Falling Stars

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Falling Stars Page 12

by Grubor, Sadie

  "I'm going in." I walked through the entrance.

  Once inside, I let Nicholas lead the way to the studio they were using. We walked in during the middle of recording.

  "Hey Christopher," Albert slapped the hand I extended to him. "These girls are good." He nodded toward the booth where the girls were playing.

  Mia was singing into the microphone. It was a song I hadn't heard and it was little different from what I had heard them play. When I didn't answer him, he questioned me.

  "Don't you think so?"

  "Huh, yeah, they're good." I took a seat next to him as he recorded the track.

  There she was, behind the glass. Her eyes were on Kat as they harmonized. Al's voice pulled my attention back to him.

  "Well since you're here, do you want Mia to record the lyrics to the song you sent to me a few days ago?"

  I hesitated before I answered. Would she want to?

  "Yeah, let's do it."

  Nicholas's hand went on my shoulder.

  "Christopher, don't you think we should get going to the hotel?" His grip tightened.

  "If Mia is willing to record this then I would like to be here for it." My words were slightly acidic. I shrugged his hand off my shoulder.

  Una leaned forward, pressed a button, and put her mouth to the microphone.

  "You guys did great! Are you happy with it?"

  "Yes, Definitely, Absolutely" they answered at the same time.

  Una gave me a quick glance before she spoke through the mic again.


  She turned around.


  Her eyes were my immediate focal point. The haunting pools of dark chocolate drew you in and made my skin crackle. There was the allure and a new ache in my chest. Una's voice broke the invisible lure.

  "We need to record your part for the duet with Christopher, are you ready to do that? I mean are you prepared?"

  Mia nodded and put a bottle of water to her lips. Her mouth puckered as she pulled the water bottle from her lips. Licking my lips and swallowing hard, my lower body awakened.

  "Okay we're going to get set up for it, take ten." Una pulled away and looked directly at me, pulling me from my oral fixation. "How are you?"

  Christ, here we go with all the well-being questions. I hate them. I know I did it to myself, but fuck people. They didn't know when to leave things alone. The booth door opened and I spun in my chair.

  Kat, Laney, Serena, and then Mia emerged. Each one looked at me with wide eyes as they came through the door. I prepared myself for the looks of pity, fear, and even anger. When Mia's eyes got to me, she smiled slightly and kept it emotionless. She said something to Una I couldn't hear and walked out the studio door. There was an urge to follow her, but I shook it off quickly. What the hell was wrong with me?

  "How are you feeling?" I turned.

  Laney sat with her legs crossed, looking expectantly at me. Both Kat and Serena stared at her as if their eyes were going to make a leap for the floor.

  "Laney," Kat hissed.

  "I'm okay." I responded hesitantly.

  "That's good to hear." Laney turned her attention to Kat who had a hand on her arm.

  Kat mouthed 'sorry' to me before she began hissing into Laney's ear.

  "I was being polite." Laney growled quietly, but not quite enough. I ignored them.

  Mia came back and walked straight into the booth. She didn't take glance in my direction once. She is probably pissed or most likely scared to death of me. She should be. If she knew what I was, she would leave.

  Isn't that what I wanted though? Dropping my head in frustration and pinching the bridge of my nose, I took a deep breath.

  "Okay Mia, you ready?" Albert's question brought my head back up.

  "As ready as I'll ever be." She winked at him. A twinge of anger flashed through me.

  The song started to play and she began to sing. It was good, she was good, but something was off. It wasn't working out the way I wanted it.

  "Stop," I spoke so sudden Albert snapped his head to me.

  "What?" He choked out.

  "Stop," I stood up. "It's not right."

  "It sounds good Christopher, she sounds great." He argued.

  "It's not her it's the arrangement, the song." I hit the mic button and killed the music. "Mia, stop for a minute."

  Walking into the booth, I felt a twinge in my chest when she put a large amount of space between us. She was afraid of me. Well that's probably for the best. I wasn't safe or good.

  Grabbing the paper she had, I started changing things on it. I placed it back down in front of her.

