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Bourne to Love Emma (RED-Stone Operatives Book 1)

Page 14

by Paxton, MacKenzie K.

  He took my nipple into his mouth, searing my skin with the heat of his mouth, and he circled it with his tongue before sucking hard. His hand pinched my other nipple and I jerked my hips against his, rubbing his cock against my clit. I moan and move my hips again and again, while he licks and sucks my breasts. I’m so close to cumming. So close….

  He pushed up and kneeled in front of me with a question in his eyes.

  “I have a request.”

  “Um. Okay. Can it wait? Kinda busy here…” I raised an eyebrow at him. Because, seriously.

  “I want to watch you make yourself come.”

  “What?” I think only half of my brain was actually functioning right now, so I was definitely going to need a second pass over that one.

  “I’ve listened to you cum through that wall and always imagined what you’d look like. I’ve cum with you hearing you make yourself cum. I want to know what it really looks like. I want to see how you touch yourself and what makes you feel good…. I want to see you use that hot pink vibrator that brought me to your door in the first place.”

  The cockiest grin crossed his lips. He was so sexy sitting there on my bed and talking about listening to me cum.

  “Why would you want to watch when you can play and we can both enjoy ourselves? And why would I want my vibrator when it’s got nothing on you.” I gestured at his cock, standing at attention, the head of him leaking pre-cum.

  “Please.” That was all he said. His face showed that he sincerely wanted this – whether I understood his reasons or not.

  I sighed. “You’ll have to go get it from next door. I didn’t plan on needing it, so I didn’t bring it with me.” I stuck my tongue out at him.

  He jerked his pants on – commando – and snatched my keys off his kitchen counter. I could hear him in my room through the wall. I still couldn’t believe how thin these walls actually were. Imagine if it had been someone else sharing that wall with me! How embarrassing!

  I heard him lock the front door back up and drop my keys on the counter. He walked back into the bedroom, jeans slung low on his hips – partially zipped but not buttoned. He was barefoot and bare chested and carrying my vibrator. It was easily one of the funniest yet sexiest things I have ever seen.

  He walked to the bed and handed it to me. Heather likes to call them ‘pussy pals.’ I just call it my vibrator. What I do with it isn’t exactly ‘cute’ so I kind of refuse to call it something that is.

  I held it in front of me and said, “Last chance. Are you sure you want to do this now?”

  He smiled and pulled a folding chair out of his closet and moved it to the foot of the bed. He threw his jeans back in the corner and sat down, his cock hard and waiting. Dear lord, he’s created his own version of ring-side seats. I had never in my life done something like this. Having text sex or whatever we did the other night was the most kinky thing I’ve done – outside of buying a pink vibrator. Letting him watch me? I don’t know if this is going to work the way he thinks it will.

  “Just do what you did the other night. No pressure.”

  “Right. No pressure.” I rolled my eyes at him, trying to shake some of this nervous tension.

  I lie back down on the bed and adjusted the pillows so I’m propped up a little. I closed my eyes for a minute to try to get in the right headspace. Suddenly, the bed moved next to me and I opened my eyes to see Jason leaning over me. He licked into my mouth and owned me. His hand stroked down my chest and cupped my breast, rubbing a callused fingertip over my beaded nipple. I went from zero to 90 in a moment and my heartbeat was throbbing between my thighs. Then he pulled away and winked at me before walking back to the chair.

  Holy shit. Staring into his eyes, I slid my hands up my belly to my chest and covered my breasts for a moment before I teased my nipples, tugging and pinching. I watched his pupils dilate and saw him slowly start to stroke his cock. I reached down and picked up the vibrator and clicked it on. Looking Jason dead in the eye, I brought it to my mouth and licked it like I licked his cock earlier tonight, circling the tip and then sliding it into my mouth to get it wet. When I pulled it out, I slid it down my chest and belly until the head of it lodged against my clit and I started to move my hips. I moaned.

