheek. “I’ll wait out here for you.” He turned and walked toward the waiting room at the end of the hall.

  I watched him until he turned into the waiting room before turning back to Jaxon’s door. I took a deep breath and knocked.


  “Come in.” Jaxon answered muffled. As I slowly opened the door, I could see the room was dimmed in the late afternoon. The curtains were closed and the television gave off a glow that provided the only light.

  Jaxon turned on the light above his bed as I came around the door. “Oh, it’s you.” He grumbled.

  “Jaxon, I’m so sorry. Are you okay?” I approached him and sat at the edge of his bed. He wouldn’t look at me but fidgeted with the blankets around him.

  “What are you sorry for? You didn’t do this.” He finally forced himself to look at me. “Holy shit, Raegan! What the hell happened to you?” He sat up quickly and started to reach for me. “Did Nate do that to you?” He was fuming. His nose was covered in bandages and a metal like brace, but the fury in his crystal blue eyes was evident. The bruises around his eyes only made his anger more fearsome.

  I tried to swallow but a lump was stuck in my throat as the tears began again. I cleared my throat and fought back the tears. “Yes.” I whispered. “But it’s not as bad as it could have been. I just got back from the police station with…with my Aunt Sarah and Kyler.” I straightened my back and lifted my chin a bit bracing myself for whatever anger he had to throw at me. He just stared open mouthed so I continued. “I pressed charges against him for assault and attempted rape.” The last part barely came out as a whisper. I swallowed hard again. “I was hoping you were willing to press charges too.” Tears silently streaked down my cheek as I waited for Jaxon to respond.

  “He…he raped you?!” His fist tightened.

  “No, he almost did. Kyler stopped him.” I wiped the stray tears and grabbed his fist to try and ease the tension.

  “But your face.” He lifted his hand and gently wiped another tear from my cheek.

  “Well that happened after I kicked him where it counts, before…anyway. I’m good now. Just a little rough around the edges.” I forced a smile. “What about you? When do you get to leave?”

  “I should kill him for touching you. That ass! He’s been dropping his sleazy lines all summer on any girl within shouting distance. Thank God Kyler found you in time. After he punched me, I don’t remember much until I woke up here. Some of the guys brought me into the emergency room when I passed out on the beach. He broke my nose, obviously, and I have a concussion. They’re waiting for the swelling to go down some to see if I’ll need any surgery.” He held my hand but the fury was still boiling in his eyes. “I won’t be able to
go to basic training for a while. So looks like we’ll be able to hang out some more this fall.” He smiled but the pain must have been too much because he squeezed my hand and closed his eyes.

  “Should I call the nurse? Are they giving you anything for the pain?” I scrambled to find the nurse call button but he grabbed my hand and stopped me.

  “I’m good. It just hurts when I move my face any.” He managed to wink. “So Stone came to your rescue? I would have loved to see that fight. Did he at least get in a few broken bones on that asshole?”

  I grimaced. “Yes, Julie said that his nose and jaw might be broken. She said there was blood all over him.” I flinched wondering if any of it was mine.

  “Way to go Stone. I’ll have to remember to thank him when I get out of here.” Jaxon’s fury lessened, but I was probably about to make that worse.

  “Well, he’s actually in the waiting room if you’d like to talk to him now.” The guilt of hurting Jaxon more was eating at me. I didn’t know how to go on past this without getting everything out in the open. I couldn’t control my feelings for Kyler anymore than Jaxon could for me. Either we would remain friends or we wouldn’t. I sure hoped we would stay friends and that Jaxon would find someone.

  “He’s here? Why?” He was curious, not angry. Yet. “He can come in. There isn’t a limit on visitors as far as I know. I’d like to thank him for protecting you. I know you’re not my girlfriend, or anything, but I still feel responsible for you. You’re still my best friend, and the best kiss I’ve ever had. Even if you can’t accept the fact that you love me, I still love you.” He winked and squeezed my hand to let me know our fight a few days ago was forgiven on his end.

  “Jaxon, why do you make this so hard on me? I do love you, but not in the way you need me to. You are my best friend and I care so much about you. It hurts me to hurt you. I don’t want you to think I have feelings for you that I don’t have. Yes, I did kiss you. I tried to put aside the fact that we’ve been friends since first grade and that we grew up together like a brother and sister.” He put his finger over my lips to stop me from talking.

  “Please stop with the brother and sister bit. It’s creepy and I can’t help the way I feel about you. I know you don’t want to admit it, but there was something between us the other day. I’ve never felt any kind of connection like I do with you. Just give us a chance, Rae. I can take it slow. I got carried away and lost control for a moment. I won’t do that again, until you’re ready.” He pleaded with his eyes and tried pulling me closer, but someone knocked at the door.

  I inched back from him as Jaxon sighed out of frustration. “Come in.” He mumbled. I turned to see who else had shown up to visit as Kyler walked in the room. I closed my eyes dreading this moment almost as much as I dreaded going to the doctor.

  “Bad time?” Kyler asked.

  “No man, Raegan and I were just talking about our future.” Kyler stiffened next to me. “I hear I have you to thank for rescuing her and protecting her from that jackass.” Jaxon reached his hand out to shake.

  Kyler offered his hand and gripped a little too tightly. “I was in the area and was glad I got there in time. Maybe you can talk her into seeing the doctor about all of the bruising and possible rib fractures. I tried all night to convince her to come to the hospital, but she wouldn’t let me bring her.” He stood inches from me and I could feel sparks along the parts of my body near him.

  “Broken ribs, Rae? You haven’t seen a doctor yet? What else did he do to you?” Jaxon’s anger was flaring again.

  “It’s nothing.” I tried glaring at Kyler, but he wasn’t fazed. “That actually happened when all of you dog piled on top of me.”

