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WILD STORM (A Devil Call MC Book) (Talon & Everly Book Five) (Devil Call MC Talon & Everly 5)

Page 7

by Ana W. Fawkes

  “But since we’re all here,” Jade said. “We can all talk.” She walked forward but kept a small distance. I wanted to pull my gun and put a bullet in her worthless heart. “Since this does involve the pretty girl with her panties down to her ankles.”

  “What?” I asked. “What the fuck do you want?”

  “I still have the tapes,” Jade said. “You killing my uncle. And Everly was there. Along with Layne. But I’m not so much here for that. Just to settle some debt.”

  “We have no debt. I…” I had to look down. “I took care of you.”

  I felt Everly shudder and my heart twisted. This woman had gotten to me. Both of them, actually. Jade made me hate. Everly made me love.

  “Yes, you did,” Jade said. “That fat cock of yours. It’s a great thing, Talon. But this isn’t about that. You fucked me to take care of your club. And I need that again.”

  “No,” I yelled.

  “Yes,” Jade purred. “Hollis. Remember him.”

  I snapped my head to the left and turned. I let Everly go, regretting it. “What?”

  “Your former member, Hollis. Where do you think he got all his fun from?”

  “Christ,” I said. “You fucking bitch.”

  “Oh, I didn’t kill him. I mean, maybe he would have eventually overdosed, but that’s not my problem. But he was set up to be killed. That’s for sure. But he never paid his debt.”

  “We had visitors,” I said. My mind flashed to the men who gave me Hollis’ cold, dead hand. Right before they lit up and killed a prospect.

  “That wasn’t payment,” Jade said. “That was a warning.”

  “Now I want to collect. A full payment.”

  “Fuck off.”

  “No. I’m going to suck you off,” Jade said. “That’s what I want. And I want your little girlfriend to watch. So I could help both of you. Show her how to really do it. I want to swallow you down, Talon. I want… you…”

  Jade backed up and walked to the car. The headlights were then turned off. All I could do was listen to the sound of the door opening and shutting. Then the sound of the car backing up and leaving the lot.

  My eyes adjusted to the darkness and I turned to grab Everly.

  I’ll fix this fucking thing. Jade is not…

  Everly was lifting her panties and pants. She almost looked like a whore. Desperate, sad, feeling guilty.

  “Everly,” I said. “We’ll talk about this. We’ll…”

  “It’s okay,” she said. “I want to see it all.”

  Those were the only words Everly spoke to me. She turned and walked away, back to the clubhouse. I didn’t need to ask her if I’d be sleeping alone, again.

  Tonight, Layne would get her, again.

  But he wouldn’t fuck her. He would never have the balls to really touch her.

  I went into the clubhouse and Everly was nowhere in sight. The guys were unusually quiet for their normal nighttime routine. It seemed everyone still wanted their booze, but preferred conversation over violence. Even the women lingering around looked bored. I knew they were talking about the vote.

  I stormed down the hall and looked at Layne’s door. I thought about kicking the door in and fucking Everly again. But something in my pulled me to the right. I went to my room and found a goddamn cell phone on the bed. It wasn’t my phone and there was a card under it.


  One word and when I hit a button on it, the phone started to make a call.

  “Talon, glad you called.”


  I was sick of these games. Jade and Vaughn working together separately. Trying to play my own emotions against me and make me look weak. And it was working. They were winning. This was the damn reason why I never got involved with a woman. With anything that wasn’t Devil Call MC related. Because the world had a funny way of scrambling your fucking brain.

  “What do you want?” I asked.

  “You know, after reviewing what happened with you and Jade… I came to two realizations.”

  “You were watching?” I asked. “Did you enjoy it? See what it’s like to fuck a woman the right way. See what a real cock looks like.”

  Vaughn laughed. “I like you, Talon. I really do. You’ve got it. You’ve got that fire and will to fight for anything. I appreciate that. You’d make a hell of an associate for us.”

  “Work for you? I’d rather die.”

