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Song of Discord

Page 12

by D. R. Rosier

I wasn’t sure. I think I would still love it, but only time would tell. Of course, there would still be some danger if I didn’t see it coming. Assuming this would work. Not that I was, in fact I was assuming even if I killed Galen, I’d be chased into hiding again by the dragon race’s responses.

  We pulled into the parking lot, and I saw Scott’s car. I didn’t figure he was waiting long though, or Tony would have called us. We got out of the car, and headed inside…

  Chapter Nineteen

  “Good morning.”

  Scott and Tony were waiting in the conference room, both chatting over a cup of coffee.

  Lisa and I took our seats.

  Scott smiled, “First, congratulations on a job well and quickly done. Yesterday would have gone much worse, if the gate hadn’t been closed so quickly.”

  I nodded, “Lisa deserves most of the credit, her insights led us to the ancient jail.”

  Lisa pinched my leg under the table, but I ignored her. It was true enough. I was intelligent, quick even, but Lisa had a lot more experience than I did given her age, and that made her the better investigator.

  He nodded, “The only thing I can’t figure out, is how you got to the city so quickly. I’ve read all the reports. Your two teams, as well as SWAT’s, and the four reports from Martin security. None of them do a very good job fitting the timeline. Given the time stamps on the videos, not even a helicopter could have gotten you from the ancient jail to the fair in the city in that timeframe.”

  I took a sip of coffee, he didn’t look angry or confrontational, he just looked curious.

  “The dragon, in the news? The dragon transported us with magic, and then helped fight back the demons.”

  Lisa giggled, and it was my turn to pinch her.

  What? I wasn’t lying, it was all true.

  I added, “She also saved us from drowning when the gulf water flooded the ancient prison, again. Carol advised us all not to include it in our reports. It’s a half dragon and hunted by its kind.”

  Lisa nodded, “Dragons can be touchy, and a little crazy.”

  I glared, and Tony looked like he was going to bust out laughing.

  Scott’s eyes narrowed, “What aren’t you telling me?”

  “Well, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t out me for a few days. When Galen comes to kill me, I want to surprise him. Then well, I’m going to throw a press conference.”

  Scott’s eyes widened, “You? But you’re a siren.”

  Lisa nodded, “Half dragon.”

  I giggled, “Sorry. Didn’t mean to tease. Carol really did suggest we not include it in our reports, to protect my life. But… after yesterday there’s no hiding it for long. I just need your circumspection for a day or two I think.”

  Scott sighed, “Alright, what happens after that?”

  “We either stay, or we’ll have to shut down the business.”

  I took a few minutes to explain it all, that it depended on the dragons’ response to my oath, and statement in my interview.

  Scott shook his head, “Are you screwing with me?”

  I shook my head.

  Scott sighed, “I’ll miss you if you have to go.”

  Lisa teased, “Only because Carol will be able to jack up her prices again.”

  Scott shook his head, “Really? You’re a dragon?”

  I challenged, “Want to see?”

  Scott shook his head, “Is there enough room in here?”

  I sighed, “Not really, no.”

  I gave him a little show with water though, nothing too elaborate, but that didn’t matter. Scott was human, but he knew enough about the races to know that only Dragons used magic without spells.

  Scott said, “Alright, that’s not a problem. I’ll ignore the reports, and I won’t mention anything for a couple of days. Do you really think you can kill Galen when he comes looking?”

  I tilted my head, I hadn’t really shared my plan with anyone. But in truth, water dragons would make excellent assassins. Of course, Galen was probably protected from the tricks of a water dragon, but I was betting on the idea he wasn’t prepared for a water dragon that was also a siren.

  “Scott, I could kill him right now, no matter where he is. I’ve seen him, heard his song, and felt his magic. But… I need to make a statement, which means witnesses with cell phones, and camera footage.”

  Lisa looked at me in surprise, and then tilted her head.

