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The Howe Dynasty

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by Julie Flavell

  Havana siege, 87–88

  and James Lloyd (physician), 289

  and James Wolfe, 57–58, 72, 82–83

  Kips Bay, 226–27

  Knight of the Bath offer, 252–53

  legacy, 296–97, 361

  Louisbourg campaign, 82–83

  loyalists recruitment, 243

  Mischianza celebration, 282–83, 418n

  New York campaign, 214, 215–17, 221, 222, 223–29, 256–57, 407n

  pamphlet war during War of Independence, 315–16

  peace commission role, 195–96, 218–20, 270

  Philadelphia campaign, 247–49, 257–58, 271–75, 273

  Quebec operations, 84, 249–50

  St. Lucia attack, opposition to, 299–300

  war conduct and inquiry, 279–80, 300–301, 311, 313–15

  Howe dynasty

  crucial role in war history, 4–5

  as iconic, 2, 71, 90, 237

  whole-family history of, 4, 361–62

  women’s active roles in, 3–4, 11, 20, 46, 48, 49, 51, 54, 268

  Huntingdon, Francis Hastings, 10th Earl of, 186

  Hutchinson, Thomas, 115–16, 138

  Hyde, Lady. See Villiers, Charlotte

  Hyde, Lord. See Villiers, Thomas, 1st Earl of Clarendon

  Intolerable Acts (1774), 138

  Izard, Ralph, 179, 192

  Jacobite rising (1715), 9

  Jersey, Lady. See Villiers, Frances

  Jersey, Lord. See Villiers, George Bussy, 4th Earl of Jersey

  Jervis, Sir John, 354

  Johnson, William, 1st Baronet, 98–99

  Johnstone, George, 309, 310–11

  Jones, John Paul, 308

  Jones, Judge Thomas, 293

  Keppel, Augustus, Viscount Keppel, 312–13

  Keppel, George, 3rd Earl of Albemarle, 183, 188

  Kielmansegg, Charlotte von. See Howe, Charlotte, Viscountess

  Kielmansegg, Friedrich von, 86

  Kielmansegg, Johann Adolf, Baron von, 8, 9

  Kielmansegg, Sophia von, Countess of Darlington, 8–10, 15

  Kingdom of Hanover, 8–9

  King’s Theatre, 132–33

  Kingston upon Hull, Duchess of. See Chudleigh, Elizabeth

  Kingston upon Hull, Duke of, 194

  Kips Bay, 226–27

  Kirk, Samuel, 149

  Knox, Henry, 214

  Ladies’ Charitable Society, 141, 142, 149, 153, 162–63, 396n

  Ladies’ Coterie (“Ladies’ Club”), 133

  Langar, 14, 370n

  Langar Hall, 8, 11, 14, 25–26, 330, 425n

  Lawson, Elizabeth, 56

  Lee, Arthur, 164

  Lee, “Light-Horse Harry,” 166–67

  Leeds Intelligencer, 40–41

  Legge, Charlotte, 146, 147–48, 395n

  Legge, Frances, Lady Dartmouth, 145

  Legge, William, 2nd Earl of Dartmouth, 145, 146–48, 155, 161–62, 190, 398n

  Leicester, Thomas Coke, Earl of, 177

  Leicester House, 47, 78

  Leinster, Emily Fitzgerald, Duchess of, 165

  Lennox, Charles, 3rd Duke of Richmond, 100, 164, 174–75, 181n, 193, 307, 336, 401n

