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Invisible Armies: An Epic History of Guerrilla Warfare From Ancient Times to the Present

Page 73

by Max Boot

  83 Time, Dec. 26, 1969.

  84 H. A. F. Hohler to Foreign Secretary, Jan. 30, 1963, NA/BRIAM.

  85 Thompson, Insurgency, 140.

  86 Gibson, Perfect War, 95.

  87 Sorley, Westmoreland, 67.

  88 Krepinevich, Army, 197; Sorley, Westmoreland, 218.

  89 Gibson, Technowar, 319; Sorley, Better War, 83; Clodfelter, Statistics, 225.

  90 Krepinevich, Army, 205.

  91 16 million: Smith, Handbook, 60. 90 percent: Krepinevich, Army, 167.

  92 Duiker, Ho, 551.

  93 Karnow, Vietnam, 617.

  94 Lansdale, “Viet Nam.”

  95 Krepinevich, Army, 180.

  96 U.S. Department of Defense, Pentagon Papers, 4.303, 4.403; “Order of Battle,” Oct. 1, 1963, AHEC/MACV; Sorley, Westmoreland, 188 (CIA estimate).

  97 New York Times, April 23, 1995.

  98 Directive, April 28, 1971, DPC #2150901041, April 1971; Duiker, Ho, 552, 557.

  99 “Latitude”: Sorley, Westmoreland, 73. “Attrition”: 90.

  100 “Dropped”: Phillips, Vietnam, 251. “Blunt”: New York Times, Aug. 21, 1965.

  101 “Miracles”: Washington Post, Aug. 20, 1965. “Legend”: Ibid., Feb. 25, 1966.

  102 Washington Post, Sept. 29, 1968.

  103 “Team Assignments,” Oct. 8, 1965. HIA/EGL, box 96, file 6.

  104 Washington Post, Aug., 20, 1965.

  105 “Genocide”: LBJ/POL. “Rice roots,” “ills”: LBJ/B1967.

  106 Lansdale, “Viet Nam.”

  107 Lansdale to Leo Dowatch Jr., March 13, 1974, HIA/EGL, box 70, biographical file/memoranda.

  108 Tet: Braestrup, Big Story; Oberdorfer, Tet; Westmoreland, Reports, 310–34 (casualties: 332); Duiker, Road, 288–97 (“decisive”: 289); Davidson, At War, 473–529; Duiker, Ho, 557; Ang, Other Side, 113–40; Lansdale to “The Old Team,” Feb. 10, 1968, HIA/EGL, box 73, file 2 (“bangs”).

  109 Washington Post, Nov. 22, 1967.


  111 New York Times, April 1, 1968.

  112 Sorley, Better War, xiii.

  113 Colby, Lost Victory, 303–6.

  114 Peace treaty: Berman, No Peace; Karnow, Vietnam, 671 (150,000 men); Kissinger, Ending; Nguyen, Palace File; Kimball, War Files.

  115 Duiker, Ho, 512.

  116 Le Duan: Asselin, “Le Duan”; Currey, Victory, 229; Duiker, Ho, 548 (“rabbit”); Ang, Other Side.

  117 New York Times Magazine, Aug. 10, 1997.

  118 “Guerrilla”: Summers, Strategy, 127. “Root”: 173.

  119 Duiker, Ho, 546; Zhai, China (170,000: 135).

  120 Lansdale, “Viet Nam.”

  121 Landing: Franqui, Diary (“shipwreck”: 124; “rough”: 123); Guevara, Reminiscences (“tragic”: 14; (“collapse”: 17; “hail”: 18; “lost”: 19); Castro, My Life; Szulc, Fidel (“trigger”, “controlled”: 32; “slight”: 29; “crazy”: 34); Anderson, Che; Taibo, Guevara; Quirk, Castro; Thomas, Cuba (“rabbits”: 899); Cesar Gomez interview, HIA/GAG, box 9, file 27; Perez, “Granma” (“bobbing”).

