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The Duke's Dilemma: Regency Romance Menage Short Stories

Page 49

by Lacoste, G. G.

  Gail wasn’t sure what to say, so she just stood there looking at him. “Yes it was for that, a Mr. Gareth Wilson wrote back to me. He would like us to move to him as soon as we can.” Gail explained.

  “So when are we going?” Sam asked.

  “Why aren’t you upset about this?” Gail asked suspiciously.

  “I don’t want to talk about it right now, okay mom.” Sam said.

  “Okay that’s fine, but when you do, just let me know.” Gail stated.

  Sam shook his head.

  “We will have to pack up the house or sell everything. I’m not sure what to do. I would say we could go within a week at the most.” Gail responded.

  “Okay, sounds good.” Sam said.

  She smiled down at her son. She wondered what all he remembered. Maybe that means he won’t be a thing like Dale! She hoped it was true.

  Chapter 4

  “Mr. Wilson I have a telegraph from you. Mr. Nelson said I should bring it to you right away.”

  “Thanks Barry, here’s a tip.” Gareth had handed the young man a gold coin.

  “Thanks a lot Mr. Wilson!” Barry had run off.

  Gareth shook his head. Had the boy thought just a few more seconds he might have made even more of a tip? But he was sure Barry was off to spend the money right now.

  He looked at the response and saw that Gail had said yes and that she would be to him in a week. Gareth smiled. He hoped that she would be a truly nice woman. He thought, maybe she’ll be like what I thought Priscilla was like at first?

  That happiness in his relationship hadn’t really stayed around too long. Well not on her side anyway. He had cared about her for some time, until he finally got wise to her. She had only been after his money; he should have seen it at first.

  Priscilla was always about eating at the most expensive place in the big city, or that’s what they called it. There were about four places to choose from in town. The one that charged the most because of the china plates they used was the only one she would eat at.

  He had tried to take her to another place once, and had found out how shallow she truly was.

  “Go there; they are a cheap place to eat. How can you even think of spending so little on me?” Her face had a look of disgust in it when she said it.

  “I’m sorry; I just thought you were hungry.”, he had said.

  “I am but I want to eat over there.”, she had stated.

  Gareth had given in and they had gone to the other place. To him they were both food, but he had wanted to save some of his money. He had grown up in a family where there was barely ever money for food.

  So as his business would struggle from time to time, he would try and cut back and save money.

  “It is always best to be prepared for the worst.”, he had told her one time.

  Priscilla had looked at him and just shook her head. She had never really tried to show him any love in their marriage when he thought about it. Why had he saw it a different way for so long? Perhaps it was only the hope of finding something special with one person.

  It wasn’t a conversation he would have with anyone though. He knew most people would find it too feminine that he had these types of feelings. But he did, and he couldn’t stop them from coming up from time to time.

  Would Gail Wynd bring with her what he had been missing his whole life? He hoped she would, but he didn’t want to count on it. Every other female in his life had let him down so far, so why would she be any different? But he knew that he would still hope…it had really been his Achilles heel in life. He had always given the females in his life the benefit of the doubt.

  He went to the bank and sent a ticket that was open-ended to her. He also sent a telegram to tell her to be safe and to please send him a telegram the day she leaves. “That way I’ll be able to know about what day you should be here. If you’re late I will send out a search party right away.”, he had said in the telegram.

  Now he would just have to wait and see if Gail was different from his mother and his ex-wife Priscilla. Gareth picked up the bottle again and poured himself another shot. He looked at the bottle and saw that it was almost empty.

  “I’ll have to get another one soon!”, he laughed. Taking the shot of whiskey, he felt the familiar burn of the nectar hit him. Gareth did wonder if he was drinking too much, but right now he didn’t care. It always made his mind quiet down enough so he wouldn’t have to think of his mother.

  She had always been a mean woman. But he had tried to impress her his whole life. She passed away last year, and Gareth had to admit he didn’t miss her either. It was kind of mean to think about it, and he wouldn’t tell anyone else those feelings.

  But she had been a mean mother. He had gotten many beatings during his young life, and many times he didn’t even know why she was punishing him. Gareth poured another drink to stop the memories from coming back to his mind. He had blocked them off so well through the years since he was young.

  The beatings had ended when he was old enough to fight back. But that wasn’t until he was already scarred from her behavior. The whiskey felt good and soothed his mind nicely.

  He hoped Gail was different from the other women in his life. Priscilla had been another type of woman, but just as harmful to Gareth in the long run. He sighed realizing she had him fooled for many years anyway. He hadn’t married at a young age, but when he had turned 29 he had meant Priscilla. She was beautiful and so very sweet to him.

  Gareth had thought she had really loved him too. So a year after they met, he had asked for her hand in marriage. Priscilla had still been wearing her mask at that time. He shook his head knowing that the hope of her really loving him was clouding his mind at that time. However, now looking back he could see it all so clearly.

  “I was an idiot!”, he said to he took yet another swig of his whiskey, “Shit, I’ll have to get more soon if I’m not careful.” But that thought didn’t stop him from pouring yet another shot of the liquid and downing it just as quickly.

