Page 46
sacked, 179
Central Provinces, 17
and refugees, 334
and transfer of power, see power-transfer plan
Chakravarty, Nikhil, 10
Chakreborty, Prafulla Kumar, 285
Chandigarh, 334
Chatfield Report, 141, 143–4
Chatterji, Adm., 51
Chatterji, Joya, 285
Chattisgarh, 341
Chaudhuri, Gen., 341
Chimni, Brig., 259
Chittagong, 78, 112, 287
Chittagong Hill Tracts, 203, 220, 230–1
Chohan, Naffese, 12, 240–1, 263–4, 338–9
Chowdhury, Jharna, 12
Chowdury, Hamil, 287
Christie, John, 53, 80, 99, 100, 109, 112, 165, 220, 222, 332, 344
Churchill, Winston:
on Amritsar massacre, 33
and famine situation, 44–5
and Gandhi, 62
and Gandhi’s funeral, 347
I-told-you-so speech of, 272
and Independence Bill, 178
independence opposed by, 37–8, 114
lack of support from, 162
and transfer of power, 156–7
and Wavell, 48
Wavell’s animosity towards, 7–8
Civil and Military Gazette, 299
civil disobedience, 38, 66, 74, 187
Jinnah opposes, 90
and Salt March, 69
Clow, Sir Andrew, 120, 123, 183
Collins, Larry, 99
Colville, Sir John, 54, 119
and central policy areas, 133
Cripps’s support for, 47
and democracy, 357
and elections, 48–9, 50
factions within, 61, 71, 74–5
first meeting of, 59
Gandhi ably orchestrates, 32, 33
Gandhi dominates, 61–2
Gandhi reforms, 69
impatient for power, 170
and Interim Government, see Interim Government
jailed leaders of, 47–8, 73, 114
and Jinnah, inability to work with, 50–1, 92
Jinnah sees as anti-Muslim, 92
and Lucknow conference, 34, 87
and Nagpur conference, 67, 87, 90
and numbers of dead, 12
Pakistan’s status decided by, 134
and power-sharing, 92
and Princely states, see Princely states
provincial, and direct rule, 127
and Punjab partition, 167
and recruiting, 136
and separate Muslim electorate, 29, 34, 87, 89
and transfer of power, see power-transfer plan
Constituent Assembly, 9, 133, 152, 156, 223–4
elections for, 50, 56
Jinnah calls for dissolution of, 139
League withdraws from, 56, 75–6
Pakistani, 156, 275
and Princely states, 135, 156
Corfield, Sir Conrad, 188, 191
Cornwallis, Gov. Gen., 24, 25, 288
Cripps, Sir Stafford, 9, 76, 102–3
in Cabinet Mission, 49
influential voice of, 115
and Krishna Menon, 102
and mission failure, 47
Cross, J. P., 113, 177, 227
Cunningham, Sir George, 125, 127, 204, 227, 276, 315, 322
Curzon, Lord, 17, 21, 29, 61, 107, 121, 123, 288, 292
Custodian of Refugee Property, 294–5
Dacca, 184, 216, 223, 287, 295
mosques in, 288
Daily Express, 311
Daily Telegraph, 223–4, 226
Dalhousie, Gov. Gen., 24, 25, 186
Dalison, Maj. Gen. John, 251
Dalit, D. K., 174
Dalmia, Sir Seth, 194
Damodaran, A. K., 169–70
Dandakaranya, 336
Darjeeling, 231, 283, 342
Darul Uloom School, 22
Das, C. R., 68
Das, Sitanath, 284
Daultana, Mumtaz, 243
Dawn, 15, 77, 286, 308
Dayananda, Swami, 22
de la Fargue, Col. Dudley, 128–9, 344
Defence of India Act, 32
Gymkhana Club in, 229, 344
independence celebrations in, 223
marked change in, 344
people rush to, 333
poverty in, 223
seat of government moved to, 17, 31
Viceroy’s House in, 15
violence in, 116, 137, 248–52, 254
Delhi Proposals, 90, 91
Deobandi movement, 22, 57
Dhillon, Aridaman Singh, 78, 255
Dominion status, 34, 37, 71, 162, 175, 353
and Independence Bill, 178–9
Donovan, Maj. D. H., 260
Dyer, Brig. Gen. Reginald, 32–3, 353
Dykes, Col. Tom, 321
