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What the Fox

Page 3

by Emma Dean

  Eisheth considered and popped another cake into his mouth as he stared out at the rain through the window behind her. “Try something outside the box. Obviously he cares about you, but doesn’t relate to you. Both of you are into computers though. Hm.”

  Tapping his perfectly manicured nails on the table Eisheth contemplated her predicament.

  Kenzie wasn’t actually too worried about it. Things would happen when they happened. But it didn’t mean she wasn’t sexually frustrated about how slow ‘things’ were going.

  “I could play a game with him,” she murmured. It was already something she’d thought of, but hadn’t had the balls to bring up before they finished getting all their witnesses.

  The demon laughed. “You are far better at this than I am. Probably why I’m still going through a rough patch with Samael. Though to be fair the last one was an entire century long. Who knows how long this one will be.”

  She ate another one of the petit fours and resisted asking what they were fighting about. “Can you take me home now before everyone loses their mind? And, uh, thank you for the books and training.”

  Eisheth smiled. “Now you have a way to keep that bitch Martha in line. Don’t forget that.” Then he grabbed her hand and they popped out of existence.

  Chapter Three


  “Goddammit! I told you to warn me next time!” Kenzie screeched from inside the house.

  Finnick instantly dropped the spatula on the grill and ran inside. The cocky demon winked at him, snapped his fingers making four massive books land in Finnick’s arms, and then disappeared.

  His mate was wearing a black, strapless gown that looked like something you would see on the red carpet – heels and all. And she was fuming.

  “What the hell is going on?” he asked, confused as to why there were old books in his arms and what she was so mad about, though it honestly didn’t take much. It was one of the things he loved about her.

  Kenzie stalked over to him, heels clicking against the wood floor and took the books from him. “Stupid demon is a nosy bitch, that’s what. Oh and fun times, he told the coven he’s my godfather on top of the fact he’s going to train me.”

  Crossing the room she tossed them onto the dining table and Finnick winced. They looked ancient and she was treating them like trashy magazines.

  Finnick sighed and decided this wasn’t his problem. He went back out to the grill on the large porch outside and turned the hamburgers over. If she wanted to talk about it she would come to him. Over the last month and a half he’d learned a lot about his mate.

  One very important point was that it was pointless to calm her down. It only made her angrier. Which was one of his favorite games – when he wasn’t currently the only one in the house.

  The last month had been the closest thing to bliss he’d ever experienced. Even when Kenzie was prickly and annoyed.

  They’d gotten through her first bout of PMS in the den and honestly it was a fucking miracle. But it had cost Finnick nothing to lay with her in bed or bring her chocolate or whatever it was that made her feel better.

  This time though…he had no real experience with demons or witches until learning Kenzie was his mate.

  It was best just to stay out of it if he could.

  Concentrating on the meat on the grill Finnick listened closely as she stomped around, going into the kitchen and then back to the dining room table. No doubt the coven meeting hadn’t gone well if Eisheth had decided he’d needed to make an entrance.

  He looked up at the trees surrounding their backyard that gave them the appearance of privacy. The leaves were starting to turn despite the heat. September was always a weird mixture of summer doing its best to leave a lasting impression and fall lifting its sleepy head.

  One day it was a hundred degrees outside and the next he had to wear a jacket. Mother Nature had always been a fickle bitch and Finnick understood why a bit better now that he lived with Kenzie.

  At some point she’d taken off the heels, but he could still hear her footsteps as she came outside to the patio table. She wasn’t trying to be sneaky, but she was better at being quiet thanks to all the practice and training they’d been doing over the last month.

  Wrapping up the shit for Samuel and all the potential witnesses had been exhausting. Finnick was glad it was over. He flipped over the burgers and listened to his mate without turning around.

  There didn’t seem to be any new pain which was a good thing, but there did seem to be old pain making a reappearance. She would tell him about it on her own. They both knew he wouldn’t let something like that drop.

  “The Bay Coven doesn’t want me,” Kenzie finally said. “Takahashi said I had a year to get my shit together and she might reconsider. They also pinned everything on Peter and the Hale clan for that curse.”

  Finnick turned around and crossed his arms over his chest to study her. There was one of those heavy ass books in her lap and a drink in her hand. She shrugged and sipped at the watermelon wine cooler Hunter made sure was always in stock.

  “Do you want me to murder the coven for you?” he asked, tilting his head to admire the dress that hugged her curves.

  That made her snort with laughter and it eased some of the mood, but not entirely.

  This was serious then. “Did you want to join the coven?” he asked. “I was under the impression that you would refuse even if they’d begged.”

  She nodded, staring at the wine cooler like it held the answers to everything in the universe. “I would have refused. But it still sucks to have my family’s coven reject me before I could reject them.”

  Ah. Well.

  “You want to talk about it?” he asked, listening to the meat on the grill with one ear.

  Normally he would make a game out of this, but this was not the time. Not when there was so much other shit going on along with everything else. They were about to enter the next phase of their plan and dealing with a demon and a coven…

  Kenzie shrugged again. “I wouldn’t even know where to start. The main problem is already taken care of. I have someone to train me and these void journals to read. The Kavanagh clan is being reimbursed and Peter can’t do magic for twenty years. Guess he’s actually going to have to go to a gym or get fat.”

