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Song of Discord

Page 13

by D. R. Rosier

  I smiled, “Thank you Lance, it’s good to be here. I do have a statement and then I’d be happy to answer your questions.

  I turned to the cameras, “My name is Melody Smith, and I am a dragon-siren hybrid, half dragon and half siren. Dragons don’t allow half-dragons to live, or to even be born. Not because of prejudice, or they think they’re superior, but because half-dragons have given them problems in the past. I’m here to address that issue. The following words are for my dragon family.

  “First, it’s too late. You missed me as a baby, and now I have the power to fight back. Your so-called law against my kind is moot, and its purpose has already been circumvented. Second, I claim Corpus Christie as my territory. No other dragons will be allowed here, without my express permission as is customary between dragons. Galen was an example, one who hunted me as vermin, and paid the price for it. I tried to talk to him, but he wouldn’t have it, so I killed him.”

  I smiled with a shrug, “That’s the stick, stay out of Corpus Christie, or else. But… I also realize my existence makes you nervous, so I am prepared to hold out this olive branch. I give an oath, on my magic and blood, that I will never have children. Secondly, I give an oath I will not hunt any of you despite your ill-treatment and threat against my life, unless in self-defense.

  “Stay out of Corpus Christie, and we will have a lasting peace for the duration of my life. I am not a threat to you by my own oath, unless you make me so by your actions, and your attacks. That is all I have to say, my deal. Take it or leave it.”

  Lance asked, “Your territory?”

  I smiled disarmingly, “That only counts between dragons, Lance, as you’re well aware. Dragons claim a territory, and I will allow no others in mine. That has no effect on any of the other races be they supernatural or not.”

  Lance cleared his throat, “They missed you as a baby?”

  I tilted my head, “Long ago, thousands of years ago, the dragons bred with the other races. Dragon power and genes breed true and strong. I don’t know the full circumstances of it, but I do know there was a civil war of sorts, and the half-dragons were a true threat. Something to do with the birth rate I think, the natural dragon birth rate is much slower than the other races, which means they were quite outnumbered by half-breeds in a century or two. Since then, it’s been a law of sorts to kill all parties involved in a cross-breeding incident. Mother, father, and child. You could almost make the argument that dragons in truth, are nothing but slithering baby killing cowards, but I’d never actually say that.”

  Lance blanched. Maybe that was uncalled for, but it was true nonetheless.

  I shrugged, “The truth is harsh sometimes. I gave my oaths though, they’re safe from me if they choose to accept it, and my issue will never be born, both by my word and oaths on my very magic. I have no need or desire for revenge for a past I had no part in, and the woman who bore me is already dead for her transgression.”

  Lance recovered, “You tried to talk with Galen?”

  I nodded, “With magic, before the incident at the park. No one would have or could have caught that on camera. I can send that to the station if you wish? I believe my body cam would have picked up our discourse. I wanted to make sure he wouldn’t back off, if he knew my intentions, and my intended oaths. He did not.”

  Lance asked, “Several people reported they were moved during the incident?”

  I smiled, “That was me. They were standing where Galen was going to crash, so I ensured their safety.”

  Lance tilted his head, “Why did you ask for a married man to give this interview?”

  I laughed, “It’s pretty well-known Lance, that a man in a committed relationship is much more resistant against a siren’s lure. The reason should be self-evident, I wanted a real interview, not a young man falling all over himself. It’s not something I can control.”

  Lance nodded, “We know what to expect out of dragons. What can we expect out of a half-dragon?”

  I frowned in thought, “I’m not sure how to answer that question, perhaps you should be more specific. I’m co-owner of a security company with government approval for contracting, and I obey the laws. I won’t be opening up a bar or club as a violence free zone. There are a hundred little things I could say to answer that question.”

  Lance asked, “Do you think this will be effective, will the dragons leave you alone?”

  I sighed, “Good question. Plain thinking dragons who want to live in peace will, but some of them will see me as a thrilling challenge, a great hunt they haven’t had in centuries. If any do come, it won’t be because I’m a half-breed, it will be because they want the challenge of hunting one of their own without the danger of being put down by the rest of them.”

  Lance asked, “Does that put us in danger?”

  “If they do come, I’ll fight them in an area free of humans. I can’t control what others do however, but I don’t think they’d be foolish enough to attack me in the city. Not when they can just call me out. In short, not in danger from me.”

  Lance nodded, “What can you tell us about the incident at the fair?”

  “That investigation hasn’t been officially closed yet. There’s nothing I could tell you, that wouldn’t be self-evident from watching the footage of the incident.”

  Lance said, “We have time for just one more question. Why now, and why here?”

  I replied, “I was in hiding, but I was given a choice to save lives, or to keep my secret and watch a lot of people die at the hands of demons. That wasn’t a choice for me at all. In saving those people, that attracted Galen. It was unplanned, but necessary.”

  Lance smiled, “Thank you. Is there anything else you want to say before we go to commercial?”

  I shook my head, and Lance did the typical channel four sign off.

  Lance said, “It was a pleasure meeting you.”

  “Thanks, you too.”

