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Surrender: A Mafia Billionaire Romance

Page 11

by Shanna Handel

  Hannah and I stand on my stoop, watching as two of the younger Brothers load our luggage in one of the vans. Take it to the jet for us. When they leave, I take her in my arms. Kiss her. She leans into my body. Lets out a light sigh. I know she wants more time to cuddle—she always does—but the conversation we need to have is weighing too heavily on me.

  “We need to talk.”

  Her eyes go wide. “Did I do something wrong?”

  I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. “No. You’ve been perfect.”

  “What is it?”

  There’s no use sugarcoating it. “I’m going to find the men who killed your father.” I watch her face pale as she processes my words.

  “What? You can’t be serious?”

  “I can’t bring back his research or the medicine he created. But I can make sure it doesn’t happen again.”


  “There’s only one way.” She’s got such a soft nature below her tough exterior; I know she won’t like the answer. It’s nonnegotiable. “They have to die.”

  “K-killing? I don’t know how I feel about that. Shouldn’t we leave well enough alone?”


  “But why? Why are you so keen on this? I don’t need you to exact revenge for me or... whatever it is that has your mind set on doing this.”

  “It’s not for revenge.” That’s just a nice byproduct. “It’s for protection.”

  “Whose? What do you mean?”

  “You were a huge part of your father’s research. You said yourself you’d tried to carry on his work. What makes you think they’ll stop at your father? Why wouldn’t they come for you one day?”

  “I... I hadn’t thought of that.”

  “You know too much. And if these men killed your father in cold blood, they’ll think nothing of killing his daughter. I’ve already sent Brothers down there to keep watch. To protect anyone who may be involved at this point. And the woman who told you the truth, Mary.”

  “When did you do that?”

  “That day you told me of your father’s death at the airport. They were boarding the jet just after we left the private room.”

  “That’s... incredible. That you would use your team to protect them—a group of people you don’t even know, living in another country...”

  “It’s our motto, our pledge. We protect those who’ve been made weak by the power of the greedy.”

  “I’m so grateful. But isn’t that enough? To have the Brothers watching. Do you still have to... kill?”

  Just the thought of someone wanting to do Hannah harm has my senses on high alert, my knife practically sharpening itself. I don’t tell her I’ll enjoy killing the men who’ve put her in danger, but I will. “It’s been reported back to me that there were suspicious men in your town. They’re looking for you right now. Just haven’t found you. Or, they know you’re with us and they are just biding their time till you leave the Village.”

  Her eyes glaze over. Her soft words are a dagger to my heart. “So... I’ll never be safe?”

  “Not when you leave our protection.” The thought of her moving makes my chest heave. I push away the thought from my mind.

  A visible shiver runs through her. “I guess you have to do what you have to do.”

  “When it comes to keeping you safe, what I have to do is everything and anything that protects you. This is the top of my list. I’ve discussed it with Dante and Rockland. They’ve agreed—it’s got to be done. And fast.”

  “How will we find them?”

  “That’s where we need your help. We have to go to Brontes. Meet with Mary. See if we can find some information. Then Dante and I will make a plan and take care of the problem.”

  “The four of us will all go back to Italy? I haven’t been back there since my father’s funeral and I don’t want to put anyone there in danger.”

  “We won’t. I promise.”

  “But when we go to visit, won’t we draw more attention than we need to?”

  “We’re going back under the guise of a wedding tour. Adrianna accompanied by you—her best friend and a former resident—to show off her new husband. Introduce Dante around. As far as anyone knows, you still think your father died of a heart attack. Only us, the Brothers and Mary, the woman who told you of your father, will know.”

  “Still. It seems risky.”

  “It’s much riskier leaving those men walking the Earth.” I take her in my arms. Kiss her cheek, her forehead. “Leave the hard part up to me. You just need to help me find them.”

  “Okay. I trust you.”

  My chin rests on the top of her head. “Everything is going to be okay, Hannah. I’ll take care of you. I’ll always take care of you.”

  As long as you’ll let me.

  She holds my hand. I guide her outside where the car is waiting to take us to the plane.