  “That can easily be arranged. But first we need settle up. What I noticed… first off, you’ll do what you’re told. You fucked Jade and it was amazing to see. You did it because you were told to do so. Now, the second thing was seeing your leather cut, again, reminded me of Hollis. You, Talon, took away a client and an associate from me. That doesn’t sit well and never will. So you’re going to do as Jade says. I apologize for my stepsister’s wild sexual appetite. She’s something, isn’t she?”

  “She’s a fucking whore,” I growled. “And her pussy wasn’t even that good.”

  “But I’m sure you’ll remember her mouth,” Vaughn said. “And Everly will enjoy it.”

  I made a fist. “She’s not coming.”

  “She will,” Vaughn said. “If she’s not there, I’ll kill her. And if you’re not there, I’ll kill her. Got it? And when you let my sweet and dirty sister suck you dry, we’ll make damn sure that video of you killing Tommy goes away forever. But there’s more, Talon.”


  “Jade is completely enamored by you. I don’t get it. You’re disgusting. The last time you probably showered was by the sloppy tongue of some cunt bitch in your clubhouse. Yet Jade likes it. And she wants it. So this is going to happen and we’ll settle that debt for you. How does that sound?”

  “Fuck off, Vaughn.”

  “I own you, Talon. Jade owns you. You don’t like it, but you did it to yourself.”

  I remained silent. I had nothing else to say.

  “Talon? You there?”


  “Good. So I’ll be seeing you soon. Tomorrow. And it’ll be a great time. We can’t let this stuff linger around forever, you know? There’s business to tend to. I’m sure your hands are full over there with those bikers. So let’s settle it. I mean, you’ll end up hurt. The club will end up going away or becoming mine, but you’ll have some fun in the meantime.”

  “Vaughn… I’m going to fucking kill you. And you’re fucking whore of a sister. I promise you that.”

  “Okay,” Vaughn said. “But I’m not afraid. Goodbye.”

  The line went dead. I turned and threw the cellphone at the mirror behind me. It smacked in the middle and shattered the mirror. The cell fell to the dresser and I was looking at a cracked reflection of myself. Like my face was cut into pieces. Maybe some kind of sick premonition to what was going to happen to me.

  I walked to the mirror and cocked a fist back. I punched it just once. Just to do it. Just to feel the slicing pain of the glass cutting my knuckles. I never wanted to kill someone so bad in my entire life.

  I opened my door and saw Everly standing there. She looked into my eyes, looked down, saw my hand, and gasped.


  “You want to be there?” I growled at her. “Then you’ll be there.” I licked my hand and pointed at her. Blood ran down my hand and dripped to the floor. “I don’t what the fuck you want to prove, Everly. You think I like this shit? You think I like that whore? I don’t. I fucked her because it was my way of getting Austin the revenge he deserved. She kidnapped the guy that tried to kill him. And I took Austin to kill the man. In return, I had to do something. I’m sorry that it hurt you. I never want to fucking hurt you. But I did. And I’m going to keep doing it until all this goes away. That’s why I haven’t told you…”

  I let the words fall away.

  “What, Talon?” Everly asked.

  Her eyes were big and innocent. She was so goddamn beautiful. She didn’t belong here. She belonged with me, but not here. I never had the dream of the house and white picket fe
nce before, but a flash ran through my mind of giving that to Everly.

  But it would never happen for me.

  I was an outlaw. There was no house, just a clubhouse. And there was no white picket fence, but rather a big metal gate that was used for protection.

  Blood continued to drip from my hand.

  “Nothing,” I whispered. I pushed by Everly and walked.

  “Talon? I came to talk…”

  “I’m done talking,” I bellowed. I stopped and looked back at Everly. “I’m hurting too, beautiful. I never thought I’d get out of prison and end up like this. Maybe I should have just been killed. But I fought. And for good fucking reason. Because I believed something waited for me on the outside. That was my club. Devil Call MC. Yet I got more than that, didn’t I? I got you, beautiful. You took my black, and torn up heart and made sense of it all. But now I’m hurting you. I’m destroying you. I’m destroying myself. So I’m done with it. I’m done talking. I have to take care of my club and wait for the vote. You want to be there and torture yourself? Do it. Be ready tomorrow. Enjoy your night with Layne.”

  I kept walking and didn’t look back again.

