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Claimed by Pleasure: King of Spades (Wonderland Book 2)

Page 12

by Jaymie Holland

  Darronn brought Alexi out of her thoughts. “Where is your mind? What is it that you think of so intently that you frown?”

  “I’m tired of being stuck in the chateau.” She relaxed her expression and pressed her palm over his heart, feeling its strong beat. “Can we go outside and do something?”

  He considered her for a long moment. “We will ask the jul to take us to the falls and I will show you more of my realm.”

  “Really?” She pushed herself to a sitting position, excitement causing her body to tingle. “You’ll let me out of this place?” Maybe she could even see a way to escape.

  A rare smile touched the corner of his mouth. “I will arrange for it now.”


  Alexi relished the freedom of being outside the chateau walls. The breeze caressed her face, the sound of the waterfall closer and like music to her ears, and the forest stretching on for miles along the mountainside. She and Darronn sat astride two jul and stopped at the top of a ridge, overlooking the valley, sunlight shining through aqua clouds like rays of gold.

  She wore leather pants, which pleased her to no end, to keep from chafing the insides of her thighs on the saddle. The leather top she wore was sexy but protected her from the elements at the same time. She wouldn’t have to worry about wearing Darronn’s huge pants when it came time to make her escape—she had her own now. She also wore soft leather shoes, like moccasins, which would also protect her feet when she left.

  From her perch upon Salle, the female jul, Alexi could see the meadow where she’d been yanked into this world. A combination of feelings rolled over her skin.

  Pleasure gave her a sensation of exhilaration and she tingled from head to toe from all that she’d enjoyed since arriving in Spades.

  Anger burned her belly at the same time. For now she had to force away that anger at being jerked from her life and family, and from her search for Alice.

  She would bide her time and then she would break free. She might be impatient at heart, but she could be as patient as she needed to be when it was important. Nothing right now was more important than finding her sister.

  As she studied the meadow, she searched for signs of the mirror and saw none. Her vision was good, but it was too far to know for sure. The mirror was magic, so likely she wouldn’t see it during the day. In the middle of the night however, that could be very different. In her dreams it was always dark when she found the mirror in the meadow.

  “That’s where you brought me here.” She looked at Darronn. “Everything about that is wrong. You know that, don’t you?”

  A frown creased his face. “Your destiny is to be here, in the Kingdom of Spades. It is also your destiny to be queen.”

  She choked down the fury that wanted to bubble up inside her like lava. “I get a say in this. I won’t be in an arranged marriage. When—if—I marry a man, it will be for love.”

  He shrugged, clearly unconcerned. “You will love me.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “You are the most arrogant man I’ve ever met.”

  “It was foretold in the cards. The cards do not lie.” He said it as if it was fact.

  She ground her teeth then tried to relax as she turned her gaze back to the scenery. She practiced her breathing technique and brought her anger to rest. When it was the right moment, there would be a time and a place to release her fury.

  Her hair whipped around her face as the breeze grew stronger. After she released the pommel of the saddle, she pulled back her auburn hair with both hands. Her hair was long enough that she could tie it into a knot at the base of her neck to keep most of it out of her face. A few strands escaped, but were not annoying.

  Now Darronn, he was annoying.

  He clicked his tongue and tugged on Tok’s reins. “Come. We will go to the falls.”

  Salle followed Tok and Darronn. Alexi was simply along for the ride. She let herself enjoy the day, the sun warm on her face, the roar of the falls growing louder as they neared it.

  “It’s beautiful.” She let out the words almost involuntarily as they rode over a rise and then down.

  They came to a stop in a cove beside the falls, patches of grass and rocks surrounding the large pool where the waterfall pounded the water making white foam and splashing droplets into the air that sparkled in the sunlight. Red and yellow flowers sprouted in clumps around the pool and green plants grew within the water, along the pool’s waterline.

