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Fury (New Adult Romance) - #1.5 Fierce Series

Page 3

by Clarissa Wild

  I just wish I could’ve gone somewhere other than this dealer-infested place. It’s like they’re everywhere nowadays. Well, they’re obviously at this school too, since Jessie told me the only choice I had was this school. I know it has something to do with the money he gets from them. This entire school is their playground.

  Well, no use thinking about it now. Got something to deliver.

  I get up from the bed and walk toward her room, coming to a halt right in the open door. The first thing I see is rosy flesh peeking out from underneath her skirt, her ass sticking out toward me, barely covered by small purple panties. Holy shit.

  I swallow, trying to will down the boner I’m getting.

  She’s rummaging through her suitcase, throwing out stuff as she goes along, and I’m just standing here watching her perky ass. I feel like a pervert.

  I clear my throat, trying not to sound like a horny asshole. “Looking for this?” I hold up the bracelet.

  Startled, she turns around and gapes at me. Her eyes widen, her full lips quivering. Her ass lowers as she gets up from the floor, and for a moment I’m actually disappointed that I can no longer stare at it.

  I’m leaning against the door frame, waiting until she responds. The only problem is, she doesn’t.

  “This is yours, right?” I say, swaying the bracelet back and forth between my fingers.

  I’m sure I saw her drop this, so it has to be. But she keeps staring at me like I’m some kind of alien. As if my mojo has paralyzed her.

  She turns around and starts walking toward me slowly, almost in a creeping motion. With her lips smashed together and her fists by her side, she looks like she’s panicking a little. As if she’s afraid or something.

  My eyebrows inch closer together, and my lips curl up into a smile. The closer she comes, the better I can see those brilliant blue eyes that remind me of the ocean. Her curly hair is less messy, but looks good on her as she tucks a strand behind her ear. An inch of pale skin is revealed underneath as she moves it away from her neck, and suddenly my eyes are drawn to it like a bat seeing succulent flesh to bite. Hmm …

  She seems affected by my presence, which is kind of funny to see. She can barely nod as she steps in front of me, her eyes flashing toward the bracelet and then back to me. Frozen, she doesn’t move an inch. I don’t even think she’s breathing right now.

  And then her eyes skim my body from top to bottom, her mouth still open. Her lips tremble as her eyes slowly creep up toward my chest. I can see her swallow as she reaches my face and sees me staring back at her.


  Checking me out, huh?

  I can’t stop the smirk forming on my face.

  She looks kind of cute when she’s abashed.

  “You can’t talk?” I say, holding back a chuckle.

  A pink flush spreads across her cheeks. She pushes her glasses farther up her nose, and says, “Yeah. I was so scared I lost it. Where’d you find it?”

  Her high voice is soft and sweet, and it drifts in and out of my head like a melody. For some reason it makes every other thought I previously had disappear.

  I cock my head. “Outside. Thought it was yours. It looked expensive.”

  She holds out her hand stiffly. Well, so much for a conversation starter. If she thinks I’m going to give it back that easily, she’s wrong. Well, at least not before I get her to actually look me in the eye without freaking out. I don’t know why, but I want her to talk to me. I want to find out who she is.

  Besides, she dropped this thing and didn’t even come looking for it. It’s a waste of money, which is never a good thing. But it does look like something she’d miss.

  “I think it’s important to be careful with stuff you think is valuable,” I say. “Money doesn’t grow on trees. Besides, not everything can be replaced.”

  Her brows furrow, and I can hear her breathing through her nose. Her entire attitude shifts in a second. It’s as if the goofy, insecure nerd has disappeared, and suddenly there’s this annoyed girl standing right in front of me. She looks pissed. It’s hot.

  Makes me want to tease her some more. Especially when she looks at me like that, all furious and boiling inside.

  I like that I have that effect on her.

  “I agree, but I lost it by accident. Can I have it back now?” she says.

  Her hand comes up. My eyes flash toward her tits, which bounce up in her top as she stretches her body close to mine. She tries to snatch the bracelet from my hand, but I pull back right before she gets it. Damn, Jaret was right about these college girls.

