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No Fear (Bomar Boys Book 3)

Page 6

by Jess Bryant

  “Oh!” Rachel squeaked as she ran into his back.

  She stumbled but he was there before she could fall. He spun to face her and saw the way her eyes widened when their bodies brushed. His traitorous cock throbbed and he pressed his advantage. He told himself that if she’d looked scared he would have stopped, would have calmed down and talked to her rationally, but she didn’t. She licked her lips and let him back her against the side of the nearest car until his big body caged her smaller one. He wasn’t entirely sure if he touched her whether he would kiss her or shake her so he didn’t dare.

  “What the fuck were you thinking?” He snapped.


  “You don’t belong here, Rachel!”

  “I but…”

  “Coming here was really, really stupid. Coming here dressed like that? Fuck! What the hell did you think was going to happen?”

  “I-I’m n-not s-s-stupid.”

  He glared at her but her bottom lip trembled and all of his perfectly reasonable anger fizzled. Shit. He was yelling at her. He knew better than that. He had to get himself under control because if he scared her she would run and even if running was a smart instinct, there was no way he was letting her go. Not a chance. Not now, maybe not ever again.

  “Damn it Rachel…”

  “I’m n-not stupid.” She repeated stubbornly despite the wobble in her voice and he sighed.

  “Rach, baby, coming here dressed like that… damn it, every man in there wanted a piece of you. You have to know that. Why would you come here knowing that?”

  “I told you. I c-came for you.”

  Just as it had in the barn, those words warmed something in his chest that he couldn’t name. Him. She’d come for him. But he wasn’t distracted now the way he had been in there and as much as he liked hearing the words, he needed more information. Because despite what she said, coming here, dressed the way she was, had been stupid.


  “I n-n-need you.” She looked at the ground, bit her lip and then glanced back up at him from beneath her lashes, “I want you.”

  It was like being hit with a branding iron. Heat seared him the moment he registered what she was saying. His cock, which had already rivaled a flagpole, twitched. And then she went even further because she reached out and touched him.

  She raised her hands and though they were shaking slightly, she pressed them to his chest. And they both stopped breathing. Bare skin against bare skin, that electric current sparked between them. She felt it. He knew she felt it. Because she stared at the spot where she touched him as if she was mesmerized by his chest.

  “Remy, I want you.” Her voice was softer, barely a whisper.

  He grit his teeth to combat the overwhelming desire to give her exactly what she seemed to be asking for. She’d come here to find him. She’d dressed in this skimpy outfit for him. She was touching him and looking at him and telling him that she wanted him. It all sounded right, felt right, but the way she was trembling gave her away.

  She was still scared. He didn’t know if it was of him or if it was whatever had sent her down here looking for him, and until he knew for sure, he wouldn’t touch her. He’d promised himself that he wouldn’t take advantage of her and he wouldn’t break that promise. He thought that promise, and keeping it, might be the true barometer of whether he could ever be a good man.


  Her gaze jerked up to his and her bottom lip trembled slightly, “Wh-what?”

  “You don’t want me, Rach. Not like I want you. I wish you did but...”

  “I do.” Her brows knit together, as if she didn’t understand what he was doing. Maybe she didn’t. Hell, he knew his body didn’t understand why he was pushing away the one woman it wanted. “I want you. That’s why I’m here. I-I know how this w-works. You c-claimed me. I’m yours.”

  “You are mine.” Remy groaned, “But not like this.”

  “But…” She started to pull away, her hands dropping as wariness returned to her face and he couldn’t stand it. He reached out and cupped her cheek again softly. Confusion flickered through her gaze as she looked up at him and he sighed, knowing that he was doing the right thing no matter how much it sucked.

  “But you’re scared.” He met her gaze and when she started to shake her head he nodded, “Yes, you are. You’re scared of something and until I can be sure it’s not me. I’m not going to touch you, Rach.”

  Her tiny pink tongue darted out to wet her lips again and her voice was breathy when she spoke, “You’re touching me now, aren’t you?”

