Book Read Free

Relative-ly Speaking

Page 7

by Karen D. Badger

  Removing her hands from Billie's bottom, Cat placed them on Billie's shoulders and pushed her up against the wall next to the window.

  Billie's hands instinctively flattened against the wall on both sides of her hips, as she gave Cat total access to her body.

  Seeing that Billie had cleared the way for her, Cat immediately cupped her wife's breasts in her hands and gently squeezed, pinching the nipples through her shirt.

  Billie's head flew backward, contacting the wall with an audible thud. "God, Cat!" she exclaimed.

  Cat leaned in and whispered in Billie' ear, "Bend your knee for me, love."

  Billie did as she was told, as Cat straddled her wife's knee. Rocking back and forth. The material of her jean cutoffs rubbed on her sensitive skin, raising her own level of excitement several degrees. While keeping a steady rhythm, Cat lifted Billie's shirt upward, exposing two full, firm orbs that were just waiting to be feasted upon. Cat wasted no time as she took one of the precious gems into her mouth and sucked hard.

  Billie moaned loudly, again, banging her head into the wall.

  Moving to the other breast, Cat once again took her fill, sucking, biting, teasing, while Billie pressed her breasts toward, and the rest of her body back against the wall. While suckling at one breast, Cat reached up and snapped at the other nipple with her thumb and middle finger.

  Billie came off the wall as the combination of pleasure and pain from the action nearly caused her to collapse on the spot. She wrapped her arms around Cat for support, her knees too weak to hold her on their own. "Cat, I need to lie down," she said in gasping breaths as they made their way to the bed.

  Lying Billie on her back, Cat climbed on the bed and knelt down between her wife's legs. Cat positioned herself so that Billie's center was pressed into her abdomen as she lowered her body down over her prone wife and continued to administer to Billie's breasts, pushing the tank top high above the voluptuous mounds. Billie grasped the comforter on either side of herself as her chest strained upward toward Cat's willing mouth, and her head pressed backwards, pushing her chin toward the ceiling. Her eyes were closed as she called out Cat's name repeatedly, interspersed with several gods and goddesses. Once again, Cat reached up and snapped at Billie's nipple. Billie's whole body convulsed at the sensation, pushing her very near the edge of oblivion.

  Cat repeated the action several times until Billie just couldn't take any more. Reaching up, she grasped the sides of Cat's head and said very loudly, right into her face, "Take me, please!" ... just as the door to their room opened.

  "Cat, I came to apol...Oh, my God!" Jim said as he took in the sight before him. There on the bed was his daughter-in-law, lying between the legs of his stepdaughter, whose shirt was pushed up, exposing very full and inviting breasts, nipples erect with desire. Cat's head was clasped between Billie's hands, erotic desire written across both of their faces. There was absolutely no doubt about what he had walked in on.


  Dylan stoked the embers in the fireplace before adding another log. The adults were all sitting around the fireplace in the parlor, drinking snifters of brandy, all except Jim and Laurel, who were curiously absent. The kids had been put to bed a short while earlier.

  Billie was sitting on the floor, leaning against the couch with Cat sitting between her legs, wrapped in her arms. Doc and Ida were sitting on the couch, Doc's arm around Ida's shoulder. Alex and Jo were in their favorite chairs, hands resting clasped on the small table between the seats, while Dylan stood at the mantle, watching the fire.

  Cat yawned, resting her head back on Billie's chest. Billie brushed the hair from Cat's face then leaned down to kiss the top of her head. "Tired, love?" she asked.

  Cat nodded her head as she yawned once more.

  "You're not the only one," Dylan said as the nodded his head in Josephine's direction.

  Jo was sitting there, with her chin on her chest, snoring lightly.

  "I guess I'd better get her to bed," Alex commented, squeezing Jo's hand and calling out her name until she woke up. "Josie, darlin', come on dear, time for bed," she said.

  Josephine mumbled something about deciphering the ambush code as she almost nodded off again.

  "Come on, sugar, let's go to bed," Alex said as she helped Jo to her feet and directed her toward the parlor door. "G'night everyone."

  "Good night Nona, Mom. Goodnight Grams," came the chorus of replies.

