The Gay Metropolis

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by Charles Kaiser

Harrison, George, 152, 180, 180n

  Hart, George Overbury “Pop,” 168n

  Hart, Moss, 57, 58

  Hatcher, Tom, 263

  Hatterer, Dr. Lawrence J., 229, 230

  Hattoy, Bob, 331

  Hauser, Rita, 149

  Hawaii: and gay marriage, 340

  Hawkins, Ashton, 173

  Hay, Harry, 123, 315

  Hays Office, 66n

  Head, Murray, 209

  Hellman, Lillian, 76, 155

  Helms, Alan, 93, 188–89n

  Helms, Jesse, 337

  Hendin, Herbert, 251–52

  Hersh, Seymour, 223

  Heston, Charlton, 97

  Hetrick-Martin Institute, 329

  Heublein, 339

  Hibbs, Gene, 196–97

  high school gay students, 270

  school for, 330

  Hirschfeld, Magnus, xiv–xv

  Hitler, Adolf, 69

  HIV: See also AIDS; discovery of, 304–5,

  resistance to, 307

  test for, 310

  Hoffman, Dustin, 302

  Holbrook, Hal, 208

  Holden, Nicky, 8–9

  Holden, William, 39

  Holleran, Andrew, 284

  Holly, Buddy, 135

  Hollywood: gay life in the forties in, 59–62

  censorship of, in the fifties, 66–68, 96

  and anti-Communist crusade, 68, 72–73

  censorship office abolished, 143–44

  and Victim, 155

  Holocaust, xv

  homophobia: See also prejudice against

  gays; internalized, 128

  use of term, 227n

  in black community, 234–35

  and AIDS, 285

  Homosexual in America, The (Cory), 125–29, 130, 131, 139, 141, 158, 278

  “Homosexuality” (O’Hara), 107

  “Homosexuals, The” (CBS report), 160–71, 262

  Hooker, Dr. Evelyn, 56, 123–24, 131, 230, 236, 240

  study of gay men, 123–24

  Hoover, J. Edgar, 18, 69–70, 81, 141

  sexuality of, 69–70, 77

  hormonal imbalance theory of homosexuality, 24–27

  Hound and Horn, 42

  House Committee on Un-American Activities, 72–73

  Howl (Ginsberg), 100–101

  Hoyningen-Huene, George, 12

  Hudson, Rock, 95–96, 97, 196, 276, 278

  Hull, Cordell, 17–19

  Humphreys, Laud, 271

  Hunt, Richard, 311

  IBM, 270

  I Can Get It for You Wholesale (Broadway musical), 121, 168

  Ikea, 339

  I Love Lucy (TV show), 67–68

  In Cold Blood (Capote), 172

  Inge, William, 89, 165, 166

  Institute for Sexual Research, Berlin, xv

  Internet, the: documents on gays on, 330

  Interpretation of Dreams, The (Freud), xiv

  Invisible Glass, The, 125

  Ireland, Doug, 77

  Isay, Dr. Richard, xi, xiv, 297, 318

  Isherwood, Christopher, 61–62, 123, 131, 140, 170n, 173, 205, 209–10, 211

  Jackson, Anne, 195

  Jackson, Glenda, 209

  Jagger, Bianca, 254, 259

  Jagger, Mick, 254, 259

  Jahrbuch (Hirschfeld), xiv

  Jarmin, Gary, 273

  Jarvis, Jeff, 271

  Jefferson, Margo, 151n, 193

  Jeffries, Arthur, 35

  Jenkins, Walter, 140–41

  Jimmie Daniels’ (bar), 42

  Johns, George, 296

  Johns, Jasper, 89

  Johnson, Lyndon B., 70, 140–41, 145

  Johnson, Philip, 11, 41–43, 44, 210

  fascist sympathies of, 42–43

  in Germany, 210

  closeted life of, 213–14

  Johnston, Tom, 294–95

  Jones, Jennifer, 60

  Joplin, Janis, 136, 196

  Jordan, Hamilton, 259

  Journal-American, 23–25

  journalists, gay. See gay journalists

  Journey to Jerusalem (film), 184

  Judd, Walter, 141

  Juliana, James, 76

  Julius’s (bar), 87

  Kahn, Otto, 227

  Kalbas, Jerre, 39

  Kameny, Franklin, 138–41, 142, 147, 149, 159, 161, 164, 190, 207, 225, 262, 337

  and campaign against APA classification of homosexuality, 235–36, 237, 238–40

  Kander, John, 210–11

  Kaposi’s sarcoma, 279–81

  Katzoff, Jeff, 262–63

  Kauffmann, Stanley, 165–66, 166n, 168, 185

  Kazan, Elia, 72, 185

  Kazaras, Peter, 252

