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The Duke's Dilemma: Regency Romance Menage Short Stories

Page 50

by Lacoste, G. G.

  Gail looked around, it was beautiful. “Did you do this?”, she asked.

  “I asked the girl at the store what colors to have in the room.”, he admitted.

  “She did a nice job. It is lovely.” Gail stated.

  “I’m glad you like it.” Gareth said. He looked at her; she was so close to him. He could smell her, he wanted to kiss her. His head lowered to her lips, he couldn’t hold back anymore.

  She opened her mouth and allowed his tongue inside. He heard her moan as their tongues wrestled and his hands roamed across her body.

  “I want you.”, he pulled back and said to her.

  Gail shook her head yes, not trusting her voice to say yes. Her heart was screaming out don’t do it, and so was her mind. But her body had a mind of its own right now.

  “Will Sam be okay for a while?” Gareth asked her.

  “Yes he should be, he usually doesn’t come looking for me after he eats.” Gail stated.

  But neither of them thought about the fact he was in a new house. Instead Gareth covered her mouth again.

  He had taken her answer as an affirmative that she wanted him as well. So he removed her dress quickly. Gareth knew that he wasn’t going to be able to last long, but he hoped she would allow him other chances to show her he knew how to make love.

  Gareth took one of her breasts into her mouth and sucked on it. He bit her nipple and heard her squeal in delight. But he wanted to enter her. So he removed his pants and heard her sharp intake of breath.

  “That’s so big.”, she said.

  He didn’t say a thing, but came to her. He kissed her again, and let his fingers move to her nether regions. He pushed one of his fingers into her and pushed his thumb against the nub of her clitoris. Moving his fingers around, he felt as her body began to react and push out more moisture.

  Soon she was wet enough he knew he wouldn’t hurt her. He pushed into her slowly and sighed once he was fully inside of her. His member felt warm and she pulsed against him.

  Gareth slowly moved in and out of her. He watched her face and saw the various stages of pleasure cross over it. She yelled out softly as her body began to shake from a climax.

  “I can’t hold back for long.”, he said. He kissed her. . “I’m sorry that wasn’t very long.”, he looked down in shame.

  “Shh. We most likely didn’t have long anyway.” She heard the steps of a child running up the stairs.

  “Mom, where are you?” They both heard Sam call out.

  Gareth got up quickly and put on his trousers. He pointed to the bathroom that was attached to the room. “Go in there.” He pointed to her.

  He went and opened the door. “Hey Sam, she’s freshening up from the trip.” Gareth told the boy.

  “Okay, I didn’t want you guys to miss out on the food. The cook is telling me I’m eating like a horse!” Sam laughed.

  “Tell you what I’ll come down with you now and your mother can catch up with us.” Gareth said.

  “Okay.” Sam turned around and walked out of the room.

  “I’ll see you downstairs.” Gareth kissed her and went out the door.


  Four months later Gail looks over at her two men. Gareth was amazing, not only with her, but with Sam. The boy had taken quite the shine to him and was already calling him dad. She laughed remembering that it had only taken Sam about a week before he had asked Gareth. “Can I call you dad? I mean you will be marrying my mom after all.”

  Gareth had told him. “Of course, I would be honored to be your dad!”

  She smiled remembering that first night again. Not the first time they had made love, but the second time. It had been that time that they had spent hours exploring each other’s bodies. Sam had been sent to bed and was sleeping. Gail had loved his touch, the feel of him as he entered her. She also loved the way that his tongue could bring her to orgasm.

  But mostly she loved the fact that they were both in love with each other. She never had a doubt that Gareth loved her, from the first time he had said it to her. They had shared so much about their lives with each other in a little amount of time, she felt as if he was her best friend.

  “Hey baby.” Gareth said looking over at her. He walked over to her and pats her belly. “Hey Sam so what do you want to name the baby when he or she comes?” Gareth asked Sam.

  The boy sat and thought. “I’m not really sure; do we have to decide today?”

  “No we have about 7 months to go, but we have to name the baby before it is born!”

  “I think we can do that!” Sam laughed.

  “I love you.” Gareth said to his wife, and kissed her deeply.

  “I love you too.” Gail said back to him.

  you put your story.


  WARNING: This ebook contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language. It may be considered offensive to some readers. This ebook is for sale to adults ONLY

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   Copyright 2016 by Sam Slater - All rights reserved.

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  Respective authors own all copyrights not held by the publisher.

  Ace of Hearts

  Western Romance

  By: Sam Slater

  Ace of Hearts

  Description: Billy Craft was playing cards. He couldn’t believe his luck. The man had just placed his daughter up for a wager, and Billy’s hand was an almost sure winner. As the cards stood up he saw that he had won. The man begged him to not go through with the exchange, but Billy had many reasons why he felt it was his only choice to make the man pay up.

  Robin Swail found out that her father lost her in a poker game. Her heart broke at the feeling of not being loved by him. Not only were whiskey and cards more important than her, but well…. that was enough for her. She was furious about it and decided that the man who was at fault wasn’t just her father, but he man who had won her.