  Finnick grinned at that and went back to turning the meat over. Then he grabbed his plate of various cheeses and started carefully applying them to each patty. “If we tied him to Brad would the coven strip the Davis clan as well?”

  He felt her before he heard her. Kenzie stood and crossed the patio as silently as a fox. Then she wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed her face into his back. The contact eased some of the tightness in Finnick’s chest and he put a hand on her arm.

  This was what he enjoyed the most. The closeness, both physical and emotional. It put things in a whole new light for him – grounded him in a way that made Finnick feel capable of having an actual adult conversation about things rather than reverting to humor all the time.

  He didn’t have to do that. Not with Kenzie.

  Didn’t mean he ever passed up the opportunity for a good dick joke though.

  “If there was irrefutable proof he poisoned Selene and had a hand in what Peter did, then yeah. There would be a thorough investigation done by the coven. Blood feuds are forbidden because of the collateral damage. Not necessarily because we’re hurting one another. I guarantee you the coven is more upset about the grimoires lost in the fire and any potential normals catching wind of the situation.”

  Kenzie sighed and his grip tightened as he adjusted some of the cheese, checking which were done. Finnick moved some to a plate and then considered a way to help her. This was way beyond anything he had ever done before.

  Even contracted, they didn’t really deal with witches too much. Finnick wasn’t even sure why Hunter had taken Edith’s contract to begin with. Maybe he was intrigued a witch would even set one up and wanted to find out more.

rgers?” Hunter called out, climbing up the stairs from the front door.

  Speak of the devil.

  Finnick grinned at his unofficial alpha. The other fox looked haggard – for him – but still like he was ready to step into a board meeting. “The mundane life looks good on you, Hunter. Does that make me your stay at home wife?”

  Glaring, the other fox grabbed a beer and then stepped out onto the patio, eyes narrowed at Finnick. He didn’t even bother looking at Kenzie. “If it does I’d say you’re sorely lacking in the dessert department. Though I have to say your cooking is excellent.”

  Finnick winked at Kenzie. “Hear that? I make a good wife.”

  And just like that she smiled. It was real and genuine and the crap from earlier seemed to fall off of her. Finnick could feel the roiling emotions through the bond ease. “You guys are ridiculous,” she said, but her eyes were twinkling.

  “You wouldn’t have us any other way.” Finnick kissed her forehead. “Now go greet Hunter for me. There are some wife duties I can’t perform all at the same time.”

  Kenzie laughed this time and went to give Hunter a hug and kiss on the cheek.

  “How was work, darling?” Finnick asked, giving Kenzie a wink as he put the last of the meat on the plate. The veggies were next – just a quick grill to warm them up and add flavor.

  “I got what we needed a week ago, but there is a lot going on in that place. It’s why I’ve stayed for so long.”

  “It’s not for the great benefits?” Kenzie teased, leaning into Hunter.

  Finnick watched as Hunter automatically put his arm around Kenzie’s shoulders. It didn’t seem like much, but for Hunter to be so physically familiar with someone was a huge deal. Then Hunter looked down at Kenzie and Finnick decided to give them some privacy. He turned back to the grill, but kept his ears perked as he turned over the veggies.

  “No it’s not for the benefits,” Hunter told her. “It seems they’re doing something else and using the law firm to cover it up. I’ve been going through the accounting files for the last few weeks and there is a lot that doesn’t add up. So I brought them here for you to look at Kenzie.”

  Oh, he was telling her she was the better hacker. How adorable.

  Who knew old foxes could learn new tricks?

  Placing the veggies on the second tray he turned off the grill and then grabbed the plates. Setting them on the table he gave Hunter a peck on the cheek. “Anything else I can get you, sweetie?”

  Hunter just raised an eyebrow at him as he sipped his beer. Oh, this game was fun. “No, I’m good. Anything I can help you with?”

  Kenzie looked between them, eyes wide. These games were getting more and more ridiculous every time they played. But ever since Hunter had kissed him, Finnick wanted to see what else he would do.

  Taking off the apron he flashed a grin at them both. “Find your second. Ash needs to eat too.”

  Hunter didn’t smile but his eyes sparkled as he took another sip of his beer. “Sure. I’ll go find Ash and make sure everyone is all cleaned up.” Then he turned and went back into the house.

  “You too,” Finnick said, swatting Kenzie with his apron. “I mean, unless you want to wear that fancy gown for dinner. Fair warning, my hamburgers are messy and delicious.”

  Kenzie avoided the second swat and grabbed her book before heading into the house. “To be fair you’re always messy and delicious.”

  He laughed. He couldn’t help it. “Seems my jokes are rubbing off on you.”

  Placing the book on the table with the other two she grinned. “You definitely are. I told Takahashi certain things are difficult to swallow.”

  “I knew this was meant to be!” he called after her.

  Kenzie just gave him the finger and then disappeared up the stairs.

