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Page 27

by Tessier, Shantel

  Angel still hasn’t come out yet. What to do, what to do.

  “I’m going to go check on Angel. She was pretty pissed,” I say to Holly as I’m already standing up to go fuck Angel in the bathroom. She nods with a big smile on her face. She knows exactly what I have in mind.

  I walk down the hallway and enter the restroom. Angel is standing in front of the sink, washing her hands. I lock the door and come up behind her, grabbing her hips.

  She jumps and turns around. “Baby,” she laughs. “What are you doing in the women’s bathroom?” She lifts an eyebrow.

  “You.” I expect her to argue. Instead, she throws her arms around my neck.

  “Then what are you waiting for?” She whispers as her beautiful green eyes stare into mine.

  I smile as I reach the button on her jeans as she goes to work on my zipper. She has my cock pulled out of my zipper and is stroking it before I can even undo her button. I laugh.

  “Someone’s in a hurry,” I say as I push her pants and thong down her legs.

  She kicks her shoes off, and nods her head. “I told you I wanted you.”

  I pick her up and place her on the counter. She leans back on her hands as she spreads her legs for me to stand between them. She starts laughing.

  “What is so funny?” I smile, looking into her sparkling eyes.

  She smiles. “This is the first place I met you, and you asked me to have a threesome in here.”

  I nod. “You’re right. I did.” I place my hands on her face. “But I really only wanted you, Angel.” If only she knew how true that statement really was. How much I had already wanted her before I even knew who she was.

  She smiles a slow and sexy smile. “Well, I’m all yours.”

  I reach into my wallet and pull out a condom. I place it over my cock and stand closer to her. I use my fingers to open her up for me. I look down and see her smooth pink pussy glistening, letting me know how wet she is for me. My cock jerks in response. I take myself in my hand as I lightly rub the head up and down her sex, taunting her, knowing she wants it hard and fast.

  “Slade,” she breathes.

  “Yes, Angel?” I continue to slowly rub her sex with my head.

  “Please,” she begs. I love it when she begs. It lets me know I have control. Lets me know that I’ve got her body so worked up that she has to have me.

  “What do you want, Angel?” I smile as she groans. She hates it when I make her say it, but I love to hear her ask me to fuck her.

  “Please. Fuck me, baby,” she asks breathless.

  I let go of my dick and pull her ass closer to the edge. With one long hard thrust I push into her, causing her body to jerk at the force I use as she screams out my name. I’ll never get enough of that sound.

  “This is going to be quick, Angel.” I don’t want to keep us locked in here for too long, getting her in trouble.

  “Yes,” she agrees. “Fast.”

  I start moving, and look down at my cock pumping in and out of her. It drives me wild! I pick up my pace, fucking her harder than I ever have before. She is still leaning on her hands with her head thrown back. I release her hips and roughly push her shirt and bra up, revealing her pretty pink nipples. I lean down and suck on them while continuing to fuck her while she screams my name over and over. I feel her tighten around me as she comes. I can’t hold my own release back.

  I wrap one arm underneath her back and lift her so she is sitting up and resting her head in the crook of my neck. I hold her tightly against my chest as her body shakes, and kiss her hair while she tries to calm her breathing. I feel my heart swell as I hold her to me. I feel so complete with her in my arms.

  She pulls her head away and looks up at me. Her eyes are so soft and green that I swear they are glowing. I can’t pull my eyes away from them. I’ve known that I’m falling in love with her, but right here, right now, in this moment, I’m no longer able to deny that I have fallen. This feeling I have for her is undeniable.

  She brings her hand to cup my cheek. My eyes are still lost in hers as she pulls my face down to hers, and opens her mouth to allow me inside. The kiss is so soft that it warms my heart, knowing that I have found the one for me.

  I will do whatever I have to do. Go wherever I have to go to prove to her that she was made for me, even if that means giving her all the time in the world. I will continue to wait for her because someone this magnificent is worth waiting for.

  She pulls away, unwrapping her legs around my hips. “I should get back to work.” She gives me a peck on the lips.