  I swirled the tip of it around my clit a few more times and then slid it down to my entrance, getting it wet and ready. I used both hands to push it into my pussy, slowly sinking it all the way inside. That moment – the fullness – is always perfect. I moaned in appreciation of it and allowed myself a moment to pause and experience it.

  Then I glided the fingers of one hand through my slick flesh to my clit and started to build my rhythm. Pumping the vibrator in and out of myself with one hand and circling and stroking my clit with the other. My back arched as I began the climb to reach my orgasm.

  Knowing he was watching me made every touch, every stroke so much hotter. Watching him stroke himself wasn’t something I would have thought would turn me on, but it does. My legs fell open further as I got closer to the finish and I couldn’t keep my eyes open anymore.

  Suddenly, Jason yanked my hand away from my body, pulling the vibrator out of me as he jerked me down the bed, off the pillows and climbed on top of me. He already had a condom covering his cock and he was glistening with sweat.

  “With me. I want you to cum with me,” he gasped as he lined himself up with the entrance to my pussy, lifting my hips with his hands under my bottom.

  One hard thrust and he was almost completely buried in me. I cried out at the invasion of him. He was larger than my body was prepared to take. He moved his hands to lean over me, taking his weight on his arms. They trembled as he strained not to move, letting me adjust. The burn subsided after a moment and I nodded at his questioning – and desperate – gaze, gasping for air. He moved. Each thrust into me brought a moan from the depths of my belly. Each stroke out brought a sense of loss. It was almost too much, but it was also too slow. I needed more. I NEEDED more.

  “Fuck me, Jason. Harder” I demanded.

  He jerked against me in reaction to my words. “Dammit, Emma,” he gasped as he shifted again, leaning over me to grab a pillow before lifting my ass in his hands and shoving it under me. His hands gripped my hips as he built a punishing rhythm, pounding in and out of me. His balls slapped my ass with each stroke into me. He pulled one hand down my belly and began rubbing over my clit with his thumb. With each stroke into me, he circled my clit. I felt myself getting closer as the heat from my belly spread through my body. My legs locked around him, pulling him tightly to me as my inner muscles clamped down on him. Three more thrusts of his body and he pinched my sensitive flesh between his fingers and I cried out as I was lost.

  “Oh god! Jason!”

  The wave of it crashed over me and I jerked against him as my body imploded on itself. The edges of my vision faded to black for a moment and then he tensed, his rhythm faltered and he cried out.

  “Emma…” he groaned, his hips jerking again and again as my pussy demanded every drop of cum he had.

  After a moment, he collapsed to my side, reaching down to pull off the condom. He was breathing as hard as I am. He leaned over me to kiss my mouth. I barely had the energy to pucker.

  “I love you, Emma Parsons.” I felt my lips move into a smile. I guess I might have enough energy for that.

  “I love you, too.”

  Chapter 15


  “I think you need to let Tex play this one out, John. His team was in the damn building. They saw the location. They are the only ones who have fucking seen it. Z has a shit-ton of experience and I’ve worked with him before, but I’d put my money on Tex on this. You need to, too.”

  “Dammit, Bourne.”

  “John, you hired me knowing I wasn’t going to kiss your ass and be a yes man. You don’t like it I guess you can blame your own damn self.”

  “Fuck me. Alright. I know Tex is damned good at his job. We’ll let it play out. But we’ve been after this fucke
r for too long. We’ve wasted valuable assets and man hours when we could be helping a lot of other people. A lot of people.”

  “I get it, man. But if it’s true that he’s selling women and kids on the black market, taking this bastard out helps a lot of people, too.”

  John was quiet for a few seconds before he said, “There’s still nothing on Dan Brock. He’s gone to ground and the area we saw him last is too populated to find him without local cooperation. You stay on alert, Bourne. He’s lost his damn mind and I don’t want Emma and Mia paying the price for that. Heather would never forgive me if we couldn’t keep them safe. I’m trusting you with that.”

  I heard Emma stop in the doorway and turned toward her. I gestured toward the living room where Mia was playing with the tv on low. She just nodded and smiled softly at me.