  A slow smile of understanding appeared on her face.

  It was the following afternoon when Galen arrived in the city. I wish I could tell you we fought valiantly with tooth and claw before I tore his throat out, or that we dueled with magic. In truth, it was nothing so grand or exciting. Maybe in a hundred years I’d give that one a try.

  When I heard the news, I took off my necklace, and donned my bracelet of enchantments. I looked in the mirror, and though it was fitting that blue eyes, tanned skin, and long straight ash-blonde hair greeted me. It was how I would appear from now on, until or unless I was forced once more to run.

  My magic unfolded and connected to the water vapor around me, and like shedding my disguise I wouldn’t ever not have it out again, not unless I was forced to hide. It no longer felt alien to me, these past few months had made it feel natural. I felt whole, and really hoped this would work.

  Despite shedding the necklace, and letting my magic out, I was still safely hidden behind Tony’s wards.

  I closed my eyes, and started to scry Galen, and created the comms in my and his ears, just a few stray particles of water in the air.

  As I’d suspected, his magic immediately shielded it as he felt it form. I wouldn’t be able to expand it, or as I’d hoped, send a dart of ice through it to fly down his ear canal and pierce his brain. He was protected and aware of such tricks.

  “Hello Galen.”

  “Abomination,” he growled, “Come out of hiding.”

  “Soon. First, I wanted to make you an offer. Leave this city, and leave me be, and I will allow you to live. I’m not a threat to the dragon race, and shortly I’ll be giving an oath on my blood, life, and magic on television, that I will not have further children. I haven’t wronged you, and the architect of my birth has already been destroyed.”

  It was an offer to salve my own conscience. I didn’t believe for a second that he would agree. But… he’d hunted me, wanted me dead, and he’ll have disregarded the truth I wasn’t a danger. I wouldn’t feel at all guilty about killing him after all that.

  He laughed, “You will be dead soon. Unless you flee like a coward.”

  I chuckled, “No reason to push my buttons Galen, I won’t be running.”

  I opened another scrying window, and I stepped through into the park. Then I flashed my magic like a challenge. I heard the roar clear across the city, and he banked in the sky and flew in my direction.

  My dragon magic was no match for his. I could pump all my magic into the comms connection and never get past his shields. I was powerful yes, stronger than any mage, but compared to his adult and fully matured magic, it would be like trying to knock down a safe door with a wet noodle.

  He looked majestic as he flew in my direction, and he started to dive.

  I started to sing, sending my voice and siren magic through the water comms connection. His magic was so much stronger than mine, but his magic couldn’t block siren magic, no more than siren magic could have blocked his air magic. They were vastly different in nature, and it was the same reason I could take down a mage with a few notes, it didn’t break their shields, my siren magic ignored their shields.

  Dragon magic took thought to form, and my pain magic took away his ability to form thought. He may have had the power to swat me like a fly once he got in range, but not if he couldn’t wield his magic.

  The roar of agony that left his muzzle was horrific. It didn’t stop there either, I wasn’t just singing the notes of pain, I was singing the notes of confusion at the same time. Blending them into one song, confusing his mind, and f
illing it with pain at the same time. He simply wasn’t capable of rational thought, or even of flight.

  His majestic dive for the park turned into a plummeting fall. He came in fast, and as he neared I saw several people gaping up in the sky. With a thought, I moved them out of the way with my dragon magic, while I continued to sing for my victim.

  The ground shook, as the silver white dragon slammed into the ground. He was within range now, and I continued to sing for him, as I dropped the comms connection. This had the benefit of drawing attention to myself. Several people glanced my way, and there was no doubt that I was the source of Galen’s distress. It was… important.

  His body was vast, the size of a damned barn. His song was so loud it was almost deafening to my senses, and I could feel the magic power roll off of him. Ironically, that strength and volume made it even easier than usual to insert new notes into his song. I had him helpless, and roaring in mindless pain, but his magic still protected his body from my water dragon magic. He was shielded from magic, and his scales and size made killing him with a few feet of steel a grisly and daunting task.