  122 Young Castro: Szulc, Fidel (“assassination”: 289); Castro, My Life (25,000 acres: 29; “six”: 41; For Whom: 209; Chevy: 108); Castro, Struggle (“absolve”: 220–21); Castro, Prison Letters; Quirk, Castro (whip: 9; school/prison: 12; “hatred”: 18; “gangster”: 27); Geyer, Prince (no milk: 72; mistress letter: 130); Casuso, Cuba (“hoodlum”: 115; “approval”: 174; “mistress”: 172); HMP; Thomas, Cuba; Emilio Caballero interview, HIA/GAG, Box 7, File 48 (“talking politics”); Rafael Díaz-Balart interview, HIA/GAG, box 8, file 29 (“monologist”); Waldo Díaz-Balart, HIA/GAG, box 8, file 30 (“primitive”); Armando Llorente interview, HIA/GAG, box 11, file 4 (“loco,” “charming”); Ramon Mestre interview, HIA/GAG, box 11, file 29 (bathed); Jose Rasco interview, HIA/GAG, box 12, file 32 (“manners”).

  123 Young Guevara: Anderson, Che (Argentino: 184; richest men: 4; rugby shirt: 37; “twin evils”: 52; “frozen stif”: 76; “octopuses”: 121; divorce: 382); Guevara, Motorcycle Diaries (“blanket”: 77) and On the Road (“pirate”: 63; “fun”: 80; “hit it off”: 99); Debray, Praised Be, 96 (“no interest”); Gadea, My Life (“black eyes”: 24; Sartre and Freud: 60–61); Granado, Traveling; Taibo, Guevara (“Stalin”: 31); Castañeda, Compañero (Kerouac: 46; “Stalin”: 62; “disastrous,” “boring”: 95); Siao-yu, Beggars, 148 (“money”).

  124 Anderson, Che, 229; Taibo, Guevara, 112; Castañeda, Campañero, 102.

  125 The Matthews articles appeared on Feb. 24–26, 1957. See HMP; Matthews, Cuban Story; DePalma, Man (marching in circles: 84); Felipe Pazos and Javiar Pazos interviews, HIA/GAG, box 12, files 14–15.

  126 Wickham-Crowley, Guerrillas, 191.

  127 Sweig, Revolution, 111.

  128 Batista offensive: Szuc, Fidel, 445–49; Washington Post, Sept. 14, 1958 ( “steep,” “shin”); Castro, Struggle, 399–415; Batista, Betrayed, 80 (“panic”); Franqui, Diary, 316–86; Taibo, Guevara, 170–78; Quirk, Castro, 182–94; Thomas, Cuba, 996–1004; Castañeda, Campañero, 116.

  129 Batista, Betrayed, 80.

  130 Santa Clara: Guevara, Reminiscences, 267–69; Anderson, Che, 348–53; Franqui, Diary, 474–78; Taibo, Guevara, 237–49; Castañeda, Campañero, 133–38.

  131 CIA: Weiner, Ashes, 155; Anderson, Che, 259–61; Szuc, Fidel, 427–29; Geyer, Prince, 183.

  132 Batista, Betrayed, 135.

  133 New York Times, Jan. 2, 1959.

  134 Ibid.

  135 Thomas, Cuba, 1042; Wright, Era, 16.

  136 Castañeda, Campañero, 137; Thomas, Cuba, 1040.

  137 Casuso, Cuba, 137.

  138 “Infiltration”: Washington Post, Sept. 15, 1958. See also New York Times, April 18, 1959; U.S. News & World Report, March 16, 1959.

  139 Guevara, Motorcycle Diaries, 164.

  140 Rene Monserrat interview, HIA/GAG, box 11, file 39.

  141 Anderson, Che, 458.

  142 Rojo, My Friend, 181–82; Anderson, Che, 599.

  143 Anderson, Che, 538; Castañeda, Campañero, 236.

  144 “Saint Karl”: Guevara, Road, 114. “Roman Empire”: Debray, Praised Be, 98. “Imperialism”: Anderson, Che, 584. “Vietnams”: Guevara, Guerrilla Warfare, 175.