  "Mom, what time are the girls coming in tomorrow?" Cat asked.

  "Bridget should be here around ten, Amy around noon, and I think Drew's plane arrives at about three. They should all be here in time for dinner," Ida replied.

  "The kids are kind of excited about seeing their cousins again. They haven't seen them since our wedding. How long has it been?" Cat said, looking up at Billie. "Five years?"

  "Almost," Billie replied, smiling.

  Cat yawned for the third time. "Goodness!" she said.

  Billie pushed Cat into a sitting position as she climbed to her feet. Reaching a hand down, she said, "Come on, time for bed."

  Cat went willingly, saying her good nights to her parents and brother-in-law before following her wife to bed.

  Dylan was the next to turn in after tamping the embers down to ash, followed by Doc and Ida, who turned out the lights as they went.

  Tomorrow would be a busy day.


  Rising early as usual the next morning, Billie went directly to Dylan's room. Rousting her brother out of bed, she informed him that he was going on her run with her.

  "What? Are you crazy? Billie, it's only six a.m.!" he exclaimed, looking at his watch through sleep-laden eyes.

  "Come on, move it. It won't kill you. Besides, I need to talk," she said.

  Dylan paused for a moment then begrudgingly complied. "Oh, all right," he said, throwing his feet over the side. "Give me a minute, okay?" he asked.

  "All right. I'll meet you in the kitchen in five," Billie said.

  As promised, Dylan showed up five minutes later, dressed in running shorts, muscle T-shirt and running shoes. Billie remarked to herself, not for the first time, how handsome her brother was. He's a good guy too. He'll make some lucky girl a good husband some day, she thought.

  "Ready?" she asked.

  "As ready as I'll ever be," Dylan replied. "You're insane doing this so early in the morning, you know that?" he said to his sister.

  Billie chuckled. "Gotta beat the heat and humidity. Morning is the best time to do that," she replied.

  "You could skip it all together," her brother suggested.

  "Yeah, but then how would I keep my girlish figure?" Billie teased.

  Dylan looked her up and down and once again noted how sexy she was. The sports bra, spandex running shorts and running shoes left little to the imagination. Too bad she's my sister, he chuckled to himself. To Billie, he said, "Yeah, you may be right. You gotta work extra hard to keep fit when you're as old as you are!"

  "You little shit!" Billie said, chasing her brother out the door.

  Billie and Dylan ran for five miles then spent some time walking and getting to know each other better.

  "He walked in on you and Cat?" Dylan exclaimed in disbelief. "Holy shit. He must have had a coronary."

  "Him? What about us? Believe me, Dyl, we were in no position to take visitors…literally in no position," Billie grinned.

  "Wow. Did he apologize later?" Dylan asked.

  "Actually, we haven't seen him since it happened. He and Mom were suspiciously absent last night in the parlor. Did you notice that?" she commented.

  "You know, you're right," Dylan remarked. Then looking at his sister, and blushing slightly he asked, "Billie, do you think he was, you know, turned on by what he saw?"

  Billie grinned. "You know, Cat and I wondered the same thing. He probably was," she said. "There doesn't seem to be any other excuse for both of them disappearing after it happened," she remarked.

  Dylan just nodded and visibly shivered…a fact n
ot missed by Billie.

  “Disturbing…huh?” Billie asked.

  “You got that right! The thought of my parents having sex is just… just so not cool.”

  Billie grinned and an easy silence fell between them.

  "Dyl, can I ask you something?" Billie asked after a few moments.

  Dylan looked at his sister. "How do I know I won't like this particular question?" he asked, grinning.

  Billie gave her brother a hip check in response.

  "All right, sis, what would you like to know?" he said.

  "Well," Billie said, reaching up to tuck her long hair behind her ears, "What is it about men? I mean, I know why I am turned on by seeing two women together, but why men? What is it about two women that is such a turn on for them?" she asked.

  Dylan looked everywhere but at his sister.

  Billie sensed his discomfort and reached out to touch his arm. They stopped walking and looked at each other. "Dyl, I'm sorry if I'm embarrassing you, but I'd really like to know. I mean, men are so quick to condemn our kind, yet they seem to enjoy watching two women make love. I just don't get it," she said.

