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The Accidental Countess

Page 13

by Melissa Schroeder

  Sebastian decided to change the subject. “Besides, I had to get the whole story of yours and Mother’s adventures in finding me. Daniel has said he will have nothing to do with you.”

  She crossed her arms beneath her breasts and frowned. “I wouldn’t care if he did.” Her voice told him differently but he thought he would keep away from the strained relationship of his best friend and his sister. He set his plate at the head of the table and took his seat.

  “Who is going to escort you to the Franklin Musicale Tuesday? I don’t know if I will be able to do it, especially without Colleen. You know I can’t appear at a social function without her.”

  “And rightly so, Sebastian,” his mother said from the doorway. Neither his sister nor he had noticed that she stood there. “There is no reason to worry about that. Colleen will be ready to make an appearance. We will keep our attendance at a minimum since it has only been a few weeks since your cousin died.”

  The thought of Gilbert and Albert sobered him immediately. “Of course, Mother.”

  She smiled as she stepped into the room, taking her seat to his right. “No reason to get melancholy about it, Sebastian. Heaven knows how much I miss those two. And your aunt… Let’s just say she could take Albert’s passing, but when Gilbert was taken so soon afterward…” She sighed. “It was a terrible blow to her.”

  His aunt and uncle had been a love match, much like Sebastian’s own parents. Both of them had doted on all their children, especially Gilbert who had been the eldest and the most genial. Sebastian knew she was probably devastated.

  His mother took a sip of her chocolate, her eyes a little too bright for the subject, and he remembered the scene in his bedroom half an hour earlier. She cast a look toward Anna and seeing that she was preoccupied, leaned closer to him.

  “I take it there will be no annulment.” A strange mix of serious matron and humor colored her voice.

  Heat rushed to his face and he felt his ears burning. It was ridiculous to blush in front of his mother. He was a grown man with wants and desires and a wife to keep happy. Sebastian knew the best way to deal with his mother was to be as pompous as he could. He straightened his spine and tried his damnedest to look down his nose at her.

  “There was never any question of an annulment, Mother.”

  She smiled serenely. “You may not have thought so, but I have a feeling your wife might have wanted one.”

  He bit back a growl. Oh, how that rankled. Deep in his soul he was sure she was right. Colleen didn’t want to be married, but he also knew it had nothing to do with him. He thought about his incoherent rumblings while he was sick and winced. Maybe it had a little to do with him, but it was marriage on a whole that she despised.

  “That point is moot, as you well know.” However, her belief that marriage was not for her didn’t mean he couldn’t convince her otherwise. Just thinking of the ways he would like to convince her sent a rush of blood from his head to his groin. He shifted in his seat to ease the pressure. His mother gave him a knowing look but said nothing as his sister sat next to her.

  “I can’t wait to get out today. It is going to be fun going shopping with Colleen.” She sighed and launched into a detailed account of her plans for their shopping adventure. He almost felt sorry for Colleen…almost.

  * * *

  Colleen watched as the footmen carried the multitude of boxes up the staircase, still dumbfounded why one person would possibly need that many underthings. Granted, she was sadly lacking in that area with just two soft, white linen gowns, but her mother-in-law had refused to take no for an answer or to see the total for the bill. Colleen was positive as soon as Sebastian saw it, he would explode. Men didn’t like paying for needless things. And no person needed six silk gowns for bed.

  She sighed and massaged her temple.

  “Colleen, I wish you would quit worrying about the expense. Sebastian isn’t going to care one way or another.”

  She glanced at her mother-in-law who motioned to the drawing room. Colleen wearily walked down the hall as Victoria called out, “Fitzgerald, we’ll take tea in the drawing room.”

  When they entered, Colleen immediately felt her muscles relax. Done in warm colors, the drawing room was perhaps more masculine in décor than one would expect, but it was inviting, as was the brilliant fire.

  “Have a seat, my dear.”

  Colleen picked an overstuffed chair, settling back against the cushions, and sighed with pleasure this time. Victoria sat in the one opposite her.