  145 “Underwear”: Guevara, Guerrilla Warfare, 53. “Create”: 7. “Decisive”: Debray, Revolution, 119.

  146 Childs, “Historical Critique.”

  147 Congo: Guevara, African Dream (“parasitic”: 26; “drinking”: 28; “running”: 49; “rifle,” “perspective,” “truck”: 26; “poorest”: 226-27; “runs”: 135); Anderson, Che; Hoare, Mercenary; Kelly, America’s Tyrant; Schatzberg, Mobutu; Taibo, Guevara; Gleijeses, Conflicting, 101–23.

  148 Bolivia: Guevara, Bolivian Diary, 144 (“nonexistent”), 248 (“effectiveness”); James, Bolivian Diaries; Guevara, Guerrilla Warfare, 10–11 (“reformer,” “countryside,” “full help”), 8 (“vote”), 116 (“secrecy”); Salmon, Defeat of Che (peak strength: 71; Shelton: 86; “bandits”: 168); Villegas, Pombo (“torrential”: 141); Debray, Praised Be, 104 (“murderous”); Rojo, My Friend; NSA/DCG (esp. “Activities of 2nd Ranger Battalion,” Nov. 28, 1967; “Debriefing of Felix Rodriguez,” June 3, 1975); LBJ/CSP; Castro, Revolution, 136–46; Wright, Era, 68 (billion dollars; expectations), 8–87; Anderson, Che, 637–710 (“mess”: 705; “shoot”: 710); Taibo, Guevara, 472–562 (100 Rangers: 548; “shoot”: 561); Rodriguez, Shadow (“tattered”: 10; “courage”: 11); Ryan, Fall (Korea, Laos: 90); Gary Prado interview, HIA/GAG, box 12, file 28.

  149 Casey, Afterlife.

  150 Latin insurgents: Wright, Era; Wickham-Crowley, Guerrillas (“glorious”: 31); Ratliff, Castroism; Scheina, Latin America’s Wars, vol. 2; Castro, Revolution; Gott, Rural Guerrilla; Kohl, Urban Guerrilla.

  151 Guevara, Guerrilla Warfare, 7.

  152 “Ennobles”: Marighella, Minimanual, 20. See also Flynn, Brazil; Skidmore, Military Rule; Williams, “Carlos Marighela”; New York Times Magazine, Nov. 15, 1970.

nbsp; 153 Nicaragua: Wickham-Crowley, Guerrillas, 7, 271–81; Kagan, Twilight; Kinzer, Blood.

  154 Marchak, God’s Assassins; Timerman, Prisoner.

  155 Sanford, Buried; Commission, “Memory.”

  156 Boot, “Miracle.”

  157 Burleigh, Blood, ch. 6.

  158 Gero, Flights, 8.

  159 Andrew, Sword, 380–82; Andrew, World, 246–55.

  160 Entebbe: Betser, Soldier (“surprise”: 328; “shattered”: 329); Maj. Gen. (ret.) Uri Sagi and Maj Gen. (ret.) Ephraim Sneh, part of the rescue team, interviews with author, March 1, 2011; Dunstan, Lightning; Pedahzur, Secret Services, 53–62; Netanyahu, Entebbe; Ben-Porat, Rescue; Williams, Diary; Rabin, Memoirs (15 or 20: 287); Peres, Battling; Kurzman, Soldier; McRaven, Spec Ops; Harclerode, Secret; Follain, Jackal, 107 (kill Jews); Thomas, Gideon’s Spies, 142–45; Katz, Elite; Stevenson, 90 Minutes; Williamson, Counterstrike; Klein, Striking, 205–8 (chocolates); New York Times, Sept. 13, 1972 (“six million Jews”);

