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The Accidental Countess

Page 14

by Melissa Schroeder

  He pressed even closer, his lips inches from hers. Her heart stopped for a beat and then seemed to triple in rhythm. Without breaking eye contact, he brushed his mouth against hers. Light, tantalizing, the touch of his lips against hers tempted, teased. He flicked his tongue against the seam of them. She closed her eyes and surrendered.

  Never in her life would she have thought the mere touch of his lips against hers would send her emotions spiraling out of control. But the kiss heated quickly, her body reacting immediately. Her breasts swelled, her lungs seized. Desire and need ignited. When he pulled back, she tried to follow him. He chuckled and she opened her eyes. Before she could reprimand him once more, he was tugging at her spectacles, pulling them off, tossing them on the table, and then returning to kiss her.

  This kiss was no longer the innocent brushing of his lips against hers. He took her face into his hands, deepening the kiss. Passion singed a path along her nerve endings as she slipped her hands up his arms to his shoulders and buried them in his hair. Her nipples tightened. As if sensing it, he rubbed his chest against them, and even through the layers of clothing, it was pleasure and pain all wrapped up in one. She couldn’t seem to get enough of his body next to hers before he was pulling away again.

  Confused, Colleen opened her eyes to see him getting to his feet beside the bed. Thinking that he was leaving, she opened her mouth to protest. Her breath came out in a rush as he tugged his nightshirt off. Even in the dim light and without her spectacles, she could see that he was beautifully naked. Every drop of moisture in her mouth evaporated as her gaze roved down his muscular chest. Yes, she had seen him practically naked in her cottage, but he had been half-conscious at the time. Now he stood before her, a golden god.

  When her attention dipped from his chest to his abdomen and then farther, she panicked.

  Good God.

  He laughed. “I don’t know whether to be embarrassed or proud of the expression on your face.”

  He climbed back on the bed but didn’t cover her body with his. She looked at his face as he grabbed the bottom of her nightdress. Instead of pulling it off her as she suspected, he took it in his hands and slid it up her body, his palms brushing over her skin. A rush of tingles followed the same path. As he bared her, she didn’t feel the cold air. All she could feel was the warmth of his hands, the heat of his gaze. She tried not to think of him seeing her completely naked, but it preoccupied her when the edge of the nightgown rose about her hips. She closed her eyes, trying to concentrate on the sensations he was causing. When he reached her breasts, his palms skimmed the sides, just the briefest of touches, and his thumbs grazed over her hardened nipples. She shivered.

  A moment later she was laid bare for her husband to see. Colleen opened her eyes, but Sebastian never noticed. He kneeled between her outspread legs. As he stared down at her body, the look on his face erased all her doubts. Pure sensual hunger deepened the color of his eyes. At that moment, she didn’t care if she was plain Colleen Macgregor from York who accidentally married an earl. All she cared about was that this man, her husband, wanted her. She wanted his skin against hers.


  He glanced up, smiling, but made no move to cover her. Instead, he brushed the backs of his fingers against one of her nipples. It tightened further, almost painfully. Again, her eyes slid closed as she allowed the sensation of his touch to seduce her body—her mind.

  As he continued teasing that nipple, he leaned forward and took the other in his mouth. Relief filled her as she felt it close over her breast, but at the same time, frustration mounted. Liquid heat was now pouring through her, pushing her toward the pinnacle. Panic filled her chest, clogging her throat at the loss of control. It was true. She no longer held any control over her body. It was now Sebastian’s to use as he wanted.

  Colleen wanted to protest, to tell him she didn’t like this feeling. At the same time, her body throbbed, clamored for his touch. Soon, he moved down her body, his lips brushing against her stomach, his tongue in her bellybutton, until he settled between her legs. She rose to her elbows, looking down at him. His head was level with her most private parts.


  He didn’t even glance up. Instead, he kissed each thigh, his tongue sneaking out against her skin.

