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Surrender: A Mafia Billionaire Romance

Page 10

by Shanna Handel

  What I see in his features brings a longing to my heart. I busy myself returning the book. “And the shelves?”

  “Dante built them for me. They’re just like the ones he had at his house at the Parish.”

  “They’re beautiful. The whole room is beautiful. What made you do all of this?”


  “Me?” I’d never guess I had such a hold on this man.

  “Yes. Remember? You said the place was so empty. As if I was leaving at any moment. I took your words to heart. I’m here to stay, so I may as well make it my own. I’ve only done this room and the bedroom, but I’m happy with it. Do you like it?”

  “I do. I quite like it. Love it... actually.”

  “Come here.” He’s sitting on the sofa. His arms reaching out toward me.

  I’m full of nerves but I want to be in those arms. I cross the room. Sit in his lap. My sore bottom presses against his hard thighs. His arms wrap around me. Holding me. Protecting me. He rests his chin on my shoulder. His face buries in my hair as he inhales my scent. “Still using the same lotion?”


  “Good. Don’t ever change it.”

  “I won’t.”

  “Good girl.”

  I snuggle against his chest. Listen to the steady thrum of his heart. Close my eyes and breath in deeply the scent that is Nicholas. We chat about everything under the sun, our time apart, our hopes for the future.

  He orders food—platters of meat and cheese and delicately sliced vegetables. We dine on his coffee table, our conversation never dull. We watch the sunset through the large windows. He opens a bottle of wine. We share it, the dark liquid loosening us, making us laugh.

  The sky grows dark. He makes himself comfortable on the sofa, lying down on his side. Taking me with him. I turn, my back against his chest. He wraps his arm around me, holding me in a concaved spoon, pulling the blanket snug over our two bodies.

  A smile crosses my face and I drift off to sleep.

  In the morning, I’m awakened by the sun streaming into the master bedroom windows. The curtains are pulled back, revealing a lovely sunny day in the Village. I sit up against the fluffy pillows stretching and smiling like a Cheshire cat.

  I’m dressed in one of his large tee shirts. And nothing else.

  I don’t even remember him carrying me up here and tucking me into bed. But he did. And the idea of a man so strong, so caring doing that for me—it makes my whole body feel warm and buzzing.

  I’m one lucky girlfriend.

  The thought makes my over-involved brain kick in and shove my heart to the side. Am I his girlfriend? Does he even want to be my boyfriend? Is that a discussion we have to have? Or is it assumed? Is this just a fling, a long vacation, a get to know you sex romp?

  Or is it more?

  Over the next few days will we build something together that will last? And if we do, when I move to California, will the long distance break us? I’m practically a bundle of nerves by the time I hear his footsteps on the stairs.

  But then I smell fresh coffee. And breakfast. My stomach rumbles, becoming the organ that most needs my attention, kicking my brain to the curb.

  Nick appears in the doorway, tray in hand. He smiles, flashing those dimples and looking damn sexy. He wears old jeans, a white tee. His curly hair is tangled and mussed. He comes to my side, laying the tray on the bed. “Breakfast in bed. I don’t know what you like, so I brought a little bit of everything.”

  I eye the tray suspiciously. “Toast, eggs, pancakes, bacon, sausage, fruit cup perfectly sliced. Oatmeal with brown sugar and what looks like cooked apples. Nick... did you have any help this morning?”

  “How’d you know?” He gives me a devilish smile.

  “This has the Beauties written all over it. They all know I’m here, don’t they?”

  “I made the coffee myself?” He gives me an apologetic shrug. He sits beside me, the tray between us. Feeds me bites of toast. We chat and laugh, taking our time enjoying the food. Together we manage to polish off every bite, leaving only crumbs. When we finish, he says, “I have a surprise for you.”

  “What’s that?”

  “We’re going on a trip.”

  “For the day?”

  “For the majority of the time you’ve promised me.”

  “But I thought I’d be spending my time here. In the Village.”