  Chapter 5

  Gail packed the last of the things Sam and her would be taking with them. She had gotten the process done within a few days. Realizing that she was more than willing to leave the house she had shared with Dale for 8 years.

  But her nerves were raw and on edge with the thoughts of her new life. “It isn’t just my life, but his too.”, she said looking at Sam as he slept.

  That was the hardest part of this whole decision. She hoped that Sam would have a better childhood than her; it was her greatest wish in the whole world. Gail wanted to offer him everything she had been missing in life.

  She hoped the trip was short so she could meet him and find out what kind of man he was. But she also wanted not to go. She wanted to crawl into a hole and wish the world away. It was hard to face this part of her reality so much so, that at times, she even wished she had Dale back. The fear of this new endeavor was worse to her than the daily beatings she had endured near the end, before Dale had been shot on the job.

  Gail cried a little at the thought. It was hard to imagine that physical pain seemed better to her than a change. But then she thought about it, what if Dale was still alive? When Sam got older surely he would stand up for his mother. At a time where she wouldn’t be able to stop him, and then what? Would Dale kill Sam, or would it go the other way around? It wasn’t something that Gail had ever wished to witness.

  But through the years as Sam had gotten older, she knew it would come one day. Sam was far too close to her. There would be no way that he wouldn’t stand up for her. He would try and defend her one time. Dale hadn’t been a small guy. Sam very well might get killed if he had done that. Gail cried at the thought of losing her son.

  It wouldn’t be something she would handle well at all. With that thought she realized the fear of meeting this new man seemed minimal. It was the easiest of the futures that she had in front of her. The fake one where her mind had always imagined it might go or this new real one.

  Gail knew she would have to be strong, and not let herself fall for this man. But the child in her, the little girl who loved to play princess, wished that he would be her knight in shining armor.

  She smiled thinking back to those dreams; they were so long ago now. They seemed so far away, and like more fantasy than anything else. Dale hadn’t been her knight at all, not like she had hoped he would be. He turned out to be a worse decision then she could have ever guessed.

  However, she let it continue through the many years they had been married. She would lie to not only Sam when he asked about bruises on her. A few times she had to lie to other people as well. Those were the times when Dale would hit her face. When the bruises were in places where they couldn’t be covered, she had lied at those times.

  Even when Dale had made her go places, she had told people a story.

  “Oh how did you get that bruise?” A friend of hers had asked her one time.

  It was a fresh bruise that circled her right eye. It was a mean purple and black color, there was no way she could cover it up. But Dale had made her go out, and she had been asked this question. She knew if she didn’t lie, Dale would do much worse to her when they got home.

  “Oh I accidentally hit my head on the cabinet in the kitchen.” Gail had laughed and lied through her teeth. She had wanted to scream out how Dale had beaten her. But she didn’t.

  I hope he isn’t a man who does that to females, she thought about Gareth. He was soon going to be her new husband. The concept was quite scary, but exciting. Tomorrow they would begin their new adventure, Sam and her.

  It had been such a long time since Gail had a glimmer of hope in her life. She liked the way it made her feel, once she could get over the fear of such a big change in her life.

  Getting in the wagon the next day, she was pleasantly surprised to hear they wouldn’t take long to get to Arizona after all.

  “Mr. Wilson is having us drop you off at the train depot. He paid for a ticket that way and you’ll be in Arizona by the end of the day.” The wagon driver had told her when he picked her up.

  Now Sam and her were sitting in the train car, experiencing one of the newest things available in their little world.

  “Mom, I wish I could tell the kids at school about this!” Sam smiled brightly.

  “Maybe we can send a letter back to the school once we get to Arizona.” Gail had smiled at him largely.

  Sam had smiled the whole time, at least until he was asleep a bit later. She smiled down at him and thought. “He’s my pride and joy. I hope you always stay this sweet person you are right now.” Gail said as she patted his head.

  Gail thought back to those dreams of her knight in shining armor, and let her mind wander for a bit. Wouldn’t it be nice if he was like that man I would see in my dreams? She could allow herself at least a little glimmer of a dream. She didn’t mind if she had to let it die, but for a split second she wanted happiness.

  Gareth had spared no expense on the trip and placed them in one of the private cars. Sam was on the small bunk on the other side of the room. Gail locked the door and placed her head on the pillow. She was tired and the constant worry of the past few days was catching up with her quickly. She was asleep quicker than she could imagine.

  The next thing she knew was dreaming of her knight in shining armor once again. If only this could be my real life, she thought.

  “Ma’am, ma’am we are here.” Gail heard from the outside world. Opening her eyes she saw the worker standing beside her.

  “I’m sorry I must have fallen asleep for a longer time then I thought.” Gail rubbed her eyes and looked over at Sam’s bunk.

  He was sitting there smiling reading one of his books.

  “Why didn’t you wake me up?” Gail asked Sam.

  “You needed the rest, you haven’t been sleeping much.” Sam said. His eyes looking directly at her, she saw a deep understanding in them. It was something she hadn’t expected.

  Now she had the confusion of how Sam had reacted in her mind, to the fear and wonder of meeting Gareth. Surely he would be waiting on the platform for them, or maybe he wouldn’t. A quick flash of fear ran through her. What if he isn’t here? She thought quickly.