East India Company, 16, 19, 20, 24, 28, 55, 57 (see also Raj)
easy domination by, 59
Mughal system adopted by, 23
and Princely states, 185–6
remit lost to, 19
Times tribute to, 227
East Pakistan, see Bangladesh
Eastern States of Orissa and Chattisgarh, 341
Elmhirst, Air Mshl Sir Thomas, 268
Emergency Committee on Refugees, 258–9, 266
Erskine-Crum, Vernon, 101, 181
Exercise Embrace, 16
Faiz, Ahman Faiz, 279–80
Faiz, Alice, 279–80
famine, 39–47 (see also under individual regions, cities)
Ferris, Maj., 315
Gandhi, Mohandas:
adulation for, 223
and Aiyar, 194
assassination of, 347–8
and funeral, 347
Nehru–Patel relations improve after, 347–8
background, lifestyle and beliefs of, 61–8
bomb thrown at, 346–7
and Cabinet Mission Plan, 50
and Calcutta peace, 13, 246–7
Churchill’s and Wavell’s contempt for, 62
and cinema injury, 246
Congress dominated by, 61–2
and Congress reform, 69
and Cripps, 47
day of silence observed by, 163–4
and Dominion status, 34
and English cloth, 69
fasting by, 64, 73, 186, 247, 346
and concern at frailty of, 248
and Gokhale, 60, 61
and Hindu customs, 62
and Hindu–Muslim unity, restoration of, 346
imprisonment of, 47–8, 68, 73
on Indian forces, 148
and Jinnah, 90
and Kashmir, 202
and Linlithgow, 47
on Montagu, 31
and Mountbatten, 104–5, 163–4
on Mountbatten’s address to princes, 199–200
Mountbatten’s praise for, 282
moves to Calcutta, 217
Mukherjee’s tirade against, 247–8
Muslims loathe, 62
and Nehru, 62, 75
and partition, views on, 74, 96, 152
on possible war with Pakistan, 271–2
and power-sharing, 92
and Princely states, 187, 199–200, 202
and religion, 71
and Rowlatt, 32
and Salt March, 68–9
satyagraha campaign of, 34, 68–9
seven conditions of, 346–7
small farmers championed by, 66
state mourning for, 347
and Tilak, 61
tributes to, 347
and war aims, 72
Wavell’s opinion of, 8
Gane, Gen., 245
Fair, slaughter at, 13–14
town, massacre in, 13
Ghaffar, Khan Abdul, 127, 131, 179
Ghosh, Prafulla Chandra, 207, 217, 282
Ghulam Abbas, Choudh
ury, 308
Ghulam Mohammad, Malik, 184, 275–6, 349
Gilgit Scouts, 327
Godse, Nathuram, 347
Gokhale, Gopal Krishna, 60, 67, 90
Government of India Act (1935), 36–7, 43, 46, 68, 72, 92, 275, 353
and Pakistan, 275
Gracey, Gen. Douglas, 270, 317–18
Great Calcutta Killings, 10–13, 115, 144, 232, 247 (see also Calcutta)
famine in, 39
religion in, 62–3
Gujrat, 310, 316
Gupta, Ashoka, 13, 242
Gurgaon, 136, 158–9, 293, 314
Gurkhas, 20, 32, 145, 158–9, 176–7, 178, 205, 206, 327
Nehru dislikes, 314
Rees’s call for, 244
Gurmani, Mushtaq Ahmad, 237, 256, 280, 290–1
Gymkhana Club, 229, 344
Hall, Adm. John, 268
Hamid, Capt. Shahid, 8
Hamid, Shahid, 80, 91, 97, 108, 150, 166, 167, 221, 222–3, 318, 330
Hamidullah Khan, Sir, 77, 105, 182, 188, 193, 199, 200, 229–30
India–Pakistan dilemma of, 299–300
Haq, Abdul, 233, 339
Hastings, Warren, 25, 211
Hawthorne, Maj. Gen., 216
Hazara, 310–11
Herald Tribune, 325–6
Herbert, C. G., 195
Herbert, Sir Jack, 43, 46
Hidayatullah, Sir Ghulam Hussain, 184
burnt properties of, 159
and Cabinet Mission Plan, 49–50
and Calcutta rioting, see under Calcutta
and Mahasabha, 131–2, 218, 347
Malda’s witch hunt of, against Muslim, 286
Muslim gangs attack, 82
and Muslims, in Bengal, 17
and nationalism, 22, 29
partition preferred by, 121