  161 Wolf, Face, 279.

  162 Sixties radicals: Gitlin, Sixties; Suri, Power; Berman, Utopias.

  163 Weathermen: Varon, War Home; Stern, With.

  164 SLA: Graebner, Patty’s (“insect”: 15); Hearst, Secret; Payne, SLA; Los Angeles Times, May 18, 1994.

  165 RAF: Aust, Baader-Meinhof (total killed); Varon, War Home; Meinhof, Everybody; Baumann, How; Cockburn, One Point, 1–6 (nuclear munitions); Andrew, Mitrohkin Archive, 511–12 (East German support); Carr, Infernal, 138 (“six”); Wolf, Man. The 2008 German film The Baader-Meinhof Complex also presents an accurate portrayal of the group’s rise and fall.

  166 Arafat: Rubin, Arafat (“Tom and Jerry”: 224; mattress: 39); Walker, Arafat (“activity”: 11; Algeria: 31; Beetle: 37; “richest”: 130); Abu Iyad, My Home (“discreet”: 29; “unprepared”: 81); Sayigh, Struggle; Hart, Arafat; Morris, Victims (1948–56 deaths: 270; parcel bomb: 288; Karameh: 268–69; “fascist”: 78; refuge in Israel: 80); Time, Dec. 13, 1968 (“Viet Cong”; “everyone”); Strong, “Playboy Interview” (“I fought”; “big lie”); Black, Secret Wars, 279 (“relentless”); Yaari, Strike; Raviv, Every Spy, 163 (bed still warm); Abu-Sharif, Tried (use of permits to recruit informers: 151); Byman, Price; Friedman, From (“dashing”: 107); New York Times, Nov. 12, 2004 (2,000 killed); Allman, “Road” (shaving, Rolex, “bric-a-brac”).

  167 Pedahzur, Secret Services, 26–28; Morris, Victims, 288; Byman, Price, 25.

  168 Black September: Dobson, Black September; Walker, Arafat (U.S., Saudi threats: 101–2); Klein, Striking; Jonas, Vengeance; Black, Secret Wars; Pedahzur, Secret Services, 40–46; Abu Iyad, My Home (“butchers”: 97); Raviv, Prince, 184–94; Abu-Sharif, Tried.

  169 Lebanon: Schiff, Lebanon War; Rabinovich, War; Sayigh, Struggle, 522–43; Rubin, Arafat (suicide: 88; “Fiji”: 93); Morris, Victims (650 dead: 558); Cobban, Palestinian; Byman, Price (15,000 strong: 67).

  170 First Intifada: Morris, Victims; Black, Secret Wars; King, Revolution; “Fatalities” (casualties); “China: Tiananmen” (Tiananmen Square deaths); Catignani, Intifadas; Peretz, Intifada (18,000 arrests: 64); Sayigh, Struggle, 607–37; Raviv, Prince, 379–404; Yigal Hankin, interview with author, Feb. 28, 2011 (“pants down”); Byman, Price (600 killed: 73).

  171 Author’s meeting with Arafat: Wall Street Journal, Dec. 14, 1998.

  172 Byman, Price, 104.

  173 Schweitzer, “Suicide Bombing.”

  174 Second Intifada: Eiland, “Second Intifada” (March toll, “continue”); Schweitzer, “Suicide Bombing” (attacks in 2002; attacks and attempted attacks in 2009); PLO: Captured Documents; Morris, Victims; “Intifada Toll” (casualties); Catignani, Intifadas; Byman, Price (casualties: 152–54); Lt. Gen. (ret.) Moshe “Bogie” Ya’alon (“safe havens,” 2010 attacks), Brig. Gen. (ret.) Yossi Kuperwasser (“like Gaza”), Brig. Gen. Noam Tibon, Brig. Gen. (ret.) Michael Herzog (“clueless”), interviews with author, Feb. 27–March 3, 2011.

  175 Abu Iyad, My Home, 34.

  176 Merari, Terrorism, 107.

  177 Gorenberg, “Mahatma.”

  178 “Intifada Toll.”



  1 Origins of jihadism: Kepel, Jihad; Stout, Terrorist Perspectives; Wright, Looming; Habeck, Knowing; Sivan, Radical Islam.

