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WILD STORM (A Devil Call MC Book) (Talon & Everly Book Five) (Devil Call MC Talon & Everly 5)

Page 8

by Ana W. Fawkes

  It was fucking amazing. I hated to admit it, but it was fucking amazing. As good as Everly? Fuck no. Not even close. But that didn’t mean I didn’t enjoy it. I looked down at Jade, seeing the way her lips stretched to take me in her mouth. She kept moaning each time the tip of my cock tested the back of her throat. I made fists and kept them on the bed. I wanted to grab the back of Jade’s head and thrust deep in her throat and just explode. But I didn’t want to touch her. I didn’t fucking want to touch Jade. This was Layne’s fault and I wanted this fixed for the MC.

  I looked up at Everly again. Her eyes had once been sad… but now they were full of anger.

  I shook my head.

  Please, don’t do anything stupid…

  But I knew the look in her eyes. I could feel the fucking look in her eyes.

  I needed to hurry up and finish because all hell was about to break loose.



  I was losing my mind. I never thought it would hurt as bad as it did. The picture of Talon behind this woman was one thing, but to see this in person was another. To hear her mouth sliding up and down his cock. To hear Talon grunting and hissing with pleasure. To look at this woman on her knees, her dress hiked up so that I could see some of her ass and all of her sex. It was just too much for me to handle.

  I fucking loved Talon. I really did. The fantasy of the bad boy had become some kind of romantic reality now. But it was a nightmare. The dream of falling in love and having it mean something was being destroyed.

  I was cold, numb, and angry. Oh, the anger… how the hell all of this happened. I tried to think back to Talon in prison. To those days and nights. The way the clubhouse became so unruly. How Layne wore the President’s patch and tried to take command, but had nothing because it was never really official. How Layne confessed to me a few times that he wanted to start shooting some of the guys. To prove a point to everyone. But he never did. The club was a mess. Everyone was lost.

  And now everything with Talon was becoming the same fucking mess.

  I just wanted to love him. I didn’t want to share him. My body ached and hurt.

  This fucking whore was sucking him off and he liked it. Of course he did, he was a guy. What guy didn’t like a blowjob? But my mind pushed at me. My mind tempted me.

  When the woman sped up, Talon gritted his teeth. He let out a hiss, looked down at her, then looked up at me. Our eyes met and Talon let out another groan. I saw him thrust up and that did it for me. Maybe because he was the one pumping up at her, I don’t know, but it made me snap.

  I ran forward and Talon screamed my name.

  I grabbed the back of the whore’s hair and pulled. She slid off Talon’s body and I tried to claw at her face. I wanted to rip her fucking eyes out.

  But I didn’t get the chance to do so.

  I heard a gunshot and then felt a stinging pain in my leg. One second I was standing over the whore who wanted to swallow Talon’s orgasm… the next second I was falling back and collapsing to the ground. The entire room started to spin and I reached for my leg. I touched it and saw blood on my fingertips.

  “Everly!” Talon screamed.

  “Don’t fucking move!” a voice bellowed.

  I tried to look but saw shadows and nothing else. There was a scuffle, punches thrown, people yelling. More people came into the room. All hell had broken loose.

  A voice screamed over all of them.

  The woman. The whore. Jade.

  “Stop it,” she yelled. “Don’t kill Talon. Not like this. We’ll figure it out.”

  “We had a deal,” Vaughn’s voice said.

  “Fuck you both,” Talon said. “If she dies…”

  “Get her to the hospital,” Jade said. “We can’t have this happen here like this. Everyone leave the fucking room!”

  At Jade’s command, the room cleared out.

  Talon was then in front of my face. “Beautiful? Are you with me?”

  “I’m here,” I whispered.

  My body shook with shock.

  I had been shot.

  “You’re going to be okay. I’ve got you, beautiful. I promise. Forever.”

  Talon lifted me.

  “This isn’t over,” Jade’s voice said. “The debt… the video… it’s far from over, Talon.”

