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Newmar, Lola - Leo's Crown [Scarlett Rose and the Seven Longhorns 2] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

Page 2

by Lola Newmar

  Charlie patted the young man’s hand encouragingly. “Go on, Todd. What is your concern?”

  “It’s no secret around Dallas that Scarlett is the one who will be inheriting the company, which makes her one of Dallas’s most eligible bachelorettes. I’ve seen the way Mr. Finez looks at her, Mr. Rose.” Todd hesitated then let out a deep sigh. “I just want you to be careful is all. Especially Scarlett. You both mean a lot to me, Mr. Rose.”

  Charlie smiled up at the man he’d come to be very close to over the last several months as he again patted the hand placed on his shoulder. Initially, he had felt a little odd at the thought of having a gay male nurse take care of him after his stroke seven months ago, but he’d gotten to know Todd very well, and he was a good, caring boy who loved his job.

  “That means a lot to me, Todd. I appreciate your friendship. You know that. And true friendship is a rare thing when you’re on top of the Dallas society.”

  Todd smiled sweetly then gave a joyful clap of his hands. “So,” continued Todd as he reached in his fanny pack and began to pull out Charlie’s medication for the day, “I heard Mrs. Sokolova got in town today. I’m sure she was quite excited to see Alisa. Mothers always love planning their daughter’s weddings.”

  Charlie grimaced at the soreness that drowned his body as he slowly eased up out of his desk chair. As usual, Todd was immediately by his side to help him into his wheelchair.

  “Yes, Dasha is a lovely woman. We are all very excited about the wedding next week. Alisa is the sunshine of my life, and although the fifty-year age difference is alarming to many, I’m just much too old to care what others think. I think we all get that way at a certain point in our lives. I am now just looking forward to spending my last moments with her.”

  Alisa was only a few years older than his own daughter, Scarlett, but the night he’d met her at the airport after finding her though a mail order agency, he felt as though God had sent him his own Russian angel. Although she was a sassy, demanding girl, her accent made her that much more adorable when she pouted and insisted on yet another designer dress or sports car. She made him happy with her Striptease Saturdays to ease the stress of his week. And just to start his week off right, there was Masturbation Mondays where she’d dress in the latest lingerie he’d bought her from Agent Provocateur then pleasure herself in front of him until she climaxed around her vibrator. She’d been there at his side through all the charity events and business parties over the last year, and she was always so grateful for the boob jobs, nose jobs, Botox, and anal bleaching she’d insisted on. But to Charlie, it was all worth it. She made him feel like a young, lovesick teenager all over again. He was completely and utterly in love for the first time in eleven years.

  Once Charlie was settled into his wheelchair seat, he pointed toward the study door. “Let’s go check on Alisa and Dasha now. They’re supposed to be picking out her wedding-night lingerie.” He wiggled his eyebrows at Todd, who just shook his head and laughed as he rolled Charlie out into the hallway.

  “I can’t see that being too exciting on my part, but I can see how a strapping, young, straight man like yourself can find that appealing,” Todd joked, and they both laughed as they wheeled down the hall.

  When they entered Alisa’s large, custom-built fitting room, he felt the air escape from his lungs. He gasped loudly, and as expected, trusty Todd was right there, handing him his oxygen mask to put on. Charlie felt his eyes widen from the sight before him as he inhaled the oxygen from the tank.

  Alisa stood atop the platform in front of the three-sided mirror as she chatted happily with her mother in Russian. She sounded so sexy as she spoke rapidly and excitedly in her native language.

  And, my God, what a vision.

  She wore a bright, crystal-embellished white corset, white fishnet stockings connected to her garter straps, and blue suede stilettos. And that was it. She wore her platinum blonde hair in a loose bun, streaks of dark brown peaking throughout. Her recently purchased double-E breasts spilled from the top of the corset as if daring his old ass to have yet another stroke right there. Those round mounds might as well have been the grim reaper.

  “You’re going to be the death of me, my darlin’,” Charlie butted in as he handed the oxygen mask back to Todd.