  Dylan placed his hands on his hips and sighed deeply. "Well," he said, "I think there are two reasons. First, seeing a woman in the throes of passion is very stimulating. Seeing two women in the throes of passion is doubly exciting. But I think the main reason men get off on seeing two women together, is that most of them fantasize about being in the middle of them, you know, making love to two women at the same time," he answered, blushing to the roots of his hair.

  Billie raised her eyebrows high into her hairline as she listened to her brother's explanation. "You're kidding, right?" she asked incredulously. "I mean, I don't believe there's a man alive that can last long enough to satisfy two women. Hell, some of them don't last long enough to satisfy one!" she exclaimed.

  Dylan grinned at his sister's amazement. "I hate to admit it, sis, but you're right. It doesn't hurt to dream, though," he said as they resumed their walk. A short time later, he looked over at Billie who was still deep in thought. "You know, whoever designed men and women must have had his head up his ass!" he said, chuckling to himself.

  Billie looked at Dylan and smiled. "Oh, I don't know about that, Dyl. I kind of like Cat just the way she is. Come on, I'll race ya back!" she said, getting a head start on her brother.

  "Hey, no fair!" he said taking off behind her.


  Billie and Dylan arrived back at the mansion around eight. Walking into the kitchen, they saw Tara and Skylar enjoying a blueberry pancake breakfast, happily dished up by Maggie.

  "Good morning, Miss Billie, Mr. Dylan," Maggie said cheerfully, placing another pancake in Tara's plate.

  Billie walked over and kissed Maggie on the cheek. "Maggie, I really wish you'd drop the Miss thing, okay?" she asked the jovial cook.

  "Anything you say, Miss Billie," Maggie replied, causing the girls to giggle.

  Billie swooped down on her daughters, tickling them each unmercifully. "Hey, rugrats, whose side are you on here, anyway?" she asked the laughing children.

  "Maggie's!" Tara exclaimed. "She makes great pancakes!"

  "Yeah, Maggie!" Skylar repeated.

  Billie threw her hands up in the air and looked at Dylan. "Traitors! My children are traitors! Well little Miss Benedict Arnolds," she said, "do you happen to know where Mama is right now?" she asked.

  "Shhtill shleepin’," Tara mumbled around a mouthful of blueberry pancakes.

  "Oh, she is, is she?" Billie said, wiggling evil eyebrows up and down at Dylan. Then re-addressing her daughters, she added, "You girls enjoy your breakfast, all right? I'll see you in a little while." Kissing both girls on the head, she left in search of Cat.

  Billie slowly pushed open the door to their room and peered in. There, sprawled across the bed, was Cat, lying on her side, one arm under her pillow, her legs askew over and under the blankets. Her nightshirt had crept its way up around her waist. The morning sun had made its way into the room, falling across the foot of the bed and bathing Cat's lower body in yellow brilliance.

  Quietly slipping into the room, Billie closed the door and leaned against it. My God, Cat, you are so beautiful, Billie thought as she watched her wife sleep. Quickly showering away the sweat from her run, Billie returned to Cat several moments later. Reaching for the nightshirt she had discarded earlier that morning, she slipped it over her head and climbed into bed behind Cat. Rolling onto her side, she spooned herself behind the smaller woman and pulled her in close.

  Cat stirred in her sleep. "Hmm," she moaned, pressing herself back into Billie, who wrapped her arms even tighter around the sleeping beauty.

  "I love you, Cat," Billie whispered in her wife's ear.

  Cat smiled in her sleep.

  "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on," Billie said softly.

  Cat rolled over, her eyes still closed, as she snuggled deep into Billie's embrace.

  Billie placed several kisses on the redhead's face. "You are my reason for living," she said, kissing Cat's nose.

  "As you are mine," Cat smiled flashing emerald green eyes at the tall woman lying beside her.

  Billie claimed Cat's lips in a searing kiss, ending up by lying on top of her prone wife. "Good morning, love," she said, kissing her tenderly once more.

  "Good morning," Cat said, lifting her mouth to Billie's, hungry for contact. "Kiss me, Billie," she demanded.

