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London Moon (The Kloe & Gavin Adventures Book 2)

Page 8

by Sondra Hicks

  “Nah I am staying I got work to do,” Kali smiled.

  “So how many are in your pack?” Kloe asked.

  “All together about forty wolves,” Kali told her.

  “Wow that’s a lot. Do they all live here in the house?” Kloe asked.

  “About ninety percent do. Some have families and live off grounds. But, if Ahiga calls, they have to come a running.” Kali told her.

  “This house is spacious and there is a slight smell of wet dog. Strange I never smelt that before around here. Maybe its because I’m pregnant. Nevertheless, I don’t mind because you are good people. You don’t have to protect me but you do.” Kloe told her.

  “Kloe you are pregnant with a miracle child that is part wolf. Why wouldn’t we protect you?” Kali told her. “Of course you being a good vampire helps. You don’t drink from humans and that makes you okay in our books.”

  Kloe smiled and picked up some sweatpants and went to try them on. She slid off her shorts and put on the sweats. She felt immediately more comfortable.

  “These feel way better than those shorts.” Kloe told her.

  “I’m thankful. I have a few more pairs and they stretch. They should fit for a while. Now here are some tops. I think we are going to have to get to the maternity shop to find you some shirts because these tops won’t cover that belly.” Kali said, pointing to Kloe’s stomach which seemed to be slightly larger.

  Kloe went for the door and moved as quickly as she could down the stairs to Gavin and Liam, who were laughing.

  “I think we had better go see the doctor now.” Kloe said pointing to her belly.

  Gavin eyes widened and Liam got his phone out. He made the call to the doctor’s office. He spoke softly into the phone and hung up.

  “Okay give me a moment,” Liam told them.

  “Why is Liam handling this? Why not Ahiga?” Kloe asked.

  “Liam is second in command when our leader is absent,” Kali told her.

  “Oh okay,” Kloe replied.

  Liam reappeared with six additional wolves who were apparently strapped with guns and stakes.

  “Okay. Let’s load up and please remember Kloe is a walking target. We need to be aware of our surroundings at all times.” Liam told them.

  They came out the door, walked to the black van and loaded everyone in. Liam took the driver’s seat with Gavin in the passengers and headed to the doctor’s office. It wasn’t a long drive but it was long enough, riding in a van which was a little crowded. They pulled into the parking garage close to the elevator. Everyone piled out of the van and went to the elevator. Kloe felt like a sandwich because she was in the middle. When their floor came, a few wolves stepped out. They checked that the area was clear. After that they signaled the others to follow. They walked to the doctor’s office and two of the wolves were posted by the door outside while the rest went in. Liam walked up to the receptionist and told her Kloe had arrived to see the doctor. She immediately called back and told the doctor. A few minutes later she was summoned back. Two wolves stayed in the waiting room and two stayed outside her patient room door. Liam and Gavin went inside with her.

  “Well hello Mrs. Rice. I hear you are pregnant. Why don’t you lay back and pull your shirt up so we can check on your baby with this ultrasound machine, okay?” The doctor asked her.

  Kloe did as she was told but she suddenly felt a flutter in her belly. She put a hand over her belly in surprise.

  “What’s wrong?” Gavin asked

  “I felt something,” Kloe told him.

  “The baby is moving more than likely,” the doctor told her.

  He put some jelly on her belly and pressed on her belly with the ultrasound device. Liam watched the screen and looked shocked. Gavin glanced and his face softened.

  “What?” Kloe asked.

  The doctor pressed a button and suddenly she heard a heartbeat.

  “Your baby has a strong heartbeat. Also seems that you are 27 weeks pregnant. How far were you yesterday?” The doctor asked.

  “I was 8 weeks” Kloe told him

  “I would say you only have a few days before you give birth then.” He told her. He wrote something down and handed it to Liam. “That’s my emergency number. Call me immediately if she goes into labor and I will be there. I would say stay close to home. No traveling.”

  “I am supposed to fly home to Paris in a day or two.” Kloe told him.