  “I love my daughter, but she does wear me out.”

  Colleen chuckled and then caught herself when she realized how rude that was. She looked to see her mother-in-law’s reaction, but Victoria just smiled.

  “That’s okay, Colleen. Anna is an acquired taste. One of the reasons she scares most men away. Even with her dowry, and now being the sister to an earl, she requires a lot of energy. Much like her father that way.”

  She’d never heard anyone talk about Sebastian’s father, especially Sebastian. Colleen had an idea that he’d died before Sebastian came of age. “So Sebastian isn’t like his father?”

  Victoria opened her mouth to answer, but the tea arrived, and it took a few moments for both of them to doctor their beverages. Once they were alone, Victoria seemed to sense Colleen’s agitation at being interrupted, so she answered her questions.

  “Sebastian, poor boy, is too much like me—always the thinker.”

  Colleen sputtered then choked on her tea. Victoria watched her with one eyebrow raised.

  “You think Sebastian a simpleton?”

  Colleen laughed. “No, not at all. But he doesn’t always seem to think things through.”

  “Sebastian? I will give you some motherly advice if you don’t mind.”

  Colleen nodded.

  “Sebastian’s problem is he thinks too much. He tries to look at things from all angles, figure out the puzzle.”

  “But that is a good thing.”

  Victoria smiled. “It can be, but in some cases, it can be bad. Action is needed at times. And Sebastian does have a pretty active imagination.”

  “Well, I can see where that might get him in trouble,” Colleen murmured then flushed when her mother-in-law gave her a perceptive look. “What I mean… I…”

  “Colleen, I was married and had two children, and in that way, I suspect Sebastian is much like his father. But in many ways, all men are the same. They don’t like change even if it is what is best for them. Keep him off balance, do the unexpected. Sebastian may seem like an incorrigible rake, but he can be tamed. You just need to know how to handle him.” The words made Colleen blush even more, so Victoria took pity on her and changed the subject. “Now, what can you tell me about your mother, your people? There is something so familiar about you.”

  Colleen shrugged. “I am not really sure about my extended family. Both of my parents came from titled families, but when they defied their parents to marry, they were both cut off. My father had money of his own, so they settled in York.”

  “What was your mother’s first name?”

  “Jane. I have no idea of her family. My father was, of course, a Macgregor and apparently far down the line for the title, but I gather he was a second or third son and was expected to make a good match. I know they met in London during my mother’s second season.”

  For a second, a flash of recognition, something akin to a spark of knowledge, filled Victoria’s eyes, but she masked it before Colleen could figure out what it was.

  “It must be hard to be on your own.”

  Ah, just like her son. Change the subject when you gained your information and needed no more. “Yes. It was, but I had been handling our money for years, even after Harry moved in.”

  “Who the bloody hell is Harry?”

  She started at the sound of Sebastian’s voice, her teacup clattering against the saucer. Turning, she found him standing in the doorway and sighed. The man was too gorgeous for her well-being. The gri
m line of his lips did not dissipate the memory of how his mouth felt against her skin. She licked her own lips and watched the mischievous light in his eyes turn darker as he watched her tongue.

  “Ho, Sebastian, you are losing control of your house and you haven’t been back but a day.”

  It was then that Colleen noticed a gentleman standing next to Sebastian. Where Sebastian was darkly sensual, this man was a golden Adonis. He had light brown hair, cut impeccably, and calm topaz eyes. His clothes spoke of his station in society.

  Her gaze drifted back to her husband, who was staring daggers at her. She glared back at him. One thing he needed to learn was that she would not be talked to in such a way. “Where are your manners?”

  Stunned silence followed her question. His mouth hung open a moment before he snapped it shut. His eyes narrowed dangerously. Oh my. Her breath caught somewhere between her chest and her throat. Her heart beat hard against her breast. The man was even more gorgeous when he was mad at her.

