Page 47
Killearn, Lord, 184
Kipling, Rudyard, 40, 299
Kirpalani, Sandtas, 160, 167, 184, 212, 249–50, 258–9, 289, 343
and refugees, 289, 333, 334–5
Kitchener, Lord, 107
Kunzru, Pandit, 270
Lahore (see also Punjab):
cosmopolitan society of, 14
inclusion of, in India, 215
Independence Day violence in, violence during, 232–3
intercommunity distrust in, 78
violence and arson in, 159, 160, 211
Lahore Resolution, 93–4
Laik Ali, Mir, 340–1
Lal, Kharaiti, 297
Lamarque, Geoffrey, 95, 111, 115
Lambert, Denis, 144
Lapierre, Dominique, 99
lashkar tribesmen, invasion by, 310–29 passim
Liaquat, Khan Ali, 75, 104, 117, 118, 149, 184, 243, 301 (see also Pakistan)
accusations of, against India, 271
and armed forces’ division, 175
assassination of, 349
on Gurgaon violence, 158–9
and Nehru, 328
as Pakistan PM, 275
and refugees, 258, 289, 295
and round-table conference, 318
Linlithgow, Lord:
and civil-disobedience movement, 38
and famine situation, 43, 44, 46–7
India declared at war by, 37
and Jinnah, 93
Listowel, Lord, 115, 202–3
Lockhart, Lt Gen. Sir Robert, 179, 268, 314, 316
Longmore, Peter, 96
Lucknow conference, 34, 87
Lutyens, Edwin, 15
Maconachie, Evan, 21
Madras, 138
famine in, 39
long-term British presence in, 111
as one of great provinces, 16
and transfer of power, see power-transfer plan
Mahabat Khanji III, Nawab Mohammad, 188, 230, 300
Mahajan, Mehr Chand, 171, 307, 311–12
Majumdar, M. K., 13
Malhotra, Inder, 26, 225, 345–6
Mamdot, Khan of, 170–2
Manchester Guardian, 253
Mandal, Jogendra Nath, 276
Manki Sharif, Pir of, 308, 310, 322
Marathas, 20, 59
land taken from, 17
Mason, Philip, 21
Massey, Lt Col. Paddy, 97, 103, 169, 224–5, 249
Mehta, Prof., 257
Menon, Krishna, 102, 104, 203, 279
and Mountbatten, 135
Menon, V. P., 54, 58, 74, 88, 101, 154, 216, 219, 312–13, 328, 341, 348
on Auchinleck, 107
and Princely states, 192–3, 198, 342
and South Asia future, 155
and transfer of power, 118–19, 132, 164, 355
Meos, 158, 159
Messervy, Lt Gen. Frank, 82, 84, 227, 271, 316
becomes commander-in-chief, 270
Miéville, Eric, 101, 118, 137, 139, 152
Military Evacuation Organisations, 245, 259, 290, 292, 294
Milligan, Spike, 143
Ministry of Relief and Rehabilitation, 259, 289, 295
Mirpur, 310
Mirza, Gen. Iskander, 349–50
Mitchell, Norval, 29, 53, 54, 125, 127, 128, 129, 189–90
Jinnah offers post to, 344–5
resigns, 345
Mitchison, Lt Col., 356
Mitra, Ashok, 286
Mohammed, Justice Din, 171
Monckton, Sir Walter, 196, 199, 211, 314
Montagu–Chelmsford Reforms, 29–30, 31, 34, 36, 46, 53, 67, 72
Montague, Edwin, 30, 31
Montgomery, Fld Mshl Bernard, 176, 177
and Auchinleck, 267–8
Moolgaonkar, S., 28
Moon, Penderel, 25, 189, 200, 214–15, 237, 255–7, 280, 291
Moores, John, 240
Moreland, W. H., 26
Morley–Minto Reforms, 29, 60, 61, 87
Morris, Brig., 228
Mountbatten, Earl:
and Attlee, 115–16
and Auchinleck, 106, 108, 150, 220, 268–9
departure of, 331
becomes governor-general, 224
and Boundary Commission, 220
calls on Attlee to mediate, 339
Christie’s view of, 100
Constituent Assembly discussed by, 156
early days of, as viceroy, 97–106 passim, 108
Emergency Committee headed by, 258–9, 266
final report of, to Attlee, 356
and Freedom at Midnight, 99
frontier visit of, 129–30
and Gandhi, 104–5, 163–4
at Gandhi’s funeral, 347
and ICS financial provision, 113
and Independence Bill, 179
