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Claimed by Pleasure: King of Spades (Wonderland Book 2)

Page 13

by Jaymie Holland

“Oh, my God.” Alexi’s stomach churned at the sight.

  “Stay with me.” Darronn guided Tok closer to the horror in front of them before bringing them to a halt. He shot his gaze to Alexi. “Do not get off Salle. Be ready to flee back to the chateau if need be. She will take you there safely.”

  Queasy, Alexi gripped Salle’s reins righter as she stared at the corpse that had long sharp pieces of metal extending from what must have been fingers. She jerked her gaze from the thing in front of her and looked at Darronn, who was swinging down from Tok’s back.

  She could barely get the words out. “Who did this?”

  “Mikaela.” Darronn’s expression turned grimmer as he approached the corpse. He studied the mostly burned face. “I recognize him from a battle. This is one of her bakirs, Karnf. He must have displeased her and she had him tortured, and then left him as a message to me.”

  “She burned him alive.” Alexi’s throat was dry, her heart thumping hard against her breastbone.

  “Mikaela also shoved metal files beneath Knarf’s fingernails.” Darronn’s jaw tensed. “She tortured him.”

  Alexi sucked in her breath as she noticed that the bakir’s guts hung out from a slice in his belly. The guts were burnt as well, but still identifiable.

  “Mikaela disemboweled him.” Darronn’s voice was hard. “I have no love for her bakirs, but this was a cruel death.”

  “It’s sick.” Alexi swallowed. “Why would Mikaela leave his body as a message to you?”

  Darronn turned his gaze on Alexi. “To warn me what will happen if any of my people stray from my kingdom.”


  THE GRASS WAS SOFT BENEATH ALEXI’S FEET. A breeze swept over her body, feeling like a lover’s caress. Her fair skin almost glowed in the moonlight as she crossed the meadow. Her heart thumped against her breastbone and her chest rose and fell with both anticipation and a fear.

  Fear that Darronn would find her. Fear that Alice wouldn’t be there.

  Alexi reached the gilt-framed mirror, the gold sparkling in the golden moonlight. She saw only her reflection. Her eyes looked haunted as they stared back at her, and her hair raised from her shoulders as a wind kicked up.

  She braced her hand on the frame, willing Alice to come to her. “Come on.” Alexi begged her sister to appear. “Come on, Alice.”

  Alexi’s reflection rippled and a strange woman appeared. Blonde-streaked hair lay around her shoulders in soft waves, a familiarity about her that Alexi couldn’t place. The woman wore a black catsuit with a wide V that dipped to her navel that was surrounded by a tattoo of a tiger’s paw.

  “It is time.” The woman smiled. “Time to find Alice.”

  Alexi’s breath caught in her throat. “How?”

  The woman’s image faded. Sparkles and blue mist filled the space where the woman had been. A blue glow that looked like glittering fairy dust, just like the moment Alexi had first seen Darronn.

  The blue mist receded and to Alexi’s shock, her cousin Annie leaned against the doorframe of Alexi’s bedroom, a sad look in her eyes.

  Their young Aunt Awai slipped by Annie into the bedroom. Awai’s slim form was clothed in a tight leather mini dress, and she wore boots that reached her thighs. Was that a whip Awai gripped in her hand?

  Awai always wore only tailored business suits to work, and when not at her job she chose expensive and chic slacks and sweaters, and carried a briefcase. She definitely never wore leather or carried a whip.

  Alexi couldn’t hear what Awai and Annie were saying to each other. But when Annie gestured to the carpet, Alexi saw the can of Mace right where she’d dropped it. She saw the indentations from her stilettos that led through the plush carpet and straight toward where the mirror had been in her bedroom.

  Blue mist filled the frame and Awai and Annie disappeared.

  “No!” Alexi shouted.

  Then Alice appeared, the blue mist circling her feet. The joy that flooded Alexi flowed over her skin like a warm bath.

  “Alice.” Alexi’s pulse throbbed as she put her hand on the mirror’s cool surface and Alice placed her palm over Alexi’s.