  Kelly, Ellsworth, 89

  Kemp, Jack, 276n

  Kempton, Murray, xiii

  Kennedy, Justice Anthony M., 344–45

  Kennedy, Edward, 173, 273

  Kennedy, Jacqueline, 97

  Kennedy, John, 14–15, 81, 96, 136, 139, 145 151, 192, 194, 196

  Kennedy, Robert, 81, 145, 173, 196, 222

  Kern, Sandy, 3–5, 84–88

  Kerouac, Jack, 98–100, 152

  Kerr, Walter, 94

  Kert, Larry, 93, 103

  Kihss, Peter, 72

  Kilgore, Mimi, 177

  King, Billie Jean, 270

  King, Martin Luther, Jr., 136, 140, 145, 196, 346

  King and I, The (Broadway musical), 73, 89, 103

  Kinsey, Alfred Charles, 53–58, 70, 143

  Kinsey Report, 53–58, 70, 122

  Kirstein, Fidelma, 43

  Kirstein, Lincoln, 120

  defends Philip Johnson, 42–43

  and gay network in NYC, 42–44

  Klein, Calvin, 151, 258, 259–60, 339

  aesthetic of, 259–60

  Knopf, Alfred A., 73

  Koch, Edward I., 215, 221, 299, 307–8, 317

  Koch, John, 147, 215, 240–42

  Kolata, Gina, 304

  Koop, C. Everett, 309–10

  Kotis, Michael, 217

  Kramer, Hilton, 228

  Kramer, Larry, 270, 298, 310, 322

  activated by AIDS epidemic, 290–94, 298

  and GMHC, 293, 298–99

  and lack of publicity on AIDS, 307–8

  and ACT UP, 320–21

  Kramer, Richard, 188, 191

  Kramer, Stanley, 194

  Kraus, Bill, 285

  Krim, Arthur, 155, 296

  Krim, Mathilde, 295–96

  Krivit, Bobby, 240–42

  Kroenig, Vernon, 275

  Kroll, Jack, 165–66, 175, 177

  Kubie, Lawrence, 29, 57–58

  Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, 206, 248, 320, 345

  Lang, James, 51–52

  lang, k. d., 334

  Lardner, Ring, 72

  Larson, Lars, 161–62

  Last Exit to Brooklyn, 83

  Latham, Aaron, 247–48

  La Tourneaux, Robert, 191–92

  Laurents, Arthur, 7, 37–38, 58, 89, 168, 194, 206, 236, 263

  on NYC in WWII, 39–40

  on Hollywood gay life, 59–60, 73

  on anti-Communist hearings, 72–73

  and West Side Story, 89–94

  on straight men, 118

  and Streisand, 121

  and The Way We Were, 168

  Lawford, Peter, 192

  Lawrence, Carol, 103

  Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, 335

  Leary, Howard, 215

  Leary, Timothy, 144, 145

  Leavitt, David, 283, 321, 322

  Leggett, James B., 83

  Lehmann-Haupt, Christopher, 177, 178, 179, 179n

  Lehrer, Tom, 135

  Le Jardin (club), 254

  Lelyveld, Joseph, 217

  Lennon, John, 152

  death of, 274

  Leonard, John, 177

  Lerner, Max, 69–72, 146

  lesbians, 3–5, 41

  in WWII military, 30, 32, 46–47
  in the fifties, 84–88

  diminished role-playing by, 212

  black, 231–35

  journalists, 286

  Lester, Richard, 151

  Levenson, Larry, 248

  Levi-Proctor, Reuven, 298

  Levy, Jay, 304

  Lewis, Anthony, 154, 212

  Liberace, 136, 151n

  Lido Beach, 46

  Life (magazine), 70

  Lindsay, John, 101, 214, 217, 250

  Lion (restaurant), 120

  Lion’s Head (bar), 199

  Lisker, Jerry, 201

  Little Richard, 136, 151n

  Livingston, Robert L., 250n

  Loeb, William, 11n

  Lonergan, Wayne Thomas, 19–26, 36n, 69

  Long, Todd Alexius (Xax), 315–17, 343–44

  Loomis, Stuart, 39

  Lorde, Audre, 85–86, 89, 136

  Lord Won’t Mind, The (Merrick), 7

  Los Angeles Times, 331

  Lot, Sandra, 340

  Lott, Trent, 272

  Loud family, 208–9

  LSD, 189n, 209

  Luce, Clare Boothe, 37–38

  Lucky’s Rendezvous (bar), 41, 122

  Lynes, George Piatt, 10, 16

  Macfie, Franklin, 8, 38, 102, 111–115

  Maggenti, Maria, 322

  Main Street (bar), 107

  Mais Oui (bar), 105

  Malcolm X, 196

  male sexuality: celebration of, in the sixties, 151–52

  Manford, Jeanne, 262

  Manford, Morty, 198, 205, 261, 262, 264