Ismay’s view of, 100
and Jinnah, 115, 116–18, 180, 222
Jinnah’s meetings with, 115, 116–18
and Kashmir, 202, 312, 318–19, 328–9
and Kashmir plebiscite, see under Kashmir
and Krishna Menon, 135
Kunzru’s accusation against, 270
and military, wariness of, 216
and Nehru, 101–3, 130, 152, 153, 179, 355
new Defence Council chaired by, 312
and new governor-generalships, 180–1
on numbers killed, 356
and Pakistan creation ceremony, 222
and partition deaths, 99
and Patel, 67, 104–5, 132
Personal Report of, 115–16
political leaders addressed by, 98
and Princely states, 191, 192, 193, 194, 198, 202–3, 219
address to princes, 199–200
and Radcliffe, 210
reputation of, among Indians, 99
and round-table conference, 318–19
staff brought to India by, 100–1
and transfer of power, see power-transfer plan
viceroy appointment of, 76, 77, 79, 97–8
as wartime Supreme Commander, 47, 98
and Wavell, 79
Mountbatten, Edwina, 98, 103, 116, 333
frontier visit of, 129–30
and Radcliffe, 210
Mudie, Sir Francis, 124–5, 276, 289, 317, 338
Mughal Empire, 59
decline of, 15
Mukherjee, Bankin, 42
Mukherjee, Gopal, 247–8
as feared gang leader, 11
Mukherji, N., 125
Munir, Justice Munir, 171
Muslim League, 55, 353 (see also Jinnah, Muhammad Ali)
and Bengal partition, 162, 167
border fortification demanded by, 271
Constituent Assembly withdrawal by, 56, 75–6, 95
and departure date, 77
and elections, 48–9, 50, 96
founding of, 87
and Government of India Act, 36–7
and Interim Government, see Interim Government
Iqbal’s observations on, 92–3
Jinnah consolidates, 38
and Khizar’s resignation, 82
and Lahore Resolution, 93–4
at Lucknow conference, 34, 87
Malda’s Hindus’ witch hunt against, 286
and military, 149
national guards of, 55
Patel’s view of, 104
Punjab coalition resented by, 15
and Punjab partition, 162, 167
and Punjab violence, see under Punjab
and Rampur riots, 196–7
and Sylhet referendum, 183
and transfer of power, see power-transfer plan
Muslim National Guard, 285
Muslims (see also Jinnah, Muhammad Ali; Pakistan):
allocation of seats to, 36
betrayal felt by, 87
and Cabinet Mission Plan, 49–50
and Calcutta rioting, see under Calcutta
Calcutta’s falling population of, 286
and Hindus, in Be
ngal, 17
‘hunted down and butchered’, 250 (see also Delhi: violence in)
in Jammu, 310
Jats’ slaughter of, 14
marginalisation of, 86
separate electorate for, 29, 34, 87, 89
spread of, in India, 85–6
and wartime Turks, 30, 87
Muzaffarabad, sacking of, 311
Naidu, Sarojini, 81
Naoroji, Dadabhai, 35
Napier, Lord, 17
Narain, Jai Prakash, 74
Nawaiwaqt, 234
Nawanagar, Maharajah of, 190, 300
Nawaz, Begum Shah, 271
Nawaz Khan, Shah, 149
Nawaz, Capt. Shah, 146–7
Nazimuddin, Sir Khwaja, 42, 217, 287–8, 348, 349
Nehru, Jawaharlal, 175
achievement of goal doubted by, 56
and armed forces’ division, 172, 176, 177
and Attlee, 155
and Auchinleck, 244, 268, 316
background, lifestyle and beliefs of, 66, 70–1
becomes Trades Union Congress president, 70
and Caroe, 179
Constituent Assembly discussed by, 156
and Cripps, 47
Delhi hoodlum assaulted by, 250
and departure date, 77
fired on, 128
and Gandhi, 62, 75
at Gandhi’s funeral, 347
and Gokhale, 60
and Gurkhas, 176
Gurkhas disliked by, 314
Gwalior speech of, 135, 191
independence speech of, 224
on Jinnah, 93
and Kashmir, 202, 220
and Kashmir plebiscite, see under Kashmir