  “You’ll pay for this,” Vaughn said. “Trust me.”

  “Fuck you,” Talon growled. “You fucking shot my love, Vaughn. I’m going to fucking put a bullet between your eyes.”

  “Jade,” I said. I turned my head, pain flooding my body. “You didn’t get him. You didn’t taste him like I did. You fucking whore.”

  Jade let out a scream and slapped my face. Talon spun and kicked his foot, hitting Vaughn in his knees. He collapsed and reached for Jade, taking her down too.

  That’s when Talon started to run.

  I was bouncing, the pain getting worse. I was colder now, colder by the second. By the time we made it outside, there was a darkness coming from each side of my eyes. Kind of like tunnel vision or something.

  “Hang on tight,” Talon said. “You’re going to be fine.”

  He sat me on his motorcycle and hurried to take his belt off. He wrapped it around my leg tight and then got on the ride. My hands slid around his body and I held him.

  “I can’t fucking believe you just did that,” Talon yelled. “I fucking love you… I… fuck…”

  Talon started the motorcycle and sped off.

  The next thing I remembered was Talon carrying me into the hospital. He was shouting orders and he placed me on a hospital bed. The lights of the hospital seemed to be flashing like camera bulbs, but that was because of how fast they were rushing me through the hospital.

  Doctors and nurses were talking to me, but I couldn’t understand them. Someone put something over my mouth. Oxygen? Medicine? Whatever it was, it had no smell or taste. But it did bring darkness to me once and for all.

  Am I dead?

  The thought kept going through my mind. Over and over. I wondered if this was death. Just complete nothingness. Darkness with a sense of existence but without a sense of reality. Or maybe it was hell. Maybe I had been sentenced to this kind of death and afterlife. To reside in nothing, with nothing, for nothing.

  My eyes suddenly popped open.

  “Am I dead?” I asked, actually hearing my voice speak.

  My hands were tight around a blanket or a sheet. My eyes focused and I was greeted with quite the sight.

  Layne stood at the end of the bed, staring at me. The worry on his face made my heart gush. And then there was Talon. Sitting in a chair at the end of the bed, his hands folded, his eyes staring off somewhere. Distance. Gone. Hurt.

  “Everly,” Layne said. “You’re right here. With us.”

  Talon looked at me. I swore he was crying, but I could have been wrong.

  “I didn’t die?” I asked.

  “No,” Talon said. “You’re alive, beautiful. You made it. You’re in the hospital. It’s okay now.”

  “Christ,” Layne said. He let out a breath. “Can you feel everything?”

  Feel everything? Like what, Layne? The way you drive me crazy because of something burning deep inside me. Or how about that I’m in love with Talon but I hate him. I fucking hate him so much. For things he did to me… for things he did to you, Layne. And maybe I hate you too, Layne. But on top of that, my fucking leg hurts and I don’t understand what happened… and I’m afraid of what’s going to happen…

  Instead of answering, my eyes filled with tears. I started to sob like a baby right in front of Layne and Talon.

  Layne moved to one side of the bed, Talon stood and walked to the other. Two men on each side of me. My emotions a complete mess. My body in pain. My mind confused. And yet… in some sick and pathetic way, it sort of turned me on.

  They each took a hand.

  “Just rest, beautiful,” Talon said. “That’s all you can do right now.”

  “Everly, can you feel your le
g?” Layne asked. “It’s very important.”

  “I feel… trust me… I feel…”

  Another tear fell from my eye. Talon reached down and wiped it away. I turned my head away from him.

  “Fuck,” Talon growled. “Everly…”

  “Not now,” Layne said to Talon.

  There was tension in the room which came at no surprise.

  My leg started to throb some more. The tears kept coming and I couldn't control them.

  “Beautiful,” Talon whispered. “Talk to me.”

  “No,” Layne said. “She needs rest. I’m calling the nurse.”

  Layne pressed a button and a few seconds later there were two nurses in the room. They kicked both guys out and then administered more painkillers for me. The painkillers felt really good and kept me sane and without pain.