  I have to hold myself back.

  But when I see her angry face, all I want to do is laugh and taunt her some more. She’s being really ungrateful that I fetched her bracelet for her. Maybe I should just not give it to her until she begs me. I wonder what she’d sound like. I’d like to hear her beg.

  “What kind of a ‘thank you’ is that?” I say.

  She crosses her arms and sighs. “Thank you.”

  It comes out like a snarl. Nope, not thankful at all.

  I tilt my head. She looks even prettier from a different angle. I wonder if she knows.

  I’m still waiting for more, though. Dangling the bracelet in front of her, I say, “That all?”

  “Yes. What else do you want from me?”

  There are a million things I could say to answer that question, but none of them would be even mildly appropriate. What I want from her? A lot. Although I doubt she’d want to give it to me.

  I settle for the most obvious thing. “Your name.”

  I look at her and smile, wanting her to see how ridiculously annoyed she’s acting, and how funny it is. I fold my arms and copy her, but I make sure not to give her the opportunity to snatch the bracelet away by tucking it deep into the crook of my elbow. She can’t have it yet. It’s the only thing that forces her to stay and talk to me.

  Maybe it’s a sly, dirty trick, and I should feel guilty about it, but I don’t. If this is what it takes to make contact, I’ll do it.

  I do want to connect with someone at the very least. She seems like the type of girl who understands what it’s like to be the underdog. To know what it’s like to be less than what you want to be. Someone I could relate to.

  “Autumn Blakewood. Yours?” she says, sounding more annoyed by the second.

  Autumn? Like the fall? It’s so ironic, considering she was just covered in leaves. Quite amusing, actually.

  But I’ve never heard a name like that before. “Autumn? What kind of name is that for a girl?” Only after I say it do I realize how obnoxious I sound. Shit. That’s not what I had in mind.

  Her nostrils flare, and her brows draw together. “Well I like it.”

  A girl who doesn’t agree with everything I say just because of my looks or who I’m involved with. That’s nice for a change. I’m beginning to like her more and more.

  Maybe we’ll get along perfectly fine. I’d love that, since she’s so annoyingly cute I just want to mess with her all day.

  I pull out the bracelet and twirl it around. Her eyes zoom in on it like a bird finding something shiny. Her fingers shoot out, and I pull back my hand just before she has it. I just want to play with it a little. Nothing wrong with that. I won’t break it. I just don’t want her to have it. I’m not done with her yet.

  “I don’t have time for games …” she says, sighing. She closes her eyes and rubs her forehead with her fingers.

  Damn. I don’t like it when she sounds disappointed. It’s a personal weak spot of mine.

  “Oh … I’m not playing games, Leafy,” I say.

  I’m really not playing games. Not at all. I just want to talk, and I’m using this thing as an excuse.

  When I see her, all I think of is that girl with the leaves. I can’t remember anything else. I don’t even remember her telling me her name, even though I’m sure I asked for it.

  I’m just so distracted by that pretty face of hers.

  “Leafy?” she
says, scowling.

  Okay, the pretty factor just went down. Still, it’s not bad.

  What is she so upset about? Leafy isn’t a bad name. Or does she just not remember her entrance? I do, which is odd to say the least.

  I never remember anything.

  I point at her hair, and the moment I do she pats her head, confused. Her eyes widen, and she blushes.

  Guess she remembers now.

  But I don’t want her to feel bad over it. It wasn’t anything to be embarrassed about. I don’t want her to feel bad about me, either.

  “Here,” I say, and I toss her the bracelet. “Name’s Hunter Bane.”

  Before she has a chance to retort, I turn around and walk away. Now that she has the bracelet again, there’s nothing standing in her way to stop her from scolding me, and I’m definitely not staying to hear that.

  I know when I’ve overstayed my welcome.

  “See ya, Leafy.”

  “My name isn’t Leafy, it’s Autumn!” she yells after me.

  Hmmm … Autumn. Strange name. I probably won’t remember it anyway.