  Lennox, Louisa Augusta. See Conolly, Lady Louisa

  Leveson-Gower, Granville, 1st Marquess of Stafford, 193

  Leveson-Gower, Lady Susanna, 193, 268–69, 305, 404n, 421n

  Lewis, George. See George I, King

  Lexington and Concord battles, 166

  Liddell, Anne, 120

  Liddell, Sir Henry, 1st Baron Ravensworth, 120

  Ligonier, Lt. General John, 65

  Lind, Lt. Col. John, 335

  Lloyd, Elizabeth. See Loring, Elizabeth Lloyd

  Lloyd, James, 289

  Lloyd, Nathaniel, 286

  Lock Hospital, 141–42


  entertainment venues, 28, 132–33

  postwar prosperity, 93

  London Chronicle, 174

  London Evening Post, 241, 262, 271

  Loring, Elizabeth (Betsey) Lloyd, 285–94, 291

  Loring, John Wentworth, 287, 291

  Loring, Joshua (father-in-law of Elizabeth), 287

  Loring, Joshua, Jr. (husband of Elizabeth), 286–87, 288

  Loudoun, 4th Earl of. See Campbell, John

  Louisbourg (Nova Scotia) campaign, 82–83

  Louis XVI, King (France), 342, 344

  Lowther, Anthony, 18–19

  loyalists, 243–44, 245, 257, 272, 274, 309, 311, 316, 423n

  African American, 244, 256

  in London, 245, 280, 310, 316

  Lucas, Sarah, 318

  Mackesy, Piers, 277

  Madan, Judith, 20

  Magnanime (ship), 73–74, 80, 81, 91

  Manners, John, Marquess of Granby, 52–53, 119

  Marie Antoinette, Queen, 176

  Marlborough, Duchess of, 114

  Massachusetts Government Act (1774), 141

  Mauduit, Israel (pamphleteer), 136, 271

  Maynard, Anne, Viscountess Maynard. See Parsons, Nancy

  Maynard, Charles, 2nd Viscount Maynard, 122

  Medmenham Abbey, 53

  Meynell, Hugo, 328

  Middlesex, Lord Charles Sackville, 53

  Middlesex, Lady Grace Boyle Sackville

  Middleton, Sir Charles, 336

  military battles. See battles

  military careers. See under Howe, George; Howe, Richard; Howe, William

  Minorca, 57

  Mischianza, 282–83, 283n, 418n

  Mistley Hall, 318–19

  Molyneux, Sir Francis, 130

  Moneypenny, Alexander, 68

  Montagu, Elizabeth, 132

  Montagu, John, 4th Earl of Sandwich, 46, 53, 189, 190, 193, 303, 308, 312, 313

  Montcalm, Louis-Joseph, Marquis de, 67

  Montgomery, General Richard, 179, 334–35

  Mordaunt, Anna Maria, 110

  Mordaunt, Anne Howe, 11–12, 18, 20, 21, 29, 56, 370n, 380n

  children of (Charles Lewis, Osbert, Harry), 29, 110, 130, 330

  Mordaunt, Col. Charles (husband of Anne), 20–21, 29, 56, 110, 330

  Mordaunt, Jack, 31, 33–34

  Mordaunt, Mary. See Herbert, Mary Howe

  Mordaunt, Sir John, 56, 74, 95, 229

  and conspiracy theories, 74, 263

  Mount Gulian, 294

  Murray, John, Lord Dunmore, 244

  Napier, Sarah (formerly Bunbury), 264

  Native Americans, 59, 61, 65, 83, 84, 98, 277–78

  naval careers. See under Howe, Thomas

  Nelson, Horatio, 354

  Newcastle, 1st Duke of. See Pelham-Holles, Thomas

  Newcastle, Henry Fiennes Pelham-Clinton, 2nd Duke of, 209, 253

  New England Trade and Fisheries Act (Restraining Act), 164

  Newport, Rhode Island, battle, 304–6

  newspapers. See British press

  New York. See Burgoyne, John; Saratoga campaign

  New York City

  Battle of Brooklyn, 236

  British army in, 227, 256

  campaign for, 215–17, 218, 221, 222, 222, 223–28

  See also Staten Island Conference

  New York during the Revolutionary War, History of (Jones), 293

  Noel, Thomas, 338

  Nootka Sound Crisis, 343

  North, Lord Frederick, 2nd Earl of Guilford, 184, 190, 423n

  cabinet of, 312

  and Caroline Howe, 317

  conciliation proposal, 163

  and peace commission, 192, 302

  resignation of, 323–24

  and secret talks, 317

  on war with colonies, 185

  Nottingham parliamentary seat, 34, 42, 69–70, 72, 73, 97, 149–50, 160, 323

  Olive Branch Petition, 180–81, 233, 234, 235

  Oliver Wiswell (Roberts), 285

  Page, Sir Gregory, 28–29, 56, 371n

  and East India Company, 18

  Page, Juliana Howe, 29, 51, 63
, 92, 370n

  childhood of, 11–12

  death of, 322–23, 358

  marriage and childlessness of, 18, 19–20, 372n

  political ‘interest,’ 375n

  residence in London, 28–29

  (see also Battlesden House)

  siblings of, 11–12

  Page, Thomas (husband of Juliana), 18, 56

  guardianship of Howe children, 28–29

  Paine, Thomas, 266–67, 342

  Palliser, Sir Hugh, 188, 312

  pamphlet war, 315–16

  Paoli Massacre, 274

  Parker, Sir Peter, 209


  electoral system of, 23–24

  Howe brothers war inquiry, 311, 313–14

  parliamentary seats, 33–35, 42, 69–70, 102–3

  rejecting plan for conciliation, 157–58

  residence of, 29, 374n

  sovereignty of, 156

  speeches in, 118, 164

  under threat from American claims and pretensions, 162

  three Howe brothers as members of, 103

  war opposition in, 308–9

  See also specific political parties; specific prime ministers

  Parsons, Nancy, 121

  peace commission

  American rejection of, 235–36

  contradictory roles in, 189–90, 195

  and Howe brothers’ role, 195–96, 218–20

  new legislation (see Carlisle Commission)

  proposed, 161–62

  Richard Howe’s role, 145, 154–55, 158–59, 160, 162–63, 179, 185, 189–91, 191–92, 195–96, 234, 303, 402n, 403n, 404n