  2 Hostage crisis: Bowden, Guests; Coughlin, Ghost; Rubin, Anti-American, 107 (“damn”); Bill, Eagle, 295–304; and hostages’ memoirs (e.g., Queen, Inside; Koob, Guest; Kennedy, Ayatollah; Daugherty, Shadow).

  3 Mecca: Trofimov, Siege (“cinemas”: 31; “heretical”: 32; 1,000 lives: 225); Coll, Ghost Wars, 28 (“dissolute”); Lacey, Inside, 16–36; Wright, Sacred Rage (dog food: 155); Bergen, Holy War, 59 (“riyalpolitik”).

  4 Islamabad: Trofimov, Siege, 109–16 (“magnificent”: 116); Coll, Ghost Wars, 29-37; Sullivan, Under Siege, 71–89; Washington Post, Nov. 27, 1994; Time, Dec. 3. 1979.

  5 Invasion of Afghanistan: Lyakhovskiy, “Soviet Invasion” (80 percent outside control: 4; vodka: 50; “alive”: 57; “soaked”: 65); Grau, “Take-Down”; CWIHP/SIA; Mitrokhin, “KGB”; Tanner, Afghanistan, 235–38; Feifer, Gamble, 55–85; Girardet, Afghanistan, 114 (mosques closed); Helsinki Watch, “Tears”; Kalinovsky, Goodbye, 16–54; Tanner, Afghanistan, 231 (flag), 235 (ammunition, batteries); Urban, War, 27–50; Rubin, Fragmentation, 111–22; Cordovez, Out, 13–49; Russian General Staff, War, 11–12; Mendelson, Changing Course, 39–64. Lyakhovskiy, “Soviet Invasion,” 64, reports five KGB men killed in the palace assault along with five other Red Army soldiers; Mitrokhin, “KGB,” 97–98, claims, “Over 100 of the KGB were killed.”

  6 The official figure for Soviet fatalities during the entire war was 13,833. The real figure was closer to 26,000. See Russian General Staff, War, 43.

  7 Massoud: Girardet, Afghanistan, 30 (“wasps”), 83 (“trenches”); Russian General Staff, War, 74–83; Coll, Ghost Wars, 107–24 (Massoud background); Feifer, Gamble; Washington Post, Oct. 17, 1983 (“blue-green”), Oct. 18, 1983 (“30 followers”; Volga sedan); Grad, Massoud (American Revolution: 29; “energy”: 104; “compassion”: 120; “washed”: 20; food: 199; “toes”: 18; chess: 30; “cool”: 105; “smiling”: 244); Christian Science Monitor, June 22, 1982 (“vantage point,” machine-gun position), June 28, 1982 (“caves”); Gall, Russian Lines; Tanner, Afghanistan, 251–52, 257–61; Urban, War, 101–5; Kaplan, Soldiers, xv (“ornery”), xix (“greatest”); Roy, Afghanistan, 72–75; Bergen, Osama bin Laden, xxii (“fragility”); Junger, Fire, 199–222; Rowan, Trail; former CIA officer Reuel Gerecht, email to author, April 27, 2012 (forgotten French).

  8 Russian General Staff, War, 91.

  9 Abuses: Helsinki Watch, “Tears” (“conceivable”: 4; “shocks”: 10; 200 killed: 35; strafed: 54; toy mines: 60; mosques: 82).

  10 $3 billion: Westad, Cold War, 350. Advisers: Kalinovsky, “Blind.” Hospitals: Feifer, Gamble, 146.

  11 Troop strength, casualties: Rubin, Fragmentation, 1, 131–33; Feifer, Gamble, 255; Girardet, Afghanistan, 53–54; Kaplan, Soldiers, 11, 18; Russian General Staff, War, 88.