  “I would cancel those plans my dear. In your condition, it is too dangerous. We don’t know what labor will look like or what toll it will take on your body. You also need a doctor to tend to you.” The doctor told her.

  “Looks like you have a couple of house guests Liam,” Gavin told him.

  “I don’t think anyone will mind under the circumstances.” Liam told him.

  The doctor handed Kloe a towel. She cleaned her belly and pulled her shirt down.

  “I shall be on call for you day or night young lady. This is a miracle. I wish to be a part this miracle. Plus, you need medical care. Never seen a vampire get pregnant.” The doctor told them.

  “Actually, she is half human, as of a month or so ago.” Gavin told him.

  “Well, you will just have to tell me that story another time. I have to get to a patient. I mean it though. I don’t care if you are throwing up blood. Call me okay,” the doctor told her.

  “Okay thank you,” Kloe told him.

  They exited the room with the wolves in tow. They regrouped and made their way to the van. Liam stopped them. He sent two wolves to check it out. They came back with the all clear. They crammed back into the van and drove back to the house. They alighted and went into the house. Kloe laid on the couch.

  Liam turned to Gavin.

  “We have to be ready for anything. I am nervous about the news of a vampire movement. I do not know what they are capable of or what they will do to get their hands on Kloe. Also with her pregnancy moving so, fast I don’t want them getting their hands on that baby.” Liam told him.

  “Yeah I know. I don’t want them taking my baby or Kloe.” Gavin agreed.

  “Just make sure she rests because I have the feeling this birth will take a lot out of her.” Liam told him.

  “Did you manage to get the blood?” Gavin asked.

  “Yes. It’s in the fridge in the kitchen,” Liam told him.

  “Kloe would you like some blood?” Gavin asked.

  “Yes thank you,” Kloe answered.

  Gavin left the room to get her blood from the fridge. He reappeared moments later and handed it to her.

  “Thank you,” she told him.

  She drank the entire bag, handing it back to him. He went to throw it away. He came back and heard Kloe choking. He rushed to her side; right as she vomited the blood she had just drank back up. All over the coffee table and the carpet.

  “I’m sorry,” Kloe whimpered.

  “It’s okay baby. It’s not your fault.” Gavin told her.

  Liam came into the living room and went to work cleaning the blood up the best he could.

  “Just lay down and relax,” Liam told her. He motioned for Gavin to follow him into the hallway.

  “If she can’t drink blood, can she survive on human food alone?” Liam asked.

  “I don’t know. I think we should call the doctor and tell him what’s going on.” Gavin told him.

  “Yeah. I agree. He might have some ideas about how to keep her strength up,” Liam told him, pulling out the number and dialing it on his phone.

  “Hey doc. It's Liam...Kloe is vomiting her blood back up. She can’t keep it down...okay...thanks.” Liam hung up and looked at Gavin.

  “Well?” Gavin asked.

  “He says give her human food for now and see how it goes. If she gets worse, we are supposed to call him back.” Liam told him.

  “So, what’s for lunch?” Gavin asked.


  Kloe was sound asleep in her bed when she heard the explosion outside. She sat up and saw Gavin pul
ling on his pants and shirt. She went to get up and grab her robe.

  “Stay here,” Gavin told her.

  He opened the door and left, shutting it behind him. She disliked being told what to do so she went to the window and looked out. One of the black vans was on fire and the wolves were out there just trying to put it out. Gavin was helping them. There was a knock at her door and she opened it. Kali stood there.

  “Come in,” Kloe told her.

  “Looks like the vampires attacked. I don’t know why they attacked a van but they did. I think they are trying to get you alone. I figured I would come in and sit with you.” Kali told her.

  “Thanks I appreciate it.” Kloe told her.

  They talked for a bit and didn’t notice the mist coming from under her door till it formed into a vampire.

  “Kloe,” the vampire hissed.

  Kali jumped up and got in between the vampire and Kloe. She growled and got into attack position.

  “Calm yourself wolf. I am not here to fight. Only to see Kloe and talk.” The vampire told her.

  “What do you want?” Kloe asked.