  “I still can’t believe you got home looking like that and your Aunt didn’t drive you here herself.”

  Kyler smirked when I looked at him. “Well, I didn’t actually go home until this afternoon. I, uh, stayed at Kyler’s and then he took me to Julie’s early this morning.”

  “You what? Are you freaking out of your mind? You don’t even know this guy. Sorry Stone, no offense or anything, but please tell me nothing happened between you two.” Jaxon was sitting up ready to jump out of bed.

  “Jaxon, it’s not what you think.” I started to say, but it was what he thought, kind of. Instead, I just stammered. “I…I…we…” Panicked, I looked at Kyler.

  “No freaking way, man. You waltz right in and steal my girl? Nothing like rescuing a damsel in distress and having her fall madly in love with you. At least be man enough to tell me the truth since she won’t.” He flung his hand toward me to indicate who he was referring to and I flinched.

  Kyler tensed and stepped closer to the bed. “Look, Jaxon. Whatever happens between me and Raegan is up to her. I didn’t steal anyone from you. I’ll protect her from Nate and you if I have to. If you so much as throw your anger toward her again, I’ll personally make you wish you’d never been born. Understand me, Army boy?”

  Jaxon’s face blanched and Kyler’s clenched fists were turning white. I stood and grabbed his arm to pull him away from Jaxon before anything else was said, or done. “Kyler, let’s go, please.” I put myself between him and Jaxon. I turned toward Jaxon. “I’m sorry, Jaxon. I never meant to hurt you.” I pushed Kyler toward the door.

  “You don’t need to apologize, Raegan.” Kyler said. “You didn’t do anything wrong.” He turned to go, but of course, not before Jaxon could respond.

  “Nothing wrong? Tell him Rae, or I will.” Jaxon sneered.

  “Shut up, Jaxon.” I said bitterly.

  “Don’t let her fool you, Stone. She may say I’m like a brother, but she sure didn’t kiss me like a brother, or wrap her bare legs around her brother the other day.” Jaxon taunted.

  I froze. The anger in my body reached a boiling point and I turned with every intent of beating the crap out Jaxon right then and there. I started towards him when Kyler wrapped his arm protectively around me and dragged me behind him. I pushed to get back toward Jaxon, but Kyler held me firmly out of reach. “You will not speak to her again. Do you understand? If I find out you’ve been talking about her or saying anything insulting, I will make it my priority to hurt you.” Kyler turned into me and guided me through the door as I tried unsuccessfully to fight against him.

  Jaxon laughed as we left.

  When we got into the elevator, Kyler released my arm and I started kicking and pounding on the elevator wall. I was so furious and had no way to release it. I pictured Jaxon’s face as I pounded. Kyler pulled me into his arms and I continued by pounding on his chest before I broke down crying. He tightened his grip as I sobbed into his shirt. “Shh. It’s over now. I’m sorry it didn’t go as you must have planned. He might have been a good friend, but he isn’t right now. I don’t know what happened between you two, but if there is something going on, please let me know. I don’t want to be the third wheel.” He held me tight and the tension in his body mirrored mine.

  “No, of course there isn’t anything going on between me and Jaxon. The other day, we went jet skiing and there was a kiss, but he got a little carried away and I stopped him. I wasn’t thinking straight when the kiss happened and by the time I stopped him, it was too late for our friendship. I hurt him.” I shivered in Kyler’s arms, and he pulled me in tighter.

  The heat in my body started reacting to his embrace and I could feel his body responding to my closeness. I looked up into his sapphire eyes and crushed my mouth against his full lips. His consuming embrace ignited my whole body. The world ceased to exist until the elevator door chimed and a group of people snickered and cleared their throats as they waited for us to exit the elevator.

  Getting caught was the most embarrassing moment of my life. My face felt as red as a tomato. We rushed out of the hospital doors and into the parking lot. Both of us cracked up laughing once we were inside of the safety and privacy of Kyler’s Jeep.

  “Guess if we’re going public, that’s definitely one way to announce our relationship.” I giggled
as Kyler headed back to my house.


  Kyler pulled into the driveway and walked around to my side to help me down. He grabbed my hand again and the surge of energy made my heart skip. We walked around to the driver’s side of his Jeep and he pulled me close to him and wrapped his arms around my waist. His sapphire eyes were smoldering and he ensnared me with his gaze. I couldn’t breathe. He leaned down to kiss me and the boiling blood returned. I grabbed the back of his neck and willed myself to not lose control. He left my lips to gently kiss my neck and then whispered in my ear. “You are not in control.” He smiled the crooked smile and released me from the death grip I had on his neck.

  “I’m not good at this. Maybe I need more practice. You’re like a drug I’m addicted to. In fact, I believe this afternoon, I experienced the withdrawal symptoms.” I laughed and leaned closer to kiss him again.

  Kyler pulled back slightly and looked at me quizzical. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  I figured Julie told him all the gory details. “Nothing bad, I just woke up feeling really lousy with the headache and vomiting like I had a hangover. Then it was gone the second I saw you.”

  Kyler frowned, “That’s not good. Are you feeling okay now?” He put the back of his hand to my head checking for a fever.

  “Yes, I’m fine except for my loss of control.” I smiled as seductively as I could imagine and reached up on my tip toes to kiss him again. He let me kiss him gently at first. I raised my hand to slide down his face and his hands gripped me closer and his kiss became more intense. The lights flickered on and off at the garage and Kyler chuckled and let me go. “She isn’t naïve, remember.” He started climbing into the Jeep and I stood there looking up to him. “Go eat dinner with your Aunt Sarah and I’ll call you tomorrow.” I smiled and blew him a kiss as he backed out of the driveway and drove down the street.


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