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Newmar, Lola - Leo's Crown [Scarlett Rose and the Seven Longhorns 2] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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by Lola Newmar

  Scarlett Rose and the Seven Longhorns 2

  Leo’s Crown

  Scarlett Rose has just had the night of her life--seven sexy cowboy brothers rescued her from danger after she is pushed off a cliff's edge by someone she trusted. Problem is, Scarlett has developed amnesia from the trauma and can’t remember anything about the accident, including the mystery villain. And before she’s even gotten a chance to recover, she finds out her new lovers are Texas longhorn shape-shifters claiming to be her destined mates!

  Now the twins and triplets must go off for a weekend, leaving her with the two oldest Lenox brothers, Leo and Byron. Leo is in charge of the Lenox family, and now, for the weekend, he’s in charge of Scarlett. She’s thrilled to learn a few lessons from the alpha, as together they explore another layer of Scarlett’s newfound sexuality.

  Genre: Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Shape-shifter, Western/Cowboys

  Length: 24,213 words


  Scarlett Rose and the Seven Longhorns 2

  Lola Newmar


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: LoveXtreme Forever


  Copyright © 2011 by Lola Newmar

  E-book ISBN: 1-61034-344-1

  First E-book Publication: February 2011

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2011 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  To my Lulu and every reader waiting for their white knight to arrive. Keep your head up. He’s worth the wait, and so are you.


  Scarlett Rose and the Seven Longhorns 2


  Copyright © 2011

  Chapter 1

  Scarlett allowed the warm streams of tears to run down her face as she wrapped her arms around both men’s necks. Devlin and Denzel, the Lenox twins, had to bend their six-two frames significantly in order to allow Scarlett to embrace them both. She felt the identical, dark-haired men nuzzle her neck tenderly as they gripped her hair tightly in their fists. The rasp of the stubble against her sensitive flesh sent a shiver down her spine. The only sound in the room was the sound of their saddened groans mingled with those of Scarlett’s sobs.

  “I’m going to miss you so damn much, darlin’,” Devlin mumbled against her skin. “I don’t know what’s gotten into me. It’s like someone cut off my arms and legs after they ripped my heart out. I feel like I’m just a piece of a person now.”

  Devlin suddenly but gently pushed away from her before turning his head so she couldn’t see his face. “Oh, Devlin.” She tried to cajole the large cowboy, but he chose to hide the obvious pain in his eyes. Before she could utter another word, he headed outside to the pickup truck, slamming the front door so hard behind him, she flinched from the sharp sound. Devlin seemed uncomfortable when he felt out of control, whether it was from any pain she felt or any pain he felt.

  Just yesterday, she’d been rescued by her longhorn-shifter cowboy mates after she awoke at the bottom of a cliff near their ranch. Apparently, she’d been pushed by someone but couldn’t put a face on who it was. Leo, the doctor of the group and eldest Lenox, said she was suffering from retrograde amnesia caused by the traumatic experience and fall. He’d said she’d slowly begin to remember events, but the faces associated with them may take a little more time and effort.

  She turned her attention back to the five remaining men standing next to the front door, and her heart ached even more when her gaze stopped on the remaining twin, Denzel. He was such a bashful young man at thirty-two, but despite the blush that had formed on his face as he tried to reign in his obviously building emotions, he looked her straight in the eye and cupped a big, rough hand around her face.

  “My heart will refuse to beat until I’m back in your arms.”

  He dropped to his knees and wrapped his thick arms around her legs, burying his face between the apex of her thighs through the extra-long Western shirt she wore as a gown. She could feel him ever-so-gently tug at her labia with his teeth through the thin material. She knew it was a shifter habit of sniffing his mate’s essence before a time away, be it long or short. It was an extremely tender gesture a shifter could make toward his mate, and a submissive man like Denzel had absolutely no problem doing it in front of his band of brothers.

  Scarlett bent down at her waist and draped her arms around his head, rubbing it gently as he held her close. She gazed into his bright jade eyes, and she could see the skin surrounding his eyes had turned red from the restraint of holding back his tears. He might have been a submissive, the “nice twin,” but he was still a cowboy, and Scarlett knew how important it was for the Lenox longhorns to maintain their tough-guy persona.