  “Hi, my sweet lover,” Alisa purred when she turned her attention to his voice. She ran over to him with her arms outstretched and a bright smile on her face. He loved the way her breasts bounced closer and closer to him as she moved. She wrapped her soft, supple arms around his neck and kissed him on the cheek.

  Dasha came over and gave him a sweet kiss on his cheek, as well, throwing him the smile his beautiful Alisa had inherited. “Hello, Mr. Rose, my future son-in-law.” His heart ached a little at the thought of not growing old enough to see Alisa develop into a mature, demure woman like her mother.

  He giggled as she playfully pinched his cheek as if he were a small child. Such charming women, really. Even at forty, Dasha was as statuesque as her daughter. Both blonde with dark brown eyes, they could be mistaken for sisters. Dasha lived in New York, so Scarlett hadn’t had a chance to meet her yet, but he was excited for her to. “It’s so nice to see you, and I’m so delighted to be in your home.”

  Charlie thought it was funny, too, that he was thirty years older than Dasha—technically young enough to be his granddaughter—and she would be considered his mother-in-law in a matter of days.

  “So what do you think?” Alisa asked as she did a little twirl in front of him.

  “I think you’re just about the fairest beauty I’ve ever seen, next to my Scarlett, of course.” Charlie’s smile quickly faded when rage suddenly burned in Alisa’s dark eyes at his statement.

  He felt confused as she crossed her arms in front of her silicone giants. He didn’t know why his sweet angel would be angry. But she also knew better than to try to put herself before his baby girl and kept her mouth shut. Besides, Alisa would never treat anyone with anything but kindness, so he brushed it off to wedding-bell stress. He felt so lucky to have found himself such a loving, caring young woman to be his wife.

  “Speaking of Scarlett,” he continued, “has she checked in today? I haven’t heard from her since you told me she left for the Hamptons to close out the McCalister account two days ago.” He chuckled at himself at the thought of his overachieving daughter hopping on a plane to fly across the country to close a deal at a night’s notice. She definitely got her drive from his side of the family.

  Alisa had said Scarlett explained to her it was an opportunity not to be missed for the company. Although Charlie still held the CEO title, it was obvious his young daughter was already taking the company’s administrative responsibilities as seriously as if she already were. But that was his Scarlett—spontaneous and motivated.

  Alisa took a deep sigh before returning to the platform to continue admiring her burlesque dancer-esque figure. She kept her eyes on her giant breasts as she readjusted them. “Yes, lover. In fact, she called about an hour ago. I knew you were Skyping with Mr. Finez, so I just took a message. She’d said she’s doing well, and she thinks she’s getting in really good. She said she’ll be back the night before the wedding. I told her you would call her as soon as you were done, but she insisted on you doing what you can to help with the wedding instead of worrying about her.”

  Charlie felt a warm beam of pride over his daughter’s take-charge way of business. “Why doesn’t that surprise me? Always business before pleasure.”

  “Yes, well, Mother and I need to go get a little more Botox and a little fat injection for our temples,” Alisa stated as she twirled back toward him. “Oh, and we need one more spa trip for last-minute touch-ups.”

  More bridal preparations? She’d already insisted on a five-course meal from one of the most renowned chefs of Dallas, bought her wedding gown straight off Vera Wang’s catwalk, insisted on trapeze artists for the reception, and a five-piece live band. And that was only a tip of the two hundred thou
sand dollar wedding. “But, Alisa, you just spent almost ten thousand dollars last month on all these injections—” Charlie was cut off immediately as he watched Alisa slowly lick her lips as she sauntered over to his wheelchair.

  He didn’t care that mother-in-law Dasha and gay Todd were in the room once Alisa walked over and lightly straddled his lap. She kept most of her weight on her toes as she leaned forward, obviously being careful not to hurt his frail body. She was used to that at this point. Her large, fake melons were mere inches from his watering mouth.

