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What the Fox

Page 4

by Emma Dean

  Because he had to focus.

  She’d tried not to preen when he said that and had failed miserably. It had made her want to stick out her tongue at the other foxes. Like, see, she didn’t need shifter strength to be a threat.

  “Maybe you could help me figure out what to wear this time?” Kenzie asked.

  Ash and Finnick went completely still.

  Hunter wasn’t the type you’d think would be into fashion. And Kenzie didn’t think he was, not like some guys. But Hunter knew exactly how to dress to get what he wanted. He used that skill like a weapon and she wished she was half as good at it as he was.

  “I just don’t know what to wear for someone like Brad. Could you help me?” she asked, hoping Hunter would take the offer.

  After all, Kenzie was going to make him hers. So might as well test out his boundaries.

  And the alpha fox eyed her like he knew exactly what she was thinking. He tapped a finger on the table, just once. “Ash can make the list of questions. I’m sure I’ll be able to find something suitable for you to wear.”

  Now it was a challenge. Kenzie grinned as she stood. “I have to approve it.”

  “Of course.” Hunter stood and slipped his hands into his pockets. “I have a few things for you to look at. Things I’ve collected over the last month that I thought you might like to wear on our date. One can be used for this.”

  Ash and Finnick shared a look and Kenzie was pretty sure her mouth was hanging open in shock. “You’ve been buying me clothes for the last month?”

  He shrugged. “Sometimes I see something and it makes me think of you. So I buy it.”

  “And you’re stashing all this stuff why?” she asked, poking him in the ribs.

  Hunter didn’t say anything. He just walked into the house and headed for the stairs without another word. The confidence he had that she would just follow made her heart rate spike. Kenzie glanced at Ash and Finnick.

  They both held up their hands like they wanted nothing to do with this. “Hunter is weird,” Finnick told her. “We all know that. It’s why we love him so much.”

  Kenzie ran after Hunter, holding onto her skirts so she didn’t trip on them. Why the fuck did he just buy her things and then squirrel them away? What a weirdo. Taking the steps two at a time she was upstairs in a flash.

  He was nowhere to be seen but his door was open.

  It was never open.

  Kenzie had never actually set foot in his room or even seen the inside of it. Ash’s was pretty bare and Finnick’s was a mess of course. But they both had some small bit of personality to the space. Even if they did tend to spend the nights in her bed.

  Silently she padded toward his door. When she reached the threshold she hesitated. Should she knock?

  Hunter whipped the door the rest of the way open and tilted his head at her. “What are you waiting for? Come in please.”

  Even with an official invitation she hesitated. Then Kenzie made a face and stepped into his room. She needed to stop being so stupid. This wasn’t how she would get the fox on her terms.

  Both of them were playing a game. It was the same one but different. Kenzie wanted him to be the one to submit first. And no doubt he wanted the same of her. They had different strategies, but it also caused them both to hold back.

  Hunter was stubborn and so was she.

  Soon though, one of them would break. The tension between them was so thick Kenzie felt like she could actually touch it with her bare hands. She would have given in already if she didn’t want to see where the end of his control was so badly. When would Hunter lose that scary control of his?

  Was she ready to see what would happen if she won?

  “There are a few pieces in here that would suit what we’re going for,” he told her, flipping through his closet. “Go ahead and pick something while I get changed.”

  She wanted to see what was in the closet, but she was more interested in his room at the moment. Kenzie wasn’t really surprised to see how bare and neat it was. The color choice was exactly what she would expect from him – deep greens and black and various greys.

  Tilting her head she wondered if the sheets were actually made of silk or if they were satin. For some reason she would bet silk. Pricey and extravagant and…telling. If nothing else he valued skincare and breathability.

  Then she saw the door to his bathroom was cracked open. Kenzie would make some excuse to change in there to see what he was hiding in his medicine closet.

  There wasn’t anything on the walls. Not even art. Which meant someone else had decorated the downstairs. Probably Ash. Kenzie went through the clothes Hunter had indicated while he started undressing. She wasn’t going to lie; it was difficult to concentrate when he wasn’t wearing a shirt.

  “What the fuck is some of this?” she asked, eyeing a dress that looked like just strips of black fabric. Another was whole but made out of latex.

  “I haven’t decided what I want the theme of our date to be yet,” Hunter told her, kicking off his work shoes. “So I just grab what catches my eye.”

  Another piece was leather and it looked like a pencil skirt. The variety was eclectic. Was that a whip? Kenzie grabbed it and turned around, ready to ask a thousand questions but Hunter was naked. Her mouth popped open in shock.

  Was he teasing her? Kenzie watched him go into the bathroom and disappear. A second later the shower turned on. Fucking hell. She wished Ash or Finnick were there to help her out.

  That gave her an idea.

  Kenzie ran to the bedroom door. “Finnick! Ash!” she hissed, hoping they could hear her over the sound of the water running.

  Suddenly they were both there and grinning. “Is that a whip?” Finnick asked. “Kinky. Daddy likes. Whip me later, love?”

