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London Moon (The Kloe & Gavin Adventures Book 2)

Page 7

by Sondra Hicks

  “This is going to dent the bank account I fear. Also grab my parent’s attention. I am going to have to explain,” Kloe told him.

  “Could be worse. They could have not found you. That Sean was sloppy when he abducted you.” Gavin told her.

  “Thank god,” Kloe said kissing him.

  “Hey save that for when you are alone,” Liam told them.

  They both laughed.


  “So how is $100,000 American Dollars? After all it required some work on our part to get you back.” Ahiga told them

  “I agree. That is fine. Do you have a computer I can use to electronically deposit that?” Kloe asked.

  “Yes. We do, by all means. Kali can you set that up?” Ahiga asked.

  “Yep I can do,” Kali told him.

  Kali and Kloe sat down to set up the transfer while Gavin and Liam shared a drink and toast a successful mission.

  “I am glad that we found your girl man. I am glad they are safe. Hey you’re going to be a dad. That’s awesome.” Liam told him.

  “Yeah, that’s still new to me.” Gavin told him.

  “It will be fine. I have never seen a vampire pregnant with a wolf baby, so this is new.” Liam told him.

  “Yeah but I just worry about her safety now. What if there are more Sean Parkers out there ready to abduct her!” Gavin told him.

  “Well, if that happens, we are here. I won’t charge. You are good people. I see that.” Liam told him.

  “Did I just hear you offer your services for free of charge?” Ahiga asked.

  “Yes I did” Liam told him.

  “I agree with you. At first, I was not certain as to what type people you two were. It's clear you both have good hearts and love each other very much. If anyone messes with you come to us. You are under our protection while you are in London.” Ahiga told them.

  “That is so kind of you. Thank you,” Kloe told them.

  Gavin hugged her close and gave her a kiss.

  “I think we should get back to our hotel so we can get some rest. I know this day has been tough on us all. Could one of you give us a ride please?” Gavin asked.

  “Yes of course,” Ahiga told them.

  They followed him out of the house to his car. They all piled in and drove to the hotel. As soon as they got into their room they went to bed. They didn’t wake up until noon the next day.

  Kloe opened her eyes and sat up. There was a cart in the room with food on it. She walked over and inspected it as Gavin walked out of the bathroom.

  “There is a cheeseburger and fries if you’re hungry,” he told her.

  “Thank you,” Kloe told him, as she sat there and took a bite.

  “So I believe that we should go back to Paris. To our own doctor and have you get a checkup. We have no idea the rate at which the baby will develop or anything.” Gavin told her.

  “I am remaining in London for a few days. It won’t hurt to finish our vacation. The baby will still be here.” Kloe told him.

  Right as he was about to protest, Kloe’s phone rang. This time, it was her father.

  “Shit answer it. I’m eating and don’t tell him about the baby!” Kloe told him, handing him the phone.

  “Hello?” Gavin answered.

  “Gavin where is Kloe?” Jonathan asked.

  “She is eating right now,” Gavin told him.

  “I was notified she has made a $100,000 transfer and I’d like to know why? What is going on and I want the truth Gavin!” Jonathan told him sternly.

  “Well yesterday Kloe was abducted by a crazy doctor and we had a special ops wolf pack to get her back. She is perfectly safe and sound. The doctor has been dealt with and we are leaving London in a few days to go back to Paris.” Gavin told him.

  “Abducted! WHAT THE HELL! You couldn’t call her father and tell him? Gavin I am so close to cutting you both off and putting your asses on a plane back here. Seems everywhere, you go you find trouble. No Jessica she is all right. Now her mother is upset. One more thing, I mean it and you’re both on a plane. Why can’t you two be like Cathy and Jason? Jesus! Anything happens and I mean anything! You call immediately. Am I clear?” Jonathan scolded Gavin.

  “Yes sir I understand,” Gavin told him hanging up.

  He set the phone on the bed.

  “Damn your dad was pissed” Gavin laughed .

  “He’ll get over it,” Kloe sighed

  “He said one more thing and we are on a plane back home,” Gavin told her.