  “Please, lover,” she purred in her sexy Russian accent. She began to lightly toy with his tie as she batted her lashes at him. He felt his will slip right through his fingers as her intoxicating perfume embraced his lonely body. Goddamn it if he wasn’t useless in her presence. “I only want you to be proud of your new bride. We can’t have me feeling anything less than a princess, now can we?” She leaned in and lightly brushed her soft lips across his.

  He reached his hand out to Todd as he kept his eyes on Alisa’s chocolate, heavily lidded gaze. The well-trained Todd handed him back his oxygen mask, and Charlie placed it over his nose and mouth. He shook his head frantically as he inhaled deeply, seeking relief.

  A wicked smile crossed her lips as he began to dig in his pocket for his black American Express card. She took it from him slowly then leaned in to whisper in his ear. “Thank you, lover. I guess someone deserves a little young-pussy feast for dessert tonight for being such a good boy.” His body tensed as her tongue snaked around the outer edge of his ear. “Get ready for me to ride that mustache, lover.”

  His breathing almost hit panic mode, and Todd was quick to increase the oxygen intake on the tank. Alisa went back over to her mother and continued their Russian talk as if nothing had happened. The upside of being impotent was there was no longer a need to hide the rock-hard cock he’d have been sporting if he were just a little younger.

  * * * *

  Once Charlie was wheeled out of the room, Alisa let out an exasperated sigh as she turned back to her mother. “Goddamn, I can’t wait to get this all over.”

  Her mother smiled and lightly rubbed Alisa’s cheek. “You are doing well, my child. Soon, your wedding day will be here. Everyone will be looking at you, the ravishing bride, and you’ll be legally married to a very rich and dying man. Things are looking up, my Alisa. It looks as though my lessons have served you well, my child.”

  “Ugh!” Alisa groaned as she began to unsnap her corset. “You can’t imagine what I had to do to convince him out of that pre-nup.”

  Dasha scrunched her nose. “I’m sure I don’t even want to.”

  “Yes, well, it worked. And once we know for sure Scarlett is dead, I will no longer have to worry about that spoiled brat stealing the spotlight on my wedding day. The money she was to inherit is going to make it that much sweeter.” Alisa turned back to the mirror and stared at her now naked body. “I don’t get it, Mother. My tits are twice as big as hers, and she still manages to turn every head in whichever room we happen to walk in.” She shook her head in disgust. “I’ve worked way too hard to get the American wedding of my dreams, and this time, all eyes will be on me.”

  Dasha moved in behind her, putting her hands gently on Alisa’s shoulders as she looked her over in the mirror. “And they will be, daughter of mine. I’ll make sure of that.”

  Alisa smiled at the wicked wink her mother gave her through the reflection. When her mother had a plan, it might as well have been carved in stone.

  Chapter 3

  Leo watched Scarlett nibble at her pimento grilled cheese from across the table. He felt a little guilty at the relief he felt. A human’s love was never guaranteed to last forever, but it seemed she missed his brothers as much as they were no doubt missing her. A good sign of her love, so far.

  She’d developed a little pattern, he noticed. She would swirl her spoon around her tomato soup for a couple of slow circles, dip the corner of her sandwich, take a tiny bite, put it down with a long sigh, then repeat. It took effort for Leo not to form a smile.

  “You’re pouting.”

  His observation had her looking up at him. He was still amazed at the way his chest would warm every time he looked into her baby blues. And to think that was never going to go away.

  “I’m sorry, Leo.” She dropped her spoon on the saucer with a loud clink and crossed her arms as if frustrated. She gazed down at the table, but he could tell she was just looking right through it. “I guess I’m not going to be much fun tonight.”

  Leo reached across the table and pulled one of her hands away from her body until she held it out to him. “If you’re comparing it to last night, I wouldn’t beat yourself up too much about that,” he said softly with a wink.

  Her deep giggle brought a smile to his face. It was the first time she’d laughed all day. It was much too long to go without her utmost happiness.

  “Yeah, I guess I kinda screwed myself with that one, setting the bar so high,” she replied, shaking her head.

  He cupped her cheek in his hand. “Naw, you got us for that now, darlin’.”