  Waves of mist from the falls slid like a caress over her skin, the feeling refreshing, making her smile. The falls didn’t feed into a visible river or stream, so the water must go underground and probably caught up with the huge Tarok River.

  Darronn swung from his perch on Tok before going to Alexi and helping her down from Salle’s back.

  When Alexi’s feet touched the ground, Darronn didn’t let go of her waist. He looked into her eyes, as if searching for feelings he desperately wanted to find. She did her best to shutter her expression, but he lowered his face and brushed his lips over hers.

  She shivered, sudden desire making her nipples press against her leather top and at once she ached between her thighs. Her body responded to him so easily that it almost scared her. If she was in San Francisco, she would have gone running by now to avoid falling for a man who could ultimately hurt her in some way like others had.

  While Darronn held her gaze, she found it almost impossible to believe that he would ever hurt her. Did she trust him now? Maybe.

  He released her, drawing away his hands so that they slid down her arms in a slow, sensual movement that only made the ache deeper. His eyes remained focused on hers until he turned away and returned to Tok to take off the saddlebags.

  Alexi let out her breath in a rush. It was dangerous being around Darronn. The more she was, the more she found it difficult in imagining not being with him. She shook her head to rid herself of the thoughts before following him as he carried the saddlebags to a patch of grass and rocks beside the pool.

  He laid the saddlebags over a rock and gestured for her to take a seat on the ground, so she sat cross-legged on the soft, springy grass. She settled her forearms on her knees and watched him as he unpacked the lunch the kitchen had provided them. He pulled out a flask of water and brown-wrapped items. He unwrapped two large pastries and handed her one.

  When she bit into it, she sighed with appreciation. It was still warm and filled with gooey white cheese, chunks of the nutty potatoes, and something like cottage cheese.

  “This is so good.” She took another bite and smiled at the delicious taste and the warm smells of the pastry and cheese.

  He bit into his and nodded in agreement. They ate as she watched the falls pound down and froth the churning water.

  “Kalina told me that the four kingdoms were once all one and called the Land of Tarok.” Alexi turned her gaze from the falls to Darronn. “Did you grow up in this part of Tarok?”

  He shook his head. “The Kingdom of Hearts was once where all of my family resided. We did not separate until the four separate kingdoms were created.”

  She thought about it. “Is it much different than Spades?” She took another bite of her pastry as she waited for him to answer.

  “The geography of each kingdom is different.” He turned his gaze to the rise that looked over the valley. “One day I will take you to visit the other kingdoms.” His eyes met hers again. “Once you are my queen.”

  She had to force herself to swallow. She wanted to fling something breakable and let it shatter on one of the large rocks or boulders around the pool. Unfortunately, she had nothing to throw.

  “That will never happen.” The words came out of her in a flat and matter-of-fact manner.

  Darronn gave another shrug that irritated her enough that her bones ached with the desire to punch him. “You shall see.”

  She took a long drink from the flask, the cool water washing down the pastry that she hadn’t been able to get down all the way. After she closed it, she set the flask between

  Alexi thought of the smiles and waves of Darronn’s people as he paraded her naked, like Lady Godiva, into the village. She had also watched the villagers when she’d looked out the glass and wood balcony doors. Everyone she’d seen appeared to be happy. Did that mean Darronn was compassionate like Kalina had said? He definitely had passion in spades. The silly thought almost made her giggle aloud.

  Darronn raised an eyebrow. “What do you find amusing?”

  “Nothing, really.” She tried for a little seriousness. ‘“Your subjects seem to like you.”

  “I do not consider them my subjects.” He studied her. “They are good people and I help protect them.”

  Alexi frowned. “Protect them from what?”

  Darronn looked away, his gaze fixed on the south, as if seeing something she didn’t.

  He scowled as he gave a nod in that direction. “A sorceress and her bakirs, a legion of psychics, are a danger to all the people of Tarok, not just Spades. The sorceress and bakirs have already harmed many. My brothers and I are doing everything we can to protect our people and end this threat. We have each taken the people within our realms, who once lived outside the walls in peace, and put them under our protection.” His words ended on a harsh note.