  “Not like I want to.” He managed a small smile even though that innocence was exactly why he couldn’t have her right now, “Trust me. When you’re ready, when I really touch you, you’ll know the difference.”

  Rachel stared up at him for a long moment and for once, he couldn’t read her expression. Usually, whatever she was feeling was right there on her face. He had weeks of experience watching her, studying her, and he didn’t like not knowing what she was thinking.

  It was part of his growing obsession with this girl that he wanted to know everything about her. That he felt he should know her every secret. That he wanted to be the one person that knew her better than anyone.

  Finally she sighed and surprised him by cuddling her cheek into his palm, “That’s why I came to you.”

  “Why?” He asked again.

  “Because I knew I could trust you.”

  “Of course you can trust me.” He stroked his thumb over her cheek, “Tell me what’s going on and I’ll do my damndest to fix it for you babe. I know you’re scared but whatever it is, I’ll take care of it. I’ll take care of you. I promise.”

  “I do want you Remy.” Her eyes shuttered, her long, dark lashes covering those expressive eyes from him, “I just… I need you too. I need help and I didn’t know where else to go.”

  “You were right to come to me. You can always come to me.”

  A knot formed in his stomach as she shivered in his arms. He’d known something was wrong the minute he saw her. He’d known something had happened to send her down here looking for him, but whatever it was, he would take care of it. He hated that anything had scared her but he was happy that whatever it was, she’d come to him.

  She trusted him and that was a gift he didn’t ever intend to take for granted.

  “Tell me what happened.” He prompted when she was quiet.

  Her eyes fluttered up, meeting his, and his gut clenched at the fear and pain she didn’t try to hide, “Something happened tonight and I…”

  “Hey!” A loud voice shouted from somewhere far too close, interrupting Rachel and making her jump nearly a foot off the ground. Remy whirled around in time to see an angry looking man stomping towards them down the row of cars, “What the fuck is goin’ on here?”

  “Go back inside.” Remy glared at intruder, “This is none of your business.”

  “The fuck it ain’t!” The dark-haired man snarled, “That’s my sister!”

  That pulled Remy up short and he glanced at Rachel in surprise. She’d never said a word to him about having a brother. Nobody had. But from the way her face had paled, her eyes had gone round and the way she’d begun to shake like a leaf again, he had a pretty good idea why that was.

  She was terrified of this man.

  A dozen thoughts ran through his head and none of them were good. Rachel had a brother that she didn’t talk about. An older brother from the looks of it, that scared the hell out of her. A brother that was here, at a Bomar fight night, which meant he had some sort of tie to Remy’s family. A brother that, based on everything that meant, was probably dangerous.

  His decision was made instantly and Remy stepped in front of Rachel, effectively blocking the other man’s path to her. Even in the dark, it was clear to him as the man moved closer that he was related to the woman cowering behind him. His dark hair was the same color. He had the same plump mouth that gave his sharp features a decidedly pretty
tint that was only lessened by the sneer he was leveling at them. But it was the eyes that were most telling. The same blue that was so pale it glinted silver in the moonlight. Big, round eyes framed with dark lashes. He didn’t doubt for a second that they were related just as he didn’t doubt that this man wasn’t getting anywhere near Rachel if he had any say about it.

  “Back off.” He held out a hand when the guy tried to step around him.

  “Play hell. Keep your fuckin’ hands off me and off my sister.” The guy glared over Remy’s shoulder, “Let’s go Ray-Ray. You shouldn’t be here and ya damn well know it.”


  “She’s not going anywhere.” Remy spoke up when Rachel stuttered behind him and even as the other man cursed at him he knew that it was the right move, the only move, because Rachel inched closer to him, pressing her front to his back, using him as a shield but reaching forward to squeeze his hand. He laced their fingers together, hating that he could feel her shaking with fear, and squeezed back reassuringly.

  The man looked at their laced hands and snarled, “It’s like that?”

  “Yeah. It’s like that.”