  “Change of plans. I know if you stay in the Village as a guest you’d have to be by my side every second or face the consequences. Let’s be honest, your ass would be raw.”


  He raises a brow. “Maybe?”

  “Okay, okay. Definitely. I’m sure I’d end up wandering off a time or two.”

  “Or ten. I thought you’d have a much better time being under my care if I were to take you somewhere beautiful. Show you what you’ve been missing since you’ve been locked up studying.”

  “You’ve got my interest piqued. But I was looking forward to getting to know your family better.”

  “I sense you’re not a fan of big crowds.”

  My nose wrinkles. “Not really.”

  “And there are a lot of people here who would want to steal your time. But the two people you most want to hang out with are me and Adrianna. Right?”

  “I like everyone. They’re all so nice and kind and—”

  “Cut the British politeness and answer the question.”

  I laugh. “Yes. You are really the two I’d like to spend the most time with.”

  “Great. I’ve chartered a yacht for the bulk of your stay. In the Mediterranean. For you and me, and Adrianna and Dante. We leave in a few days.”

  “What?” A grin spreads over his face as he watches me process the reality of what he’s just said. Childlike excitement bubbles through my chest. My hand flutters over my heart. I can barely believe what he’s saying is true. “Oh, my. Boating around the Med is a total bucket list item of mine! This feels unreal.”

  “Adrianna may have mentioned your list to me. It helped me figure out what you’d like. We’re going to go to the Parish too. I’ve wanted to take you there since I first met you, and it’s good for Dante to visit—and it’s the only way I could get him to agree to leave the Village, if he can think of it as a work trip.”

  It’s so generous. A dream vacation. My mind feels heady, my heart racing. Then female dread sets in—I’ve nothing to wear. “I’ve not packed anything for a yachting trip. What do I need?” I can’t imagine borrowing from Adrianna. She’s so tall and slender, there’s no way I’m getting these D cups into one of her string bikinis.

  “It’s taken care of. The Beauties weren’t going to let you off that easily, disappearing again without at least one outing with them. They’re taking you and Adrianna out to lunch and shopping. They’ll help you find everything you need.”

  Those women spend a fortune. And I know my bank account can’t support the types of boutiques they shop in. “But my salary hasn’t begun. I’m not sure that I can afford a shopping spree right now.”

  “It’s on me. No fussing.”

  “But I—”

  “Hannah. It’s never too early in the morning to have your bottom plugged for noncompliance.”

  “Plugged?” I squeak. The very word has my poor little bum hole clenching.

  He raises a brow to me. Studies my face and gives his head a shake. “All in good time.”

  Cue the subject change. “When did you figure all this out?”

  “Last night. After I tucked you in.”

  “That’s so sweet of you.” I lean over and plant a kiss on his lips. He pulls me in close, shoving the tray to the side, kissing me back. Which leads to other things. Unfortunately, there’s a knock at the door.

  My stomach ties in nervous knots. I pull away, straightening my tee. “That’s the Beauties, isn’t it?” Suddenly I don’t know what I dread more... being plugged or trying on swimsuits in front of a bunch of women who look like models.

nbsp; He gives a laugh at the look on my face. “You survived the private room, you’ll survive this.”

  “Are you laughing at me? Shopping in New York City with a load of gorgeous billionaire women—can you not see how that would be intimidating?”

  “They’re very down to Earth. We men see to that.” He plants a sweet kiss on my forehead. “Get dressed and meet us downstairs. I’ll go hold them off.”

  I wait for him to leave the room. Go into the bathroom where I find my bag. The green loaner dress from Adrianna is neatly hung. I figure they haven’t seen it yet, so it’ll do. I take a quick birdbath. Brush yesterday’s blowout back into place. Dab on a bit of gloss and head down the stairs.

  Where there waits a pack of tigresses.

  Adrianna is the first one to grab me. “Thanks so much, Nick. We’ll have her back by dinner—we promise!” And I’m tugged right out the door. Blowing a kiss to Nick over my shoulder as I go.

  Within moments of our trip, I find that I’ve truly entered another world.