  “Good thing we didn’t tell him about the baby. We would be sitting at the airport terminal ready to fly home,” Kloe laughed.

  “It’s not funny. Your parents care about you and so do I.” Gavin told her.

  “Sorry. I just don’t know what or how you are supposed to feel when you’re pregnant is all. This is new to me.” Kloe told him.

  “I know” Gavin told her rubbing her belly.

  Kloe smiled.

  “I’m so tired. I think I will take a nap,” Kloe sat, scooting up to get on her pillow and cover up.

  Gavin said nothing. He knew that she would get tired through her pregnancy from what he had read online and heard from friends in the past. He excused himself and went down to the book store. He asked if they had any pregnancy books. They had one ‘What to Expect When You’re Expecting.’ He purchased it and went back up to the room. He settled in the chair to read. She told me that she was two months. So that was 8 weeks. She was still in her first trimester. He grimaced at some of the things that the body went through. He questioned whether she would experience those things being a vampire. He could deal with mood swings and throwing up. This would show how human she really was.

  It was evening time when Kloe woke up. She stretched and sat up. Gavin was in the shower. She got up and dressed. The shower shut off. After a few minutes Gavin emerged from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and one drying his hair.

  “You’re awake. Good. I was hoping to dine at the hotel restaurant tonight,” Gavin told her.

  “That sounds lovely,” Kloe told him.

  “Did you get enough rest?” Gavin asked.

  “Yes for now,” Kloe told him.

  Gavin pulled on some clothes and combed his hair and smiled.

  “You ready?” Gavin asked.

  “Yeah,” Kloe told him.

  “Then let’s go get us some dinner,” Gavin said, opening the door and letting Kloe go first.

  When they were downstairs, about to enter the restaurant, Kloe stopped. She was looking right at the hotel entrance. Gavin glanced over and saw Jinne standing there. He marched over to her with Kloe in tow.

  “What are you doing here?” Gavin demanded.

  “I came to tell you it isn’t safe. You should change hotels. Word has gotten out about Kloe’s pregnancy and I fear someone may come here.” Jinne told them.

  “Are you serious? After all we have been through. Now someone else wants to kidnap my girlfriend?” Gavin demanded.

  “They are calling it the miracle baby. Sent from god himself. If you won’t move hotels at least get some protection.” Jinne told her.

  “This all started because you and that insane doctor butted into our business.” Gavin told her.

  “I’m sorry but this started the day you all made a decision to heal her in the spring. You had no idea what you were doing and now Kloe has to pay the price because of it. Now it’s your job to protect her from what’s coming!” Jinne told him.

  Gavin was stunned. He had never thought of it that way. He had never meant any harm to befall his girlfriend.

  “Thank you for the warning Jinne. I will take care of things on our end,” Gavin told her.

  “I hope so because I would hate to see anything happen,” Jinne told him walking away.

  “Let’s go to the room and pack. We are going to Ahiga.” Gavin told her.

  “Are you sure they will take us in?” Kloe asked.

  “It’s either that or go back to Paris
which I am just thinking about doing more and more. Let’s just try to get through the rest of this night without any problems,” Gavin told her.

  They decided to skip dinner and order in. They took the elevator up and went to their room to find the door ajar. Gavin slowly pushed it open holding Kloe’s hand. The room had been torn apart in their absence. He led her into the room shutting and locking it behind them.

  “Let's get our stuff packed. I'll try to straighten this up and get us out of here.” Gavin told her.

  Kloe sat down and began to cry. Something Gavin had never seen her do. He walked over and put his arms around the strongest woman he knew. She sobbed into his chest.

  “Why can't they leave me alone?” Kloe sobbed.

  “I know honey! I know!” Gavin comforted her, wrapping his arms around her.

  “I’ll be okay. Let’s get this room straightened up and our bags packed.” Kloe told him.