  Going into the kitchen to get the rest of the stuff for dinner, Finnick tried to think of the last time he’d been this happy. He was pretty sure this topped everything he’d ever done and hopefully things would only get better when Hunter finally accepted the mate bond.

  And Finnick knew he would. Hunter watched Kenzie every day, maneuvering himself – playing the long game. This hunt was slow and Finnick enjoyed watching a master at work. Gave him some ideas of his own.

  Chapter Four


  She sat there under the twinkling lights like she had all those weeks ago on her first night in the foxes’ den. Kenzie stared up at the stars. The moon was full and bright and it called to her as it always had.

  The four of them were silent as they sat there digesting the most amazing hamburgers she’d ever tasted. It was the good kind of silence. The kind that reminded her that even though she had a life outside the foxes they would always be there for her.

  It wasn’t just the silence either. It was how easily they’d turned her shitty mood into a good one. Finnick had always been able to make her smile when she was upset, and honestly Kenzie thought it was some kind of sorcery or voodoo.

  Even Selene had to work to get her out of those moods. Self-righteous rage, her sister had called it. But the world just liked to piss her off all the time. Kenzie knew she had a temper. She was working on it. But sometimes she just said fuck it, and let herself be mad.

  Like with the coven.

  They’d barely looked into the Peter thing.

  Peter was not a powerful witch. He could do magic, sure. But they were party tricks compared to what most females in the coven could accomplish. So how in the hell had he crafted a curse so powerful it took out her entire house?

  Almost nothing had survived that unnatural fire. And yet, the coven had decided Peter must have done it.

  Who was Brad paying off? Was it just him, or was it his whole clan? It didn’t seem like taking him down was enough. Kenzie wanted to rid the world of him – even the memory of him.

  “Based on his calendar Brad is going to a club tonight,” Kenzie said, finishing off her wine cooler. “I want to see if I can get him to confess.”

  Hunter looked over at her with a slight frown. “And record him? They could simply say he was drunk and didn’t know what he was talking about.”

  Shit. That was true. Why were the human courts so finicky?

  “Okay, how about finding out what he’s hiding?” she grinned as she considered the possibility. “I still have a truth serum Selene made for me.”

  Finnick sat up at that. “We could ask him anything and then take down everything at once since we’ll know exactly where to hit. Even his backup plans.”

  Ash tilted his head and looked at Hunter. “We could draw up a list of questions based on everything we’ve found so far. It will make our video more believable.”

  They were all silent as they considered the millions of different ways this could go wrong.

  All the surviving victims had banded together and with Finnick’s help they’d set up a good case against Brad. There was enough evidence and paper trails to make people suspicious. They didn’t need to win the case. Not when it would ruin his reputation regardless and start to impinge on his business.

  Kenzie had already gathered protection spells for those willing to testify. It was basically an underground witness protection program with new identities and a fresh start. Once this part was over those victims could choose what to do with their life.

  Because it didn’t matter how good their case was, Brad wasn’t going to jail for it. Probably not even the murders. But that wasn’t what Edith had asked for. No, the human courts would only bring to light his true nature.

  Including the video they’d made to share to every online journalist. Ash would also help them go viral. It was a huge risk for him to take, but he’d offered knowing what millions of followers could do for this plan.

  Everything had to be set up before then. Because the moment Ash shared the video Brad would know who was behind his sabotage. So they had to hit all at once if they could, or in quick succession.

  And no one knew how he would retaliate.
/>   “Okay, but we go disguised,” Hunter said. “Got anything for that Kenzie?”

  Her sister and Edith had been making her charms and enchantments all month to restock everything she’d lost. They were worried about her, especially as word of her new void status spread. So she had magic up the ass on her bracelets and necklaces and earrings.

  “I do actually.” She grinned, heart pounding. This was going to be fun. “Four disguise charms that will last twenty-four hours, until we’re submerged in saltwater, or until we take them off.”

  “I’ll sit here and write up the questions,” Hunter said. “While the rest of you get dressed.”

  Kenzie rolled her eyes. “It does not take me that long.”

  He gave her a pointed look and Ash and Finnick laughed as she blushed. Okay, yes it did usually take her a while to get ready. But that wasn’t her fault. Every time her clothes came off it was like Finnick or Ash scented it.

  They would find her and seduce her and Kenzie always lost herself in them. It was like they had some kind of spell over her. Finnick would put his hands on her bare waist or Ash would kiss her neck from behind and she would just forget everything.

  Sometimes it was just Finnick. Sometimes just Ash, and sometimes both of them together. Kenzie loved all the combinations equally. Each one did something different for her.

  But Hunter hadn’t made an appearance in any of them. Not like he had that one morning. And over the last month he’d been trying like he had before. Spending time with them – with her. Making a point to ask her questions or include her in what he was doing.

  They worked out together every day and still…he hadn’t asked her out for dinner yet and Kenzie wasn’t quite sure what to think about that. She’d mostly been giving him space because working in an office made him ragey.

  It wasn’t the normal kind of rage either. It was the kind that could level cities. But he was always careful not to hurt any of them or snap. That was when they usually worked out. And Hunter had said her style was the only thing that kept his mind from completely imploding.


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