  "Let's try this again" I smiled.

  She looked at me puzzled before she walked over to look over to the paper.

  "You ready?" I asked.

  She nodded without looking at me. God, I wanted her to look at me.

  "Al, when you're ready sir." He nodded and cued the music.

  Placing the headphones over my head, I started my verse. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Mia looking at me. When she joined in it caught me off guard. Not because she wasn't good, but she started into the song sooner than I'd written.

  When I glanced to her, she smiled. My verse finished and she started in on her solo. Taking her lead, I started breaking in to small parts while she was singing. It came so naturally, so easy, that for the rest of the song I closed my eyes and got lost in it.

  The urge to look over at her again was strong. So, I looked. Her eyes closed and she swayed. The format of what we’d written was no longer. We were singing freely with each other and it felt amazing. When the music stopped, there was complete silence in the booth and on the other side of the glass.

  Annoyance set in, so I looked up through the glass to say something to Albert, but froze. Everyone's eyes were on us. They were standing around Al and with mouths parted.

  Looking to Mia who was staring back at them, she broke the uncomfortable silence.

  "What the hell are you staring at?"

  I laughed at her exclamation. She looked at me and smiled, and then looked back to them.

  "Stop! You guys are creeping me out. I feel like a display at the Zoo or something."

  Al's voice filled the studio.

  "That was fantastic, great, amazing…shit I don't know what else to say. Actually just listen to the playback."

  He started the playback. When I felt her walk by I turned, watching her leave through the door. For the first time, I noticed something I had never seen before. She had a tattoo in the middle of her lower back. My imagination ran wild with the knowledge, but I shook off the thought quickly, focusing my attention back where it should be, on the song. He was right. It was fucking great.

  When the song finished, I walked out of the booth. The girls were standing and talking with Una.


  She turned and for a moment, I was once again lost in those dark haunting eyes. My skin crackled and my body twitched in multiple places. Clenching my bandaged fists, I used the pain to snap out of my ridiculous behavior.

  "You were great. I mean, the song's great." Christ, I was a bumbling idiot now.

  She nodded politely and turned from me.

  Arriving back to the hotel room, Nicholas informed me Jackson would be staying with me tonight. In fact, there would always be someone staying with me going forward. I was going to argue, but realized I would never win the battle.

  "Hey bro, looks like we are shacking up tonight." He punched my arm lightly.

  "Yep, looks like you drew the short straw." I forced a smile for my 'babysitter'.

  "Christopher." Jackson shook his head. "I want to be here, if you'll let me."

  After the other night, I just patted his back and headed to shower. Lord knows what he'll have to deal with tonight, The Night.

  Jackson was already in his adjoining room watching TV when I got out of the shower and sat on the edge of my bed. Turning on my TV, I instantly regretted it. There was the news with the
date scrolling behind the weather forecast. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, yet another mistake. There she was, her, my mother lying on the floor.

  Cramming my head into my hands, I started rocking. Trying to get a hold of myself, agony, guilt, and rage cracking open inside of me began to seep in. I swiftly got to my feet and pushed myself toward my bags. Throwing everything out of them to find the pills the doctor gave me, my hands clasped around the brown plastic. Once popped open, I swallowed a pill quickly and buried myself in the pillows on my bed until the pill finally took me under.

  Jolting up screaming is not the best way for anyone to wake up; however, for the psychopath's babysitter in the next room it is even worse. Jackson burst through the door with fear and panic all over his face.

  "Christopher? Are you okay?" He was at my bedside on his knee. He grabbed the pill bottle and looked at it.

  "How many did you take?"

  Slowly rocking, I tried to erase the memories and the nightmare from my head.


  "One, Jackson! I took one like they told me to!" Standing, I grabbed the bottle from his hands and threw it against the wall. Jackson quickly stood and backed away from me.

  "They never work!" I pulled at my hair. "Christ!" Grabbing a sweatshirt from the pile I'd created earlier, I headed toward the door.

  "Where are you going?" Jackson was on my heels.