  Instantly, Alexi felt the heat of Alice’s flesh instead of glass. Their fingers clasped and the bond between them was so strong that the connection was like a tether that bound them together.

  “It’s time.” Alice repeated the woman’s words and tugged.

  Alexi pitched forward through the looking glass.

  Alexi bolted up in Darronn’s bed. It was dark in the bedroom, with only a sliver of golden moonlight slipping through a gap in the draperies.

  She glanced at the place Darronn usually occupied next to her. He was gone. She looked around the room to make sure, and then at the hearth to check that he wasn’t lying close to the heat of the fire.

  No doubt he was out prowling the forest behind the chateau, hunting prey and canvasing his kingdom, something he did most nights. She hated that she missed him when he wasn’t in bed with her, and it was time to make those feelings go away.

  With all her heart, she knew that now was her chance. The dream had been undeniably real.

  She crawled out of bed and hurried to the balcony doors. With one tug they opened, cool air immediately chilling her skin. The doors were never open when she was alone.

  Yes, she was positive the dream had been a vision of what would happen tonight.

  Although she had no idea why Awai would be wearing leather and carrying a whip. That was such a strange oddity in the dream.

  Alexi left the doors open a crack and hurried to her trunk to put on clothing. She’d been in Spades for almost two Earth months. The morning ritual of having great sex with Darronn had been far more stimulating than the caffeine she used to drink. She would definitely miss him. Or rather, the sex.

  Yeah, that’s it. The sex.

  Hell, who was she kidding? She’d miss the big oaf, too.

  That doesn’t matter. It’s time to get back to San Francisco and my life. I saw Alice in the mirror—what if she’s back with Annie and Awai?

  Over the past weeks, Alexi had played a variety of sexual games with Darronn, and he always dominated her. It was exciting to let him command her—but in bed only. And the fact that he stuck with his promise and didn’t try to dominate her in front of anyone else meant a lot.

  Alexi found the leather pants she wore for riding and one of the leather tops that didn’t expose much, but there was still a cutout at her belly and it was sleeveless. She didn’t have a jacket since she wasn’t allowed out at night. Unfortunately, with her arms and abs bare, she knew she wouldn’t come out of this unscathed. At least her legs, feet, and most of her torso would be protected from the thorns.

  She tugged on the clothing and the soft leather shoes as her thoughts continued to center on Darronn. During the day he took her with him most places he went, whether it was around the chateau to speak with servants, or into the village to meet with his people.

  It was obvious in all his dealings that he was good to his people, listening to them, ensuring their needs were met. He was fair in all that she’d witnessed since she’d arrived in Spades, and she’d seen his compassion. She admired him, and he made her feel somehow alive and vibrant, and almost happy.

  Almost. To be truly happy, she needed to find Alice. Besides, she knew better than to trust men, even if Darronn had done nothing that would break her trust if she had allowed herself to have any.

  It’s time to leave.

  Every single night since she’d arrived, she’d had versions of the same dream where she was in the meadow, standing before the mirror. But tonight was the first night she’d seen herself slip out of the chateau, onto the balcony, down the trellis, through the terraced gardens, then into the village. Her dream had taken her all the way through the village, the forest, and finally to the meadow where the mirror was waiting.

  Tonight was the first time she had seen her aunt, cousin, and the woman in the dream, as well as Alice. It all had to mean s

  After Alexi slipped on the clothing, she quickly braided her hair into a single plait to keep it out of her face, and tied the end of the braid with one of the leather straps that Darronn had left at their bedside. While she fixed her hair, she turned the dream over and over in her mind. She had seen the mirror right where it had been when he captured her and brought her to Tarok, sparkling blue mist and all.

  When Alexi finished with her hair, she hurried to the balcony doors. Her heart beat faster as she slipped through the opening, into the moonlit night. She quietly shut them after her, forcing herself not to look back as she left Darronn and his world behind.