  Much like my water magic, it took a thought to turn on my water shields, but it took a second thought to turn it off. Neither of us had to think to maintain those shields.

  I interjected a few more notes, and I called forth his human form. I could hear the faint echo of his human track, and I forced him to change. Several of the park goers had their cell phones out, and there was a helicopter hovering nearby from channel four. Not that close, but I had full faith they were using the camera’s zoom and weren’t pointing their camera anywhere else.

  It wasn’t every day a dragon got its ass kicked by a slip of a woman after all. Make that never, no human had ever seen something like this, not since the half-dragons were destroyed so long ago.

  Galen was handsome in his human form. He had a strong jaw, and a chiseled physique.

  I continued to sing, keeping him confused and in pain. I didn’t relish torturing him the way I was, but I had no choice, it was the only realistic way I could kill him. A straight up fight would see me dead, every single time. Point being, I walked quickly over to the man writhing on the ground as he screamed himself hoarse. Perhaps next time I’d just enthrall instead, but the pain and horror made my point better.

  Then I pulled my sword, and I took his head.

  I admit, the next part was cheesy grandstanding, but it was important the full truth was known.

  With a thought my bracelet was wrapped in ice, which folded in on itself, and transported it into the vault at the office. I’d have to give it some thought, but in that moment I couldn’t wear it in dragon form. I covered myself in ice, and stripped my skirt, blouse, and shoes off at siren speeds, it took me less than five seconds. Those too, went through an ice portal, to my bedroom. The ice dome was there for the simple reason of not giving everyone a show of my naked form.

  Then I shifted, and my dragon form burst through the ice. I roared in victory, and I took to the skies. A surge of joy went through me at the feeling of freedom. It was who I was, and I didn’t want to hide.

  I wasn’t sure in that moment, if my interview would have its desired effect, or if I’d be fleeing the city before the same time the next day. But I knew one thing, it had been a hell of a middle finger and kick in the balls to the race that saw me as vermin. If I had to leave the city, at least I wouldn’t feel like a coward. I’d have no choice but the fight from the shadows, until my dragon was full grown. But… at least I could do something.

  Chapter Twenty

  It was no wonder that dragons were filled with hubris. I had my bracelet on, as well as the armor and a nice blue women’s suit with a red blouse, along with red sandals with two-inch heels. Regardless, when I walked in the building for channel four news an hour later, I realized maybe hiding sometimes wasn’t so bad, and I needed to get used to how people would treat me.

  Fear, awe, and with their lips figuratively secured to my ass. Even the women, who obviously hated me for my siren side once they got a taste of my pheromones, weren’t giving me overly nasty looks. Well, I didn’t think it would go to my head. I’d had a lot of practice ignoring men falling all over themselves in my presence as a siren for many years, and I hadn’t let that go to my head. This would be no different.

  Still, I could see how it would make dragons without a human upbringing feel superior. If all they did was walk around smelling fear and awe all the time, how could they take a threat from the other races seriously? I wouldn’t fall into that trap, I already knew better. I was created, and I had just killed an air dragon, because of such foolishness.

  “Excuse me?” a man said deferentially as he jogged across the large reception room.

  I smiled slightly, one of those polite smiles, but it was genuine enough.

  He said, “I’m Jack, Jack Carson. One of the producers here, can I help you?”

  Well damn, I hadn’t even needed to talk to the security guy.

  “Melody Smith. Nice to meet you Jack. I’d like to give an interview, and make a statement, if you wouldn’t mind?”

  Jack’s eyes wandered down my body, and then he blanched as they snapped back up to my eyes.

  I laughed, “Relax Jack. I’m half siren you know, I don’t take offense at honest admiration.”

  I could see the relief in his eyes, but the man was still intimidated. I could see it in his face, as fear, lust, and society’s rules all warred against each other.

