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Bonded (The Raegan Mason Trilogy)

Page 14

by Cheryl Courtney

  Dinner with Aunt Sarah was almost as bad as the morning with Julie. She saw how he looked at me and she saw how I looked at him. She was shaking her head and clicking her tongue. “Raegan, I’m not sure you’re ready for this so soon.”

  “Ready for what? A boyfriend?” I asked her defensively. “I’ve had boyfriends before, Aunt Sarah. I know all about the birds and the bees and I’m not going to make the wrong choices.”

  “Raegan, you don’t see what I see. This is more than you realize. He looks at you the way your father looked at your mother, the way she looked at him. Their love was infectious and powerful. He is very protective of you and I don’t want to see him control who you are meant to be.” She looked out the window of the dining room and I could tell she was lost in her memories. “Your father fell madly in love with your mother as quickly as you have fallen for him. He made choices that revolved around her at an early age. They were not much older than you when they got married and settled down to start a family.” She paused again lost in her memories. I was confused because my parents were much older than teenagers when they had me, and I never heard this story.

  “They tried for years to have children unsuccessfully. They shared a connection that was indescribable. He could read her emotions better than his own, and I could tell she knew his thoughts too.” I sat up straight as she mentioned the connection and was on the verge of telling her about the music and feelings, before I dismissed the thought and decided to keep that secret a little longer. I really wished my parents were here so I could talk to them about it. I didn’t know if Aunt Sarah would understand. She seemed angry about their love, or maybe it was just her being overprotective again.

  She looked at me and saw the sadness on my face. “Oh Raegan, dear, I’m sorry for bringing up the past. It’s just today when I saw you and Kyler holding hands and looking at each other the way you were, it brought up the memories of your parents.” Tears were brimming on her eyes. She blinked back and grabbed a towel from the counter. “Come here.” She reached her hand out to mine and started walking toward the back bedroom where my parents’ room was. I hadn’t been in there for a long time. We walked into their room and the flood of emotions hit me. Nothing had been changed since the accident. Even mom’s clothes she wore before dinner were on the bed. Aunt Sarah walked to the dresser where mom’s jewelry box was open. She opened a drawer and pulled out a bracelet. It was a silver cuff bracelet with a familiar looking blue-green iridescent stone.

  “This is something your mother would have wanted you to have.” She placed it on my wrist and I felt an eerie feeling of déjà vu. “She was given this by her mother who got it from her mother, as I remember correctly. It’s a…”

  “Family heirloom.” I finished her sentence.

  “Yes, that’s right. It’s been passed down through the maternal side from mother to daughter for several generations. Your mother had mentioned it when I first met her. She was wearing it when she met your father. She wore it for special occasions afterward. She said it wasn’t something she wanted to wear all the time in case she damaged it. She kept it in this drawer for safekeeping until she was ready to give it to you.” She choked up and turned away so I wouldn’t see her cry.

  I couldn’t help staring at the stone. It looked just like the one Kyler was wearing the other day. He wasn’t wearing it today. He also said it was a family heirloom. Could we be related? Ew, yuck, that would definitely suck. Hopefully there’d be another explanation.

  Aunt Sarah dried her tears and turned back to me. “You can have anything you want in here, you know. I just knew that piece was special and this seemed like a good time as ever to give it to you.” She walked out of the room and left me alone to look through mom’s things.

  Most of the jewelry was neatly placed in the jewelry box. The drawer that Aunt Sarah took the bracelet out of was still open. The delicate handkerchief that had held the bracelet was still sitting in the drawer. I pulled it out and found it was a delicate piece of pink fabric with dainty symbols and flowers scrolled along the edges. One edge was blackened, almost burned but it didn’t rub off on my fingers. Maybe it was stained. I placed the handkerchief back in the drawer and looked through the rest of her jewelry. She had some sapphire earrings that I tried on and admired in the mirror. The blue reminded me of Kyler’s eyes. I noticed the picture of my parents on the night stand and stood up to grab it. They were so happy in the picture. Dad had his arms around her as they leaned up against the tree. I wondered where this was taken. We didn’t have any trees that big here. Must have been before I was born. They looked young, maybe in their early twenties. I carried the picture with me as I turned out the lights and closed their door. It was still hard for me to believe they were gone. I still expected them to walk through the door laughing.