  “To see how far your pregnancy has progressed. You are a sacred vessel to us. You hold the miracle child. Talked about in prophecies. Eventually you will come with us or we will take you. Time is ticking,” the vampire told her.

  “You’re not taking her anywhere!” Kali told him.

  “You cannot guard her forever. We shall find our moment. Like now. I could swat you like a fly but Kloe is not ready yet. I shall return,” the vampire said. Turning to mist once again and leaving through the window.

  “He turns into mist? How can you protect me from that?” Kloe asked.

  “Come with me. We need to tell Liam about this,” Kali told her.

  They both walked out of the room. Down the stairs to the living room where Liam was talking to a few wolves. He looked over and saw the looks on their faces and walked over.

  “What’s going on?” Liam asked.

  “We just had a visitor in Kloe’s room. A vampire that can turn into mist. He warned us they would be coming for Kloe soon.” Kali told him.

  “Shit the van was a distraction, so he could slip in. What were you doing in Kloe’s room?” Liam asked.

  “I thought with all the commotion it was wise to have someone with her so she wasn’t alone. I was right. He might have taken her if she was alone.” Kali told him.

  “Good thinking on your part Kali. If they can turn into mist we are dealing with elder vampires. They are stronger, we need to be on guard at all times.” Liam told them.

  “I will sleep with a stake under my pillow,” Kloe told them.

  “I want windows shut and locked. I need to go tell Gavin. I‘ll be back.” Liam told them.

  Kloe sat down on the couch. Kali went to her desk. It wasn’t long before Gavin came in and came to Kloe’s side. He sat down and looked at her as though he was taking inventory of her condition.

  “Are you okay? Did the vampire touch you or harm you?” Gavin asked

  “No. Just issued a warning that they would be back to get me when it was time,” Kloe told him.

  “Well that isn’t going to happen. We are upping security,” Gavin told her.

  “Gavin. He came through as mist. How do you fight that?” Kloe asked.

  “He has to form back into a vampire and then we will get him,” Gavin told her. “Also we are keeping the windows shut and locked from now on.”

  “Yeah Liam told me that but he is strong. Liam said he is an elder. Even I know that Elders are hard to fight. I have heard stories about them but I never met one until today.” Kloe told him.

  “I shall do everything I can to keep you safe. Even if it means fighting an Elder.” Gavin told her.

  Gavin went to give her a kiss and she pushed him away.

  “Ugh! You smell like smoke. Go take a shower,” Kloe told him.

  “Okay. Then we can get back to bed,” Gavin told her giving her a wink as he walked off up the stairs. Kloe sat in a room full of wolves that smelt like smoke and decided to go back to her room. She got up and was up at the top of the stairs when she felt dizzy. She grabbed the railing and fell to the floor.

  “Shit Kloe!” Liam yelled running up the stairs two at a time. He picked her up, took her into her bedroom and laid her on her bed. “Come on Kloe wake up.”

  Kali stood in the doorway, watching nervously when Gavin came up behind her. He looked into the room and saw Liam trying to wake Kloe and pushed past Kali.

  “What’s going on?” Gavin asked.

  “She fainted by the stairs. I’m trying to wake her up.” Liam told him.

  After a few minutes she woke up, looking at Liam and Gavin confused.

  “How did I get in here?” She asked trying to sit up but she fell back down.

  “I think you need to rest for now Kloe. You could have fallen down the stairs.” Liam told her.

  Gavin and Liam helped her out of her robe and tucked her under her covers.

  “You got this from here?” Liam asked.

  “Yeah, thank you” Gavin told him.

  “No problem,” Liam told him as he walked out, taking Kali with him.

  Gavin laid down beside Kloe and put his arm over her. He stayed awake until she fell asleep. Only then could he go to sleep.

  In the morning, Kloe woke up feeling sluggish but figured she needed something to eat. She had a craving for blueberry pancakes, drizzled with blood. She got up and put her robe on and walked down to the kitchen. She found Liam in there again making eggs.

  “Hello sleeping beauty. What are you craving for breakfast? I am your chef.” Liam chuckled.