  The flight is long. We’re all jetlagged when we arrive in Italy. Ready for some much-needed rest, we call it a night. Check into our five-star hotel. Take long, hot showers. Order room service.

  We dine while taking in the view from our penthouse window. We are in Rome. We’ll rest here tomorrow, explore the city. Spend another night in the hotel. Then rise early and take a van on the journey to Adrianna’s hometown. Hopefully get what we need. Then onto the Parish.

  I can barely believe Hannah is here. After all this time.

  She sits across from me, huge fluffy white bathrobe around her naked body. Her hair is still damp and it hangs down over her shoulders. I pour her a second glass of champagne and her hand goes over her mouth as she giggles. Just as it did that night at Gotcha’s. I feel a tug in my chest that makes me forget the delicious meal in front of me. I watch her as she brings the flute to her lip and sips. Her eyes shine as she gazes over the city.

  She’s so beautiful. Her brown eyes draw me in as she turns toward me. They lock on mine and it’s like a magnet to my soul. I ache to hold her, touch her. She’s only an arm’s reach away but I wait—fully absorbing the power she has over me.

  When I can take it no longer. I reach for her, setting her glass on the table. I scoop her in my arms and carry her to the bed.

  There’s something I want to do to her I’ve not yet done.

  I want to make love to Hannah.

  Because love is what I’m feeling for this woman.

  I lay her down on the bed. She bites her bottom lip, her eyes wide and shy yet trusting. I untie the terrycloth belt that holds her robe closed, revealing her beautiful curves to me.

  Large round breasts, soft and ripe adorned with pink peaked nipples that I long to take in my mouth. Her smooth stomach, full hips, that beautiful little pussy she keeps bare.

  I bring my face to hers. Inhale her scent. Close my eyes and find her lips. Brush them softly with my own. To kiss her is to lose myself, to leave this world. To become only her lover.

  My lips take over, pressing harder against hers. My tongue slips within her mouth and I devour her taste. One that was made for me alone. I find one of those luscious breasts. Cupping and palming it against my flesh. I take her hardened nub between my fingers, applying the gentlest of pressure.

  Driving her wild. Her fingers find my hair, grasping and clutching as I play with her sensitive bud. My mouth leaves her, kissing her neck. As I suck and bite at her tender flesh, her head leans back on her pillow. A soft sigh escapes her throat. She’s wrapping her legs around my torso, eager for me to take her.

  And I will. But not before I taste every inch of her.

  I kiss my way down her neck, over her clavicle, nipping as I do. I take her nipple in my mouth, sucking and nibbling. Her hands run through my hair; she moans my name. “Nicholas.”

  I love the sound of my name on her lips. It’s erotic, yet familiar. Arousing, yet also comforting.

  My kisses travel over her soft belly. I place a firm kiss on the center of the cleft of her silky lips. I take her soft thighs in my hands, parting them. The scent of her sweet nectar reach
es me and I bury my face between her legs.

  Licking and sucking. Lapping up her juices. Her nails bury into my shoulders as she cries out, “Nicholas! Oh, Nicholas!” I leave her sweet bud with a final lick. Kiss my way across her thighs.

  I disrobe. Kneel before her on the bed. Stare down at her lovely, flushed face. Gather her into my arms. I’m on my knees and I pull her onto my lap. Her legs go around mine. I lift her hips. Bring her wet opening over my hard, proud cock. Press her slickness against its throbbing head. Holding her hips, I slowly slide her down my cock. Her teeth sink into her bottom lip as her pussy welcomes me.

  She reaches the base of my shaft. We two are locked around and inside of one another like pieces of an intricate puzzle. Her eyes stare into mine and though you can’t see it or touch it, there’s a physical presence of an energy older than time, deeper than the oceans. It passes through us, connecting us.

  Two become one. Before Hannah I didn’t know the true meaning of these words. Holding her while buried deep inside of her, her sheath wrapped around me like a vise, her gaze holding mine like a magnet, I know what those words mean. I feel what those words mean. They flow right through my soul. I murmur, “Two become one.”