  With the doors being unlocked, just like in her dream, Alexi knew the dream of her escape had been a vision of what was meant to be. Darronn never forgot to lock her in, and she didn’t think it was a coincidence that he had forgotten tonight. Even though he treated her with respect and caring, he’d known she would attempt an escape, and he was always careful to check the locks.

  Of course the old Alexi would think the new Alexi was nuts. But since she’d been in Tarok she’d seen enough crazy things to make her a believer of just about anything.

  The hiking shoes that Darronn had given her when they went on long walks were always left at the back entrance of the chateau. Probably to keep her from attempting this very thing and escaping. But at least he’d left the soft moccasin-like shoes in her trunk.

  As she started to step off the balustrade to grasp the trellis, ice coated her veins. The image of the burnt corpse slammed into her and she felt the urge to vomit again. She’d done everything she could to avoid thinking about what she’d seen.

  But now, as she started to flee the chateau, she remembered what Darronn had said—why Mikaela would leave such a horrible thing in his realm.

  “To warn me what will happen if any of my people stray from my kingdom.”

  Alexi swallowed hard. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.

  But the dream. I have to get to Alice.

  She shored up her courage and reached for the trellis.

  Ravenwood thorns pricked and scratched her arms, hands, and belly the moment she climbed onto the slatted trellis. The scratches stung and burned, and she had to clench her teeth to keep from crying out from the pain.

  The normally purple blooms were an odd shimmering black in the moonlight, and their scent was thick and ominous rather than soothing like normal. With every step down the trellis, thorns scraped every exposed part of her. Warm blood soon trickled from several of the wounds and they itched like mad.

  Her fight against the thorns, along with her struggle to reach the bottom of the trellis without falling and killing herself, kept her mind occupied and off of things she didn’t want to think about. The three-story trip down seemed to take forever, and the fear that she would be caught made her blood race.

  When she finally felt soft grass beneath her feet, she paused to catch her breath. Her body was one mass of pain, but she wouldn’t let that stop her.

  She turned and fled into the terraced gardens. Her feet grew cold and she felt everything through the thin soles—every pebble, every twig. The forest would be far worse.

  Alexi concentrated on avoiding guards and blending in with the shadows. She was determined. She wouldn’t fail.

  Once Alexi slipped into the village, she passed as close to several cottages as she dared, hoping to find some kind of boots that would better protect her feet. By the time she’d reached the other end of the village, she’d just about given up hope when she spotted some. Beside a cottage door was a pair of boots that looked a little big, but close enough to her size to fit.

  She hurried to the house, moving as quietly as possible. But as she reached for the boots, it occurred to her that they could be a child’s shoes, and what if the family was too poor to afford more?

  Shaking her head, Alexi slowly straightened and then backed away. She flipped her braid over her shoulder and ran her fingers through hair that had come loose. She’d rather have her feet freeze, and feel every stone and twig, than steal from someone who needed shoes more than she did.

  In her dream, she had found a small storm drain in the curtain wall, away from the village, that led to the outside world. She had never noticed one before, but the drain was exactly where the dream had showed her. If that wasn’t proof she was meant to leave, she didn’t know what was.

  The drain was just big enough for her to crawl through, but the stagnant water smelled horrible and felt thick, gross, and cold as she made her way down the length that went beneath the massively thick curtain wall. It was so dark that she began to wonder if there was an end to the drain. The sludge in the drain seemed to hamper her efforts to move.

  Finally, she saw moonlight and doubled her efforts in reaching it. She slid through the opening, and rolled out onto sweet-scented grass and drew in one lungful after another of fresh air.

  The night smelled of damp forest and of the strong scent of the ravenwood blooms still clinging to her skin and clothing. Her arms, hands, and belly still stung from the scratches. She was fortunate none of the thorns had scratched her face.

  Another chill rolled through her. She was outside of the walls. She was vulnerable to anything, including Mikaela and her bakirs.

  Above the sound of the thundering falls, a wolf’s distant howl caused her to shiver. Yes, she was vulnerable to anything. Not doubt other predators were out here, not just Darronn.