at Lahore summit, 258
and Liaquat, 328
and military, 148–9, 206, 216, 352
on mixed troops, 244
and Mountbatten, 101–3, 130, 152, 153, 179, 355
and new dam, 334
and new governor-generalship, 180
and NW Frontier, 128
on paramountcy, 191
and Patel, 75, 170, 178
relations improve after Gandhi death, 347–8
and power-sharing, 92
and Princely states, 135, 185, 191–2, 195–6, 201–2, 219, 300–1
and refugees, 242–3, 258
appeal for, 295
and refugees’ lost property, 336
and round-table conference, 318–19
Sind complaint of, 124
and transfer of power, see power-transfer plan
and war aims, 72–3
Nehru, Motilal, 66, 68, 71, 87
Nehru, Nan, 64
Nehta, Khorshed, 298
Neogy, K. C., 40, 46, 259
and refugees, 289, 333
New York Times, 326
Nishtar, Sardar Abdur Rab, 161, 170, 276
North West Frontier, 49, 86, 117, 125–31 (see also Peshawar)
annual migration from, 310–11
and Cabinet Mission Plan, 49
establishment of, 17
and hopes of Muslim power, 37
Mountbatten visits, 129–30
plebiscite in, 119, 130–1, 132, 152–3, 166, 179, 204, 355
confirmed, 138
political complexity of, 125–7
as test case, 151
and transfer of power, see power-transfer plan
violence in, 116
Nye, Sir Archie, 119, 122
opium, 28
Orissa, 17, 46, 86, 121, 138, 218, 336, 341
Pakistan (see also Jinnah, Muhammad Ali; Muslim League; Muslims; power-transfer plan):
antipathy in, towards India, 288–9
British soldiers welcomed in, 227
civil war in, 336, 350–1
concept of, as Muslim homeland, 88, 92, 94, 96
Congress decides status of, 134
and Constituent Assembly, 156
constitution of, 281
creation celebrations for, 221–3
East (later Bangladesh, q.v.), 351
cyclone hits, 350
Dacca becomes capital of, 184
India invades, 351
as election issue, 49
financial position of, 349
first government of, 275–6
flag chosen for, 278
and Gandhi’s war prediction, 272
Gilgit Scouts hoist flag of, 327
and Independence Bill, see Independence Bill
India attacked by, 351
and Indian Independence Act, 275
India’s early relations with, 271
and India’s pre-partition cash reserves, 348–9
and Jinnah–Mountbatten meetings, 117
Karachi announced as capital of, 184
and Kashmir plebiscite, see under Kashmir
and land corridor, need for, 157
and lashkar invasion, see lashkar tribesmen
and League’s refusal to budge, 96
makeup of, 278
martial law in, 350
military concerns in, 206
Muslim atrocities against Sikhs in, 255
naming of, 88
and new governor-generalship, 180–1
as new leading Muslim state, 222
nuclear capability of, 352
and passage of democracy, 349
population of, 278–9
possibly unsustainable, 153
and post-Kashmir war with India, 350
Princely states in, 278
proposals for government of, 275
and refugee councils, 295 (see also refugees)
refugees head for, 221
secessionist preference for, 154
State Bank of, 349
suggested shelving of, 152
and taxes, 288
and UN decision, 340
West–East division of, 349
Pakistan Air Force, 270
Pakistan Army, 177, 206, 259, 269, 310, 315, 317, 350, 352
central role of, 271
formation of, 173
remaining British among, 316, 318
Pal, Chandra, 13
Palestine, 18, 52, 96, 114–15
White Paper on, 95
Palit, D. K., 44, 52, 140, 147, 327
Pant, Pandit, 121, 218, 226, 265, 294
partition (see also power-transfer plan):
and astrologers, 220
and Boundary Commissions, 170–1, 220, 230
and British inability to leave India, 3
Christie’s document on, 167