  "I need to clear my head. I'm not going back to sleep!" sliding on my shoes, I yelled over my shoulder.

  "Christopher the doctor's said lack of sleep just makes it worse. Why don't we call –?"

  "Thanks, Doc, but I'm not going back to sleep. Screw that! They can find another damn pill that won't work for me tomorrow!" Pounding my fists on the door, I leaned my head against it.

  "Look, Jackson…I just need some air." Pulling open the door, I stepped into the hall.

  After passing the girl's room about three doors down, I stopped. Walking back, I stood in front of the door running my hand through my hair. Lifting my hand to knock, I chickened out and backed away until I pressed against the opposing wall.

  What the fuck am I doing? She's asleep. She's afraid of you and she completely ignored you when she saw you. Fuck! But isn't that what we always did, unless I was being a dick? We ignored each other all day, or more so hated each other all day, but she would still be there. She would be there sleeping or not. She would stay.

  Smacking the back of my head against the wall, I closed my eyes. Cringing at the thoughts and memories waiting in my head, I looked to the ceiling. Why can't I help myself? Why can't I make it stop? I knew why I couldn't. It's because I had to live with what I'd done. I had to pay for what I did.

  Knocking pulled me from my self-deprecation.

  Pushing off the wall, I lowered my eyes. There was Jackson knocking on their door. He turned to me and smiled lightly. Before I could make a move, before I could say anything, the door opened. There stood a groggy and confused Red. She was trying to focus on Jackson when he motioned to me. Putting my head down like a five year old in trouble, she scowled at me and shut the door.

  Jackson looked at me with pity. Fuck that, I don't need his pity!

  "Are you fucking crazy?" I hissed. "I'm gonna go –"

  The door opened again and my words caught in my throat. There she was with massive bed-head and squinting. Not her best look.

  Mia pulled the door all-the-way open, motioning for me to enter. Jackson grabbed my shoulder and shoved me toward the door.

  "You are either in or you're out. I'm too tired." Mia croaked out still half asleep.

  Jackson chuckled, earning a glare from me.

  Putting my head back down, I walked into the room. Jackson told her 'good night' and then the door clicked behind me. She brushed by me and walked into one of the bedrooms. Following, I watched as she climbed onto her bed and threw herself face down. Slowly I walked over to the bed and stood there.

  Should I say something, thank her?

  "Either lie down or get out. You are freaking me out with the hovering." She mumbled into her pillow.

  Kicking off my shoes, I threw my sweatshirt on the floor next to them. Climbing into bed, I heard her breathing start to acquire a regular rhythm.

  "Thank you." The words had come out so quiet I wasn't sure she would hear me. I rolled over facing her back.

  "You're welcome" she yawned.

  "Christopher," pause, "Christopher," another pause, "Christopher!" My shoulder being shook roughly.

  "What?" I groaned loudly.

  "Can you move?"

  Opening my eyes to blaring daylight, I focused in on the current scene. My chin on her shoulder and face buried into her neck, my arm was lying across her stomach and my right leg tangled with her left. She was pinned to the mattress.

  "Shit, I'm sorry." I moved off and away from her.

  "No problem, you were just too heavy for me to move you." She got up and walked toward her bathroom.

  During her walk, I noticed the small amount of clothing she was wearing. The shorts and the tank top barely covered her. Shaking off the thoughts, I rolled over, willing myself not to get a hard on.

  * * * * *

  When I heard Serena, answer the door last night I had no idea it would be him. I mean I figured they had given him some pills or something for his 'issues'. Curiosity got the best of me so I ask Serena who had been at the door. I was a little shocked.

  She repeatedly assured me I didn't have to do anything, but then I remembered what Nicholas told me about what today was. What happened the night before would most likely reoccur if left to his devices. Taking a deep breath, I prepared to play security blanket once again.

  Greeted by Jackson standing at the door, I was a little embarrassed. Sucking it up, I simply extended Christopher the invitation. He finally came in and I was just relieved to be able to go back to sleep.