  This city moves for these women—their clothing, the air of confidence they have about them. People literally move out of the way for us. Shopkeepers hover, eager to please.

  Beauties have wealth and class and the service industry knows it. And they’re so damn beautiful and charismatic, I can’t blame anyone for going out of their way to serve them and make them happy.

  But now, I’m included in their group.

  And it feels wonderful.

  We start at their favorite nonfamily-owned boutique, Savvy. Saleswoman are bringing me dress after dress. Telling me they know just how to flatter my figure. Complimenting my ‘big brown eyes.’ I know they work on commission but I’m having too much fun to care.

  The first dress I try I know will be my favorite.

  It’s crimson red. A beautiful contrast to my pale skin. The neckline is a deep V cut and when paired with the pushup bra they’ve brought me, the ladies are riding high and fabulous on full display. My waist is cinched by a satin ribbon making it look positively tiny, a feat I’d deemed impossible. The fabric moves smoothly over the full curves of my hips. An eager staff scurries over with strappy heels. I slip them on. My legs are instantly elongated.

  I’m transformed from a round little dumpling to a curvaceous high-class queen. And I can’t stop smiling.

  The Beauties swirl around me. Adorning me with compliments. They decide this outfit will be perfect for dinner with the captain. We find a few casual dresses for the evenings out in the tiny towns bordering the Mediterranean.

  Then we move on to the scary part. Swimsuit shopping.

  But as always, these ladies seem to know exactly what I need. They’ve ordered champagne to be brought in.

  We sit in a sleek little boutique, sipping bubbly and sifting through accessories. They help Adrianna and me choose sunglasses, purses, sandals, cover-ups. I’m two drinks in when they have the salesladies bring out the suits. They begin with a parade of one-pieces. Modest little numbers that your mother would wear.

  I know they’re just warming me up. Adrianna chooses a sleek black number with ruching down the side. Holding it up to me, she says, “You’ve always got to have a good one-piece for hopping in the hot tub after your seven-course dinner.”

  I groan, thinking of all the weight I may gain on this trip. Adrianna assures me we’ll work of the calorie’s cliff diving. Which makes me groan even louder. We’ve not left the dock and this trip is already pushing me outside of my comfort zone.

  I settle on a few high-waisted retro-style bikinis. I’m tickled pink that I’ve found something I feel good in and I think Nick will find them quite cute.

  Our shopping done, we hit a bistro for a late lunch. Each table seats two and Adrianna and I quickly grab our own table in the corner. I’m relieved to have a few moments of quiet to enjoy her company and process the day.

  Adrianna’s first order of business? Putting away about a half a loaf of bread and a shrimp cocktail before we even order our mains. Her second order of business... grilling me over my feelings for Nick.

  She leans over her plate, her eyes shining. “Tell me everything. Is it true love?”

  “You’re a hopeless romantic, you know that?” I take a piece of bread before she finishes it off.

  “There are worse things to be. So, spill the beans.”

  “What do you want to know?”

  She leans in further. “Everything! Is he the one?”

  “I haven’t known him long enough to know.” I shrug.

  A look of disbelief crosses her face. “But you felt an instant connection. Didn’t you?”

  “I did.”

  “And even though you haven’t spent that many days together, you feel like you’ve known him—”

  “For an eternity.”

  Ecstatic by my answer, she beams at me. “Isn’t love wonderful?”

  The mention of the word has the bread sticking in my throat. “Love? Don’t you think you’re jumping the gun a bit?”

  “Okay, well, if not love... then at least the blossoming of love?”

  I put the bread down, suddenly losing my appetite. What will happen to Nick and me when these two weeks come to an end? “I don’t even know how we’re going to fare long distance once I move to the other side of the country. Much less if I’m going to fall in love with him or not.” The thought of being without Nick has me physically ill. It shocks me.

  Worry creases her perfectly sculpted brow. She nibbles on her lower lip. “I have a confession to make.”


  “Just a teensy tiny one.”

  “Go on then. What is it?”