  I went to my room and changed into a baggy t-shirt and lay down holding their picture to my chest. I tried remembering the happy times with them but my mind kept drifting to the accident. I wondered if they’d like Kyler. I quickly changed my train of thought to Kyler and his kisses. I closed my eyes thinking of being wrapped in his strong arms and feeling his full lips on mine. Before long, sleep overtook me.


  I remembered falling asleep thinking about my parents and wondering what they’d think of Kyler. Thinking of his searing kisses made me miss him greatly. I could still feel his lips on mine, his strong arms enveloping me, and the hardness of his body pressed into mine.

  I reached for my pillow to serve as a surrogate body to hold onto during the night and felt the warmth of another person instead. Maybe my dream wasn’t over? My fingers trailed over the sculpted chest and across his biceps. The soothing rhythm of his deep breathing let me know he was asleep. I kept my eyes closed hoping the dream would last and inched closer to the heat his body was giving off.

  My slight movement caused him to roll slightly in my direction, pinning me down with his arm. He nuzzled his face into my neck and inhaled deeply. “Raegan?” His groggy voice whispered. His lips found my neck and began their journey to my lips. His hands began their own journey caressing my legs and traveling under my t-shirt. “You feel so real.” His breath had increased to a steady pant along with mine.

  “It’s a dream.” I gasped as he pressed himself into my body. Only the thin fabric of my panties and his boxers separated us from the ultimate intimacy.

  The heat radiated between us and my body burned everywhere he touched me. I opened my eyes as his hand slid down my leg cupping my bottom and pulling me closer to him. This wasn’t my room. A set of French doors opened onto a balcony and the cool breeze drifted in over our heated bodies. The room was painted a dark color, possibly blue or green and the bed was definitely not mine. My heartbeat accelerated even more than it already had been beating under the sensual attentiveness he focused on my body.

  “Kyler.” I whimpered.

  “Yes?” He groaned as he seared me with another kiss. His arousal was forcing me to realize I wasn’t dreaming.

  “Kyler, wake up.” I demanded more forceful. I tried to shake him but he was heavy against me and the rhythm of his body against mine was overwhelming my senses.

  “Hmm?” He breathed against my neck and trailed his kisses along my collarbone and to my chest.

  “Kyler, stop!” I all but yelled.

  He stopped and finally looked at me. His eyes were focusing and he shook his head slightly trying to get his bearings. “Raegan? What…how’d you get in my room?” He quickly pulled off of me grabbing the blanket and wrapping his lower half from my site. I pulled my shirt down covering my body as best I could and grabbed his pillow as a shield.

  “I-I don’t know. I thought I was dreaming.” The blush covered my face.

  He chuckled. “Me too.” He reached for his robe and handed it to me, then pulled on a pair of sweat pants and t-shirt. He turned on a lamp and returned to sitting on his bed. “You don’t remember coming over? Did you drive?” He got up to l
ook outside. “I don’t see your car. I didn’t think you knew where I lived.” He smiled and returned to my side.

  I was too stunned to answer. I didn’t remember driving, or walking for that matter. And I didn’t know where he lived. “Um, I fell asleep in my bed and I woke up in yours. I don’t know how I got here.” Panic began to set in. I’d never blacked out other than when I fell from the bridge. I started hyperventilating gasping for air.

  “Shh, it’s okay.” Kyler cradled me in his arms and brought me across his lap. “I’ll take you home.” He encouraged me to get up and he led me across the room to the door. “You sure you didn’t drive? It’s a long walk and although I’m not complaining about your bedtime clothes, I certainly hope you didn’t walk over here dressed like that.” He smirked as he led me down a flight of stairs and into a huge kitchen.