Congress would accept, 139
continuing human cost of, 335
death numbers concerning, 356
Gandhi’s views on, 74, 96, 152
Jinnah’s initial push for, and a separate Pakistan, 96
and Pakistan creation celebrations, 221–3
as price worth paying, 132
of provinces vs of India, 162
Radcliffe’s preparation for, 209–11, 218–19, 230
troops required for, 124, 139, 146
Partition Committee, 167, 170
formation of, 165
Partition Council, 170
and armed forces, 172
Auchinleck briefs, 204
Parton, Margaret, 325–6
Patel, H. M., 165, 167
Patel, Vallabhbhai, 51, 56, 85, 104–5, 152, 155, 176, 185, 328, 341
and Abdullah, 318
Constituent Assembly discussed by, 156
death of, 348
and Emergency Committee, 258–9
and Gandhi, 66–7, 69, 73
and Hindu–Muslim unity, restoration of, 346
and ICS financial provision, 113
and military, 148–9
and Mountbatten, 67, 104–5, 132
and Nehru, 75, 170, 178
relations improve after Gandhi death, 347–8
and NW Frontier, 128
and Princely states, 192–3, 194, 195–6, 201, 203, 300–1, 342
and Ra
dcliffe’s lines, 231
and round-table conference, 319
seen as possible leak, 151
Patiala, Maharaja of, 190, 342
Pavlova, Anna, 35
‘Peccavi’, 17
Peshawar, 126, 129, 173, 227
inter-regiment fighting in, 252–3
Peshawar Club, 229
Pethick-Lawrence, Lord, 49, 75
ineffective, 115
and withdrawal date, 77
Peyton, John, 230
Pinnell, Leonard George, 43
Plan Balkan, see power-transfer plan
Pockson, Maynard Hastings, 257
Pocock, Capt. J. G., 173
Poonch, 309, 310, 317, 326, 327 (see also Kashmir)
Powell, Brig. Enoch, 142
power-transfer plan, 156–7, 167 (see also partition)
calendar for, 167
conference concerning, 119–25
passim, 128–9, 131–2, 137
end of, 131–2
date proposed for, 76–7, 96, 102, 117, 156–7, 163, 354
details of, 137–9, 155, 165–7
country hears, 166–7
and provincial distribution, 138
and Ismay’s Cabinet briefing, 150–1
and Jinnah’s objections, 164
modified, meetings concerning, 161–3, 164–5
and details, 165
and partition question, 162
Mountbatten criticised over, 169
Nehru and Patel want quick action on, 170
Nehru’s rage over, 153–4
and NW Frontier as test case, 151–2
urgency for, 168–9
Prasad, Dr Rajendra, 75, 223, 346
and Gandhi, 66
Princely states, 18, 28, 36, 54, 77, 135, 138, 185–203, 219
and accession, 219, 229–30, 264, 299–302 (see also individual states)
and Constituent Assembly, 135, 156
Kashmir and accession, see under Kashmir
in Pakistan, 278
and Rampur riots, 196–7
and refugees, 264
and Auchinleck’s errors, 269
balance of ‘classes’ in, 14
Boundary Commission for, 170–2
and Cabinet Mission Plan, 49
canals in, 27
coalition government in, 15, 81
hated Muslim police in, 217
and hopes of Muslim power, 37
intermixed religious cultures in, 170
and internal security, 145
and Jassar massacre, 290, 292
lacking League administration, 93
martial law in, 32
monsoon conditions in, 242, 262–3
Muslim–Hindu polarisation in, 15
Muslim officers disarmed in, 215
new chief minister of, 342
and partition, 167, 170–2 (see also partition)
lines of, 209, 215, 218–19, 230, 231
and Muslim League, 162, 167
and Sikhs, 162, 204
police deserters in, 215
and refugees, see refugees
train protection in, 239–40, 260
and transfer of power, see power-transfer plan
and uneven distribution of arms, 265
violence in, 82–4, 102, 116, 123–4, 136–7, 213–14, 215–16, 231–40, 245, 248, 254–7