  “Fuckin’ Bomars.” He cursed again, “Always thinkin’ rules don’t apply to you.”

  Remy frowned, “Rules?”

  “Family’s off limits to the crew. Lincoln’s rule. Don’t fuck where you eat so get your filthy hands off my goddamned sister.”

  More than anything, the way this guy spat Lincoln’s name like another curse word got Remy’s hair up. He’d said Lincoln’s name like that before, sure. Hell, he’d threatened to rip Lincoln’s hands off not ten minutes ago for the exact same reason. He hadn’t wanted his cousin touching Rachel. But he was Lincoln’s family, he was allowed. Well, if not allowed, his dissension was at least tolerated. Outsiders didn’t get to talk about Lincoln like that, particularly not men that were part of his crew and were supposed to show deference.

  “I’m not part of the crew.”

  “You ain’t touchin’ my sister, Bomar.” The other man snarled, “Rachel! Get your ass over here. Now! You’re goin home and we’re gonna talk about this little adventure of yours.”

  “I told you she’s not going with you.”

  The oddly familiar masculine face flared red with rage, “I’m not here for you, Bomar and you can’t keep me from talkin’ to my sister.”

  Remy edged to the side, blocking the other man again when he tried to get past him. Everything about this guy flared his protective instincts. He didn’t want him anywhere near Rachel but he had a feeling his words weren’t going to be enough to get rid of her brother. He’d either have to use his fists or…

  “Fine. You want to hear it from her?” He turned just enough to meet Rachel’s gaze and saw that her big eyes were watery, “Do you want to go with him?”

  She shook her head so hard and fast it was a wonder she didn’t get whiplash.

  “There you go.” He turned back to the guy that was glaring at Rachel with so much hatred in his gaze that Remy had to resist the urge to shove him further away from the girl, “You can go now. She’s made her choice.”

  “Yeah. I guess she has.” The other man sneered at them as he backed up slowly, though the look on his face was far from defeat when his lips curled menacingly, “You have fun tonight sis. Spread those legs like a good little whore. I’ll see you at home when he gets done with you, Ray-Ray.”

  Whatever that parting shot was about, it must have hit because Rachel sagged against Remy’s side. He tore his gaze off the retreating figure and spun just in time to keep her from sinking to her knees. She was shivering so hard her entire body was shaking as he swept her up into his arms. She didn’t look at him. Her eyes were closed so tight he thought maybe she was trying to keep tears at bay and she was biting into her bottom lip so hard he worried she would draw blood.

  “Hey, baby, it’s okay. He’s gone. You’re safe.” Remy tried to soothe her but she only shook her head and then buried her face in his shoulder, “I got you Rach. I’m not gonna let anybody hurt you. I promise.”

  She clung to him, silently, and since he didn’t feel tears wet his chest he hoped that meant whatever was happening wasn’t as bad as he was imagining. He wanted to go after that damn brother of hers and beat him to a pulp for doing this to her. He didn’t even know what this was but he knew that Rachel didn’t deserve it just like he knew that he was going to protect her from it.

  As he moved down the line of cars, carrying Rachel, he murmured to her softly. He told her things he’d been holding inside him for weeks, for what felt like forever. He’d told himself that he wouldn’t push her but he was done hiding how he truly felt about her too.

  Tonight had changed things.

  He told her how beautiful he thought she was. How special. How she was all he thought about, all he’d wanted since that first moment on the street. That she was his and he would take care of her or die trying. He wasn’t sure how much of it she heard, how much she took to heart, but some of it must have gotten through because by the time he reached the Challenger she’d stopped trembling and was simply clinging to him.

  “Come on babe. I’m takin’ you home.” He lowered her gently into the passenger seat.

  Her hand shot out, her nails digging into his forearm as she clung to him, “I-I-I c-can’t go home.”

  “Not your home.” He smoothed her hair back softly, “You’re goin’ home with me tonight.”

  She almost looked like she deflated her breath came rushing out so hard, “Th-thank you Remy.”