  “Sebastian, I really—”

  Her protest ended on a groan as he pressed his mouth against her. His tongue slipped between her folds. She gasped at the sensation as he applied himself to driving her out of her mind. Within moments, her legs were shifting restlessly on the bed. Tension gathered in her muscles, curled into her stomach and then drifted lower. Frustration swept through her as her body tensed, and her mind tried to keep up with the need for release. He continued, his mouth moving over her sex. In the next instant, as if by magic, she exploded, her body convulsing, shattering into a million pieces.

  Before she could recover, Sebastian was sliding up her body again. She slowly opened her eyes and looked up at him. Fierce and stark, his need was stamped on his face. Without so much as a word, he came into her with one swift thrust that had both of them sucking in their breath. He bent his head, his mouth taking hers in a brutally sensuous kiss. There was no seduction in this action. It was pure, simple, basic need. She could taste herself on his lips as he increased the rhythm of his thrusts.

  Colleen moved with him, her body already gathering, racing, searching for another release. And in the next instant, she came apart again. Sebastian followed her a second later, shouting her name.

  * * *

  Two mornings later, Colleen snuck into the library to search for a book to curl up with. All the fittings for her gowns were finished. Never one for fashion, she found the ordeal of shopping and fittings longer than she could almost bear. She prayed that the amount of clothing she had now would last her for the time being. She didn’t relish repeating that experience anytime soon.

  She shut the door behind her, making sure she didn’t draw attention to herself. Leaning against the door, she closed her eyes and sighed. Her first true moment alone since she had recovered from the trip to London, and she was going to savor it. Before meeting Sebastian, she had lived a solitary life. She had a companion who had been with her during the daytime hours, but most of the time she kept her own council. Dealing with family and servants overwhelmed her every now and then. She just wasn’t used to being around people from the moment she awakened until she slipped into bed.

  Opening her eyes, she decided to find herself a senseless novel. She needed to immerse herself in a story and just enjoy. Perusing the titles, she ruled out any of the history books.

  A sound caught her attention, someone sniffling. She turned to find Cicely, sitting in one of the chairs, her shoulders slumped over. Red eyes and nose, she didn’t seem to notice Colleen. Since meeting the young woman, she had only seen her a couple of times. Each time, Cicely’s mother, Prudence, had made some disparaging remark to her daughter. Watching her in her misery, Colleen realized just how alone the woman was.


  She started, and her face flushed as red as her nose. “Oh, Lady Colleen.” She jumped out the chair, several handkerchiefs falling from her lap onto the floor. “I didn’t mean to bother you.”

  “You didn’t bother me,” Colleen said, smiling, trying not to let the young woman see the pity in her eyes. Pity was more embarrassing than getting caught crying. “And please, call me Colleen. I was plain Colleen Macgregor a month ago, and with everyone calling me a lady, it makes me a bit self-conscious.”

  Cicely nodded and returned the smile. Colleen noticed that Cicely was actually an attractive young woman. Not a diamond, that was for sure, but her face lit up with just that one little smile. Her hair was an indiscriminate shade of brown, but her eyes had flecks of gold. Being raised in society, Cicely had been expected to marry. It was her duty. With her quiet beauty and nervous ways—not to mention her overbearing mother—she didn’t stand a chance of succeeding.

bsp; Cicely shifted her weight from one foot to the other and said, “Well, I will leave you—”

  “Don’t leave on my account. I am just looking for something to read. Can you suggest something?”

  Cicely opened her mouth and then closed it. Taking a deep breath, she said, “I am not sure we would have the same tastes. I tend to like historical texts.”

  Colleen’s smile widened. “But surely you have an idea of what is in the library. I was just thinking I wanted to escape for a little bit.”

  At that moment, Cicely really smiled, her whole face shining. “I do love to do that. I confess I sometimes indulge in a romance novel. It is nice to pretend to be someone else for awhile.”

  She hurried to the stacks and pulled out a book, handing it to Colleen. Leaning closer, she dropped her voice to a whisper, “This is my favorite. It is about a knight who saves his lady, although the lady is no shrinking flower.”

