Page 48
and casualty figures, 211–12
Gurgaon, 136, 158–9, 293
on trains, 260–2, 290, 296
Punjab Boundary Force (PBF), 204–6, 214, 215, 216, 234–6
passim, 243, 244
disbanding of, 245, 253, 265, 266
failure of, 267
and refugees, 241, 243
Punwani, 334–5
Qalat, 199, 202
Qayum Khan, 253
Qayyum Khan, Abdul, 309, 327
Quaid-i-Azam Relief Fund, 295
Quit India, 38, 47–8, 73, 74, 148
Radcliffe, Sir Cyril, 171, 209–11 passim, 218–19, 230–1, 282–3
Rahman, Abdur, 100–1
Rahman, Fazlur, 276
Rahman, Sheikh Mujibur, 350, 351
Rahman, S. A., 171
Rai, Col. Ranjit, 315, 317, 322–3, 324
Raj (see also East India Company):
and ‘civilising’ idea, 357
decline of machinery of, 15–16
and Ilbert Bill, 59
Imperial Heyday of, 21
life expectancy under, 27
racist basis of, 21
Sikhs as loyal supporters of, 15
stronger form of opposition to, 57
successor state to, see Constituent Assembly
thinning of, 353
Times tribute to, 227
Rajagopalachari, Chakravarti, 70, 75, 132, 226
Rajputana, 219, 334
Ram, Kashi, 335
Ranjitsinhji, K. S., 35
‘Rape of Rawalpindi’, 84, 123–4, 215, 355 (see also Punjab: violence in)
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), 55, 75, 218, 347
Rauf, Abdul, 13
Raza, Brig. Aga Mohammed, 229
Rees, Maj. Gen. Pete, 205, 206, 213–14, 232, 234, 236, 244–5, 265
‘not a happy choice’ as commander, 265
and refugees, 243–4
refugees, 41, 159, 215, 217, 221, 225, 234, 239–43, 246, 249, 258–64, 272, 283–6, 289–99, 310, 327–8, 333–8
and abducted women, 297–8
appeals on behalf of, 295
and BOA C, 294
and cholera, 293
and compensation, 294, 336
and deaths from hunger and exhaustion, 337
Emergency Committee on, 258–9, 266
and food appeal, 293
and increasing humanitarian problem, 242, 258
land left behind by, 335–6
and lost property, 294–5, 337, 338
and massacres, 290–3
and Military Evacuation Organisation, 259
Ministry of, 259, 289, 295
and monsoon conditions, 262–3
Muslims from Gurgaon, 293
and Nehru–Liaquat Punjab tour, 258
Punjab camps for, 295–6
and Recovered Women’s camps, 296
and resettlement work, 337–8
Sikhs to India, 290–3
and food appeal, 293
and violence to Sikhs, 290–3
Ripon, Lord, 59
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 38
Rowlands, Sir Archibald, 184, 276
Rowlatt Acts, 32, 67, 90, 353
Rowlatt, Justice, 32
Royal Scots Fusiliers, 8, 253, 276
Rutherford, Thomas, 44, 45
Saddam Hussein, 2
Saha, M. N., 136
Sahib Khan, Dr, 127–31 passim, 253, 307, 344
Sainsbury, Lord, 35
Salt March, 68–9
Sarat, Muhammad Yusuf, 320
Sarkar, Dr Abani Nath, 136
Sarkar, Sir Jadunath, 136
Sarma, Sir Narasima, 289
Sarojini, Naidu, 91
Sarwar, Ghulam, 12
satyagraha, 34, 66, 68, 90
Savory, Sir Reginald, 10, 356
Scott, Maj. Gen., 309, 311
Scott, Paul, 54
Secunderabad, 341
Sen, Brig. Bogey, 325, 326
Sethi, J. G., 160
sex slaves, 328
Shankar, Uday, 35
Shanks, Fr George, 320
Sharma, Maj. Somnath, 324
Sher Khan, Ali, 251–2
Shone, Sir Terence, 122–3
Siddiqi, Saleem, 280
Sikhs (see also Punjab: violence in):
‘appalling’ savagery of, 254
and Boundary Commission, 204
and communal madness, 254–5
disproportionate influence of, 14–15
growing strength of, 59
and Jinnah death plot, 212
Jinnah on, 133
movement of, to India, 290–3
and food appeal, 293
Muslim gangs attack, 82
offensive against Muslims by, plan for, 157
and Punjab partition, 162, 204
and Punjab rule, 15
and Punjab violence, see under Punjab
and Simla, 267
Simla, 109–10, 332
Simon Commission, 9, 34, 70, 91, 114
Simon, Sir John, 34
Sind, 49, 86, 96, 117, 128, 130, 153, 184, 197, 264, 287, 295
and Cabinet Mission Plan, 49
conquest of, 17
and hopes of Muslim power, 37
Sikhs evacuated from, 332
and transfer of power, see power-transfer plan
Singh, Amar, 256