  I got up and walked off the set. The pessimist in me said it wouldn’t be effective, but I’d had to try. It was who I was, a half siren and half dragon woman, who would be cautious when it came to dragons, but I just couldn’t live with myself if I’d been a coward.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  I’d barely gotten into my office, when a blur tackled me to the ground, and I had a petite gorgeous and crazy vampire above me and in my arms. Her soft lips kissed me with passion, and her body melted against mine. She had fair skin, beautiful doe eyes, and long lovely raven black hair. She’d obviously taken off her disguise enchantment as well.

  I kind of knew how she felt, I was happy to be alive, and in her arms. It hadn’t been much of a fight, but it had been incredibly dangerous. If Galen had managed a single coherent thought with magic and will behind it, I’d have been dead.


  Lisa grinned, “Hi. That was terrifying, and hot. What am I going to do with you?”

  “Naughty things?” I suggested hopefully.

  Lisa snickered, “Slut.”

  I nodded in agreement, and then kissed her passionately. My heart started to pound, and my body tingled and flushed with liquid heat as I scented her arousal. I used my magic to put a sheet of ice under us, and we fell through it onto our bed upstairs.

  She giggled into my mouth, “Slut.”

  “You said that already, bitch,” I replied, even as we were undressing each other at high speed.

  We were teasing with our words, but at the same time we were both lost in a deep lust and need draped in the strength of our love, a need to reaffirm I was still alive, and we were still together. Life affirming sex wasn’t anything new between us considering our line of work, but it was much more intense that time.

  Which told me she’d been terrified about me fighting Galen, as was I. Usually, against lesser threats, we ran into danger. This had been… different. If I’d been wrong about my siren ability to cancel out his far more powerful advantage on the dragon side, I’d have been dead.

  Her warm supple flesh heated mine, and
our hands wandering each other’s bodies, as we kissed with a consuming heat. My pussy flooded with moisture and my body with burning desire.

  I gasped, as she squeezed my breast, and thumbed my straining nipple.

  She gasped as I returned the favor, and then stated to grind herself along my upper thigh.

  I pulled her legs around me as I sat up, so she was straddling me and our breasts were mashed together. I devoured her with a passionate kiss bordering on desperation, as my hand ran down her body and cupped her mound.

  “You are so wet for me.”

  She sighed softly into my mouth, as I teased her labia apart with a light touch, wetted my finger with her liquid arousal, and slid it inside her hot sex. She ground herself on my hand, and her sweet gasp of pleasure as I curled my finger and massaged her wall sent a thrill down my spine. She was so responsive and sensitive to my every touch and kiss.

  “Who’s the slut now.”

  She replied breathily, “You.”

  I giggled into her mouth, which turned into a sharp gasp as she reached down between our bodies as well, and she slid two fingers effortlessly into my soaked quim.

  “Who’s wet, slut?”

  She had a point, she was wet, I was soaked.

  “Fuck… bitch,” I moaned as her other hand twisted my nipple a she started to finger fuck me and push down on my pleasure button lightly with the pad of her wet thumb.

  I returned the favor, and the sensations of radiating euphoria through my body became too much to kiss with any degree of finesse. Instead, we locked eyes, as she straddled my lap and we both fingered and squeezed each other toward completion. It was so intense, her gorgeous doe eyes were just an inch or two from mine, and mirrored both the transcendent love and the raw lust filled pleasure I felt in my own heart, body, and mind.

  She was achingly beautiful, and sexy beyond belief, as her body reacted to my invading fingers. The sweet sounds of pleasure from her lips, and the lustful adoration in her eyes as we surrendered to our shared pleasure was both life affirming and life altering. She was also my world, the love of my life, and I was her slut. I would be anything for her.

  Maybe she was crazy, and maybe I was too. But she was mine, and I was hers for life.

  “Lisa,” I whispered her name like a prayer, as I crested the wave of euphoria that dropped me into an ocean of blissful ecstasy. The naked vulnerability I felt in that moment, as she looked into my eyes from inches away while my body came undone around her fingers, was mind blowing.

  Her eyes widened, and she cried out my name as her back arched. Her whole body quivered and her pussy milked and squeezed my fingers as she joined me in rapturous bliss.

  The shared moment of euphoric ecstasy seemed to last forever, and it was over far too quickly. At the same time, my body was rocked with the intensely powerful influx of energy my siren side claimed.

  She smiled, “I love you. I’m glad your home.”

  “I love you too,” I whispered, as I tilted my head and kissed her softly, languidly with all the overflowing emotions of love in my heart.

  I pulled out of her as the kiss broke, and then looked into her eyes as I licked my fingers clean.

  She smirked, “Slut,” she accused, but I could see the effect my lewd act had on her.

  I bit my lip, and then claimed another kiss. We made love then, sixty-nine, with me on the bottom. Our tongues and fingers gentle, and loving, as we slowly coaxed each other toward another spectacular finish. It was a pure expression of love, giving of pleasure, and my crazy violent vampire was incredibly gentle and sweet.

  It was pure magic…

  I wasn’t sure where things would go from there. I supposed it didn’t matter, all that mattered was being true to who I was, my morality and beliefs, and being with the people I loved.