  She smiles shyly and I kiss her. Wrap my arms more tightly around her. Holding her as she rides me deep into climax. We come together in a trembling tangle of passion, tears glistening in her eyes.

  I kiss her. Busying my lips to hold in the confession that threatens to escape them.

  I love you, Hannah.

  I don’t say the words. I don’t know that I ever will. It’s too risky considering every time I give this girl my heart, she’s gone.

  Later that night I stare at her as she sleeps, drinking in her beauty.

  I’ll miss her so damn much. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to let her go. The idea of her moving to LA creeps into my chest, sickening me. Who will protect her there? Who will make sure she’s taken care of? That she leaves her desk to go out and enjoy the world?

  Who will love her?

  The image hits me. The thought of her leaving that desk and meeting someone else. She’s so beautiful and smart and full of life. The men out west are going to be fawning over her. Falling over themselves to get a chance to be with her. A rush of angry heat flushes through my chest. Over my dead body.

  I have two weeks to convince her to stay.

  Is it even possible?

  * * *


  My forehead rests against the cool glass window of the hired Mercedes van that taking us to Brontes. I watch the familiar sights go by, knots forming in my stomach at the idea of our mission. It’s surreal being back here. There’s been many improvements since I left for Columbia, even more since my father’s funeral. The people seem happier, better dressed, well fed. No doubt a product of Adrianna’s generosity.

  I haven’t been here since my father’s death. I see our cramped apartment building in the distance. The schoolhouse that’s been rebuilt. A brand-new play structure stands next to it. The circle of modest homes where Adrianna once lived are now repaired, repainted, and cheerfully landscaped.

  The building that housed my father’s lab looks the same. As if nothing inside has changed.

  I tear my gaze away.

  Instinctively, Nick puts his arm around me. Pulls me in close. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes. Thanks.” I lean my head on his shoulder. “It’s just... weird, being here.”

  Before our conversation can continue, Adrianna leans over the aisle. “It’s so good to be back! I can’t wait to see everyone.”

  We’ve not told her what happened to my father. Or why we’re really here. I don’t ever want her to know. She’s so light and sweet, like a butterfly. There’s no need to add unnecessary weight to her wings. Nick and Dante are respecting my wishes and keeping her in the dark.

  The van pulls to a stop in front of the stone church. A white steeple stands proudly from its roof, new since my father’s service. This is where Mary pulled me aside and told me the truth of my father’s death.

  She waits for us inside.

  I tell Adrianna that Nick is taking me into the church first. To privately pay my respects to my father. Adrianna wants to join but Dante whispers something in her ear. She tells me she understands.

  The four of us make our way out of the van. Adrianna gives me a tight squeeze. Then grabs Dante’s hand and leads him in the direction of her favorite bakery.

  Nick takes my hand. “Are you sure you’re up for this? I can meet her alone. You could go to the café with them. Adrianna’s talked of nothing but pastries since she woke up.”

  I smile. “I can handle it.”

  “I know you can handle it, tough girl. But you don’t have to.”

  “I want to.”

  He searches my eyes for a moment, then gives me a nod. “Let’s go.”

  There’s a Brother standing guard on the stoop. He greets Nick, opening the heavy wood doors to the church. Sunlight floods the dark sanctuary. Mary sits alone in a pew. Her dark hair hangs down her back, laced with more silver strands than I remember. Nerves dance through me at the memory of our last conversation. The gravity of what we are here to do weighs heavy on my shoulders.

  I force one foot in front of the other. Nick with me every step of the way. I take the seat beside her. “Mary?”

  She turns. “Hannah. It’s you.” The lines on her face seem deeper. Dark circles ring her warm eyes.

  Nick holds out a hand. “I’m Nicholas. We spoke through the Brothers.”

  She gives a curt nod. “Yes. Thank you for sending their protection. They are good men.” Her words are clipped, but her English has improved since I last saw her.

  I smile. “How have you been?”