  Colleen glanced down at the title and noted she had not read it before. “Thank you, Cicely. I appreciate it.”

  She colored this time, in delight. “If you ever need help, let me know. You were right. I may not read all the subjects stocked in the library, but I spend a fair amount of my time in here.”

  Colleen nodded and watched as Cicely retrieved her handkerchiefs, smiled in her direction and left. Colleen settled into the chair Cicely had vacated, ready to read and thankful she didn’t live the life of Cicely Ware.

  * * *

  The next Tuesday brought her first appearance as Lady Colleen, the Countess of Penwyth. By midafternoon, her nerves were frayed and her temper sorely tested by her sister-in-law. She dearly loved Anna, but Victoria had been right. The girl required a large amount of energy focused on her. As she continued to prattle on about the upcoming event, Colleen’s patience slipped away.

  Anna, completely oblivious to Colleen’s worries, didn’t notice. “So when I told Ellen that you were going to attend tonight, she was beside herself. She could not wait to get away from me to tell others.”

  Colleen suspected the other woman just wanted to escape Anna, but she would never say that. She nodded as she tried to decide which dress to wear for the night. Both were laid out on her bed. Each of them was acceptable and much more beautiful than anything she had ever worn. The prospect of being watched like an abnormality didn’t appeal. She wanted to present the best image she could. She knew their marriage would be questioned the moment anyone saw her with Sebastian.

  Simply thinking her husband’s name sent her pulse racing. If she had thought their marriage would be without intimacies, she was mistaken. But she didn’t like the way her thoughts drifted to him at the oddest times, wishing he were there to share in some joke. Or the way each night, her body came alive beneath his touch.

  As if conjured by her thoughts, her husband snuck up behind her and slipped his hands around her waist, resting his head upon her shoulder. She couldn’t get used to the easy familiarity he claimed. She knew it was not normal for ton marriages, and it was something she hadn’t expected in theirs. Apparently, Sebastian had no worries in that quarter.

  “And what nefarious plans are being plotted here?” His breath tickled her earlobe.

  Anna giggled. “Nothing worth mentioning. I was just telling Colleen how everyone is anxious to get a look at her.”

  She tensed, her stomach turning over at the prospect of the night’s activities. As if sensing her tension, he massaged her back, causing her unease to melt away.

  Ignoring his sister, he pulled away from Colleen, taking her hand in his and walking closer to the bed. He slanted her a look that told her he knew just what his sister was doing to her nerves.

  “Trying to decide?” He nodded to the dresses.


  He looked at her, then the gowns and then back to her. “Well, the grey is beautiful, but I really like the purple gown best. I think it would be amazing on you.”

  Giddiness welled up inside her but she fought it down. She did not need his approval. She was her own woman. When his gaze drifted down her body and then back up again, she decided that maybe she did a little. Perhaps pleasing her husband was not such a bad thing.

  “So that decision made, I think you should lie down. Tonight will be a late night.” His lips curved and her nipples tightened against the silk of her chemise. “A little later than usual.”

  His voice rolled over her, and the memories of their nights spent together in her bed and his flashed through her mind. She felt the blush creeping onto her face, but she was helpless to stop it. Her pulse raced and her thoughts turned deliciously decadent.

  “Anna,” he said to his sister, never taking his eyes off Colleen, “Mother said she needed to see you immediately.”

  “She did?” A mix of annoyance and distrust threaded his tone. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “You were talking too much. It made me lose my train of thought.”

  She muttered and shot her brother an exasperated look. Without another word, she left them alone, closing the door behind her.

  “Did your mother really want to see her?”

  He shook his head.

  “Why did you lie?”

  He grinned. “You needed to relax. Anna is best in small doses.”

  She laughed. “You are a horrible brother.”

  “Yes, but I am an excellent husband.”

  Arching one eyebrow, she waited.