  William Howe’s role, 195–96, 218–20

  See also Staten Island Conference

  peace initiative (American War of Independence), 137–41, 147–49, 150–52, 154–57, 159–60, 163

  Peace of Paris (1763), 88–89

  peace treaties, 88–89, 278–79, 327–28

  Pelham-Holles, Thomas, 1st Duke of Newcastle, 22, 24, 34, 35, 40, 41–42, 57, 58, 237

  Pembroke, Lady. See Herbert, Mary Howe

  Pennsylvania Evening Post, 288

  Percy, General Hugh, 223

  Petty, William, 2nd Earl of Shelburne, 310–11, 326, 327

  Philadelphia campaign, 272–75, 273

  Phyllis Court, 184, 240

  Pierrepont, Elizabeth, Duchess of Kingston upon Hull. See Chudleigh, Elizabeth

  Pierrepont, Evelyn, 2nd Duke of Kingston, 45

  Pitt, George (nephew of Mary), 332

  Pitt, George, 1st Baron Rivers, 123, 204, 332

  Pitt, Mary Howe, 27, 95–96, 134, 144, 170, 204

  birth and baptism of, 13

  See also Armytage, Sir John

  Pitt, Penelope, 123

  Pitt, Sir William Augustus (husband of Mary), 95–96, 134, 204, 241, 318, 345

  Pitt, William (the Elder), Earl of Chatham

  accepting peerage, 125

  championing American rights, 115, 116

  Charlotte Howe letter to, 72

  in Chatham/Grafton administration, 125

  European coastal strategy, 75–77, 85

  and George Sackville, 41, 42, 47, 52, 57, 58, 64–65, 401n

  in Grenville administration, 119

  King George III meeting, 124

  on loss of George Lord Howe, 68–69

  mental imbalance of, 116

  in Pitt-Newcastle coalition, 64

  resignation, 86

  plan of conciliation (1775), 157–58

  and Richard Howe friendship, 79–80, 124–25, 126

  Pitt, William (the Younger), 336, 341

  Plumptre, John (father), 34–35, 42, 69

  Plumptre, John (son), 42

  political systems. See Parliament; Tory party; Whig party

  Ponsonby, Frederick, Viscount Duncannon, 3rd Earl of Bessborough, 340

  Ponsonby, Harriet, Countess of Bessborough, 109, 111, 340

  Ponsonby, John, 340

  Pope, Alexander, 9, 18, 20

  Porter’s Lodge, 134, 207, 208, 337

  Portland (Maine) (formerly Falmouth), 187

  Pownall, John, 139, 149, 161, 192

  Pownall, Thomas, 155, 397n

  Poyntz, Georgiana. See Spencer, Lady Georgiana, Countess Spencer

  Poyntz, Stephen, 110

  Proclamation of Rebellion (1775), 187

  Prohibitory Act (1775), 184

  Public Advertiser, 291–92

  Putnam, Israel, 68, 173

  Quebec, Battle of, 82, 84

  Quebec Act (1774), 138

  Queen Charlotte (ship), 347, 348, 350, 351

  Quincy, Josiah, 147

  Rall, Col. Johann, 248

  Ranelagh Gardens, 92

  Raper, Elizabeth, 54–55, 75

  Raper, Matthew, 54, 106, 134, 140, 149, 380n

  Ray, Martha, 189

  Read, Hannah, 123, 392n

  Reeve, Richard, 209–10

  Regency Crisis, 341

  Revere, Paul, 146

  Revolutionary War. See American War of Independence

  Richmond, Duke of. See Lennox, Charles, 3rd Duke of Richmond

  Rigby, Richard, 318–19, 333, 339

  The Rights of Men (Paine), 342

  Roberts, Kenneth, 285

  Robinson, Anastasia, 21

  Rockingham, Charles Watson-Wentworth, 2nd Marquess of, 116, 124–25, 308–9, 326

  Rockingham Whigs, 175

  Rodney, Adm. Sir George, 105, 327

  Rogers, Maj. Robert, 61–62

  Roman Catholics, 321–22

  Russell, Francis, 5th Duke of Bedford, 193

  Russell, Gertrude Leveson-Gower, Duchess of Bedford (Dowager), 171, 193

  Russell, John, 4th Duke of Bedford, 30, 318

  Rutledge, Edward, 232–33, 234

  Sackville, Lord George. See Germain, Lord George

  Sandwich, Lord. See Montagu, John, 4th Earl of Sandwich

  Saratoga campaign, 275, 276, 277–78

  Savannah (Georgia) siege, 320, 321

  Schulenburg, Count Johann Matthias von der, 43

  Schulenburg, Melusine von der, 9

  Schuyler, Margarita, 66

  Scotland, 9, 48, 187

  Scots Magazine, 70

  Second Continental Congress, 179–80

  Seven Years’ War