  I nod my head, still somewhat in a daze. I pull out of her softly, discard the condom, and zip up my pants. I bend down pick up her pants and help her put each leg in her jeans before helping her to stand.

  “You can go ahead. I need to stay in here and freshen up.” She gives me a naughty smile.

  “Okay, Angel. I’m going to go ahead and head home. I’ll see you when you get off in the morning.” I give her a goodbye kiss, then walk out of the bathroom smiling from ear to ear like an idiot. Not because I just got laid, but because I am in love with an angel.

  I no longer have control over my mind, my body, or my heart. She owns it all and I couldn’t be happier.

  “I think that’s about all of it.” Holly calls from a table she’s cleaning off.

  “Yep! Let’s get out of here. It’s…” I look at my phone, “almost four thirty and I’m exhausted.” I go behind the bar, picking up both of our purses.

  “I don’t know why the place was so messy tonight. It took longer to clean than usual,” I say as we walk out the back door.

  “Yeah it’s not like we were very busy. We—”

  “Shit!” I say, interrupting what Holly was saying.


  “I have two flat tires. They look like they’ve been slashed.” I bend down to examine one of them.

  “I bet it was Jessica. She said she only stopped to see Slade because she had spotted his truck. She must have thought he was driving it.”

  “That fucking bitch!” I put my hand on my hip and look around the dead parking lot. “I have to call a wrecker.” I pull out my phone and google search a tow truck company here in town.

  “Are you going to call Slade?” Holly asks as she leans on the truck.

  “No, why would I do that? I can call a tow truck by myself.” She lifts an eyebrow.

  I sigh. “If I do, he will freak. Plus, he has to be up in like an hour. I don’t want to wake him. I’ll just call a tow truck, then have them take me to his house.”

  “I don’t think so. I’ll wait here with you, then drive you home.’’ She crosses her arms over her chest.

  A woman’s voice fills the other end of my phone. I explain to her what has happened.

  “Okay, ma’am, but it may be a while. They should be there within an hour.

  An hour? Maybe they only have one working at this time in the morning. “Thank you.”

  I hang up then look to Holly. “It’s going to be an hour before they get here. Really, you don’t have to wait with me.”

  “I’m not leaving you. Come on, let’s go wait inside.”

  I reluctantly follow her back into the bar.

  We both lay down on a bench by the entrance, getting comfortable. She lets out a dramatic sigh, and I can tell it’s one of those sighs where something’s bothering her.

  “What’s wrong, Holly?” I cross my arms over my chest as I look up at the ceiling.

  “I’m just thinking.” She sighs again.

  “About?” Do I really want to know what she’s thinking about?

  “You and Slade.”

  I sit up and turn around so fast that my purse falls to the floor. “Why would you be thinking about us?”

  “I know he’s in love with you, Sam, and I know you love him just as much.”

  I start shaking my head. I don’t want to have this conversation. “No he doesn’t.” He can’t love me! Why would he love me?

  She sits
up. “Yes, he does. I have never seen him look at any other girl the way he looks at you. He doesn’t even look at other girls anymore. Believe me, I know. I watched him tonight and his eyes stayed on you. And the way he spoke to Jessica...” She shakes her head with a smile on her face.

  Just hearing her name makes my blood boil. I can’t stand that bitch!

  “He treats you differently. I’ve known him for three years. Trust me.” She crosses her arms over her chest.

  I shake my head. Does he love me? How could he? He doesn’t know what love even is. But what if what he does feel for me is lov––

  My phone interrupts my though. I look down at it. “Shit! It’s Slade. What is he doing awake?” I run a hand through my hair.

  “He’s going to be mad that you didn’t call him.” Holly whispers as she lies back down.

  “Hello?” I say cautiously.

  “Angel, oh thank God. I was worried something happened to you.” He lets out a long breath. “Where the fuck are you?” Oh, oh. His tone has changed. “Are you okay? Why aren’t you home? Is something wrong, Angel? Do you know what time it is? Its 5:15! In the morning!” He yells just in case I thought it was 5:15 in the evening “My alarm just went off and I saw you weren’t home.”