  They spent the next half hour putting things back in order. Thankfully they hadn’t broken anything. They rounded up their things. They were prepared to go in forty-five minutes. They hailed a taxi outside the hotel after checking out. The girl at the desk kept asking why they were leaving early. Kloe just smiled and lied. Saying they were leaving for home early. They pulled up to Ahiga’s place in twenty minutes. They unloaded and went up. Gavin knocked on the door. Liam answered with a puzzled look.

  “I know, can we come in and explain,” Gavin asked.

  “Yeah of course,” Liam told him.

  “Hey what's up?” Kali asked them. She gave a puzzled look at the baggage.

  They left their bags by the door and walked to the living room where they could sit.

  “Jinne came to visit us and issued a warning that Kloe’s pregnancy news had gotten out. That there would be interested parties coming for her. I was skeptical until our hotel room was broken into and trashed tonight. I am afraid to walk into the other room and leave her alone. Is there any way we can stay with you all until we leave?” Gavin asked.

  “That’s horrible Gavin. I am so sorry you two have been through so much.” Liam told him.

  “Of course you can stay here. It’s only for a few days,” Kali blurted out.

  “Don’t you think we had best ask Ahiga first?” George asked her.

  “Oh yeah, true. Where is he?” Kali asked.

  “At the pub, where do you think?” George told her.

  “Here I will call him,” Liam told them.

  “Can I bring you anything? A sandwich? Glass of water?” Kali asked.

  “I would love a sandwich,” Kloe answered.

  “Okay give me a minute,” Kali told her, disappearing from the room.

  Liam was on the phone with Ahiga, explaining the situation, while Kloe and Gavin sat on the couch. He hung up and looked straight at them.

  “Okay. So Ahiga said you can stay and we will try to figure out who’s after you.” Liam told them.

  Kali came back from the kitchen and gave Kloe a sandwich. Kloe thanked her and dug in.

  “Sorry. We missed dinner with all the excitement,” Kloe apologized.

  “It’s okay; you need to feed your baby.” Kali told her. Kali turned to Gavin. “Oh I’m sorry. I forgot to ask if you wanted anything.”

  “It’s okay. I am more concerned with what’s going on. I can get something later if that’s okay,” Gavin told her.

  “Yes kitchens open 24 hours,” Kali smiled.

  “I am going to go out and check with a couple of my informants. I'll see if they have heard anything. I shall be back later.” Liam told them. He grabbed his coat and left.

  “I think I shall just show you the guest room,” Kali said, getting up and showing them up the stairs to a bedroom with a queen bed.

  Kloe and Gavin brought their bags in and thanked Kali who left them to get settled. Kloe sat down on the bed and sighed.

  “What’s wrong my love?” Gavin asked.

  “Just seems where ever we go there is trouble. Starting to wonder if I am cursed or something,” Kloe told him.

  “You’re not cursed,” Gavin told her, sitting down, putting his arm over her shoulder, pulling her close.

  “Then why do these things keep happening?” Kloe asked.

  “It’s just life. Things will get better. You are doing the impossible and having my child.” Gavin smiled and kissed her. She smiled back at him.


  Kloe was asleep on the bed. Gavin was laying there awake when he heard a gentle tap on the door. He got up and answered the door. Liam was standing there.

  “Were you asleep?” Liam asked.

  “No, it's okay. I was awake,” he said, stepping into the hall and shutting the door.

  “Well I put some feelers out and there is news of a vampire movement. This is interesting since we ran them out. So how they heard about Kloe is beyond me. You all can stay here until it’s time to leave. I think that is the best option.” Liam told him.

  “Yeah. Let’s just hope this doesn’t start a war,” Gavin told him.

  “Well, you are in the right place. It’s safe here,” Liam told him.

  “Can one of the wolves go to the blood bank and get a cooler full of blood, if we give them money. It’s not safe for her to leave. All they need to do is mention Kloe’s name to the director and there should be no problem.” Gavin asked.

  “I think we can swing that,” Liam told him.

  “Thanks. This pregnancy thing has me thrown for a loop. I know she needs blood but she is eating so much human food.” Gavin told him.

  “I know I will call our doctor and see if we can get her in for an examination. Have a look at the baby. Make sure things are all right. That might ease some of your fears.” Liam told him.