  She laughed again at his corny joke, her bright white teeth like a ray of sunshine in the thick, mundane air of the room. She leaned her cheek deeper into his palm, holding it there with her dainty hands. “You know, even when I’m sad, I still feel like I’m the happiest woman in the world.” She blinked, and a single tear from each eye fell atop her rosy cheeks.

  He might not have known much about his new mate, but he did know one thing. “I love you, Scarlett.” He swallowed hard. Don’t cry, you damn pansy.

  “I love you, too, Leo.”

  As they went back to finishing their lunch, he couldn’t help but wonder just what Scarlett’s life was like back in Dallas. Not that anything she’d done in her past mattered to him. What really mattered was she was there with them now, where she belonged. But anything having to do with Scarlett sparked his interest, and his curiosity was beginning to get the best of him. “Scarlett, baby, would you mind if I spent a little time in my office this afternoon?” He wiped his mouth with his napkin and placed it on his lap. “I shouldn’t be more than an hour, and then I’ll be right back to keep you company.”

  She swallowed down her last bit of sandwich then wiped her hands on her napkin. She reached back over the table to grab his hand again. “Honey, you don’t have to ask me that. I’ll be okay on my own, you know.”

  “I know, baby doll, but I wouldn’t blame you for feeling uncomfortable being alone. You’ve been through a lot and¬”

  “And it’s all the more reason for me to slowly gain my independence back,” she interrupted. She sighed then smiled at him as she ran her thumb across his bottom lip. He felt the spark travel from his mouth to his hardening cock. Just one touch, that’s all it ever took with her. “Besides, I’ve been dying to watch that old movie you’ve been telling about with the woman with my name. The one you said I reminded you of.”

  He couldn’t resist kissing the finger she still held at his lips. “Gone with the Wind. It’s because you’re as bewitching as you are breathtaking.”

  He watched another tear escape her pretty eye. “There you go again, Doc. Making me feel things I never felt,” she teased.

  Leo stood up and walked around the table to stand in front of her. “Just promise me, Scarlett,” he brushed a stray lock of hair out of her face, “promise you’ll never let anyone else let you feel that way.” She smiled up at him, and he could see the utter trust and admiration in her eyes. He hardly felt worthy of that heavenly look, but he’d take it without pause. His heart fluttered at the thought that she’d soon give them babies as beautiful as she was. Human babies void of the curse of the shifters. The lifestyle may have had its benefits, but hardly any parent would want their child to spend their lives pretending to be someone they’re not. Fooling people to believe a shifter was just a normal human wasn’t an easy existence.

  “Leo,” she began as she wrapped her smal
l arms around his hips, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “And I pray you never do.” He ignored her confused expression as he knelt down to kiss her forehead. His lips lingered on her soft, sweet skin before turning away and walking out the door.

  Leo made his way down the porch steps before stripping down completely naked. He closed his eyes and imagined his beautiful baby doll wrapped in a red silk sheet, wearing the reddest lipstick he’d ever seen. He’d dropped on all four hooves before he’d even realized he was shifting. A bull-shifter who imagined or saw his mate in red made a world of a difference in how much more comfortable the shift was.

  He made a mental note to himself to frolic the ranch more as he approached the clinic door. He was breathing pretty hard, and he knew his endurance wasn’t what it used to be since the new clinic cut down on a lot of his free time. But he knew that if he wanted to be the best shifter he could be and protect the most precious gift he’d ever received, his Scarlett, he’d have to make sure he was fit to protect her. His mate deserved everything in the world, and he’d promised himself the moment he saw her he’d die working to make that happen.

  He quickly dressed in the extra jeans, T-shirt, and boots he’d kept in his office. As he sat in the chair in front of his laptop, he was aware his heart was racing at the anticipation. He typed “Scarlett Rose Dallas, TX” in the search engine and clicked enter.

  As he quickly read through the first few articles that came up, his smiled widened and he shook his head with disbelief. “Just when I thought she couldn’t be more perfect.”


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