  He’s rattling off so many questions, and talking so loud that I have the phone pulled away from my ear while Holly laughs. I know she can hear everything he is saying, and the fact that he’s yelling at me takes away the warm feeling of the way I felt when he said I wasn’t home.

  “Babe, calm down. I’m okay. When I went to leave work, I found that Nadia had two slashed tires. I called a tow truck, but they said it would be an hour wait. Holly stayed here with me so I wouldn’t be alone.”

  “What?” he yells. “Tires slashes? I bet it was that little bitch Jessica. I’m on my way!”

  “No, no. It’s okay. I’m okay.” I say to a dead tone. I turn to face Holly. “He hung up on me. He said he was on his way, then just hung up on me.”

  Holly laughs. “I told you. You should have called him because now he is going to be pissed.” She bends down and picks my purse up off the floor while I just stare at the wall.

  “I’m not a child,” I huff.

  She laughs. “Yeah, guess he thinks you are.”

  “Well, then he has another thing coming.”

  She laughs as if she doesn’t believe me. “Come on, let’s go wait outside. I have a feeling you’re going to need the fresh air.” She wraps an arm around me and leads me outside.

  We stand outside in the back parking lot not saying anything. All I can do is think of how mad he is at me. I don’t know why. It’s no big deal. People have to call tow trucks all the time. It’s not fifteen minutes later when we hear screeching tires come around the parking lot. I hear Slade’s car before I see it, followed by Micah. Shit!

  His car jerks to a stop. “What the fuck were you thinking not calling me?” he screams as he exits his car, wearing a pair of light blue jeans and a white-shirt with a pair of tennis shoes. Even through his yelling, I find him mouthwatering sexy.

  “Excuse me?” He is way too pissed off over something so minor. I put my hands on my hips

  “You heard me. Why didn’t you call me?” He’s walking toward me fast which makes me take a step back. “Something could have happened to you, waiting at this bar at this time of the morning. And you don’t know who this guy is who works for the wrecker company.”

  I have to hold in my laughter. Really? He thinks the guy bringing the tow truck may not be safe? How crazy is that? I stand up and square my shoulders. I am not going to step back. I am not scared of him.

  “I’m not a fucking child, Slade. I can take care of myself!” I yell back at him. I see his face grow angry and his jaw tighten. It makes me want to run and hide.

  “What the fuck did you say?” he says very calmly, making me rethink screaming at him again.

  I take a deep breath. “I said that I’m not a fucking child. I called the tow truck and told Holly to go home. She chose to stay. I’m a big girl and can take care of myself. I didn’t need to wake you up so you could come up here and wait with me like a father.” I’m starting to get pissed. Just who the hell does he think he is?

  “Well someone needs to. This was stupid, and you know it.”

  “What the fuck?” I take a step towards him. “What is your problem?” I point a finger at him. “Why are you freaking out about nothing?” I look over to Holly and Micah, and both of their eyes are huge.

  “Because you’re being careless by not calling me!” He fists his hands down at his side.

  I’ve had enough of all this bullshit “Well, first off, I’m in this position because some girl you once wanted to fuck slashed your tires because she thought you were driving it. Second of all, I didn’t need your help!” I scream the last part. “I can do shit without you, Slade” I cross my arms over my chest. “I’m not some whiny little girl who will call you every second something little happens. I don’t need you to take care of things I can do on my own! And I sure as hell won’t call to ask your permission to do something!”

  “You are mine! Therefore, you should have called me!” he screams, fisting his hands to his side.

  What the hell?

  “I don’t belong to you, Slade!” I scream back. I am not his to control.

  My blood is boiling!

  Thank God the wrecker pulls in. I stomp away from him to go explain the situation to the man driving the truck. After I explain everything, he goes to load up the truck, and I turn to thank Holly for staying and to apologize to Micah. They both try to calm me down, but I’m still pissed, and I notice that they make no move to leave.