  “I’m doing okay, now that Nicholas’ men have come. I sleep at night. I wasn’t able to... after what happened with your father. There were strange men. Dangerous-looking men. Poking about. Asking for you. I didn’t know what to do. I was scared to try and contact you for fear I would lead them to you somehow. Then they disappeared for a while. Things were almost getting back to normal. I’d heard through Adrianna’s cousins that you were both safe and sound in New York. I could breathe again. A few weeks ago, they reappeared.”

  “You must have been terrified.”

  She nods. “I was beside myself. I knew this time I would have to get word to you. Before I could hatch a plan, the Brotherhood showed up. Sending me messages from Nicholas. Telling me that you were now under their protection, and so were we. I gave them all the information I had. As close of a description of the men as I could. But I fear it’s not enough.”

  I grab her hands in mine. “We thank you for your bravery. If it wasn’t for you, I would have had no idea what had happened to my father.”

  She gives my hand a tight squeeze. Her eyes lock on mine. Fear flashes within them, sending a chill down my spine. “Promise me, Hannah. Promise me you will not leave Nicholas until these men are found... and destroyed. I fear your life depends on it.”

  I give her a nod. But it’s not enough. Her hands wrap tighter around mine. Sweat prickles my palms. She whispers the words, “Promise me.”

  “I promise.” I don’t answer her lightly. I’ve learned from Nick what a promise means. How you keep the ones you’ve made to the people that you care about.

  She releases my hands, wraps me in a tight embrace. Whispers in my ear with soft Italian words. “He’s a good man.”

  She stands to leave. I stay seated, processing my emotions. The fear in her eyes—it was so strong, I feel shaken. Nick walks her to the door of the church. I hear a few words exchanged between him and the Brother who was at the door. I stare up at the stained-glass windows.

  Wondering when it was my life became so complicated.

  * * *

  We visit all day. Eat all night. The locals are eager to win Nick and Dante over with their cooking. When night comes, we go back to Adrianna’s old house, where her aunt now li
ves. The kitchen is filled with brand new appliances. The rooms are poshly decorated—so different from how I remember it. Nick and I are shown to our room and after the long, emotional day, I quickly fall asleep in his arms.

  In the morning, we dine with her family. Share tearful goodbyes. We board the van that will take us to the sea. I still feel heavy from my meeting with Mary. Adrianna senses my unease and gives me a tight squeeze. She hands me one of the many pastries she’s bought to take with her. I nibble on the edges as we drive to the coast.

  An hour later, the scenery begins to change. It’s more heavily populated the closer we get to the ocean. The homes here are much nicer than those where we’ve come from. Luxury cars speed down the perfectly maintained roads. Cafés, bars, shops line the streets. They have such an elegance to them, you know this town has money.

  We pull up to a dock. Where there’s a navy and white mega yacht waiting for us. It’s absolutely huge; I’d guess about a hundred and fifty feet long. The spotless white paint sparkles in the sun.

  There’s a crew of ten waiting on the platform. Vetted and Bachman friendly I assume, they stand in their crisp white uniforms, their stripes proudly adorning their shoulders. Tan and trim, this crew looks like they’ve been at sea for a while.

  Nick says, “Welcome to Aphrodite. Our family boat.”

  “Your... family boat? You guys own a ship?”

  “This is one of the boats we own. And we employ a full-time crew, one we trust. Let me introduce you to the captain.”

  The captain could be a movie star. In his late thirties, he’s tall and tanned with dark skin and green eyes. He smiles as I approach. “Hello, Hannah. I’m Luca. I’ll be your captain for this trip.” He takes my hand and brings it to his lips, kissing it gently. He introduces me to the rest of the crew. The boatswain has the look of a classic Hollywood bad boy with a name to match—Liam. There’s a chief stew named Emily, who seems really sweet. Two other stews, a chef, and four deckhands. I shake everyone’s hands as they all assure me they’ll do everything they can to ensure I have a lovely stay.

  My mind is swirling, and I feel as if I’ve traded places with a princess. You hear the term billionaire, but you don’t truly understand what it means until you see the product of it with your own eyes. I look over to Adrianna to share a giggle at how amazing this all is, but her face is composed. She acts as if this type of luxury is the norm—she’s adjusted to the lifestyle quite quickly, hasn’t she?


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