  “Follow me? It will take me a little time to get something set up, but while I’m doing that we can get you into makeup? Do you have any requests?”

  I waved a hand which got him moving, and I followed.

  “No requests, except that the interview should be done by a man. Preferably a happily married one.”

  He looked confused by that, but simply nodded in agreement.

  The reason of course would be because a woman would hate me, and married men in love did the best at resisting my siren nature.

  He led me through the secured doors and down the hallway. All work stopped in the large open office while we walked through. It was all the same, and all new at the same time. The men stared, the women scowled, and while the scents of lust and disgust were familiar, it was the added scents of awe and fear that were so new. I pushed it to the back of my head, it would take time to get used to it, and ignore it. It was in their faces, scents, and songs though, so I had a lot to re-learn to filter out those two newer emotions.

  We walked through the doors to the studio, and then took a sharp left away from the set and went through another door. The room we entered was long and thin, and it was filled with vanities covered with cosmetics. He led me over to a cute blonde woman in jeans and a casual blouse.

  He said, “This is Pia, she’ll take care of you. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  “Thanks Jack.”

  He nodded with a smile, and retreated several feet before turning around and dashing out of the room. I held in a chuckle. The extreme reactions would have bothered some people, and perhaps made them feel isolated, but even before the fear as a siren I’d had very few friends. I’d already been isolated, and I was honestly fine with it. I had the love of my life and best friend Lisa, and a few other friends, but that circle had always been small. Nothing new there.

  Pia said with a tinge of distaste, “Take a seat.”

  I sighed, and I slid onto the chair.

  She examined my face under the bright lights of the vanity mirror, and then got started on my face without a word. I didn’t actually have on any makeup, I was naturally attractive without it, though hardly amongst the most beautiful, my skin was flawless and my features all in proportionate beauty. Makeup was just something I didn’t do, why enhance my natural beauty when most men already wanted me, and almost all women hated me. It would just make it worse.

  I held still for her, and I didn’t talk. Not because I couldn’t do small talk, or thought she was less than me, bu
t because it was just better that way. Talking would just annoy her, I’ve always found silence the best way not to rile up a woman in my presence. It would just make her day worse.

  It took about twenty minutes, although she didn’t put all that much on face. I had to admit, I looked amazing. Her efforts gave me the kind of looks that would draw every pair of eyes when walking into a room, without the pheromones.

  She waved toward the door, where a couch was across from the first vanity station.

  “You can wait there.”

  I nodded in thanks, and then got out of Pia’s space. I waited maybe another fifteen minutes before Jack came in.

  He looked me over frankly, but in a more professional way than last time.

  “Pia did a great job. Let’s get you on the set. Lance Peterson is going to do your interview. You’ll be giving your statement first, then he’ll be asking follow-up questions. The entire segment will be going out live and several of our other stations will be picking it up. I imagine by tonight, it may go out nationwide.”

  I nodded, “Thank you, Jack.”

  Jack cleared his throat, and I stood up.

  I followed him out and over to the set. Lance was behind a wood desk, and I was directed to the couch that half faced him, and half faced the cameras. I took a seat closest to Lance, and I nodded with a slight smile when he managed to look at my face.

  Jack said, “Ten seconds.”

  I felt a little anxiety in my stomach. Give me something to shoot at, I’ll be fine, but I hadn’t really thought this through. I was about to talk in front of a lot of people, and I hadn’t really planned out a speech either. Honestly, I’d been making it up as I went along in sheer bravado.

  Lance looked at the camera and smiled that anchor smile.

  “Welcome back to channel four news. I’m Lance Peterson. We’ve all seen the footage the last hour, of two dragons coming to blows. There’s been a lot of speculation as to why, and if we had anything to fear. Here to answer those questions is Melody Smith, the dragon who took down Galen. Melody, welcome to the show, I understand you have a statement.”


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