  Battle of Minden, 181

  Battle of Quebec, 82, 84

  Battle of Quiberon Bay, 80, 80, 81

  Battle of Saint Cast, 78–79

  Belle-Île campaign, 85–86

  British aftermath, 89, 90

  British-French conflict, 39–41, 54, 58

  British military failures, 74–75

  Cherbourg raid, 77, 78

  Fort Ticonderoga assault, 66–67

  gendered terms and domesticity of, 71

  hardships endured, 61, 64

  Howe brothers as heroic in, 59

  Native Americans’ role in, 61

  North American challenges of, 60–61, 381n

  Peace of Paris, 88–89

  and Richard Howe, 39, 73–74, 76

  Saint-Malo raid, 77, 78–79

  uncivilized warfare of, 57, 64, 83–84

  wilderness fighting tactics, 61–63

  Seymour, Charles, 6th Duke of Somerset, 20

  Shaw, George Bernard, 161

  Shelburne, Lord. See Petty, William, 2nd Earl of Shelburne

  Shipley, Jonathan, 139, 149

  Shuldham, Adm. Molyneux, 189, 206


  and British army, 87, 244

  enslaved labor, 25, 26, 87

  Smith, Abel, 34

  Smith, Adam, 326

  Smith, David, 224–25

  Smith, George, 34, 376n

  created baronet, 35

  See also Bromley, Henry, 1st Baron Monfort

  Smith, Lady Mary Howe, 32, 34, 35, 330, 375n

  Society of Dilettanti, 53, 89, 380n

  Spain, 87–88, 327, 343, 354

  Spa resort, 97

r, Charles, 3rd Duke of Marlborough, 77, 331

  Spencer, George, 2nd Earl Spencer (Lord Althorp), 109, 111, 130, 307, 308, 331, 340, 352, 354

  Spencer, Georgiana (daughter of Lady Spencer). See Cavendish, Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire

  Spencer, Lady Georgiana, Countess Spencer

  on Battlesden, 339

  and Caroline Howe, 109, 112, 126–27, 361–62

  Caroline Howe correspondence, 1, 120–21, 269, 340 (see also under Howe, Caroline, correspondence of)

  on Charles James Fox, 320

  children and miscarriages, 109, 111, 143

  courtship and marriage of, 110–11

  daughter’s health, 320

  death of, 360

  gambling addiction, 112, 113

  husband’s death, 127, 331–32

  and Ladies’ Charitable Society, 141, 142, 144–45

  Lady Jersey confrontation, 308

  and Lady Mary Coke’s diary, 177

  London society courting, 111

  on Mary Juliana Howe, 353–54

  social politics of, 113–14

  touring the Continent, 345

  traits of, 110, 111, 141

  Spencer, Harriet. See Ponsonby, Harriet

  Spencer, John, 1st Earl Spencer, 1, 110–12

  Spencer, Lady Lavinia Bingham, 331, 340

  Spithead Mutiny (1797), 353, 354–55

  Stamp Act, 115–16, 125

  Stanford Mercury, 262

  Stanley, Hans, 279

  Stanley, Lady Charlotte. See Burgoyne, Lady Charlotte

  Stark, John, 66, 173

  Staten Island Conference, 231, 231–34, 232, 410n

  St. James Chronicle, 348

  Stokes Manor, 36, 52, 127

  Stowe House, 52

  Strachey, Charlotte, 207

  Strachey, Henry, 230, 313, 314

  on Benjamin Franklin, 233

  on Burgoyne, 277, 417n

  Florida plantation of, 202, 405n

  on General Howe correspondence to wife, 208

  on Howe-Loring affair, 292

  letters to wife Jane, 206–7, 238, 256, 275

  and peace commission, 201, 219, 220

  as secretary to Richard and William Howe, 201, 202

  as secretary to Robert Clive, 202

  on separation from wife Jane, 203

  on Staten Island Conference, 232

  Strachey, Jane

  and Henry Strachey letters, 201, 202, 204, 205, 206–7, 208, 275, 405n

  Howe family relationship, 198, 204, 261

  on Howe-Loring affair, 288, 292

  and Lady Mary Howe, 203, 207

  and Lord Shuldham visit, 206

  and Sarah D’Oyly, 200–201

  on separation from husband, 202–3, 208

  Stuart, John, 3rd Earl of Bute, 49–50, 87, 236

  Suffolk County Resolves (Massachusetts), 146

  Sullivan, Maj. General John, 230

  Sullivan’s Island, 188

  Sutton, Sir Robert, 24

  Syrett, David, 29


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