Princely states aid, in Punjab, 158
and Punjab violence, see under Punjab
Hindustan (see also power-transfer plan), India thus called, 138
Hindustan Standard, 271–2
Hindustan Times, 43, 77, 116, 131, 151, 265, 308
Hodson, Henry, 300
Holkar, Yeshwant Rao, 194–5
Hossan, Dr Syed, 284
Hume, A. P., 7, 15
Hussain, Ghulam, 124
Hydari, Sir Akbar, 183
Hyderabad, 187, 195–6, 230 (see also Princely states)
and accession, 230, 340–1
Chaudhuri attacks, 341
domination by, 18
famine in, 39
Hyderabad, Nizam of, 18, 189, 190, 195, 196, 230, 340
Ibrahim, Sardar Mohammed, 309
Ilbert Bill, 59
Independence Bill, 178–9
and Dominion status, 179
India (see also individual peoples of; individual regions, provinces and cities):
and Britain’s balance-of-payments advantages, 28
Britain’s withdrawal from, see power-transfer plan
and British legal system, 25
British troop levels reduced in, 30
canals in, 27
decreasing commercial importance of, 35
division of, 172
East India Company loses remit to rule, 19
economic planning in, 27–8
education establishments founded in, 57–8
elections in, 48, 50
famines in, see under individual regions, cities
feudal landowning system in, 24–5
First War of Independence in, see Indian Mutiny
formation of first government of, 223
generous payments to UK by, 30
and home rule (Swaraj), 34, 36, 61, 65, 66, 90
Gandhi’s dedication to, 67–8
and Independence Bill, see Independence Bill
independence celebrations in, 220–1, 223–6
Nehru’s speech marking, 224
Independence Day in, 227–9
and army gunfire incident, 228–9
violence during, 232–3
and Kashmir plebiscite, see under Kashmir
nationalism in, 22, 29, 33
and new governor-generalship, 180
nuclear capability of, 352
Pakistan attacks, 351
and Pakistan civil war, 351
Pakistan’s early relations with, 271
post-Independence administration of, 343
and post-Kashmir war with Pakistan, 350
pre-partition cash reserves of, 348–9
put on war footing, 38
revenue and expenditure of, 27
rising number of British in, 344
Rowlatt protests in, 32
strikes and mutinies in, 51–2, 121, 217
and trade with Britain, importance of, 28
Wavell becomes viceroy of, 7 (see also Wavell, Fld Mshl Archibald)
and WW2’s end, 47
India and Burma Committee, 150–1
Indian Air Force, 142, 146, 268
and chapatti deliveries, 293
division of, 173
Indian Army, 139–50, 268
background and make-up of, 140–2
British officer numbers reduced in, 270
division of, 139, 172–8
and Dominion status, 175
and emotional issues, 173
in France and Mesopotamia, 30
glamorous image of, 143
growth of, 30
and Gurgaon violence, 158–9
and independence, 227–8
and Japanese, 146–7
legacy of, and Iraq, 2
looks to its future, 142
main ‘classes’ within, 20
major overhaul of, 19–20
post-partition base of, 173
recruitment changes in, 52
remaining British among, 227, 316, 343
Sikhs in, 15
Wavell’s reliance on, 16
Indian Civil Service (ICS):
British officers in, 24
categories in, 53–4
and financial provision, 113
and public-school system, 23
serving Pakistan, 204
touring officers of, 26, 27
Indian Defence Council, 312, 314, 315
Indian Independence Act, and Pakistan, 275
Indian Legion, 73
Indian Mutiny, 19–20, 57, 59, 186
cause of, 19
military lessons of, 20
murderous violence as feature of, 19
reactions to failure of, 22