  But I know I won’t forget about the blue-eyed girl with the leaves stuck in her hair.

  A broad smile forms on my face as I walk away with a wave.

  Chapter 3

  Taunting Geeks

  My first class is about to start, and I’m nervous as fuck. It’s like that time I first met some guys from the gang. Scary, which is stupid of course. It’s just fucking school. Nothing to be worried about. Especially not compared to Alpha Psi. I got this.

  I walk into class and scan the room for any familiar faces. My gaze drops on a girl sitting in one of the back rows, her frizzy hair immediately grabbing my attention. It’s her, Leafy. I can't remember what she said her name was, but leafy has stuck with me. I’m surprised by that, as hardly anything sticks with me.

  My body tenses at the sight of her as I remember her vivid blue eyes hungrily sweeping over my body. My cock twitches in my pants.

  I start walking toward her, making sure to keep my cool. She’s unpacking all her books and pens, oblivious of me. A sneaky smile quirks my lips, because I like the idea of surprising her.

  All I can think of is sitting down next to her. It sounds crazy, even to me. I’d normally never hang out with girls like her, but somehow I want to.

  In high school all the girls had a crush on me, and that was nice, at first. But they were mostly airheads or girls that didn’t give a fuck about life. All they wanted was to have fun and go with it. I didn’t say no to them, or to a good fuck. I liked the attention, but it was never enough. I always wanted more, but none of them could give it to me.

  When I look at Leafy, I can see she doesn’t care about any of that. Random fun. Crazy things. Letting go. Sex.

  I don’t think she does any of that. Ever.

  But she seems like the type of girl who wonders about her future and works toward it. Someone with passion.

  It makes me want to know more. See into a world that’s more … normal.

  I sit down beside her, and her head shoots up from her books the moment she spots me.

  For a moment she seems flabbergasted by my presence, but then quickly opens her mouth. “What are you doing here?”

  What kind of question is that? As if it’s weird that I’m in college too or that I follow the same classes. Or that I want to sit next to her.

  “Following this class,” I say. “What else?”

  She picks up a couple of her pencils and starts aligning them like a neat freak. I watch her fingers tremble as she tries to remain focused on her task, as if it’s the most important thing in the world and she doesn’t want to screw up.

  I know what’s happening. She’s nervous, and it’s because I’m near her.

  “I, uh …” she stammers, her cheeks turning red. Aw.

  I smirk. Her little quirks are funny to watch. It’s as if she’s trying to do anything to avoid having to talk to me or even look at me. Other girls wouldn’t take their eyes off me, but she only wants to avert them. Like she’s resisting. Hmm … I like being challenged.

  “And what are you doing here?” I ask curiously.

  She frowns, clearly confused. “Do you really want me to answer that?”

  I’m just playing with her, trying to get her into a corner. I don’t know why, but I just love to see her face all scrunched up in bewilderment because of what I do. I do a lot to her, it seems. Although I haven’t actually done anything remotely interesting yet. Not like run my fingers through her hair, or slip my hand under her shirt, or fucking kiss her on her neck. Yeah, I could do that. But then a girl like her would freak out. So I don’t.

  “Well, do you want to be here?” I ask.

  She arches her eyebrow, and I copy her because I love the way she looks at me when I do. So annoyed. It’s fun to watch.

  “Of course I do,” she says.

  Of course she does. With her books and her pencils all neatly lined up like the geek she is. It’s cute.

  I chuckle. “Figured. You seem like the nerdy type.”

  She gasps. “I am not a nerd.”

  Her reaction makes me want to smirk some more. It’s so hot seeing her getting worked up. A fire grows in her eyes when she’s pissed. A fucking flaming ball of frustration that’s not far from exploding. It reminds me of wild, wet sex.

  She can deny it all she wants, but I can clearly see she’s all over these books. It’s almost like they’re precious to her. Why would she deny it anyway? It’s cute.

  “No?” I say, and I grab one of her books and open it. “Looks like it to me.”

  I point at her notes so she can see what I mean. It’s the truth. Being a geek isn’t bad. I never said that. I just tell her what I see, and that’s that.