  “You know it’s personal for me. Keeping them safe is essential for me, too. They’re important to me.” I watched Emma as I said this.

  “I know that. Heather does, too. Keep your head in the game and do your job.”

  “Copy that.”

  John hung up. I stuck my phone in my pocket and walked toward Emma. She hugged me close. I leaned down and pressed my mouth to hers. Every time was like the first time. The fire of her touch, the sizzle of the lust…. I heard Mia squeal at the television and pulled back.

  She smiled up at me, her skin flushed and her eyes bright. Her lips were slightly swollen and she had whisker burn on her neck. Damn. I needed to be more careful about that. And yet...I mentally thumped my chest and yelled because she is mine and she has been well and thoroughly claimed. Fuckin’ A.

  “Morning, babe.”

  “Morning.” She buried her nose in my chest and I swear she sniffs me.

  “I was considering sending someone out for breakfast. Any requests?”

  “How about we eat in this morning? I can make some pancakes if you’ve got everything I need.”

  “I have no idea what you’d need for that, but you’re welcome to anything I’ve got – and we can grab anything I don’t have from your place.”

  “Okay. Let me take a look and I’ll get it started. I’m starving this morning.”

  I leaned in behind her as she opened the pantry in my kitchen and run my hand over her ass. “Better make some extra pancakes, babe. I’ve got plans for your sweet ass later and you’re gonna need your strength.”

  She jumped when I swat her on the ass as I pulled away.

  “Jason!” She tried to sound serious and scolding, but I could see the heat in her eyes. Baby liked that. I’ll have to keep that in mind for later….

  I ended up going next door to pick up syrup, baking powder and flour. I can honestly say I’ve never had cause to use those, so that makes sense.

  I had just handed the goods over to Emma when there was a knock at the door. She froze when I pulled my gun from my waistband and walked to the door. I looked through the peephole while standing just off to the side – can never be too careful.

  “It’s okay, Em. I know these guys.”

  I opened the door to find three of my favorite people. Tex led the pack and shook my hand when he walked inside, pulling his hat off his head when he saw Emma. Next in line was Raven and she bypassed a handshake for a jumping hug. Raven is all of 5’4” so she’s constantly the shortest one in the room at work. But her small size, dark pixie cut hair and pretty features have come in handy as a last second diversion more than a few times. Plus, the chick could build a fucking bomb better than anyone I knew – which also means she can disarm them faster than the rest of us, too. THAT skill has come in handy twice. Some of us would have come home in body bags if she hadn’t been as quick as she is.

  When Raven hopped down, Rio walked inside. Always tan with dark hair and eyes that were so light brown they actually look gold in some lights, Rio is nearly too pretty to take him seriously as an operative. But that’s because his scars are hidden by his clothes. Before he got out of the Army, Rio was damn near killed trying to pull an injured soldier out of harm’s way. He paid the price by catching shrapnel from an IED in Afghanistan. One side of his back was shredded and required skin grafts and surgery over more than a year’s time. While he was in the hospital, Tex talked to him about John and RED-Stone when he was talking about getting out of the Army.

  Once they were inside, I saw Emma hovering in the doorway to the kitchen, Mia twisting in her arms in an effort to get down.

  “Em, let me introduce you to some people: this is Tex, Raven and Rio. They all work at RED-Stone.”

  Tex walked up to Emma and grabbed her and Mia both in a hug, squeezing until Emma squeaked. “Emma, you’re a sight for sore eyes. I’ve heard a lot about you – all of it good.”

  When he let her go, he kept his arm over her shoulders and grinned at me… which was when I realized I was baring my teeth and practically growling at him touching Emma. And he was doing it on purpose. Fucker.

  “Tex. Knock it the fuck off.”

  Before we could do anything else, Raven walked over to Emma and offered her hand and asked about Mia. Once Emma started talking, they walked back into the kitchen.

  Tex stepped closer to me and lowered his voice, “we need your help before we move on this location tomorrow. I want all our eyes on the same intel so there are no misunderstandings.”