  A chill rippled over Alexi’s skin. “Why am I just now hearing of this?”

  Darronn’s gaze returned to hers. “I did not want it to concern you.”

  “I decide what to concern myself with.” Alexi raised her chin. “I will not be coddled.”

  “The sorceress and her bakirs are dangerous.” His gaze darkened. “They invade your mind with their powers and can cause damage in ways you cannot imagine.”

  Darronn’s skin burned. Mikaela and her bakirs were powerful. Too powerful.

  Alexi tilted her head to the side. “Give me an example.”

  His gut tightened. It was time she became aware of the danger.

  “For many years, we did not know the bakirs were attacking our females with their mind-spells.” Hatred caused the heat to rise throughout him. “Our women now believe they are infertile. A child has not been born in Tarok for over a decade.”

  Although that was no longer true as Alice had given birth to hers and Jarronn’s twins, Lexi and Lancelot. Darronn could not tell Alexi. Not yet.

  A puzzled expression crossed Alexi’s face. “Even though they know it’s only the bakirs putting some kind of spell on them, they still think they are infertile?”

  “Yes.” A growl rumbled from Darronn’s chest. “The women are convinced that the bakirs caused damage that cannot be repaired.”

  “Do you think that’s true?” Alexi’s voice softened.

  He shook his head. “If we can break these mind-spells, my brothers and I believe our women will bear cubs again.”

  “Cubs.” Alexi tried out the word, then her eyes widened. “Females have kittens in Tarok? Or they did?”

  Darronn wanted to burst out laughing. “They come into the world human and learn to shift into tigers as they get older. Even though they are born human, we still call our children ‘cubs.’”

  Alexi looked relieved, as if she was afraid she would have to bear kittens, as she called them.

  He changed the subject, not wanting to dwell on Mikaela at this moment. He wanted only to think of his beautiful Alexi. His future queen, who would bear cubs for him as Alice did for Jarronn.

  He pulled out cloth-covered strawberry tarts and unwrapped them. “I do believe you enjoy these.”

  She took the tart he offered. “You know how to distract me.”

  He let his gaze drift over her leather-clad form and wanted her naked for him. “I can think of much better ways to distract you.”

  “So can I.” She set the tart down without taking a bite.

  He got to his feet and held his hand out for her to take. He pulled her up and then took her into his arms and kissed her.

  She tasted of sunlight and the skies above. His desire for her knew no bounds. He grasped her leather top and pulled it up and over her head as she kicked off her shoes.

  Her breasts rose and fell, her eyes sparkling with clear excitement, as she reached for the tie on her leather breeches. He took control, stripping them off of her and over her bare feet.

  When she stood naked before him, he wanted to take her now and shout for all to hear that she was his.

  “You are perfection.” The way Darronn said the words made butterflies flutter in Alexi’s belly.

  She reached for the tie of his leather pants. “You’re definitely one hell of a sweet-talker, Your Highness.”

  The way he growled when he wanted her made her so damn wet. He stripped out of his clothing and she couldn’t help the desire flooding through her at the sight of his perfectly chiseled body—not to mention his enormous erection.

  He placed his hands on her shoulders and pushed down so that she dropped to her knees, her mouth in front of his erection.

  She readily took him, hungry for his cock. She sucked him and licked him as he thrust his hips. She loved it when he came in her mouth, loved the taste of his come. He could come almost as many times as she could in one good bout of fucking.

  He growled as he came, his fluid spurting over her tongue. She swallowed every drop, sucking him until he grasped her and pulled her to her feet, his still rigid cock sliding out of her mouth.

  Catching her off guard, he spun her around in front of a large rock so that she was now facing the falls. He wrapped one arm around her middle. He placed his free hand at her nape and gently pushed, forcing her to bend over at the waist and putting her off balance. It was a dominant move that placed her completely at his mercy, helpless to do anything.