  “Honestly, I don’t know how I got here. I don’t even know where here is.” I glanced around the kitchen noticing how clean everything was. It looked like a showcase kitchen with all of the chrome appliances and marble counter tops. Everything was in place, not like my kitchen where bags of chips or left over coffee cups littered the counters. Mismatched dishcloths adorned the stove handle and magnets covered the refrigerator. I choked back the overwhelming feeling that I was out of my league with Kyler and forced myself to move toward the door. He had grabbed his keys and was watching me intently.

  “So you mean you didn’t know where I lived but you found your way here at night and you didn’t drive?” He wasn’t accusing me outright of lying, but even I had a hard time understanding how I got here. “Have you ever had any instances of sleep walking before?”

  “Not that I know of.” I replied still shaking from the panic attack.

  “Hmm, well let’s get you home before your aunt realizes you’re gone, or before I do anything you’ll regret.” He smiled my favorite crooked smile.

  We walked into the garage just off of the kitchen. Kyler’s Jeep, his motorcycle, and a Range Rover filled the space. He grabbed my hand and led me to the white Range Rover. How many vehicles did he have? “This is my mother’s car.” He winked as if reading my thoughts. “It’s also quieter to drive than the Jeep or motorcycle. I figured you’d want to be discrete as I try to sneak you back into your house.

  I looked at the clock on the stereo as he backed out of the garage. It was nearly 3 a.m. Aunt Sarah would definitely be asleep. Hopefully the door wasn’t locked or I’d have to climb in a window.

  Kyler grabbed my hand in his and I could tell he was struggling with something he wanted to say. “What is it?” I asked.

  He smiled sweetly and looked away. “I’m very embarrassed for my behavior. I really thought it was a dream, a very good dream.” He smiled. He was obviously uncomfortable. “I hope you don’t get the wrong impression of me. You’ve been through so much in the past few days, hell the past year. I wouldn’t have tried anything like that if I was conscious of my actions.” He swallowed hard.

  Did that mean he wasn’t interested in me that way? I remained silent for a while contemplating his speech. I didn’t know what to say. Was he wanting forgiveness for something that was clearly a desire shared by both of us? Or was he telling me he was overcome by subconscious lust and never would consider that in reality?

  “Please say something, Raegan. Your silence is slicing me open.” He slowed down as we reached my neighborhood. He pulled my hand toward his lips and gently kissed my knuckles. “Please forgive me for pushing you so far.” He stopped at a stop sign and waited for me to look into his pleading eyes.

  I swallowed hard, trying to remember what he was saying. I got lost in his gaze and had to blink a few times to focus. “Um, you don’t have to apologize. In case you forgot, I was fully participating too. Although I still don’t know how it happened, I ended up in your bed somehow. So if anyone should be apologizing, it’s me. I’m so embarrassed.” I hid my face in my hands and tried to calm my nerves.

  Kyler gently brushed my hair back and leaned closer to me. “I don’t know how it happened either, but it was a very pleasant surprise. I’ve dreamt things like that for several nights now. I don’t know what you’re doing to me but I can’t stop thinking about you.” His soft lips caressed my cheek. His warm whisper in my ear sent shivers through my body. “Raegan, please look at me.”

  I dropped my hands from my face and turned to meet his sensual lips. His kiss consumed my thoughts as his mouth mastered mine. I submitted to his kiss and trailed my hands through his hair allowing him to dominate the moment. A loud horn interrupted the intimacy as a car pulled up behind us. Kyler reluctantly pulled away from me and put the car back in gear. “That was…”

  “Intense.” I finished for him.

  He chuckled. “I was going to say, unfortunate.” He smiled, flashing his dimples and his smoldering eyes. “I hate interruptions.”

  I giggled like a foolish 13-year old. I couldn’t believe that this gorgeous man wanted anything to do with me. More surprising, is I wanted all of him. I was no longer going to wait for the right time because I believed I had finally found the right man. But how could I make this happen without running him off? Julie would know. I’d have to call her tomorrow and find a way to make it happen.

  Kyler pulled up along the curb across the street from my house and parked the Range Rover. “Do you need help getting back inside?” He asked. His seductive voice had me enchanted. All I could think about was him in my bedroom.