  I nodded and looked into the kitchen again to see Emma handing Mia to Raven and turning back to the stove. “Okay. Let me go pull stuff up in the office and we’ll grab Raven and figure it out.”

  Raven brought Mia with her a few minutes later as we all stared at satellite images from the past 24 hours and blue prints a lot older. I pulled street level views from Google Earth and we discussed pros and cons of using surrounding buildings during an actual bust.

  Tex was saying “we’ve got the green light to take Patzkowsky down if we can’t get to him any other way” when Emma tapped on the door. Her face was pale and she seemed a little shaky.

  “Breakfast is ready. I made extra in case you guys were hungry, too.”

  She was uncomfortable and still adjusting to the ugly side of what I do for a living. I took Mia from Raven and walked around my desk while they continued to pour over the schematics and plot who would cover which area.

  I wrapped my arm around Emma and we walked back to the kitchen. “Em. I’m sorry hearing that upset you. The guy they’re tracking is a really bad guy. He’s wanted on three continents for trafficking drugs and we think he’s moved on to weapons and women – possibly children. He has to be stopped – one way or another.”

  She just nodded her head and put pancakes on a plate for me, handing me the syrup before she started cutting up a pancake for Mia.

  “’cake! Mmmmm.”

  I started to give her some syrup and Emma knocked my hand back faster than I thought she could move. “Unless you want your entire apartment to be a sticky mess that smells like maple syrup for at least a month, you don’t want to do that.”

  “She can’t even have a little?”

  “Jason. You remember how fast she can destroy the living room, right? Now picture that same speed touching every surface she can reach so she can touch it with her sticky fingers. Seriously.”

  “You’re not calling my little Mia a menace, are you?” I made faces at Mia and said, “Mama said no syrup, baby girl. She did!”

  Rio stopped in the doorway while I was talking to Mia and the smirk on his face was enough to pull me from the silly game. “Dude, your computer is freaking out about some alert you have set up.”

  I got up from the table and stroked my hand down Emma’s hair on my way out. When I got out of ear shot, Rio leaned over and said “I never thought that shit would happen to you, Bourne. Pussy whipped. Poor fuck.”

  I elbowed him, knocking him into the corner of the wall. “Bring it, fucker. I could be fucking 80 and I’d still kick your ass.”

  Rio was laughing when I finally stopped in front of my computer screen.

  “Fuck. It’s Da
n.” While I was frantically pulling up screens, Tex told them what had been going on with Emma’s ex-husband. His bank account pulled up on my screen and now it’s down to $3.12. He had withdrawn the last hundred and twenty bucks at an ATM half an hour ago. Pulling the address from the transaction details, I opened up a map and threw the data in to find out where the hell he was when he did it.

  “Two miles away. Are you shitting me?”

  I could feel all three of them over my shoulder as I pulled up the ATM camera. Even with sunglasses and a hoodie on, I could tell it was him. I swung back over to the map and took a look at what kinds of businesses are on that street. The liquor store on the corner was the most likely to have decent surveillance equipment up and running outside.

  A minute and a half later, we were watching footage of the intersection. Fortunately, the liquor store kept their video feeds in digital format and doesn’t burn them to a disc. Once I got through to their internal server, I was able to pull prior footage. We backed it up about 35 minutes and everyone was quiet as we watched and waited. Raven spotted him first. “There,” she pointed at the screen.

  We watched him cross the intersection and start walking down the street with his hood pulled low. After a minute, he’s indistinguishable from the other people walking along that part of town.

  I started making my way into the system for a jewelry store on the next street corner a block away. By the time we backed up their film, I was sweating and my pulse was fast. I found him almost immediately…then lost him just as fast.

  “Dammit!” I slapped my hands on my desk and almost knocked Raven over when I stood up from my chair. Fuck. He walked into an alley where I had no way to see where he’s going.

  “Bourne. You and Tex finish digging into our op, Raven and I will go take a look at the possibilities for that alley, alright?”

  “Fuck fuck fuck.” I ran my hands over my hair and grabbed the back of my neck for a second. “Yeah, okay. Okay. Thanks.”


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