  I tried to close my eyes and sleep, but I wasn’t having it. My body feared sleeping, fearing that feeling of darkness. My mind started to replay all that had happened. Being with Talon. Watching Jade on her knees in front of him. The sound of her mouth pleasuring him. The anger and me jumping at her, wanting to kill her. I actually wanted to kill her.

  Then the gunshot.

  The hot pain.

  The cold feeling.


  Another tear fell from my eye.

  I sucked in a shaky breath.

  “It’s okay,” a voice said.

  I turned my head and it was Talon standing there.


  “I know you don’t want me here, that’s fine. But I’m not going to listen to some fucking nurses. I need to be here with you. To make sure you’re safe and okay before I leave. The vote is in an hour. But I’m going like this.”

  “It’s okay,” I whispered. “I’m sorry…”

  “You have nothing to be sorry about. Fuck, Everly, I can’t have you hurt anymore. Right now all I want to do is promise you that I’ll kill all of them. Anyone who’s hurt you. Jade. Vaughn. Rilen Lost. Guys in the MC. Anyone…”

  I looked at Talon. The painkillers had my mind and mouth confused. My thoughts were spoken…

  “What about you?” I asked. “You hurt me. Are you going to kill yourself?”

  I gasped and tried to lift my hand.

  “Maybe I will,” Talon said. “If that’s what you wanted me to do, I’d do it. Anything…”

  “Just fucking touch me,” I said.

  Again, my thoughts took control.

  Talon touched my hand, but that’s not what I wanted.

  “Not there,” I whispered. “You know where.”

  Talon smirked and slowly slid his hand from my hand to the hospital gown. He reached under the blanket and then pulled up the gown. The painkillers had me so relaxed and feeling so good, Talon’s touch to my leg made me gush uncontrollably. His fingertips crept up my inner thigh. When I jumped, my leg hurt for a few seconds, but the drugs took it away.

  I wasn’t wearing any panties. Talon’s fingers touched between my legs and I moaned. He was gentle to my tender folds, opening me, his fingertip pressing against me. When his finger entered me, I let out another breath. I wanted to rock at his touch, but I didn’t want to hurt myself.

  “More,” I whispered. “More…”

  Talon added a second finger. He penetrated me deeply. His fingers twisted and pulled back, then quickly entered again. I looked at him, seeing that wild look come across his face. I wished I had the strength to touch him. To suck him. I wished he could get on the bed and fuck me.

  His fingers moved faster. His thumb played at the hood of my clit. He pulled back and started to flick against the hard nub. I sighed and felt the warmth spreading throughout my body. I put my head back and closed my eyes. It felt so good right now. The painkillers kept me relaxed and Talon’s fingers darted in and out my silky center.

  The pleasure mounted over and over. I tried to thrust twice and it hurt. I bit my bottom lip, suppressing my screams of enjoyment. I didn’t need any nurses to burst in and stop this.

  I fucking needed this.

  To be touched. To be loved.

  “Fuck,” I groaned. “Oh… fuck…”

  Images flashed in my mind. Talon and Layne holding my hands. A wild image came to me of both of them reaching down between my legs. Each of them offering two of their strong fingers, really stretching me. Then suddenly Talon was gone and it was Layne… just Layne… touching… rubbing… bringing me to the edge…

  “Fuck yes,” I said, almost there. “Fuck, Layne… yes…”

  My thoughts spilled to my mouth again.

  Saying the wrong fucking name.



  I felt like taking my hand away. Everly just called me Layne. The tightening anger that went through my body made me want to scream. Everly was in the hospital bed, eyes shut, nibbling on her own lip, fantasizing that it was Layne’s fucking fingers taking care of her pussy.

  But I kept at it. I felt her throbbing and ready to let go. When she did, wetness flooded the bed. I slowed my touch down, gently fucking her pussy with my fingers. My thumb pressed to her clit for a few more seconds and then I slowly moved away from her. I touched her inner thigh, spreading her orgasm to her leg.