  Mann, Thomas, xv, 73

  Man Who Came to Dinner, The (Broadway play), 16

  Mao Tse-tung, 68

  March on Washington (1963), 136, 140

  Marcus, Eric, 240, 262, 321

  Mark, Marky, 339

  Marmor, Dr. Judd, 236–38, 239–40

  Marotta, Toby, 206

  marriage, gay, 149, 337, 340–43, 345–47

  Marsha (transvestite), 263

  Marshall, Justice Thurgood, 252, 319

  Martin, Clyde E., 53

  Martin, George, 151

  Mary’s (bar), 107, 121

  Mason, James, 186, 197

  massage parlors, 247

  Mattachine Review, 139

  Mattachine Society, 101, 122–24, 131, 139, 142, 145, 159, 162–63, 206

  Maupin, Armistead, 97, 210

  Maurice (Forster), 44, 211–12

  Mayer, Louis B., 193

  Mayor of Castro Street, The (Shilts), 288

  McCarron, John, 302, 304–7

  McCarthy, Joseph, 68–69, 74–75

  rumors of homosexuality of, 74–75, 77

  McCartney, Paul, 150–51, 152

  McGillion, Alice, 323

  McGovern, George, 260, 261

  Mead, Margaret, 208

  Meislin, Rich, 252

  Mellinger, S. H., 338

  Melvin, Murray, 155

  mental illness: homosexuality as. See psychiatrists on homosexuality

  Mercer, Mabel, 120

  Merrick, David, 121, 168

  Merrick, Gordon, 6–7

  Metropolitan Community Church (Los Angeles), 143

  Metropolitan Opera House, 14

  Miami: gay rights ordinance battle in, 269–70

  Michaels, Dick, 171

  Michael’s Thing, 241

  Michener, James A., 338–39

  Midler, Bette, 248

  Midnight Cowboy (film), 209n

  military, U.S., xvi

  WWII discrimination policy against homosexuals, 27–29, 47–50

  in WWII, 27–38, 46–50

  gay relations in wartime, 32–37

  drag shows in, 37–38

  dishonorable discharges for gays, 48–49

  detecting gays in, 49

  studies on gays’ performance in, 49–50

  gays organize Veterans Benevolent Association, 51–52

  postwar GI benefits, 65

  battle to lift ban on gays in, 333, 334–39

  integration of, 335–36

  attempt to discharge the HIV infected, 337

  Milk, Harvey, 288

  Miller, Bill, 10–11, 12

  Miller, Merle, 226–28, 229, 235

  Miller, Neil, 76

  Mindel, Lee, 303

  Mindlin, Mike, 184

  Mineshaft (bar), 245–46, 294

  Minnelli, Liza, 196, 210, 211, 259

  Mitchell-Bateman, Mildred, 239n

  Mixner, David, 330, 331

  Modlin, Herbert, 238

  Moore, Bob, 186, 187

  Moral Majority, 273, 309

  Morgan, Harry, 160

  Morris, Willie, xin, 223, 228

  Mortimer, Lee, 79, 83

  Motion Picture Association of America, 144, 155

  Mount Morris Baths, 41

  Mountain, Christopher, 318

  Muppets, 311

  murder victims, gays as, 84

  in the eighties, 275

  Murray, Pauli, 84

  music: of the sixties, 136, 152

  musical comedy, 89–94

  musicians, gay, 17

  Music Man, The (Broadway musical), 94

  Naming Names (Navasky), 72

  National AIDS Research Foundation, 296

  National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 19, 335

  National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, 206, 332

  National Gay Task Force, 206, 239, 261–62, 270

  founding of, 261–62

  National Institute of Mental Health, 123–24

  National Institutes of Health: and AIDS, 285

  National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association, 331

  National News Council, 272

  National Review, 336–37

  Navasky, Victor, 72

  Navy, U.S.. See military, U.S. Nazi Germany, xv, 25, 42–43, 211

  NBC, 270–71

  Nestle, Joan, 86

  New Jersey State Supreme Court of, 145–46

  Newman, Paul, 135

  New Orleans States Item (newspaper), 286

  New Republic, The, 148

  newspaper handling of homosexual topics: See also individual papers;