Singh, Bakhtawar, 291–2
Singh, Baldev, 75, 79, 161, 163, 166, 204, 216, 259, 328
Singh, Bhag, 291–2
Singh Chopra, Lt Col. (later Brig.) Mohindar, 182–3, 248, 295, 298–9
and border demarcation, 298
on refugee problem, 260, 296
service record of, 182
Singh, Maharajah Gagul, 219
Singh, Sir Ganga, 41, 219
Singh, Giyani Kartar, 204
Singh, Gurdeep, 257
Singh, Maharajah Hanwant, 197, 198–9, 264
Singh, Col. (later Lt Gen.) Harbakhsh, 324, 325, 350
Singh, Maharajah Hari, 201, 306–7, 308, 309, 311–13
and round-table conference, 318
Singh, Sir Jogendra, 40
Singh, Karan, 309, 312, 313
Singh, Kartar, 132
Singh, Kehar, 296–7, 299
Singh, Gen. Kulwant, 327
Singh, Kushwant, 35, 54, 223, 224, 346
Singh, Narinder, 264
Singh, Niranjan, 237–8
Singh, Sir Pratap, 197–8
Singh, Pritam, 211–12
Singh, Brig. Rajendra, 311
Singh Randhawa, Sardar Sahib Raghbir, 265
Singh, Maharajah Ranjit, 15
Singh, Ratan, 167
Singh, Sant, 160, 238–9
Singh, Sophia Duleep, 35
Singh, Tara, 132, 204, 212, 216, 234, 270
Singh, Justice Teja, 171
Singh, Umaid, 197
Slim, Gen. William, 47, 123
Smith, Sir Arthur, 205, 206
Smith, Sydney, 311
Smith, W. H. Saumarez, 46
Spens, Sir Patrick, 97, 211
Srinagar, 201, 305, 306, 309, 310–15
passim, 317, 318, 320, 321–2, 327, 340
chaotic situation in, 323
power cut off from, 312
power restored to, 326
Statesman, 222
Suhrawardy, Huseyn, 10, 42, 121–2, 123, 206–7, 217, 248, 286, 350
becomes Pakistan PM, 349
and naming of Bengal, 155
Supreme Headquarters:
disbanding of, 266, 268, 269
ineffectiveness of, 267
Syed, G. M., 124
Sylhet, 123, 138, 166, 230
and East Bengal, 172, 183
referendum for, 183
Talbot, Phillips, 11–12
Thapar, Romesh, 357
Thimayya, Brig., 244
Thimayya, Brig. K. S., 245, 266
Tilak, Bal Gangadhar, 60–1, 67, 90
222, 226, 227, 322
Times of India, 222, 325, 357
Tinkori family, 41–2
Tiwana, Malik Sir Khizar Hayat, 55
resigns, 81–2
Tottenham, Loftus, 18–19
Travancore, 105, 193–4 (see also Princely states)
Tripura, 342
Trivedi, Sir Chandulal, 53–4, 120, 177–8
Tuker, Gen. Sir Francis, 11, 53, 78, 121, 146, 205, 218, 226, 282, 342, 343
on Sikh savagery, 254
on starving poor, 287
Turner, Sir Victor, 276
Tyson, John, 119, 121
Ujagar, Sardar, 265
United Provinces, 17, 36, 86, 94, 121, 125, 138, 218, 294, 333
crime in, 68, 78
districts in, 23
police powers in, 265
and transfer of power, see power-transfer plan
violence in, 116
Uri, 311, 326, 339, 340
Vaughan-Thomas, Wynford, 254, 356
Viceroy’s House, Delhi, 15
Volunteer Workers Council, 333
Watson, Sir Alfred, 226
Wavell, Fld Mshl Archibald, 7–10, 36
appointed viceroy, 7
and Attlee, 9, 55, 56, 76–7, 79, 80
and Cabinet Mission Plan, 50
Cabinet opinion of, 9
and Churchill, 48
Churchill’s animosity towards, 7–8
complains to Attlee, 55
and Cripps, 49
and decline of machinery of Raj, 15
delegation to London led by, 9
and demobilisation, 47
departure of, 79–80, 96–7
devoted to India, 18
evacuation plan of, 9, 99
and famine situation, 44–5
on famine’s effects, 42
first acts of, as viceroy, 44
and Gandhi, 62, 74, 104
and ICS financial provision, 113
and INA prisoners, 53
on Jinnah, 94
and London delegation, 51
and Mountbatten, 79
and power-sharing, 48
and Simla meetings, 48, 49
tribute of, to Auchinleck, 330
and way forward, 75–6
Wavell, Felicity, 96
Whip, 289
Whitehead, Andrew, 11, 324, 325–6
Willcox Committee, 142, 149, 172, 330
Williams, Clifford, 236
Wilson, Woodrow, 30
Wood, Maj. Gen., 44
World War One, 24, 28, 30–1, 35, 37, 90, 353
World War Two, 37–8, 47, 72–3, 93, 330, 353
Wright, Ann, 343
Wylie, Sir Francis, 120
Yahya Khan, Gen., 350
York and Lancaster Regiment, 11
Zafrullah Khan, Sir Muhammad, 93, 184, 271, 275
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