  He gently grabbed her hand, kissed it, then lovingly rubbed it against his cheek as he leaned into it. He again stood to his feet, towering over her small frame, then grabbed her to give her a hot,
passion-filled kiss that left her pussy weeping along with her eyes. He broke the kiss much too early then turned away from her.

  Scarlett could feel her bottom lip tremble as she watched Denzel grab his luggage and walk out the door to join his twin in the pickup truck. She was being a total baby, she knew that. She knew she should be happy with their trip. They’d planned to resign from the rodeo in Houston then pick up new livestock, two horses and two cows. They’d said they were temporarily leaving the rodeo to spend more time with her, to protect her. She couldn’t understand why she was so sad, though.

  Just as she lowered her head into her hands to sob her heart out, the triplets all gathered around her. Rhett held her from behind, and the horny little rascal pressed his typical, rock-hard erection against her backside. She doubted the blond man could ever go an hour without doing or saying something inappropriate, but her body loved that about him. She decided to ignore the way her throbbing pussy responded from the heat of Rhett’s hard cock. Instead, she allowed Sonny to come over and cradle her head into his broad, muscled chest.

  “Shh,” Sonny whispered over her sobs. She could smell the fresh scent of his shampoo, and it provided a little comfort to the situation. “Just think, it will only be one night, kind of like Christmas, and then we’ll be here to give you all sorts of gifts from the Houston Galleria. How ‘bout that, darlin’? We still need to get you those tall white Western boots you’ve been begging for since the horse ride late last night.” Any time Sonny noticed she was upset over something, he was right there to point out the positive. Anything to make her smile, he’d say.

  Levi, the last triplet, brushed her hair from her face to look into her eyes. “Yeah, baby, you remember how much fun that was, don’t you?”

  She felt Rhett press his hard-on firmly against her ass as he groaned, and she knew he was remembering the horse ride as well as she was. She smiled as she thought about how the triplets had waked her up in the middle of the night after a long evening of dancing and drinking. Rhett had carried her to one of the mares while Levi and Sonny prepared the horses. She had ridden with Rhett, sitting in front of him while he finger-fucked her during the ride. While they had trotted around the vast ranch, the triplets had taken turns jumping from horse to horse as they rode side by side so that they’d each get their chance to play with her cunt using their masterful hands.

  Scarlett took a deep breath and quickly ran her fingers through her brunette bob hairstyle. She made an effort to compose herself. She felt pained having her mates away from her, even if it was for a mere day and night. But she still wanted to come across as calm and collected. She didn’t want her men to think she wasn’t a strong woman.

  She weakly managed to form a smile. “Don’t forget those boots, cowboys.”

  * * * *

  Once everyone had said their good-byes, Leo watched as Scarlett rested her forehead against the door frame after the last triplet had gone through. His insides twisted as he watched her shoulders tremble from her low, mournful cries.

  This small woman was much more than just an average shifter mate. After she’d mated with all seven of them, they found out that their combined cum not only conjured memories, but also had developed the crescent-moon-shaped raised marking of a strawberry girl. Even better, hers ended up on her tongue. Being a strawberry girl made her very valuable, for she was the only mate of the current generation in the entire world who was able to produce human offspring. So now, not only were the men protecting her from her attempted murderer, they had to protect her from other jealous shifters who may be upset that they didn’t have a strawberry girl of their own.

  Leo walked over and leaned down to be able to wrap his arms around her waist. The moment he touched her, Scarlett whipped her little body around and buried her head in his chest. Looking down at her, he smiled at the vision, tears and all. The borrowed shirt she wore swallowed her up. Since the day before, she’d been their barefoot, adorable little mate. She was just a shrimp compared to their six-foot-forever muscular frames.

  “Shh, baby girl.” He didn’t know much about young women her age or how to behave at the sight of feminine tears. All he could do was hold her close and curse the rude erection poking at her belly from having his mate at such close proximity. He knew he was no small guy, so he figured she was just ignoring it when she didn’t point it out.

  “Does it get any easier?” She panted the words through her sobs.

  He squeezed her delicate shoulders tighter with his left arm, his hand gripping her as he responded. “I wish I could say it does, baby girl. But according to the shifter makeup, mates feel this pain when they’re separated. Although, since you’re human, the pain you are feeling has no way to compare to what the twins and triplets feel.” He had to be honest, but he still hated the way her sobs grew a little louder at his words. “Let me take care of you today. I’ll make you whatever you want for lunch, baby. How ‘bout that?”