  And it fucking hurt. Bad.



  I woke with an empty bottle of whiskey next to me. My hand was still wrapped around the neck of the bottle. I had passed out with half a bottle to go. While sleeping, I let the bottle spill all over myself. I stunk like booze and I felt like someone punched me in the forehead. My neck hurt from sleeping sitting up. My cock was hard and pressing against my jeans. I groaned, wanting someone to take care of that for me. Hell, all I had to do was go out to the clubhouse and demand someone to do it. But I knew the second I saw Layne’s bedroom door I’d freak the hell out.

  In the back of my mind, I thought about what to do with Layne when I got the President’s patch back. Maybe it was time for him to move on. I’d never strip him of his patch. But he’d never be VP. He’d never sit close to me at the table. I wasn’t interested in having him fucking with every decision I made.

  So maybe it was time for Layne to really just go. Start another charter. Maybe find a charter that needed someone to lead them. Hell, there was the ultimate punishment. Go fucking fix a group of guys in a mess. Welcome to my hell.

  I got off the bed and dropped the empty whiskey bottle to the floor. I stripped myself naked and went to the shower. Maybe I should have just left myself stinking of booze and sweat and anger. Let Jade suck on that for a little while.

  Once in the shower, I couldn’t help my body as I thought about Jade. She was a beautiful and tight little whore. I’m sure she’d suck me something amazing, all the while Everly would be there to watch it. I had no idea what Everly would get out of this. This is what I was and what I did. A fucking man with fucking needs. If I had a choice, fuck, of course I’d take Everly’s sweet mouth.

  But this was business.

  This was because of Hollis. Because of Tommy. And not that I wanted to be a bitch and point all my fingers at once, but it was Layne’s fault too. He let the MC get to this point and now I was cleaning it up by hurting someone I fucking loved.

  I let the water wash away the stench of whiskey and then the soap I had rubbed on myself. My cock was full and aching. Never before had I let this feeling actually come over me like this. If a woman wasn’t available, I’d just take my hand and finish myself off.

  But today I didn’t. I finished my shower and left, uncomfortable, my dick swinging long, each time it touched my leg or I touched my dick, it was hurry and try to get hard.

  Dressed, I left the room and went to the bar. It was already past noon and the clubhouse was back alive. Layne was at a pool table with a beer, talking to Jagg and Austin. I heard Jony’s name dropped a few times, along with Los Ahn.

  I ordered something to eat and had a beer.

  “Talon, sir, did you receive your call?” the prospect asked me as he took my plate away.

  I looked at the kid, big eyed, blue eyes, desperate to be cool.

  “What?” I asked.

  “The phone. It came for you yesterday. Some man in a suit. Demanded that I place it on your bed. That it was crucial for the MC.”

  I stood up. “You let someone in this clubhouse?”

  “He came inside.”

  “You didn’t put a fucking bullet between his eyes?”

  “He said he knew you. That it was…”

  I cocked a fist back and punched the prospect square in the nose. He flew off his feet and crashed against the wall, hitting a shelf full of bottles. The prospect, the shelf, and the bottles all crumbled to the floor.

  The prospect was crying.

  I lunged at the bar, ready to scale it and pummel the dumb fuck until he was unconscious.

  I felt something grab my leather and pull me back. I spun around with a fist ready to go. It was Layne and he put his hand over my fist and kept me at bay.

  “Going to beat up a prospect, tough guy?” he asked.

  I broke away from Layne and left the clubhouse. I went to my ride and climbed on it, starting it. I throttled the engine, letting it roar over and over. A minute or so later Everly came from the clubhouse. She was in different clothes. It made me insanely jealous because that meant she changed in Layne’s room. That didn’t mean she changed in front of Layne, but what the fuck did I really know about those two together?

  Everly walked to the motorcycle and I put a hand out to stop her.

  “This is fucked up,” I yelled to her.

  She nodded.

  I shook my head and Everly climbed on the ride. I sped away from the clubhouse, my hands tight on the handlebars, hating all this shit.

  I rode hard and fast to the warehouse where I had been with Jade. The same spot where Austin killed the man who tried to kill him. The same spot where Jade led the way to that back room where she stripped down to just heels and had me fuck her.