  He brushed a kiss across her forehead, the most he could allow himself, and when he pulled away she let him go this time. He shut the door behind him and let out a rough breath of his own. However he’d imagined this night going, it hadn’t looked anything like this.

  He had Rachel in his car. He was taking her home with him. But she was upset, scared and…

  Something he’d been missing hit him in the gut then. She’d been stuttering. With him. All night. She’d stammered over her words, a clear sign of her nerves and fear and he hadn’t caught it.

  Damn it, she never stuttered with him! Not even that first day they met. Skylar had been in awe because of that and questioned him about it endlessly. That was how he’d known it was important, that Rachel trusted him and it had only confirmed what he’d already put together.

  She was his.

  He grit his teeth against the urge to punch something. To lash out. He hadn’t been paying attention. He’d gotten distracted by her presence and her skimpy outfit and he hadn’t been thinking. If he’d been using the head on top of his shoulders he would have known something was wrong when she stuttered talking to him.

  On his side, he opened the door and then grabbed a spare t-shirt out of his backseat. He’d left his other clothes inside, where he’d changed earlier. Luckily his keys were still in the ignition. He hadn’t worried about anyone stealing it, not here, not since it belonged to a Bomar.

  Once he was fully dressed again, he slid into the driver’s seat and glanced at Rachel. She’d curled up into a ball, her legs tucked up to her chest and her arms wrapped around them. It was a protective, self-preserving posture. He knew it well and hated that she didn’t feel safe. More than anything, he wanted to reach out and touch her, caress her, soothe her and tell her again that nobody would hurt her but he knew his words wouldn’t fix anything. She needed more than that right now.

  “So…” He said instead, trying to keep his voice light when he felt anything but, “That asshole is your brother?”

  Rachel sighed heavily and didn’t speak until he had backed out of the parking space, “Craig. He’s my half-brother.”

  No stutter. He released a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding. She was scared but it wasn’t of him. The worst of his tension released and his urge to reach over and touch her multiplied by about a thousand. He white-knuckled the steering wheel.

  “Seems like a real winner.”

turned her face to look at him, resting her other cheek against her knees, a pale imitation of a smile touching her lips, “Yeah, well, we can’t pick our family, right?”

  “Tell me about it.” He pulled them out of the field and onto the road before glancing back to find her looking at him. “What?”

  “You were really angry with Lincoln tonight. You were rude to him, called him out in front of everyone. You threatened him.”

  “He had it coming.”

  “B-because he touched me?”

  Remy almost smiled at the slight stutter to her question. Did the idea of that make her nervous? He didn’t know if that was a good or a bad sign. Because despite her reasons for coming to him tonight, despite whatever else was happening, he knew she wanted him too.

  “Yeah.” Remy gave in to his need to touch her and reached over with his right hand, lacing their fingers together, “I didn’t like him touching you. I don’t like the idea of anyone touching you.”

  “You think he’d hurt me?”

  He squeezed her hand and then lifted it to his lips and kissed her knuckles, “No. He’s not that stupid. But it doesn’t matter. Pain or pleasure, I’d kill him for giving you either.”

  “Oh.” She squeaked slightly, and he saw her eyes widen before he had to glance back at the road.

  They were silent as he drove down the dark and abandoned old highway. The barn was in the middle of nowhere. That was one of its benefits. There weren’t even streetlamps out here so he could only make out shadows of Rachel’s face from the dashboard lights.

  But he could feel her watching him. He had always been able to feel her gaze on him like a caress. She always stared at him when she thought he wasn’t looking, like she was trying to put something together. He’d never said anything to her about it, had wanted to give her time to figure it out for herself. He’d known that she would, eventually, because she was a smart girl and it was so obvious.

  He was hers.

  As he drove, they settled into a comfortable silence and he could almost imagine they were a normal couple, just out for a drive together. Her hand in his felt so right, he couldn’t manage to let go of her. He shifted without releasing her and caught her small smile out of the corner of his eye.


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