  “I told you Harry was my mother’s second husband.” Remembering her mother-in-law’s advice, she did something Sebastian didn’t expect. She stood and smiled. He blinked, his eyes losing a bit of their fierceness. That accomplished, she turned her attention to his companion. “I’m sorry for my husband’s rudeness.”

  He returned her smile with enthusiasm. “After all these years, I am accustomed to it. Sebastian has always lacked manners.”

  Surprised by his ready flirtation, she laughed.

  “That is quite enough of that.” Sebastian stepped in front of his friend and walked to her side. From the look on his friend’s face, the action surprised him also. “Colleen, this is my friend, Daniel, Earl of Bridgerton. Daniel, this is my wife, Colleen.”

  Daniel stepped forward, took her hand and bent over it. “It is wonderful to meet you, my lady.”

  He didn’t kiss her hand, just the air above it as was custom. She could feel the heat of his breath on the back of her hand and her stomach flip-flopped. Colleen was not used to manners or interest from the opposite sex. Sebastian shifted next to her, and she looked up at him. His attention was focused on his friend, so Sebastian didn’t see her reaction, thank goodness. Anger only made him more attractive, and for just an instant, staring up at him, she lost all thought. The scent of him, bayberry and clean male, surrounded her as the heat of him warmed her. And he hadn’t even touched her.

  Daniel released her hand. He looked over her shoulder and nodded. “Nice to see you in one piece, Lady Victoria. I pray that Lady Anna is doing well also.”

  Her mother-in-law moved into view. “Daniel, as I told you last month, Anna and I can handle things by ourselves.”

  “But now that Sebastian has returned, you will not have to worry about that.” He turned his attention back to Colleen. “Sebastian and I were just discussing your marriage. I have a feeling you will take the ton by surprise.”

  His ready flirtation caused a blush to rise in her cheeks. Sebastian stepped closer to her. She started when his hand touched her waist in a possessive gesture. Colleen should have been irritated, but her body was already responding to the feel of his hand against her. She seemed to have no self-control where Sebastian was involved. His fingers stroked against her dress and suddenly, the memories of what he had done with those hands the night before filtered through her mind, tumbling over one another. She drew in a shaky breath and ordered her body to behave.

  Sebastian’s voice brought her back to reality. “Since I haven’t announced it in the papers, I am sure it will surprise everyone, but I think we will have time for that before our first appearance.”

  “We will attend the Earl of Northrup’s musicale. I had a note today from Lady Margaret, and she insisted that we attend. She knows we have returned.”

  Sebastian turned toward his mother. “She knows about my marriage?”

  Victoria chuckled. “No, or she would not have been so insistent. She expects to throw her daughter at you.”

  “Good God, her daughter can’t be more than sixteen.”

  “Seventeen and she just made her come out.”

  He sighed. “At least I am safe from her machinations.” He looked to Daniel and smiled. “But Daniel here is eligible.”

  The color drained from Daniel’s face. “Oh, no. Just because you are shackled…” He glanced at Colleen, color returning to his cheeks. She had to bite her lip to keep from laughing. “Sorry, no offense, but…”

  She took pity on him. “I completely understand, my lord. Until recent events, I held the same view.”

  * * *

  Hours later, Colleen settled on her bed, exhausted. She thought she had recovered from her trip and subsequent illness, but shopping with her mother-in-law and sister-in-law would wear out the healthiest of people. Victoria, seeing Colleen’s weariness, had ordered her to her room and sent her a tray for dinner.

  Now, with her muscles relaxed, her body went limp, her mind shutting down. She removed her spectacles and set them on the bedside table. She sank deeper beneath the sheet. Sleep tugged at her, causing her eyes to drift shut. It was then she heard her bedroom door open.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Colleen froze. Her lungs seemed unable to function. A moment later, she realized it was the door connecting her bedchamber to Sebastian’s. Her fear dissolved but her heartbeat sped up, her body warming.