  Billy Craft sat looking across at John Swail. Billy had a great hand. He didn’t see how Swail even thought he had a chance to win this hand. But still, here he was asking Billy the question once again.

  “Look I’ve wagered all my cash, the only thing left to offer is my daughter.” John Swail said… his eyes serious.

  “So you mean to say that if I win this hand, I get your daughter?” Billy asked, trying to make sure he understood what John was getting at. But also trying to make sure John realized what he was offering up in a game of poker.

  Looking around Billy saw that the other men at the table in the saloon were studying John too. Billy was sure he had heard the man correctly the first time. But he hadn’t known what to say. He had seen the Swail girl before. She was stunning. Her blonde hair framed her face nicely, but her brilliant green eyes were what made her a beauty.

  “Is she even old enough to marry?” Billy asked.

  “Yes she just turned 19 a week ago, so she’s well over the age. But it doesn’t matter I’m going to win this hand.” John stated.

  Billy saw that John Swail honestly thought he had a winner. Of course poker was all about bluffing your hand. Was that what John was doing right now? He looked down at his hand once again. Not much could beat this hand. Billy made sure once again; he had the Ace high straight royal flush in the suite of Hearts.

  “Alright, I think you are bluffing anyway.” Billy finally stated. If he was wrong, Billy stood to lose quite a bit of his money tonight.

  He watched as John smiled broadly and laid his cards on the table. He went to grab the money off the table. He thought he had it won for sure.

  “Now hold up there partner? You have a nice hand there, with that straight flush. But I have this hand, and yo
u lost.” Billy shook his head as his cards were thrown on the table. He saw the blood go out of John’s face as he turned pure white. Billy watched as the man hit the floor hard. “Shit, make sure he’s not dead.”

  One of the other men threw some whiskey on John’s face and the man sputtered and sat up. “How did I lose? I can’t believe it. Well you know Billy; I was just bluffing about giving you my daughter.” John stuttered.

  “Sorry you bet her and you lost.” Billy stated. “The boys here will back me up, and you don’t want to be known as a liar in town. No one will ever do business with you again. Soon you’ll be run out of town and have lost everything. So do the right thing and don’t make me have to play rough with you.” Billy said, putting his hand on the top of his revolver that was hanging at his side.

  “No, it’s just that she’s a spitfire of a girl. I don’t think she’ll take too kindly to me having bet her in a poker game. Let alone how her mother is going to take the news. I might just be willing to take my chances with you.” John explained. But as Billy watched, John’s eyes cleared a bit. “No after I thought about it, they won’t kill me. You on the other hand, I’m almost positive I would end up dead if I didn’t back up my side of the bet.” John finally said, lowering his head.

  “That’s what I thought. Now why don’t you go and get that girl? I’d like to collect my winnings and go home for the night. After all I now have a girl to break in!” He laughed his meaning clear.

  Billy watched and saw the flash of anger spread on John’s face.

  “Now come on are you really going to do something dumb? You do realize that I’m one of the quickest draws around this area, right?” Billy stated his eyes narrowing as he watched John’s every movement.

  John put up his hands after a few moments thought. “I’m sorry Billy; really I’m just not looking forward to dealing with those two women.”

  “Just look at it this way, after tonight you’ll only have to deal with one of them.” Billy laughed.

  “You just don’t realize what you might be in for.” John muttered and headed out of the saloon.

  Billy laughed as he watched the man go. “He looks like he’s walking off to his death!”

  The other men joined in the laughter as well. Billy picked up his glass and downed the whiskey. It burned as it slid down his throat. “So boys looks like I’ll be having me some free fun tonight!”

  Billy stated referring to the fact that on some nights he would take one of the dancers to her room. They charged for a night of fun. Now Billy had the chance to have what he wanted and not even pay for it. He looked down at the table and saw his share of the money.

  “You know what I’m feeling pretty happy right now. Drinks are on me for the house, got that Clyde?” Billy yelled out to the bartender.

  Clyde waved at Billy in acknowledgement.

  “Thanks Billy, that’s great of you.” He heard from one of the men at another table. A few more people called out their thanks as well.

  Billy wondered what it would be like having a wife. Sure he would marry her; he didn’t want other men to think they could use her. He thought he would kill anyone who attempted to touch his new wife.

  “Hey do you remember his daughter’s name?” He asked one of the other men at the table.

  “I think its Robin. Or that might be his wives name; he was just chanting something like Robin will kill me before he left.” the man told Billy.

  He had laughed at the story. He could just imagine the turmoil John Swail was facing right now.

  Chapter 2

  John Swail walked into his house and called out. “Robin honey, I need you to come here please. You too Sally, I need to talk to you both.” John didn’t really feel like doing this but he figured telling them both at the same time was easiest. It would mean only one telling of the tale.

  “What’s up daddy?” Robin came leaping into the room.