  “Sure.” I whispered breathlessly, grinning like a drunk.

  Kyler got out and opened my door. He held out his hand and I greedily took his clearly obsessed with his touches. He pulled me hard against his body and leaned against me pinning me to the car door. His kiss ignited my body again and I lost all concept of where we were. I wrapped my legs around him and he lifted me so that his hands cradled my back and pulled me even closer. My breathing kicked up another notch as his scorching touches sent violent tremors through me. It felt like the ground was shaking us.

  “Let’s go to my room.” I told him as his mouth kissed the sensitive area of my neck. He froze mid-kiss and began to pull away as my legs slid down to hold me up. “Please.” I begged.

  “Rae, we can’t. Not like this. We can’t rush into something this important.” He leaned his forehead against mine still holding me but not as close. His breathing was still as erratic as mine but becoming more controlled.

  I tried to control my racing heart by taking a deep breath, but inhaling his spicy scent was intoxicating. “I’m ready for this. I want my first time to be with you.” I confessed.

  He smiled at me and kissed me gently. “Not like this. When it does happen, we’ll need to be more prepared.” He winked and started pulling out of our embrace and leading me across the street. I groaned in frustration. My body was burning and only he could put out the flames.

  The front door was locked, so we tried my bedroom window. It was closed, but not locked. The screen was still on too.

  “Guess you either snuck out the window, closed it and replaced the screen, or you walked out the front door after you locked it. All while staying asleep.” Kyler snickered.

  “I don’t know how this happened. My dresser is blocking the window, so I would have had to crawl over it too. This is too weird. Plus, how did I get across the island to your house, into your room when I’ve never even seen your house?” I just shook my head while Kyler opened the window and pushed the curtains aside.

  “I’m not sure. Maybe Julie mentioned it before and you just don’t remember.” He stepped closer to me and lifted me off the ground cradling me like a baby and lifted me into the window. “In you go.” He lifted me as if I didn’t weigh anything and angled my body through the window. My bottom glided across the top of the dresser and I sat up as my head cleared the window. I turned around to see Kyler’s face inches from mine. “However it happened, I’m glad we had tonight.” He leaned in for one last kiss before saying good night. He quietly replaced the screen, turn
ed, and jogged across the street to his mom’s car. I sighed loudly, closed the window and climbed back into bed easily falling asleep.

  I woke up startled by thoughts. They were not my own thoughts. I could hear Kyler’s thoughts. He was stressed and his thoughts jumped from the water to a boat to me and a strange rock structure that resembled the Mayan ruins. At first I thought I was dreaming again, but after waking up and sitting up on my bed, the thoughts were still there. It was almost as if I was eavesdropping on a conversation, but this was a one-way conversation.

  I could see images that were not familiar to me other than my own image. He was walking on the beach and throwing shells into the crashing waves. He was near the Rock, my Rock. I jumped up and put on some shorts and my shoes. I tip toed quietly out of the house as I had done so many times before. I crossed the street and headed between the condominiums that littered the shore.

  Once I reached the beach, I started toward the Rock. I searched with my own eyes to find Kyler. I could still hear and see his thoughts. He had stopped near the Rock and stared at the water. Another image flashed through his thought. A woman, it must have been his mother. She had the same bright blue eyes and sandy blonde hair. Her face was concerned.

  We can’t stay. Her voice rang in my ears as if she spoke them to me. Kyler’s thoughts turned angry. He was thinking of leaving his mother and hiding from her. My face flashed in his thoughts and a strange sound vibrated in my ears. If I could put a sound to the way the electrical shocks ran through my body when he touched me that would be it. I took off running in his direction.

  As I approached, he turned toward the sound of me running in the sand. I could see myself in his thoughts. Confusion wrapped his thoughts. Music? He was hearing music, my music. I slowed down to catch my breath but continued to walk quickly toward him. When I was within a few feet of him, I stopped. I could hear his heart beating. It was pounding as hard as mine from the run. His thoughts were stunned. His eyes were locked on mine in the moonlight. He had stopped breathing.


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