  Her words come tumbling out so fast I can barely keep up. “I may or may not have specifically requested Nicholas to be your escort the first time you came to the Village. When Rockland told me that you had to have one, I just had this feeling, way down deep in my gut, that you and Nicholas would hit it off. Dante listened to me go on for hours about it. For months. He obliged me. Made the arrangements himself. And the rest is history.”

  “Except our history got off to a bit of a bumpy start. Me leaving twice. Him being a mafia leader. Working through the whole dom/sub relationship... you know, the usual early dating issues.”

  She laughs. “Bachman lifestyle is anything but boring. That’s for sure.”

  “It’s been a bit more drama than I’m used to.”

  She shrugs. “All in the past now.”

  “We’ll see.” I have a feeling love isn’t as simple as Adrianna views it. Boy meets girl. They fall in love. Throw in a few bumps and then it’s happily ever after. I don’t see it the same. Especially when you further complicate the relationship with the whole billionaire mafia lifestyle and the job waiting for me across the country. “I’d say there’s a fifty-fifty chance it works out.”

  She gives me an exasperated sigh. “You always were the pessimistic one of the two of us.”

  “And you the optimist.” I hold my glass up to her.

  She raises her glass and clinks it to mine. “Right? You have to be to be a matchmaker.”

  “And you are one? I peg you more of a hopeless romantic than a matchmaker.”

  She laughs. “Of course I am. There’s like twenty bachelors here, not to mention all the Bachman-friendly single guys I know in the city. Plus, all the men in the Parish and the Hamlet, and I’m telling you right from the start I’ve just had this feeling about Nicholas. I’ve known him for years and at first he was a bit of a player you see, but then after he met you it was like he didn’t want to even talk to girls anymore. I felt terrible like it was all my fault I set you up and then you broke his heart. But you came back. And now, seeing the two of you together again, I can’t help but feel its fate. You know? And that you have to give this thing a chance.”

  “We’ll see.” I look away from her, signaling the conversation is over. “What do you think the weather will be like in the Med?”

  She doesn’t answer. She’s quiet for
a moment, folding and unfolding the corner of her napkin. When she finally speaks, her tone is somber. “You have a right to it, you know.”

  “To what?”

  “Happiness. Love.”

  Her words form a shell of ice around my heart. “What do you mean?”

  “Well, losing your mother at birth. That’s going to affect your worldview. I was born into a huge family. They made me feel like nothing bad could ever happen to me. I was doted on and being close to people’s never been an issue for me. Now, with your father gone too. It must be hard.”

  “We all have our share of pain in this world. No one makes it out unscathed.” But her soft words twist through my gut. The image of my father’s broken body flashes through my imagination. I can’t share the truth with her. I still can’t believe I’ve told Nick. I give her a tight smile. “Let’s talk of happier things, shall we?”

  She reaches her hand out to me. “Oh, Hannie. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. I just wanted you to know you deserve to be happy.”

  “It’s alright. I think... I just think I just want to leave it all behind for a few weeks. Have fun.”

  She smiles, trying to brighten the mood. “And party on a super yacht? With hot men?”

  I give her a real smile. “Exactly.”

  She lifts her champagne glass in the air. “To being a Beauty. Even if it’s only temporary.”

  “To being a Beauty.” I lift my glass and clink it to hers.

  Even if it’s only temporary...

  Chapter Seven


  We’ve enjoyed a few days in the Village together, Hannah staying right by my side, true to her word. We’ve dined and danced with the others but prioritized our time alone. She’s made fast friends with Beauties, hanging out with them when I’ve been called into work.

  I’m proud of her for following our rules, but it’s bittersweet.

  I’d love to punish that perfect little ass again.

  She’s packed all her new belongings—check that, the Beauties have packed all her new belongings—and she’s ready to go. Our private jet is on standby. Waiting to take us to our first destination.

  It’s time for me to reveal to Hannah that I’ve added in a stop on our itinerary. The tiny Italian village where Adrianna and she first met.


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