  Billie was happy to oblige as she lowered her face once more to Cat's.

  Suddenly, a knock came to the door.

  "Damn!" Cat whispered under her breath.

  "Cat, Billie, may I come in?" Laurel just asked from behind the door.

  Billie rolled onto her back and sighed. "Come in, Mom," she called out.

  Laurel pushed the door open and looked in. Cat scooted up and sat with her back against the headboard, patting the bed beside her for Laurel to sit down.

  Walking across the room, Laurel approached the edge of the bed and sat down. Looking at Cat and then at Billie, she said, "I came to apologize for Jim's behavior since we arrived, especially toward you, Cat," she began.

  Cat looked at her sympathetically while Billie stared at the ceiling.

  Wringing her hands together, Laurel continued. "Jim told me what happened last night…how he walked in on you two. He was totally unprepared for what he saw. You have to understand that his upbringing was very strict. He was taught that your kind of love was forbidden. It will take a while for him to come to terms with it. Please be patient with him," Laurel finished.

  Laurel finished her little speech then looked at the women on the bed.

  Billie looked over at her mother. "Apology not accepted, Mother," she said coldly.

  "Billie!" Cat exclaimed.

  Rising onto her elbow, she placed her hand on Cat's thigh and looked into her eyes. "No, Cat. This is not acceptable." Then, turning to her mother, she added, "Mom, I'm grateful that you're here, really I am, but this apology has to come from Jim, not you. Does he even know you're here?" she asked.

  Laurel shook her head and looked down at her hands. Cat reached out and placed her hand on top of Laurel's clasped ones.

  Billie took Laurel's chin and turned her face toward her. "Mom," she said, making eye contact with the older woman, "Do you feel the same way Jim does, about us, I mean?" she asked, holding her breath waiting for the reply.

  Laurel looked into Billie's eyes for several moments before shaking her head loose and looking at Cat, then down at her hands. She opened her hands to take Cat's smaller one inside, squeezing it gently.

  "Billie, I won't pretend to understand your lifestyle, but I do know that when I'm around you and Cat, I see a magic between you that I could only dream of having with Jim. I understand the emotional fulfillment you get from each other. I can't say I am comfortable with the physical aspect of it," she said, blushing as she looked at her hands once more, "But I can see how happy you are together, and how
much you complete each other. How can I argue with that? So, do I understand it? Not entirely. Do I embrace it? Not exactly, but you are my daughter, Billie, and I love you and Cat, and I so very much want you to be happy," she finished, her eyes misty with unshed tears.

  Cat smiled and hugged her mother-in-law.

  Billie placed her hand on Laurel's upper arm and rubbed it up and down. "Mom, could I interest you in a little group cuddling?" she asked.

  Laurel grinned as she climbed into the bed between the women and lay on her back. Soon, she had two heads resting on her shoulders, one dark, one light, as her arms wrapped around her daughters. Turning her head side to side, she kissed one then the other on the head, and closed her eyes. Soon, all three were sleeping peacefully, wrapped in a cocoon of love.


  Laurel, Cat and Billie rolled out of bed later that morning to a relatively quiet house. Doc and Ida had left moments earlier to meet Bridget's ten a.m. flight. Meandering through the quiet house, they made their way to the kitchen, where Maggie was starting preparations for the crew that would be there at lunch time.

  "Good morning, Maggie," Cat said as they entered the kitchen.

  Turning around, Maggie placed her hands on her hips. "Land sakes! The day is nearly over, and here y'all are just getting out of bed. Why, in my day, I'd have a full day's work in by now!" she scolded. "Sit you down at the table and I'll fetch the coffee."

  Laurel looked a little fearfully at the small woman who had threatened her and Ida with a meat cleaver the night before.

  Billie grinned and caught Maggie in a bear hug. "Come here, woman!" she said, hugging her tightly.

  Maggie wiggled herself free from Billie's embrace and swatted her on the bottom. "Why, you insolent little pup! Get your butt over there right now, or no breakfast for you!" she warned.

  Billie laughed and placed a kiss on Maggie's cheek. "At least let me help with the coffee, okay?" she said.


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