  I’d take a stand against another dragon, but I’d run if more than one came. What else could I do? If that happened, I’d fight them from the shadows later, and take care of them one at a time. Once attacked, either that dragon died, or I did. There were no second chances. I gave two oaths, and I claimed a small city that no other dragon would covet. If they came for me, it wouldn’t be because I was a threat, it would be for the thrill of the hunt. That… wasn’t acceptable to me at all, and people that killed for the thrill of it needed to be put down.

  Sure, I enjoyed the thrill of violence, but that wasn’t why I killed, or subdued. I did it because those people were criminals, and it was my job. The thrill was secondary, someone that killed without cause, merely for the thrill of the challenge and kill was a monster.

  I was at peace with who I was, and what I was. I loved Lisa with everything I was, and I cared about Tony a whole lot. The rest would work itself out.


  I hope you enjoyed the story. This was the fourth and final book in the Melody Smith series. I hope the ending of this series was as satisfying to read as it was to right. It was a bit of a life goes on ending, but also an HEA ending in some sense. Melody is at peace with who she is and her life. It isn’t all perfect, but what is?

  If you can, please take the time to leave a review on Amazon and/or Goodreads.

  About the Author: If you have any comments or suggestions you can send me an email at I started out posting short stories online and at readers’ requests started to publish them. If you like my work, or even if you don’t, please consider leaving a review of this book.

  Other erotic fantasies by D. R. Rosier:

  Cirenthian Chronicles – Book one is Out of Darkness.

  Marcus, an ancient vampire, finds himself moved to another world where suddenly he is alive again, and magic is a known and powerful danger. No longer a vampire and dealing with emotions he hasn’t felt in over a millennium, will he be able to start a new life? This series is now complete.

  Necromancer Chronicles – Book one is The Necromancer.

  Vincent is a necromancer and has an even darker secret. Feared by the rest of the supernatural community he lives on his own, often struggling with his powers, and how to use them. But change is coming, and he will soon find himself dragged into the middle of a suspicious and untrusting community.

  Anise is a sorceress, but she has secrets of her own. She is an ancient being, who has walked the earth for time immemorial. She lives in a never ending cycle of life, forever watching those she dares to care about age and die. But she is about to find something new that will offer her hope, if she can live long enough to find it.

  Cytherean Chronicles – Book one is Flame of Cytherea.

  This two book series follows the chosen champion of a goddess, brought to her world and healed after he was mortally wounded on Earth. At first Justin is a little lost, not knowing anything about the world he finds himself in or even why he is there.

  Ashley’s Tale – This two book series follows the tale of a woman with unique parentage in a world greatly different from our own Earth. It is twenty-five years in the future, and the supernatural have long since been exposed. Ashley must struggle with her conflicting nature to find a balance, and her hidden power, as she is taken unwillingly into an extraordinary destiny.

  Ashley’s Daughters – This three book trilogy is about Ashley’s three daughters. It’s about a new world of dragons, and a second new world of human mages and all the fallout involved. Of course, it’s also about them finding love, and their place in the worlds. It starts about twenty-eight years after the end of Ashley’s tale.

  Sentient – This is the standalone book following an artificial intelligence from an advanced race, a man who comes back from war a little broken, along with diverse others as the Earth itself is put into danger as they are dragged into an interstellar war against their will.

  Sentient: Evolution – This is a sequel to the stand alone book Sentient. It takes place a thousand years later, when Aide finds herself alone and broken, yet still following her programming. Others join her as a new menace approaches, one that makes the Sthellan look l
ike a great neighbor in comparison.

  Will Aide be able to recover and rise to a new challenge? She’s been alive too long, she must either evolve, or wither away, if only she could bring herself to care…

  More books and series can be found on my author’s page at

  The Dragon Slayer and the… This is a series of novelettes in a unique world, each story will be different characters with HEA endings. These will be about eighty pages long and priced appropriately. The first book, The Dragon Slayer and the Princess, is now available:

  Sir Lance Spears, Baron, knight dragon hunter, has been hunting dragons for ten years. It’s what he’s dedicated his life too, eradicating the dragons that destroy human villages and see humans as prey.

  He’s also been alone for ten years, and tired of the women of the peerage that see nothing of him, only of his titles and money. Not to mention, they all play the courtly game and faint at his feet. That’s not what he wants. He wants a challenging intelligent woman who will help make life interesting.

  He should have been more careful about what he wished for, as his life is about to become very complicated as nothing seems to make sense about his next dragon hunt. It doesn’t fit in his world view as he enters a neighboring kingdom to help slay a dragon. He’s not sure what’s going on, and he also can’t get a certain princess with fiery eyes and attitude out of his head either. He better figure it out though, or he could lose everything… including his life.

  Return of Magic - This epic fantasy series follows Katie Merlin’s successor, and diverse others as magic reemerges in our world in response to a dire threat. The government is in tatters, technology stops working, and most of the world’s population is dead. A new era for mankind has started, and they must share it with other races, such as elves and dragons.

  Melody Smith Novels – This is an urban fantasy that follows Melody Smith, a siren with hidden depths.


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