  I took my hand away and just stood there.

  Everly opened her eyes, her cheeks burning red.

  She looked right at me and smiled. “Talon…”

  “No,” I said. “Get some rest, beautiful. I’ll be back later. I promise.”

  She nodded and kept smiling.

  I leaned down and kissed her forehead.

  “Talon, I remember what you said,” Everly said. “And I love…”

  “Save that for now,” I said.

  I stood and turned, leaving the room.

  The only person left in the hallway was Layne. Standing like a ten foot tall giant, a look of defiant anger on his face. He blamed me for this. And maybe it was all my fault. But I blamed him. So we kept going round and round.

  “Everyone is at the clubhouse. Decision time.”

  “Good,” I said.

  “I’m leaving,” Layne said.

  “I’ll be there soon,” I said. “I need a minute to myself, man. All this shit…”

  Layne didn’t say a word. He turned and walked away.

  The guy that was once my best fucking friend.

  And there I stood alone in the hallway.

  I took a deep breath and left the hospital a few minutes later. I got on my ride and took it slow. I thought about everything that needed to be done within Devil Call MC. Besides the petty shit with Jade and Vaughn. The more serious stuff. Rilen Lost. Los Ahn. The town of Brocke. Trying to clean up all the messes. It was going to be a fuck ton of work, but Devil Call MC was my life. My blood. My everything.

  I was so focused on the MC and getting the President’s patch back that I didn’t see the pickup truck barreling toward me. At the very last second I made a hard right as the truck swerved out of the way. If it would have hit me, I would’ve been dead.

  I barely kept the motorcycle from dropping. I sped off the side of the road and turned, kicking up dust. The truck was on the other side of the road and made a wicked turn. It was all lined up at me, coming toward me again.

  That’s when I realized this wasn’t a fucking accident.

  The truck came flying at me and stopped short by two feet, if that.

  The door opened and out came two men with black masks and baseball bats.

  I never had the chance to reach for my gun. Maybe it was my subconscious forcing myself to be punished. For what, I didn’t know yet.

  The two men swung their bats at the same time, taking me down. I covered my face and felt the bats cracking against my body. I thought for sure they were going to be beat me to death.

  “Stop it,” one of the men said. “That’s enough.”

  The swings stopped, but the pain in my body remained. I rolled to my back and sat up. One of the men crouched down and grabbed me by the hai

  “Feels good, doesn’t it?” he asked.

  “I don’t know, when are you really going to hit me?” I asked.

  The guy laughed and brought his head forward, slamming it against my nose. I started to bleed like a fucking pig. I spit the blood as it ran down my lips and chin.

  “You can’t win this,” he said to me.

  “Win what? Who the fuck are you?”

  The guy grabbed his mask and took it off.

  It was fucking Jack. Jimmy’s brother. Rilen fucking Lost again.

  I shook my head. “What the hell do you want?”

  “Revenge,” he said. “You killed my brother.”

  “I didn't touch your brother,” I said.

  “Fuck you, Talon. You can’t win it all. I’m going to make sure of it.”

  “Jony send you to do this?” I asked. “He can’t fight his own battles.”

  “My brother was everything to me.”

  “How fucking touching.”

  Jack looked up and gave a nod. A second later, a bat cracked against the left side of my body. I tried to scream but lost my breath. I fell to my side, struggling to breathe.

  “Yeah, there you go,” Jack said. “How’s that feel?”

  “Fuck you,” I growled. “You touch me again and you’re fucked. I’m taking down your entire club.”

  Jack came down with a punch to my face. I spit blood to the dirt. I watched a clump of blood on the ground, the dirt collecting in it.

  “Hit him again,” Jimmy said. “Break every fucking rib in his body. Puncture his fucking lung. Leave him here to suffer.”

  “Come on,” I said. I forced myself to sit up. If I was going to get pummeled I wasn’t going to be a pussy about it. “Come on, asshole. You can’t even take your mask off, can you?”

  The guy lifted his bat, but I didn’t flinch.


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