  She shoved away all thoughts of him, predators, and Mikaela. She refused to dwell on them. Instead she focused on traveling as silently as possible. Soon her feet felt frozen through the light leather shoes, and ached from sticks and small rocks poking out of the forest loam.

  Through the trees, warm light from the village peeked over the curtain wall from behind and moonlight made its way to her. Thank goodness this portion of the forest wasn’t too thick or she’d never have been able to find her way in the dark.

  When she was far enough away from the chateau to feel a little safer, she couldn’t keep her thoughts and feelings back any longer.

  It was actually tearing at her heart and soul to leave Darronn.

  Damn it.

  How could she have allowed the man to get so completely under her skin the way he had? With Darronn she’d had the best sex of her life, every day for however long she’d been in Tarok. Several times a day, in fact. But more than that, he touched a chord within her. It still amazed her that such a powerful, imposing man had cared enough to compromise in order to please her.

  In public they had visibly shocked his people because she walked at his side and kept her head held high. It was apparently even more shocking that she did not wear his collar of ownership or the nipple piercings that she learned were expected of his personal attendants and of his future queen. She had often sensed that it both confused and intrigued his servants and his people, but they respected their king enough not to question his wisdom or his decisions.

  When she had talked to Darronn about her missing sister, he had promised that she would see Alice again, and she believed that he had every intention of helping her. But she couldn’t wait around for him to decide the time was right. It was probably his arrogance that made him think he could find Alice.

  No, Alexi had to find her twin now. And the dream told her she would.

  Moonlight glinted off her bracelets as it seeped through the trees. It was chilly enough that blue-green mist began to rise from the ground. She rubbed her bare arms with her palms and winced when she touched the scratches from the thorns. The mist reminded her of the day she’d woken strapped and bound to golden stakes in the meadow.

  Skin along her spine crawled and hair prickled at her nape. Something—or someone—was watching her.

  Darronn crouched, ready to pounce on the anlia buck, when he scented a change in the wind. The buck apparently sensed it, too, and bolted into the forest.

  Holding back a growl, Darronn raised his muzzle. Alexi’s sweet musk tea
sed his nose, and then the smell of her blood nearly drove him into a rage. Had she been abducted from his room? The bastard would be dead before he made it beyond the village.

  He bounded through the forest, toward his woman, scenting the wind as he ran. He caught no unusual smells, only Alexi’s fragrance of starflower and midnight mingling with the familiar night perfume of his realm.

  Alexi was attempting to leave him.

  The realization tore at his gut and his heart as he sped toward his mate. After all they had shared during her time in Spades, Darronn had hoped she would feel something for him, as he did for her.

  Holding back a roar of anger and frustration, he bounded over streams and logs, through bushes and around boulders. He had been hunting a good distance from his chateau, and was far from his woman yet. Dangers still abounded in his realm. If she stumbled upon a rogue mountain wolf, a river bear, or a cave-dwelling primitive…he could not bear the thought.

  Could Mikaela have turned her attention to Spades? Could she now be a danger?

  Darronn growled and doubled his speed.

  He had believed Mikaela’s attention remained on Hearts these days. Her mind-war had affected Darronn’s people, as it had all of Tarok, but since the small battle of last summer no mind-spells had been cast in Spades. In this the sorceress Kalina had been certain.

  Every day Darronn had shared with his future queen had made him desire and respect her more. Alexi was beautiful, fiery, intelligent, stubborn, and determined. It amazed him how easily he had given in to compromise with his mate, and how much it pleased him to have a woman with such inner strength.

  She spoke often of her sister, Alice, and Darronn knew that one day he would need to inform her that her sister was indeed safe and well, and that she was now the High Queen of Tarok. One day he would take Alexi to see her sister, but he knew that first his mate needed to find her place in this world, at his side. And her soul still needed to heal.

  Although she gave willingly of her body, she had given him nothing of her heart. He ached to know more of her inner self, but she kept much of her feelings sealed tight inside where not even the strongest of wills could unlock them and set them free.


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