  in the forties, 19, 22–25

  in the fifties, 82–83

  New York Times front page feature, 156–60

  backlash against gay militancy in the seventies, 222–28

  Merle Miller’s feature in New York Times Magazine, 226–29

  AIDS epidemic, 279–81, 286–87, 307–9

  newspapers, gay. See gay magazines

  Newsweek, 19, 165–66

  on gay servicemen (1947), 50

  Newton, Jeremiah, 199

  New Verdi (bar), 121

  New York City Ballet, 42

  New York Civil Liberties Union, 252

  New Yorker, The, 213, 342

  New York Native, 292–93, 308, 310

  New York Post, 286

  New York State Liquor Authority, 19

  New York State Theater, 44

  New York Stock Exchange: ACT UP at, 322

  New York Times: coverage of homosexuality in the forties, 19, 21, 22–25, 56, 60

  in the fifties, 67, 72, 82

  in the sixties, 141, 144, 154

  endorses repeal of antihomosexual acts laws, 143

  front-page feature on homosexuality, 156–60, 225

  on gays in the arts, 165

  discrimination against gay staff by, 175–80

  in the seventies, 212, 217, 225–29, 250, 251–52

  features “Gay–In” (1970), 216

  under A. M. Rosenthal, 225–29

  daily versus Sunday sections, 226

  editorial page of, 226

  in the eighties, 272, 275, 276–77, 286–87

  coverage of AIDS, 279–81, 286–87, 307

  under Sulzberger and Frankel, 286–87

  on GMHC, 299–300

  in the nineties, 330, 331, 336, 337–38, 343

  New York Times
/CBS poll: on attitudes toward gays, 333

  New York Times Magazine, 225, 226–29

  on AIDS epidemic, 308–9

  Nichols, Jack, 138, 139, 141–42, 151, 159, 162–63, 164, 190, 198, 201, 202, 210, 215, 240

  Nicholson, Joe, 318

  nineties, the, 329–47

  election of Clinton, 330–34

  battle over gays in the military, 334–39

  corporate exploitation of gay market, 339–40

  gay marriage, 340–43, 345–47

  advances against AIDS, 343–44

  Romer v. Evans victory, 344–45

  Ninth Cirde (bar), 240–42, 244

  Nixon, Richard, 141, 148, 149n

  North American Conference of Homophile Organizations (NACHO), 148

  Northrop, Ann, 321, 323

  Northwest Airlines, 322

  novels and novelists, gay: in the forties, 7, 44, 52, 58–62

  in the fifties, 73, 125

  Violet Quill association, 284

  Nunn, Sam, 334

  Nureyev, Rudolf 120, 311

  Nyro, Laura, 196

  Oakes, John B., 226

  Oak Room, Plaza Hotel, 14, 40

  obscenity: views on, in the fifties, 66–67

  O’Connor, John, Cardinal, 109, 317, 323, 324

  O’Donnell, John, 74

  Offen, Hal, 220, 260

  O’Flaherty, Terrence, 271

  O’Hara, Frank, 89, 97, 106, 107

  Old Colony (bar), 13, 107, 121

  O’Leary, Jean, 262

  One (magazine), 100–101, 139

  Ono, Yoko, 274

  On the Road (Kerouac), 100

  Ottinger, Richard, 217

  Out (magazine), 339

  Overholser, Winfred, 28–29

  Owles, Jim, 260–61

  Paley, Babe, 172

  Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, 262–63, 330

  Partisan Review, 98

  Parton, Dolly, 254

  Paul, Maury, 9–10

  Paul, Dr. William, 343

  Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison, 342

  Pearson, Drew, 74, 75, 275–76

  Perfect Enemies (Bull and Gallagher), 334n, 336

  Perkins, Tony, 195, 246

  Perot, Ross, 331

  Perry, Rev. Troy D., 143

  PERSEREC report, 50

  Peters, William, 160

  Petrelis, Michael, 323

  Phelps, Johnnie, 46–47

  Philadelphia: gay pickets at Independence Hall, 142

  Phillips, Kevin, 333

  Picano, Felice, 284

  Pietrangelon, Lee, 275

  Pillow Talk (film), 97

  Pine, Seymour, 199

  Plato’s Retreat (club/bath), 248

  Plessy v. Ferguson, 344, 346

  Poersch, Enno, 297–98

  Poison Tree, The (Clemons), 115

  Polak, Clark, 207–8

  police harassment: in the forties, 13

  in the fifties, 70–71, 79, 82–84, 111, 122

  in the sixties, 145–46

  and Stonewall riot, 198–202

  in the seventies, 242

  political activism, gay: See also gay militancy

  in the seventies, 206, 212, 213, 214–17, 261–65

  backlash against, 222–28

  Stoddard and, 248–53

  in the eighties, 271–72, 273


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