surprise element of, 19
time taken to suppress, 20
Indian National Army (INA), 53, 73
Indian Navy, 51, 142, 268, 345
division of, 173
Indore, Maharajah of, 194–5, 199
Interim Government, 10, 50–1, 75, 96, 99, 132, 152, 354
not working, 132–3
Iqbal, Sir Muhammad, 88, 91, 224
on League’s failure, 92–3
Iraq, 1–3
Irwin, Lord, 34
Irwin, Maj. Gen., 139
Ismay, Hastings ‘Pug’, 100–2, 113–14, 118–19, 125, 132–3, 155, 165, 251–2, 328, 356–7
Cabinet briefing by, 150–1
on Delhi violence, 250
Jinnah’s meeting with, 272–3
and refugees, 263
Ismay, Sarah, 250–1
Israel, 113, 278
Jalal, Ayesha, 109
Jallianwalla Bagh massacre, see under Amritsar
Jammu, 189, 201, 266, 310, 317 (see also Kashmir)
and accession, 306, 314
chaotic situation in, 314
violence in, 310, 328
women as sex slaves in, 328
Jammu and Kashmir, Maharajah of, 18, 201
Jaspal, Kamla, 289
Jassar massacre, 292
Jats, 14, 20, 136–7, 159
Jefford, Adm. James, 270
Jenkins, Sir Evan, 5
5, 76, 79, 81, 84, 123–4, 146, 159, 204, 205, 212, 215, 219
Jha, Amar Nath, 330
Jhangar, 339
Jinnah, Muhammad Ali (see also Muslim League):
and armed forces’ division, 173, 177
background, lifestyle and beliefs of, 88–92
becomes leader, 88
British soldiers welcomed by, 227
and candidate nominations, 48
capitulation of, 318
death of, 348
‘Direct Action Day’ declared by, 10
double-cross suspected by, 50
as essence of Pakistan, 277
and Gandhi, 90
on Gandhi’s death, 347
and Gokhale, 60
illness of, 180–1, 317, 348
and death, 348
and independence celebrations, 221
Ismay’s meeting with, 272–3
and Karachi violence, 332
and Kashmir, 306
and lashkar invasion, 316, 317, 318–19
as League’s ‘Sole Spokesman’, 10
leaves Congress, 87, 90
leaves Karachi, 348
and Linlithgow, 93
and military, 149, 271
and Mitchell, 344–5
and Mountbatten, 115, 116–18, 180, 222
Muslim League position consolidated by, 38
Naidu praises, 91
and new governor-generalship, 180–1
and Pakistan creation ceremony, 221–2
Pakistan finally offered to, 156
and Pakistan military, 206
plot to kill, 212
power-sharing sought by, 92
and Princely states, 195, 197–8, 199
and Punjab partition, 167–8
and refugees, appeal for, 295
and religious labels, 277–8
and round-table conference, 318–19
toasts to and by, 276–7
and transfer of power, see power-transfer plan
on unified India, 133
Jodhpur, 197–9, 264, 292, 345
Joint Defence Council, 175, 244, 245, 316, 354
abolition of, 268, 269
Junagadh, 230, 299, 300–1, 312, 315 (see also Mahabat Khanji III, Nawab Mohammad; Princely states)
Junagadh, Maharaja of, see Mahabat Khanji III, Nawab Mohammad
Kak, Pandit, 201–2, 307
Kalal, K. N., 286
Karachi, 15, 124, 173, 184, 197, 199, 216, 220, 264, 278–9, 295
gurdwara attack in, 332
‘new centre of Muslim cohesion’, 222
Karachi–Jodhpur Friendship Society, 264
Kashmir, 113, 187, 191, 201–2, 220, 230 (see also Jammu; Princely states)
and accession, 230, 299, 306, 309, 312, 314, 340
and lashkar invasion, see lashkar tribesmen
arms rushed to, 312
and lashkar invasion, 310–29 passim
renewed, 339
Nehru’s broadcast concerning, 305
and plebiscite, 301, 318, 319, 328, 339–40
UN’s involvement, 339–40
Poonch conflict in, 309
seen as disgrace and tragedy, 269
UN Observer Mission to, 340
and uncertain boundaries, 231
Khadi Group, 217
Khilafat Movement, 90, 127