  “Thanks man. I appreciate it,” Gavin told him.

  “Well I need to get back to some work. Good night,” Liam told him.

  “Night,” Gavin said, going back into the room where Kloe lay still sleeping.

  Gavin laid back down and rolled over. Put his arm over Kloe, kissed her shoulder and closed his eyes. Sleep came soon after.

  Gavin woke up the next morning to Kloe snuggled against his chest. He hated to move and wake her so he stayed in bed. It was a half hour later before she woke up. She smiled when she saw him grinning at her.

  “Good Morning beautiful,” Gavin told her.

  “Good Moring,” Kloe said back to him.

  She sat up and pushed the covers back and sat there gazing at her belly.

  “What?” Gavin asked before looking at her belly which was bigger than it had been last night.

  “Oh,” was all Kloe could say.

  “It’s okay. We are going to see the doctor and find out what’s going on okay?” Gavin told her.

  “It’s bigger,” Kloe told him.

  “I know. Let’s get you dressed,” Gavin told her.

  Kloe got off the bed and slowly put her clothes on. She tried her jeans on but they wouldn’t button up. So she pulled on her shorts and a t-shirt instead.

  “Come on, let’s go talk to Liam,” Gavin told her.

  “Yeah,” Kloe told him, following him out of the room and down the stairs to the living room.

  “Hey Kali you seen Liam?” Gavin asked as he walked up to Kali’s desk.

  “Yeah he is in the kitchen,” Kali told him.

  Kloe and Gavin walked to the kitchen to find Liam making breakfast.

  “Hey you two want some breakfast eggs, bacon and toast sound good?” Liam asked.

  “Sounds wonderful,” Kloe told him.

  “Great,” Gavin replied. “Did you get in touch with that doctor?”

  “Yeah he is free this afternoon,” Liam told them.

  “Good cause she woke up to a larger belly this morning. I think her pregnancy has sped up,” Gavin told him.

  “Are you serious?” Liam said. He came around to Kloe who lifted her shirt to show Liam who was shocked.

  “See this is defiantly in need of monitoring,�
�� Gavin told him.

  “Yes I agree,” Liam said, returning to cooking. He made a couple of plates, setting them on the table for them. He served his own before turning off the stove and sitting down.

  After a bit Kloe got up and put her plate in the sink. The others did the same and they went back to the living room.

  “So when we go to visit the doctor, we are taking six wolves with us including myself. We shall take the black van. I know it seems like a lot of fuss but it’s for your protection.” Liam told her.

  “No. I understand. Trust me. I know the danger after being abducted. Once is enough for me.” Kloe told him. “I shall have to go out to shop for some clothes if I keep getting much bigger. I don’t have anything that fits besides these shorts and they are tight as it is.”

  “I got you covered,” Kali said, taking her hand and taking her upstairs.

  “Kali used to be bigger so I am betting she is going to drag her clothes out,” Liam laughed.

  Kloe sat on Kali’s bed as she dragged a few tubs out of her closet.

  “Now, I think I have those clothes in here somewhere. Trust me; they will fit you now and some later. So question...” She said pausing “are you both really leaving in a few days with your condition? I mean we have no real-time frame for your child birth. I mean what happens if your water breaks on the plane?” Kali asked.

  “I hadn’t thought of that actually. I just don’t want to put you all out for too long or put any of you in danger” Kloe told her.

  “Kloe you both are no bother. Besides the others won’t admit it but it’s the most action we have seen in a while. That tidy little sum you paid us helped with the bills. Kept the lights on and paid the grocery bill. It made a nice nest egg for a while.” Kali told her.

  “Well I am pleased to have helped. My dad said one more thing and I am cut off and on a flight home.” Kloe told her with a sigh.

  “Sounds like he laid the hammer down. What will he say when you tell him about the baby?” Kali asked.

  “Oh my god. He will freak. He would be here immediately with mom in tow. Especially, since I might be on the no-fly list for a bit. We shall see what the doctor says this afternoon. Are you coming?” Kloe asked.


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