  Hmmm, what’s up with that?

  Slade is standing over by his car, running a hand through his hair while talking on his phone, looking like he wants to throttle me. He hangs up and starts walking towards me at the same time the tow truck guy does, but I ignore him. I’m still furious.

  “There you go, ma’am. I need your signature.” He hands me a clipboard. “Do you need a ride somewhere?” he asks as he takes the clipboard from me.

  I don’t hesitate. “Yes, please.” I hop up in his cab before Slade can make me stay.

  On the way to Slade’s house, I think about what just happened. Why was he so mad at me? I didn’t do anything. It’s not my fault some jealous bitch slashed his tires. And what was that about the tow truck driver? I shake my head to clear it. It’s like nothing I do is right.

  As the driver pulls me up to Slade’s house, I notice there is a light on inside. He must have been in such a hurry to leave, he forgot to turn it off. I tell the man thank you and say goodbye.

  I’m so exhausted. My body is literally running on fumes. I use my key and go through the front door which feels weird; I always come in through the garage. As I walk down the hallway, I turn off the light that was left on and proceed to the bedroom. Once I enter the dark bedroom, I undress quickly and get under the covers, naked. I sigh as I stretch out my body and relax on the cool silk sheets.

  “Comfortable?” Slade asks.

  I sit up so fast I feel dizzy. “Shit!” I put my hand over my frantically beating heart “You scared me! Quit doing that,” I snap as I lay back down. Even though the sun is coming up, it is still very dark in his room. I love that his curtains are so dark that you can sleep any time of the day. I close my eyes, thinking how nice it is to finally lay down. That my pissed off attitude has gone away to contentment.

  As I lay there, I start to realize how eerily quiet it is in the room. Why was Slade in his room? Shouldn’t he have been at work already?

  “Slade?” I ask hesitantly.


  I sit straight up again, my heart pounding. “What are you doing here? Why aren’t you at work?” I ask, sounding a little too bitchy.

  “I called in sick for the day.” He sounds very calm. Too calm.

  “You what?” I squeak. I clear my throat. “Why would you do that
?” I move so that my back is against the headboard, and I pull the sheet up to my chest. Why in the hell would he call in sick?

  “Just thought I needed to be home today.” He sounds like he’s standing at the end of the bed.

  I sigh. “Do you want to talk about earlier?” Might as well get this over with.

  “Not really,” he replies carelessly.

  “Well, I think we should. There’s no reason for you to be mad at me, Slade. You need to understand that I’m an adult and that I can take care of myself.” I lean over and turn on the bedside lamp. One look at him standing at the end of the bed, and I can tell he is pissed. His face is expressionless, but he has his arms crossed over his chest. His stance is tight, and his blue eyes are smoldering.

  “Is that so?” He raises a dark eyebrow.

  “Yes,” I respond slowly. “You don’t own me, Slade.” I rub a hand over my face. I’m exhausted. “And I’m getting really tired of you trying to control everything. I can think for myself and make decisions on my own.”

  He gives a dark laugh, and nods his head. “You’re right. What the fuck was I thinking?” he says sarcastically.

  I narrow my eyes at him. I’m not scared of him, and I’m sure as hell not going to take his shit. “What does that mean?” I demand. He doesn’t answer, just takes a step closer to the bed and stands there looking at me.

  “Well….” I’m not sure what the hell is wrong with him. “I’m tired, so I’m going to go to bed.” I lean over and turn off the light.

  “Okay.” The sunlight from the hallway lets me see his face as he opens the bedroom door to leave. He still looks pissed. “Sweet dreams.” A wicked smile spreads across his face before he shuts the door.

  I release a breath, then lay down in the bed. “What the heck was that about?” I ask myself out loud. Was he that pissed off at me because I didn’t come running to him for help? Maybe I should pack up my stuff and go home. That would definitely piss him off, though. Plus, I’m just too tired to get out of bed. I’ll talk to him after I wake up. I wiggle my body until I get comfortable again and fall asleep.


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