  There was a black car waiting for us.

  The back door opened and when I saw the black shoe appear, I wanted to explode.

  It was fucking Vaughn.

  He stood and adjusted his suit jacket.

  I turned off my motorcycle and he gave a nod.

  “Good to see you, Talon. And Everly, hello.”

  “Don’t fucking talk to him,” I said to Everly.

  “Oh, we’re going to be great friends. This is going to be fun.”

  “Fuck you,” I said to Vaughn.

  “Follow me.”

  He led the way into the building and pointed to the back corner. Vaughn kept walking and I spun around and grabbed Everly by the waist.

  “Stop this shit,” I growled at her. “Let’s fucking leave. I’ll face this a different way.”

  “No, Talon. This is what you want. Right?”

  “I don’t want Jade. I want you, Everly. But these people deal in serious shit. And Hollis was in it. Tommy was dealing around town. All of it happening under Layne’s fucking nose and nothing was done.”

  Everly reached up and touched my face. “But you’re doing something about it right now. So do it.”

  “I don’t want it. I don’t want you to see…”

  “But I have to. This is my life now, Talon. If I stay… there’s always going to be a fight. There’s always going to be a war. And you’re always going to do whatever you have to do to win it.”

  I felt anger and jealousy rise up in me again. Never before had I really looked back on the paths that took me to today and wanted to change them. I hated the fucking past, right down to even yesterday. If you bury something, you leave it buried. You don’t dig it back up, again and again. But Everly made me want to hate it all. To hate everything that made me turn into me.

  She touched me face. I reached up and tore her hand away.

  “Then maybe you should fuck off,” I said. “Once and for all. You had your time and fun with the MC. So move the fuck on.”

  I turned and walked. I made a line for the door and kicked it o

  Jade sat on the edge of the bed, her hands spread out, a blood red dress that hugged her body tight. Her hair was pulled back in a tight bun, her face lustrous and dangerous. She opened her legs, letting it known she wasn’t wearing fucking panties.

  I had nothing to fucking care about and if settling debts was going to be done like this, fine. I unzipped my jeans and reached for my cock. I didn’t give a fuck about anything around me. I pulled my cock from my jeans and walked right to Jade. I put a finger under her chin and looked down at her.

  “Enjoy,” I said.

  Jade moaned and sat up straight. Her eyes were wide and she gripped the root of my dick. She stroked me once and then let out a sigh. Her lips kissed the tip of my cock and then her tongue swirled around it. Warm and wet, a thing of beauty. Her red lips slid over the head of my cock. She purred, the vibrations feeling damn good. Her mouth then started to slide down some more… and some more… and some fucking more…

  I hissed when Jade’s lips touched my fucking jeans. I was buried in her mouth, touching the back of her throat, her mouth tight and she was sucking fucking hard.

  Jade slowly pulled back and made a loud pop sound as her mouth left my cock. Her hand went back to my cock and stroked me fast, using her own spit to ease the process.

  God… fucking… damn…

  She then stood up, her hand stroking me. She turned and I did to.

  Her hand touched my chest and she grinned. “Sit down, Talon. Come all over my mouth.”

  Jade then fell to her knees before me.

  That’s when I saw Everly standing in the doorway. Her hands were at her sides, her face looking flushed. She looked shocked and terrified. As though this wasn’t real or wasn’t going to happen.

  I thought about lifting my knee and knocking Jade away, but I was too late. Her mouth was back at my cock, swallowing me all the way down again. That slow and seductive move, holding tight, squeezing me with her mouth and tongue, sucking so hard that I groaned and had to thrust at her, wanting relief.

  I had to give it to her… Jade was fucking good at this. She could suck cock.

  I didn’t want to look at Everly, but I had a hard time looking away. I finally convinced myself to put my head back and just let go. Jade’s crazy mouth moved up and down my shaft. The slow and seductive move now became sloppy and fast. This woman wanted me to come and she was doing a fuck of a job at it. She kept her hand flat to my body, letting her thumb and pointer make a circle, holding the root of my cock tight, pumping gently as her mouth ran wild on my cock.


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