  “Blueberry pancakes, drizzled with blood.” Kloe told him.

  “Wow. You are an odd one but your wish is my command.” Liam told her grabbing the pancake mix and blueberries from the fridge. He began to mix the batter with the blueberries and putting them in the pan.

  “Any eggs this morning?” Liam asked.

  “Maybe two of them won’t hurt,” Kloe told him.

  “Feeling a bit hungry today are we? How many pancakes?” Liam asked.

  “Four please,” Kloe replied.

  Liam got to work. Flipping pancakes and putting them on a plate with the eggs. He walked to the fridge and grabbed a blood bag. He opened it. Drizzling it slowly over the pancakes. He closed it, returning it to the fridge and setting the plate in front of Kloe. She smiled, grabbed a fork and knife and cut into the pancakes. She took a bite.

  “Thank you these are good.” Kloe told him.

  “I’m glad you like them,” Liam told her.

  Gavin walked in, kissing Kloe on the forehead and sitting down.

  “So what did I miss?” Gavin asked.

  “Nothing much. Just eggs and blueberry pancakes with a blood drizzle. Hungry?” Liam asked.

  Gavin made a face and Liam laughed.

  “I think I will pass on the blood drizzle,” Gavin told him.

  Liam set a plate down with eggs and pancakes.

  “I thought you might,” Liam smiled.

  “So what are we up to today?” Gavin asked.

  “I wanted to go to the maternity store with Kali and get some shirts that fit. I am down to this shirt and it's beyond tight.” Kloe told them not looking up from her food

  “That will take some planning. I will see what I can do. You will need an escort and we are down a van,” Liam told her.

  “I understand but remember this is important. I don’t want to be running around topless.” Kloe told him.

  “Yes. I understand. I will do my best,” Liam told her, sitting down to eat his breakfast.

  They ate in silence, finished their breakfasts and put their plates in the sink. Kloe stood up. That’s when both of the men realized how much bigger she had grown over night. They exchanged worried looks as Kloe left the kitchen.

  “I think this shopping trip is a bad idea. I know she needs the clothing. We have to take the SUV which means we c
an only take four wolves, five if you include me Liam.” Gavin told him.

  “I understand. In her condition we can't be packing her in the Cargo van. She is determined to go though and I doubt she will be stopped. Even in her condition. Go tell Kali and I will round up the bodyguards. Let’s just pray this goes off without a hitch. Those vampires are crafty and waiting for a chance to get her alone.” Liam told him.

  Gavin walked out of the kitchen to the living room where Kali had her desk.

  “Kali you ready for a shopping trip with Kloe?” Gavin asked.

  “When?” Kali asked not looking up.

  “We are leaving in about ten minutes,” Gavin told her.

  “Really? I am scanning chat rooms for chatter on Kloe. I found one where they are calling her the mother of the miracle child. It’s just mainly talking nothing we can use but I will put my bot on it while we are gone. It can record everything in case something is said that is useful.” Kali told him.

  “Sounds good. Thank you,” Gavin told her.

  “You know if you’re worried about Kloe, you can always put a tracking device on her,” George chimed in.

  “Really. I think she would object,” Gavin told him.

  “No. Serious. Check this out. My latest gadget. It’s a bracelet with a tracking device that’s undetectable,” George said, showing him the gold bracelet with the app on his phone.

  “Hmm it might come in handy,” Gavin went to pick it up. George picked it up first and held it away from Gavin.

  “You had better take care of this. It is only a prototype. So present it to her and put it on her. Make sure she keeps it on. I don’t want to lose it,” George said. Handing the bracelet to him.

  “How do I track it, if you have the app?” Gavin asked.

  “Hand me your phone,” George told him.

  Gavin pulled his phone out and handed it to George. He took it and hooked it to his computer and looked to be downloading something to it. He disconnected it and flipped through a few screens. He pulled up the app and made a shortcut on the main screen.

  “Okay now it will be accessible from the main screen.” George told him.

  “Thanks,” Gavin told him, walking over to the stairs where Kloe was walking down.


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