  And it turned her on more than she wanted to admit.

  “Place your hands on the rock,” he said in a low, sensual tone.

  She braced her palms on the rock as she stared at the falls. Mist now coated her entire naked body and larger droplets landed on her skin.

  Quivering with excitement, Alexi gave in to the desire that now set her entire body on fire. She widened her stance. “What will you do to me, Master?”

  “I wish to touch your lovely ass.” Darronn leaned back far enough to stroke her flesh. Alexi bit her lip to keep from moaning as he caressed her buttocks. “You have been a well-behaved wench of late.”

  He still had one hand on the back of her neck, keeping her from rising. “Will you reward me, Master?” she asked, hoping to hell he would and soon.

  “Your skin is pale and beautiful, like a starflower bloom.” Darronn stopped caressing her ass. Her heart beat faster as she felt the head of his erection pressed to her opening. “What would you like as your reward?”

  Alexi tried to push back against him, but his grip on her neck kept her from moving. “I want you to fuck me, Master.”

  “Suitable compensation for such a lusty wench.” He moved his cock just a fraction inside her core and stopped. “What else would you enjoy?”

  She didn’t hesitate. “To have you pinching one of my nipples while I play with the other one.”

  “Very good.” Darronn kept one hand on her neck and brought his other to her breast. “Fondle your other nipple if you wish for me to take you now.”

  “Yes, Master.” Alexi held on to the rock with one hand and used her other to pull and tug on her nipple while Darronn tended to the opposite one.

  Just as she thought she would go mad from waiting, Darronn drove into her core. She gasped and stopped touching herself as she became lost in the sensation of having him inside her.

  “Play with your breast, wench, or I shall stop.” He said it in a way that told her he meant every word.

  Immediately Alexi fondled her nipple while he tugged at her other one and rammed into her. He pounded into her like the falls pounded into the water below.

  Damn but the sensations were so incredible, so unbelievable. She moaned, the sound loud, even with the falls.

  Just as she was close to coming, Dar
ronn stopped and she almost screamed.

  “You are far too loud, wench,” he murmured as he released her neck just long enough to gag her with a silk cloth that he produced from nowhere.

  He placed one hand on her neck again, the other at her breast, and began taking her with slow, methodical strokes.

  Faster, she wanted to scream, but the gag held her cry back. Harder.

  She was so close, so damn close, but not quite there.

  The moment Darronn said, “Come for me, firecat,” it was like a match set to a bonfire covered in fuel. Her orgasm roared through her, the flames hot and wild. She screamed behind her gag as he continued plunging in and out of her, drawing her climax out for an eternity.

  Moments later, Darronn shouted her name as he came, his cock throbbing inside her as he released semen into her core.

  She tried to catch her breath as he stayed inside her.

  Dear God. He was still hard.

  He began thrusting again, taking her to places no one had ever taken her before.


  Alexi felt a high like no other as she and Darronn rode Salle and Tok toward the chateau. She couldn’t help her broad smile as she relaxed in the saddle and thought of her time with Darronn.

  He glanced at her and the corner of his mouth tipped into an answering smile.

  His smile vanished. Tok and Salle came to abrupt stops at the same time. Darronn’s eyes narrowed. Both Tok and Salle tossed their heads, clearly agitated.

  “Something is amiss.” Darronn tugged at the reins, encouraging Tok to head to the forest. Salle followed.

  “What—” Alexi started to say when a malodor, like the stench of charred flesh, slammed into her. The jul were already galloping in the direction the odor was coming from.

  “Quiet.” Darronn said the word low, with a fierceness that had her shutting her mouth.

  A moment later they reached the tree line, and Alexi’s heart nearly stopped beating. She coughed from the stench and nearly vomited from the sight.

  Bound to a tree with its bark blackened, was a charred corpse. A look of terror was on the dead man’s mostly burnt face, red hot coals still smoldering at its feet.


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