  Any of her thoughts of Sam’s reaction were now quickly gone as the fear of what Gareth would look like and be like hit her.

  She straightened up her dress and quickly fixed her hair. She didn’t want to look a mess after all! Walking out she saw that there was only one man standing there. He was watching them carefully, studying them, she thought.

  Gail did the same thing back, looking over the dark haired gentleman who stood there. He had shockingly green eyes that made him look mysterious. He wasn’t that old, she thought. He had a few grey hairs that had mostly likely just come in.

  “Hello you must be Sam and you my dear lovely lady must be Gail Wynd?”, the man said.

  Sam smiled up at him and said. “Yes sir, I’m Sam and this is my mother. How do you do sir?” Sam held out his hand to shake Gareth’s.

  Gail smiled at her young man; he really was such a different person from his father.

  “What a grip you have there young man!” Gareth laughed.

  Sam laughed as Gareth acted as if he had been squeezing his hand too tightly. The young boy once again, and not the man she had just seen there!

  “Hello Gail, I’m Gareth Wilson. It is a great pleasure to meet you both!” Gareth smiled at her.

  She felt her heart give in a bit too much. He looked so much like her knight in shining armor had in her dreams from when she was young.

  “Hello Gareth, it is nice to meet you too.”, she smiled.

  Gail felt an immediate connection with Gareth as they touched hands. It was in that moment that she knew she had allowed the dream to come into real life. I’ve left myself open for heartbreak, she thought.

  Chapter 6

  Gareth had been waiting on the train for about an hour, when it finally showed up. His nerves had been on edge the whole time. He watched as this beautiful woman stepped off the train, a young boy beside her. He smiled hoping that was her, but who else could it be? It had to be her and his new son, or soon to be.

  The boy looked like he could use someone who was good to him. Gareth had always liked kids. He had tried to talk Priscilla into having at least one, but she would never agree.

  In fact, he couldn’t remember when the last time he had sex with her. They had rarely been intimate. To have someone who was this beautiful, he would find it hard pressed to keep his hands off of her. He knew the feeling of raw lust that hit him as he looked her over.

  His lust filled his head so much he had to work through it to concentrate on much of anything. Gareth hadn’t realized how much he had missed sex until that moment. He looked at her and wondered if she would be willing to sleep with him in that manner before they got married?

  He figured it wouldn’t be rude to find out, after all they had both been married, and she had a kid. It wasn’t like she was pure or virginal, he thought.

  He introduced himself and when he touched her hand, he felt a shock. There’s more than meets the eye, but I feel she is honest. It was an odd feeling for him to have, so he shook it off as nothing.

  “So are you two hungry?” Gareth asked.

  “I’m starving!” Sam stated.

  Gareth laughed and messed up the boy’s hair. “Great let’s go eat!”

  “Come on mom!” Sam pulled her along, putting his little hand in Gareth’s hand as well.

  He took Sam’s hand and smiled over at Gail. She smiled back at him.

  “I hired a cook for the day, I hope you don’t mind. I figured you would be tired after the travel time.” Gareth said to Gail. “Unless you want me to keep her, it really is up to you.”

  He kicked himself after that last comment. Gareth wasn’t trying to throw money at her, but he knew that would be what it could seem like. But the real fear was that she would be a woman who only wanted him for money. He hadn�
��t checked her out before sending for her. It was at this point he realized that he could have had her investigated. Pinkerton’s did offer those services to paying customers.

  Maybe I should have checked her out, he thought. Perhaps she will be just like Priscilla? But he tried to focus on her and give her a chance. He couldn’t immediately think every woman was bad, there had to be at least one good one in the world, or so he hoped.

  Gareth told her that she didn’t have to help him with the bags, if she didn’t want too after he got to his house.

  “I can help; I don’t want you to do everything.” Gail stated.

  “Where would you like me to put your bags?”, he asked.

  “What do you mean?”, she asked him back.

  “Well I didn’t know if you wanted to sleep in the same bedroom as me or not. I could put your bags in the guest room?”, he explained.

  She wasn’t sure how to answer. Thinking about it, she really would like to sleep beside a man. But she was nervous about other things happening between them. Finally she just shook her head yes instead of answering out loud.

  “Just go in and have a seat. I’ll have the cook serve the meal.” Gareth said to Sam.

  Sam ran ahead of them and into the house.

  “He seems like a great kid.” Gareth said to her.

  “Thanks, he really is a good boy.” Gail smiled pride showing on her face.

  They took the bags inside there was an awkward energy that was passing between them. Not awkward he thought, it was sexual tension, he knew without a doubt. He did have to wonder if she realized what it was though.

  As they carried the bags inside they saw Sam, he was sitting at the table, a huge turkey leg in his hands. “I didn’t have to wait to eat did I?”, he asked…his face guilty.

  “No go ahead and eat!” Gareth laughed.

  Gail shook her head and laughed.

  Sam went back to his meal, the adults forgotten for the moment.

  “The room is this way.” Gareth said, as he led the way up the stairs and down the hall. “If you want to change the colors in the room or anything just let me know.”


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