  He heard her take in a few more harsh gasps for breath before she released one long-drawn-out one, as if attempting to calm herself down, then nodded her head. When she looked back up at him, his heart about melted. Her cheeks had tears streaming down them, and her eyes were begging for comfort. A knife twisting in his gut wouldn’t have been as torturous as seeing her in such desperate pain. “Could you make me a grilled cheese?”

  She sounded so damn cute, so innocent. Leo smiled as he brushed a lock of hair behind Scarlett’s ear. “Grilled cheese? That’s what you want?”

  She nodded. “I just have a certain craving for it.” She looked away, her face suddenly full of thought. “Maybe someone, maybe my mother, used to make it for me, but right now it just seems like it would be really comforting. Grilled cheese and tomato soup.”

  She still didn’t remember much before the accident. She was wearing fashionable career attire when they had discovered her, the only clue that had been provided at that time. She didn’t remember any of her close relationships as of yet, but she had known she was a virgin. All that had changed last night when Leo deflowered her and his other six longhorn brothers introduced her to a plethora of other sexual carnalities.

  Leo knelt down and softly kissed his little, sad mate on her cherry-red lips. “Anything for my baby girl,” he whispered against her mouth. His heart leapt when he felt the smile form across her lips.

  Chapter 2

  “Come in,” Charlie Rose called out after the soft knock at the half-open study door interrupted his Skype conference call. He conjured the lanky, dark-haired man entering with a wave of his hand. Charlie then turned back to the laptop screen to continue to speak to the account manager of his public relations firm.

  “Well, you’ll have to excuse me, Mr. Finez,” he spoke to his computer screen. “My nurse, Todd Leach, has arrived, and it seems I am due for another home visit.”

  “No problem, Mr. Rose. Like we discussed earlier, I’ll have those signed documents faxed to you by the end of the day. Once you approve, we can get started right away on Lil’ Payne’s public relations campaign. He should be getting out of prison in three days, and then his new album is hitting the shelves two days later, so we need to move fast while his name is still in the headlines. Talk about great timing to get arrested a fifteenth time for marijuana possession.”

  Charlie chuckled and nodded his head at his employee through their webcam. “Sounds good. Keep me posted on your progress. It shouldn’t be too complicated. You know how the young folks are these days—the more arrests the better in the rap music business.”

  Mr. Finez gave a final nod. “Yes, sir. Enjoy the rest of the day.”

  With that, Charlie shut his laptop and turned his attention back to Todd. “Thank you for your patience, Todd. Working from home has been a lot tougher than I had thought.”

  Todd smiled at him before waving his hand dismissively. “It takes some getting used to, I could imagine. You are a very dedicated, busy CEO, sir. A workaholic, if I say so myself. It must be tough to not feel as in contro
l as you’re used to feeling.”

  “Yes, Todd, it is. But it seems I cannot be in control forever.” Charlie lowered his gaze, studying the dark age spots on his old hands. He’d put those hands through a lot of work since his first job as a ten-year-old shoemaker. He’d worked at his mother’s side in the factory while his father had been at war. Just the image of her bright red lips smiling down on him, her hair piled neatly in a bandana as she worked fifteen-hour days, brought a smile to his thinning lips. His Scarlett took after her grandmother in that way—as ravishing as an old Hollywood starlet and as hardworking as a honeybee.

  He and his mother never heard of his father’s whereabouts after the war, whether he was alive or dead. She’d soon remarried, and Charlie had saved enough money over the years to move out on his own at sixteen. His ambition had earned him an internship at an advertising agency, and he later opened his own public relations firm in Dallas at the tender age of twenty-five. It had been a long road, but his hard work had blessed him with great success. More importantly, he was able to give his daughter the finer things in life. Scarlett deserved nothing less.

  Todd walked over and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. “Charlie.” Todd’s voice had him looking up into the young man’s friendly brown eyes. Although Todd was almost thirty, he barely looked older than a teenager. “You’re a good man. You’ve done a lot for a lot of people’s careers, and you’ve built an empire from nothing. Not to mention you were suddenly left alone with the responsibility of raising a preteen girl as a maturing man.” Charlie felt his heart tighten at the brief mention of Scarlett’s late mother, taken from them much too soon. “But, Mr. Finez…well…I don’t know.” Todd’s lips pursed, and Charlie could tell he was struggling to form the words he needed to express.


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