  John looked at her sadly. “Wait until your mother gets here too.” He said and tapped her shoulder. “Sit down, please.”

  Robin sat down, looking up at her father strangely. She could tell something was wrong with him. His face seemed too pale. He’s probably lost all our money in a poker game again, she thought.

  She knew her father had a gambling problem. He had gone to the bar many nights and lost a large portion of their money. Thankfully her mother had begun squirreling away some money. Robin and her mother had begun digging into John’s pockets and taking some of the money out. So when he left John had no idea that he hadn’t lost all the money he had on him that night.

  It had taken just one time that he had really lost all their money before her mother had begun taking the money out of his pocket. She would often leave him with a very small portion of bills. John often drank too much when he played cards, and a lot of other times as well. But this made it impossible for him to be sure how much money he actually started with in his pockets. He would never imagine that his own wife and daughter were stealing money out of his pocket. At least that would be the way he would see it.

  As far as Robin was concerned they were just surviving and making sure the family wouldn’t be left broke and out on the street. Robin watched as her mother came into the room. They looked at each other, sharing the same thought.

  “I lost so badly tonight at cards. I’m so sorry.” John started a talk that both of them had heard more times than Robin could remember hearing.

  “I’ve put some money aside dear, its okay... we still have some left.” Robin’s mom patted John’s knee.

  “No I didn’t lose just money. I lost you Robin. You have to go to Billy Craft now. I’m so sorry. I just had such a good hand. But he pulled out a better hand.” His eyes went cloudy as he remembered the scene once again.

  Robin’s skin turned bright red. “You did what? Mother did you hear what he just said?” Robin looked at her mother, the shock apparent in her face.

  She watched as her mother turned towards her father. “John, how could you bet our daughter in a poker game? What is wrong with you?” Her mother yelled at the top of her voice.

  Robin grimaced at the fury that she felt come from her mother’s body. But she felt the same fury inside of her as it built to a higher level. “I’m not going to any man. I don’t care what you say. You can’t use me as a bet in a poker game.” Robin screamed.

  Her father looked at her. “Please, he’ll kill me if you don’t go to him.” He begged Robin.

  She looked at her mother, the tears were apparent in her eyes. Robin knew her mother was furious and would probably leave her father soon. But then she realized her mother wouldn’t leave this man, her father. No she had been with him through all of this time; Robin knew they loved one another. Even with all of her father’s problems with drinking and gambling, her mother still loved him.

  Robin loved her mother very much, she couldn’t hurt her. She knew that she would have to go to this man. She didn’t want to see her mother have to live her life alone. If this man would kill her father, no matter how mad she was, she had to do it.

  She knew she didn’t love this man. Right now she was furious at Billy Craft as she was her own father. “I’ll do it. Not for you.” She glared at her father. “But for her, for my mother. I love you mother.” Robin said as the tears began to flow from her eyes.

  Her mother ran to her and hugged her. “You don’t have to do this, you know that right sweetie?” Her mother asked her.

  Robin shook her head yes. “I know mother, but it really is okay.”

  While her whole body quaked in fear, Robin accepted her fate. She had just been lost in a poker game by her own father. The man who was supposed to protect her from the outside world, how could this be him? She looked at her father with pure disgust in her eyes.

  “As far as you’re concerned, don’t ever talk to me again. I don’t know you, you aren’t my father. I hate you.” She said with anger in her voice. Her teeth were clenched tightly together. Her eyes were glaring with a pure hatred.
She felt betrayed by him, like he never even loved her.

  Robin went up to her room to pack a few things. Her father had made it clear she had to go now. The truth was she hated her father so much right now she couldn’t even stand to be in the same house as him.

  I’ll make him pay for it too. She thought as she wondered who Billy Craft was and just exactly what he would expect from her. I’ll be damned if he’ll touch me. She muttered out loud. Again her teeth were tightly clinched together. Her hatred being focused on a man she didn’t know, even without giving him a chance.

  Chapter 3

  Billy waited for his winnings to be brought back to him. He can’t believe he had won this beautiful girl tonight. How could a father be so uncaring about his own daughter? Billy tried to think about his and couldn’t imagine it.

  Growing up he had a sister, and she was the apple of his father’s eye. He had grown up being told that a father should always protect his daughter. “You son, your job will also be to look out for her as you get older.” He could hear his father saying to him like he had so many times in the past.

  The memory triggered some great memories about his family life. Billy knew that no matter how much his father enjoyed a game of cards, he would never do what had happened tonight. He felt a bit sorry for Robin Swail at that moment.

  The doors slammed open and she walked in, he looked up and watched her. She was taller than he remembered, but her blonde hair was hanging across her shoulders. She hadn’t even dressed properly to come out to him.

  Those green eyes of hers looked squarely at him. “Who’s Billy Craft?” She shouted to the saloon.

  Billy was almost afraid to stand up. But he did. “I am ma’am. “ He bowed to her in greeting.


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