  He carried a taper as he walked around the foot of her bed to reach her side. She sat up, grabbed her spectacles and put them on. The shadows from the light bounced off the walls, and as he drew closer, the brightness grew. He set the candle on her bedside table and sat next to her on the bed. He was wearing his dressing gown and not much else, other than a seductive smile.

  “No maidenly protestations?” Teasing laced his voice, so she really couldn’t take much offense.

  “It would be ridiculous, my lord, considering how I spent last night.”

  Even in the dim light she saw his eyes flare, his mouth curve. No matter the type of lighting, the man was gorgeous. The candle cast shadows against the curves of his cheeks and created the illusion of a loving, warm seduction. Her body reacted instantly. Heat gathered in her tummy and slid between her legs. Colleen didn’t need to be told that this charmer was trouble. She was married to him. But she couldn’t help her body’s reaction. It probably was a genetic flaw on her part.

  “I can remember exactly how you spent last night, my dear.” His voice deepened and shivered down her spine. She suppressed the urge to sigh. Sebastian knew just what to say and how to say it.

  “It is just…well…I thought the ton lived separate lives. That marriages—”

  She stopped when he started laughing. “Woman, we haven’t even had a honeymoon. There is usually at least a little time spent together at the beginning of the marriage.”

  She studied him, trying to puzzle him out. The man could probably have any woman in London. But he was here in her bed. Why? Then in a blinding instant, she had her reason.

  “You want an heir.” She didn’t like the conclusion, but she wouldn’t fool herself either. Colleen would rather deal in reality than fantasy. It might be boring, but she was rarely disappointed.

  He frowned. “Not so much I want one, it is that I need one. But that is not the reason I am here.”

  She crossed her arms beneath her breasts, trying to quell the hope blooming in her heart. Charmers didn’t stay around for long, and they definitely didn’t fall in love with dowdy spinsters such as herself. “Really? So begetting an heir has nothing to do with why you are here?” She allowed caustic sarcasm to color her voice. She had to. Otherwise, the hurt of being used in such a way would show through.

  “Well, that is part of it.” His lips moved again, this time showing his dimple fully.

  She didn’t say anything because she was sure her voice would crack. Never had a man as beautiful as Sebastian flirted with her, let alone attempted to seduce her. It was mind-boggling.

  He sighed and looked toward the wi
ndow. She had no idea of what he was looking at since the drapes were closed and the room was dark. “Colleen, that has little to do with the fact that I have been thinking about getting back in bed with you all day.”

  His aggrieved tone made her smile as her head spun. He’d been thinking about doing that. A frisson of awareness flitted through her.

  “All day?” Was that her voice? She’d never really heard that husky undertone in it before.

  Slowly, he returned his attention to her. “Colleen, I have been thinking about getting you under me since the moment I opened my eyes this morning. And I assure you, not once have I thought about an heir, except the process of begetting one.”

  He placed a hand on each side of her hips and leaned forward. Again, the clean, musky scent of him surrounded her, and she had to fight not to lean closer to sniff. Before meeting Sebastian, she had never dreamed a man could smell so scrumptious.

  “Colleen,” he said, his face so close she could feel his heated breath across her cheek. “It is not easy to admit, and it is not easy to deal with, but I want you. I know you don’t understand—”

  “Oh, I do.”

  He drew in a deep breath and closed his eyes. “This would be a lot easier if you weren’t so truthful.”

  Irritation crawled up her spine and she sat up straighter. “That is the most asinine thing I have ever heard you say, which is saying a lot considering the source. Not wanting me to be truthful, really. Do you want me to lie and tell you that last night was not wonderful?”

  A burst of laughter rumbled out of his chest and he opened his eyes. “Only you would reprimand your husband when he is trying to seduce you.”

  Heat stole into her cheeks at the reminder of what was happening. She cleared her throat. “I never said I would be a conventional wife.”

  “Actually, what you said was that you didn’t want to be my wife. You said you would tell people I died.”

  She couldn’t believe he kept bringing that up. “You told me to say that.”


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