  Waking this morning, two realizations made me a little nervous. One, my pajamas left little to the imagination. Two, Chris was heavy. Once he released me from his body trap, I tried to retreat quickly to the bathroom to cover with a robe or something.

  After obtaining bladder relief, I wrapped up in the plush robe provided by the hotel. Exiting the bathroom, I stopped short. Christopher was still in bed lying there with his eyes closed. I wasn't used to this. He was usually gone before I woke up. We didn't do the awkward morning after thing.

  What the hell do I say? Do I say anything? Why is he still here? He usually takes off. Damn him! Okay, deep breaths. I'll just stick with the normal routine we've established. Ignore and evade.

  Leaving the bedroom, I shut the door behind me. Laney already had breakfast sent up, so the cart was waiting. My destination was the food. From the corner of my eye, I saw Serena examining my every move. I fully loaded my plate. A full mouth would be an excuse not to speak.

  I walked toward the couch with my full plate of scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast. Her stare was relentless and annoying.

  "Jesus, what already?" I snapped.

  I took a large bite. These were really good eggs.

  "Is he still here?"

  She had taken on her 'mother' tone and motioned with a nod of her head. My mouth was full, so I shrugged with a nod back to her. Ha, ha, the full mouth plan was working.

  "Are you ever going to explain all of this to me?" My eyes followed her hands as she waved them to accent her words and frustration.

  I sighed. "Look, there's nothing to explain." Pausing, I took a drink of OJ. "You were there the other night." I shoveled another forkful into my mouth.

  "I guess, but I don't understand." She shrugged.

  I swallowed the bite in my mouth.

  "Well when you figure it out, you let me know, because I have no idea how to begin to understand it." I shook my head.

  "Oh Jesus, you both are clueless." Laney plopped herself down between Serena and me. I grabbed my plate and steadied it from the bouncing motion.

  "Then fill us in oh wise Lan
ey." Serena's voice exaggerated. I mocked bowing.

  "Just for that, nope!" She tried to pretend she was mad. Her creeping smile was giving her away.

  "Just say it already," Serena sipped her coffee.

  "Seriously, you don't get it?" Laney looked between both of us with a look of disbelief. She shook her head and snorted, "Unreal."

  "Christ Laney, just spit it out." Serena yelled and smacked her in the arm.

  "Well –" as she started to share her wisdom my bedroom door opened.

  All of our heads jerked to the opening door. I quickly looked back to my plate and shoveled another bite in. Laney and Serena kept their eyes on the door. Christopher appeared. In my peripheral vision, I saw him freeze at in the doorway. I kept eating.

  Ignore and evade. Ignore and evade.

  "Um…good morning" Laney said with a small wave and a smile. Serena turned to her with a crinkled expression on her face, clearly informing Laney that she had lost her mind. I almost spit my food out on them.

  Another bedroom door open and Kat groggily walked out. As soon as she saw Christopher, she stopped and then shot a look to us. She shook her head and headed for breakfast cart.

  "Help yourself." Laney extended a breakfast invitation to Christopher.

  I shifted a sideways glance at him. He still stood by the bedroom door, rubbing the back of his head, trying to contain the craziness that had taken shape on his head. He just shook his head and walked to the door, exiting the hotel room like it was on fire. Dropping my eyes back to my plate, I felt them all staring at me now.

  "What?" I groaned loudly. I knew I was in for the badgering of a lifetime.

  "You need to put a stop to this." Serena placed her coffee on the table in front of us.

  I rolled my eyes.

  "Don't roll your eyes at me! Is this what was going on the whole time you were on the bus with him?"

  "Have you slept together?" Laney smiled large. "Like sex, not sleep." She explained.

  "No." I groaned.

  "Will you two back the hell up off of her?" Kat joined in as she sat at the far end of the couch.

  Serena ignored her.

  "Look Mia, I love you, but this is ridiculous. You can't fix him."

  "Who said I was trying to?" Shouting, I got up from the couch. "You know, I didn't ask your opinion about any of this and you sure as hell weren't complaining about him when you voted me onto that bus."


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