  “I don’t know anybody who writes this much before class has even started,” I say.

  She snatches the book from my hand, and I’m amazed at the speed with which she’s capable of taking it away from me. Feisty.

  “I just like to be prepared,” she says.

  “For what? The apocalypse? It’s just college.” I laugh it off, because she’s getting worked up over nothing, and I like to see her get worked up. I’m disturbed. I don’t care.

  She sighs, and I can feel the puffs of air she breathes on my cheek. Suddenly I’m aware of her pine-forest scent as it drifts around like a flower trying to attract bees with its nectar. Inhaling her scent fills me with excitement. The good erection kind.

  “Whatever,” she says.

  My manhood deflates immediately.

  Damn, she really is uptight. I wonder if it’s because of me. Is it because she can’t even look at me without being affected?

  I smirk. Yeah, it is. I can see it from her jerky movements. She’s terrified of being close to me. It’s almost as if she doesn’t know what to do with herself. Well, I do.

  “Or are you just afraid you might have to deal with stuff you’re not prepared for?” I say, and I inch closer, just enough to get our legs to touch. She freezes, her muscles tensing up. Her eyes are wide, staring ahead, like she doesn’t want to even acknowledge the fact that I’m sitting right next to her, invading her private space.

  I can’t help but come closer. This game we’re playing is too fucking good not to.

  “You’re scared, aren’t you, Leafy?” I whisper.

  She doesn’t say anything, but I hear her breath becoming ragged as I whisper into her ear.

  I know it’s bad, but I love what I do to her. I can’t help myself. I’ve never seen a girl so scared of physical contact, nor have I met a girl who wanted to run away from me as much as she does.

  It’s thrilling.

  My blood is coursing through my veins, pumping to my groin. She smells so fucking good it’s hard to stop myself from moving in for the kill. My lips are so close to her ear, I could almost kiss her.

  But I don’t. I know it’s wrong, because we’re in the middle of class and all. Besides, she probably does
n’t want me to. At least, not consciously. I don’t need her to tell me what her subconscious is thinking; I can see it from her shaking body.

  But I’m not going to force myself on her. She’ll come to me on her own terms; that I’m sure of. I’ll make her want me in ways she didn’t even know she could.

  However, now is too soon.

  “Can I borrow this?” I say, grabbing one of her pens as an excuse for my behavior.

  She stares at me for a moment, visibly shaken.

  I stiffen, trying not to make a big deal out of it. She clearly isn’t used to flirting. At all.

  “I promise I’ll give it back,” I say sweetly, smiling at her to make her feel at ease. “Thanks.”

  I scoot back to my place, but keep my eyes on her. I only want to make sure she’s not going to scream; it’s not because I want to make her feel uncomfortable. No, I already did that with my move. Hmm … just the thought of being so close to her again is making my cock twitch.

  She closes her eyes, breathing out loudly like she’s trying to calm down. Damn, she really can’t handle attention. I wonder if she’s ever been approached by a guy.

  The teacher asks a question and calls for her name, but she doesn’t respond. She’s still in her little mental block-out mode, probably because of me.

  “Autumn?” the teacher says.

  Her head jerks up and her eyes flash open.

  “Autumn Blakewood?” the teacher repeats.

  “Yes?” she stammers, drawing back into her shell, her cheeks turning red.

  “I asked a question.”

  Oh, shit, this is going to end badly. She really didn’t catch what he was saying. Since it’s my fault, she’ll blame me, and I don’t want that kind of attention.

  “S-sorry, I didn’t hear it,” she stutters.

  People are laughing, and I don’t like it one bit. Frowning, I look around, my fingers curling up into a fist. She’s embarrassed right now, and people are laughing at her like it’s funny. I want to smack their heads off.

  For some reason, I feel a little protective of her. Maybe I’m just overthinking this, but she reminds me of myself. I don’t remember a lot of things often, and I can barely remember any of the answers to questions people ask me. Nobody ever gets that. People think it’s funny. I hate it when they laugh.


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