  “I know just what you need to relax.” His voice had deepened, his eyes darkening. Her body warmed beneath his attention.

  Liking his easy flirtation, she smiled. “A bath?”

  He tugged on her hand until her breasts were pressed against his chest. “I think a proper lie-in with your husband would ease your nerves.”

  “Really? It’s the middle of the day, my lord. Would that not be improper?”

  His answer was to lift her off the floor, one arm beneath her knees, his other against her back. Excitement rolled through her, her body responding to the need he created within her.


  He strode to her bed.

  “No. The gowns.”

  He muttered but turned and dashed to his room. Within moments she was beneath him, arching against him as he brought her to a glorious release. Later as they lay snuggled together, she watched him sleep and thought not for the first time that he was a dangerous man.

  If she let him, he would steal her heart.

  * * *

  “You have not accomplished your job.”

  He slumped his shoulders but said not a word.

  “He has been home a week. Nothing has happened.”

  He could hear the fear lacing the steel tone. His employer was worse when worried.

  “If the Earl of Penwyth died within days of returning with a new bride, and under suspicious circumstances, there would be questions. Maybe even an inquiry.”

  Cold grey eyes studied him. He felt the hatred that touched this one’s soul. Hatred was a normal enough emotion but entwined with envy and evil, it could be deadly. Had been deadly.

  “We cannot wait long. There could be a chance for an heir.”

  “It’s only been a week!”

  “I know she is sleeping in his bed. I told you he would not care. And worse, he seems to be completely bedazzled by her.” The leather squeaked as his employer shifted in the chair.

  “He hardly ever goes out.”

  “True. And I would like to avoid anything close to the house. They will be going out this evening. I am sure there will be a possibility there.”

  He wanted to disagree. But the ice in his employer’s eyes stopped him. He would lose everything if he didn’t do as commanded.

  “If that is all?”

  “Just make sure to include both of them. I do not want to think of any complications.”

  “You still will have to deal with his lordship.”

  Every muscle stilled as the air grew thick with tension. “I will deal with him myself when the time c

  * * *

  “Any word from the runner?” Daniel asked.

  Sebastian took his attention from his wife and glanced at him. They stood at the back of the hall, waiting for the music to commence. Society matrons, debutantes and the men they dragged to attend milled around the hall.

  “No. Nothing yet. I don’t want to dismiss his theories, or the fact that I was hit on the head and left for dead, but I have been in London for a week and nothing has happened.”

  Daniel chuckled. “You’ve barely left the house. Or I guess I should say bedroom.”

  Sebastian couldn’t contain the grin that comment brought. “Well, I have been to the club a few times. And you know that I can’t really go gallivanting around London with so much tragedy in the family and without my new wife. Colleen was nervous enough about tonight. Not to mention bringing the estates up to date.”

  “I don’t know why. Your lady seems to have no trouble tonight. Who would have thought such a diamond would be buried beneath her ugly clothes and spectacles?”

  Unable to help himself, Sebastian cast a look in her direction. She was chatting with his sister, their cousin Cicely and a few of his sister’s friends. Daniel was right about the amethyst gown being the best one of the two. But that was only a small part of her appearance that had caught him by surprise.

  In the last week, he had been privy to the wonders of his wife’s body. She was tall, lean but curvy and more sensuous than he would have expected. He couldn’t seem to keep his hands off her. Each night the anticipation of having her to himself, of stripping off her clothing, of taking her, left him with little blood in his brain. But now that he had witnessed this transformation, he didn’t know how he would be expected to hold a conversation.

  Her maid had fashioned her crimson locks in one of those styles that looked as if the tumble of curls would fall at any moment. A few locks had been artfully left down and every time she moved, they shimmered across her shoulders. She fit into the surroundings. He knew she had been worried about it, but she blossomed under the attention she’d received since they arrived. The color of the dress deepened the color of her eyes and made her skin look like fine ivory. When he saw the cut of the dress, her fine, delicate breasts laid bare for the world to see, he had almost protested.


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