  12 Red Army: Feifer, Gamble (diseases: 142; rotten potatoes: 179; “dedy”: 142); Borovik, Hidden War (“caught”: 185; “blood”: 183; “animal”: 186); Heinamaa, Soldiers’ Story, 26 (“slaughtered,” “shoot”), 16 (“jackals,” “moral”), 26 (“destroy”); Yousaf, Bear Trap, 54–56; Russian General Staff, War, 302 (hospitalized); Christian Science Monitor, June 28, 1982 (“imperialism”); Alexievich, Zinky Boys; Tamarov, Afghanistan.

  13 Yousaf, Bear Trap, 49.

  14 Kaplan, Soldiers, 16.

  15 Ibid., 69.

  16 Reuel Gerecht, email to author, April 27, 2012.

  17 Coll, Ghost Wars, 153.

  18 U.S. aid: Lundberg, “Covert Action”; Coll, Ghost Wars, 147–53 (aid spending: 151); Feifer, Gamble ($30 million: 130); Crile, Charlie Wilson’s War, 419 (“directly”); Russian General Staff, War, 222 (“appreciable”); Cordovez, Out, 194–201; Yousaf, Bear Trap, 174–89; Gates, Shadows, 348–50; Tanner, Afghanistan
, 267 (270 shot down); Westad, Cold War, 355–56; Bearden, Main Enemy, 207–54; Mendelson, Changing Course, 95–100; Michael Pillsbury, email to author, Oct. 27, 2010; (Hind specs).

  19 Cordovez, Out, 202; Kalinovsky, Goodbye, 84.

  20 “chilly”: Westad, Cold War, 377. 11:55: New York Times, Feb. 16, 1989.

  21 Rise of Taliban: Rashid, Taliban; Goodson, Endless War; Tanner, Afghanistan.

  22 Beirut bombing: Geraghty, Peacekeepers (quiet, “shards”: 91; “gone”: 92; “mangled”: 99; PET: 185-186); Hammel, Root (“presence”: 38; “bright”: 295); Dolphin, 24 MAU (youthful: 19); Wright, Sacred Rage (“roar”: 70); U.S. Commission, “Report.”

  23 Hezbollah origins: Jaber, Hezbollah; Norton, Hezbollah (PLO training: 32); Cambanis, Privilege; Nasr, Revival, 142–43; Coughlin, Ghost, 210–18; Qassem, Hizbullah; Harik, Hezbollah; Norton, Amal; Baer, No Evil, 130–31 (PLO connection); Wright, Sacred Rage; Byman, Price, 209–21.

  24 Mughniyeh: Hammel, Root, 432 (“Castro”); Independent, Feb. 23, 2010 (killed settler, plastic surgery); Jaber, Hezbollah, 115–20; Diaz, Lightning, 61–68; Bergman, Secret War (“creative”: 67); New York Times, Sept. 2, 2008 (museum).

  25 Norton, Amal, 170–71.

  26 Nasr, Revival, 132.

  27 Suicide bombers: Cambanis, Privilege, 9 (loves”); Nasrallah, Voice, 206 (“fearful”); Pape, Dying; Pedahzur, Suicide; Bloom, Kill.

  28 Nasrallah, Voice, 54.

  29 Hostages: Ranstorp, Hizb’allah (100 seized: 1); Coughlin, Hostage; Baer, No Evil.

  30 Nasrallah, Voice, 54.

  31 Bergman, Secret War, 78.

  32 Morris, Victims, 558.

  33 “Find”: Norton, Hezbollah, 39. “Entity”: Nasrallah, Voice, 95.

  34 Khobar: Clarke, All Enemies, 114; National Commission, “9/11 Report,” 60.

  35 Training Al Qaeda: National Commission, “9/11 Report,” 68; Bergen, Osama bin Laden, 143; Wright, Tower, 173–74.

  36 Nasrallah: Cambanis, Privilege, 180 (humor), 188 (son’s death); Nasrallah, Voice.

  37 $100 million: Cambanis, Privilege, 15; Norton, Hezbollah, 110.

  38 Exum, “Explaining Victory,” 152.

  39 Luft, “Israel’s Security Zone.”


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