  Ash took it from her and a small smile played on his lips. “I always thought Hunter was into some intense shit. What’s the deal? You don’t want to shower with him?”

  She rolled her eyes. “It’s not like I even know if he wants me to. He just…stripped and went in there. That’s it.”

  Then Finnick rolled his hips like he was some kind of sexy male stripper. “Like this or like you would in a doctor’s office?”

  Kenzie slapped her hand over her mouth so she wouldn’t laugh too loudly. Hunter would ask her awkward questions if he heard. “Like he doesn’t give two fucks that he’s naked. And the stuff he’s picked out is intense. I have no idea if he’s trying to…flirt? Seduce? I don’t know. What should I do?”

  Ash waved the whip around a bit and then handed it back to her. “He’s testing you – playing a game. Do you want the game to be over? Do you want to go in there and make him beg with that sharp mouth of yours?”

  Too quick for her to react, Ash’s hand snaked out and grabbed her chin, thumb rubbing across her bottom lip. Kenzie suddenly felt like she couldn’t breathe. “If you want to make him beg you know how. But if you want him to make you beg…the game isn’t over yet, is it?”

  “And the mate bond?” she whispered, feeling her core go molten as Ash just stared at her lips.

  Then he released her and Finnick was grinning. “In his own way he’s already accepted it. Not officially or you’d feel something significant. But Hunter is not going to let you go. He’s just having fun. So go, see if you can make him stutter.” Finnick pushed her back into the room and closed the door.

  The shower was still running and Kenzie knew seeing Hunter’s firm ass made her a little stupid. She wanted to go in there and see what he would do if she joined him. No doubt that’s what he hoped she would do.

  So Kenzie went back to the closet and looked at each piece he’d purchased over the last few weeks.

  Putting down the whip she grabbed three different dresses, including the latex one. With the disguise she had the purple could be fun. After all, bubblegum pink hair and violet eyes weren’t natural but no one cared in a club.

  The red would clash with that disguise. The black could work. And then there was this pie
ce of nonsense that barely covered anything. It wasn’t a dress she would wear anywhere but a bedroom or as a dominatrix.

  Kenzie went still as she considered the whip. Did Hunter want her to dominate him at some point? The thought made her so wet it was ridiculous.

  She put back the domme dress and whip and made a mental note to look up videos on how to use a whip. Then she grabbed a few more pieces. They were all dresses which was interesting. Her eye caught on some bags.

  How thoughtful.

  He’d even picked out shoes…and underwear.

  Two could play this game.

  Kenzie went into the bathroom and noted all the products on the counters. “I’m going to take a quick shower and be right back.”

  There was a pause. Then Hunter turned and she could see his front through the warped glass even if she couldn’t see details. “You could shower here. It would be faster.”

  She grinned. Finnick and Ash had been right. “Nah, I don’t have any of my stuff in here. A girl needs her special hair care and all that. Five minutes then I’ll be back.”

  This game was so much fun it should be illegal.

  Kenzie had never showered so fast in her life. She made sure everything was clean. Thank the Fates for convenience spells. Selene had given them both permanent waxes when she’d turned thirteen. Hair never grew back in those places. Witches were the best kind of lazy.

  She walked back down the hall and shook out her hands to dispel the nerves. Two could play, she reminded herself. Without knocking she walked into his room and went right for the bag of bras and panties he’d purchased at some point.

  They were pink too which she loved.

  His sharp inhale was music to her ears. Kenzie glanced over her shoulder to see him sitting on the bed in nothing but his pants. “What are you doing?” he asked softly.

  She rifled through the bags like she didn’t give two fucks that she was completely naked. “I liked some of the stuff in here so I figured I’d wear it. You have interesting taste, Hunter.”

  He didn’t move from his spot on the bed, but he was so tense and still he didn’t even blink as she slipped on the underwear first. Kenzie turned around, nipples tight and taut as she looked at Hunter.

  His dick was hard.

  “I picked out a few options,” she told him, pointing to the pile she’d made. “Which do you prefer out of those?”

  Hunter didn’t say anything. Instead he held out his hand for her.

  Kenzie had no idea what he had planned but she took it. He tugged her closer until she was standing in between his legs. It reminded her of the way he’d pinned her against the wall in the gym.

  “I can smell you,” he murmured.

  She shivered when his breath tickled her bare stomach. It made every muscle in her core clench.

  “Even with the shower I can smell your desire.” Hunter let go of her hand, placing his hand on the bed behind him to lean back. Then he eyed her up and down. “The black one or the hot pink one.”

  It was hard not to laugh. Of course he would pick those two. “Anything else?” she asked, planting a hand on her hip. Instantly his eyes went to her tits and Kenzie felt like – just for a moment – she was winning.

  Then Hunter leaned forward and tugged down the cute little underwear. “Since you’re asking for my fashion advice, I don’t think you should wear anything underneath.”

  And there it was. Hunter instantly had her speechless again. Kenzie stared at him as he tugged until the lace fell to the floor. He leaned back again and smiled up at her like she wasn’t completely exposed to him.

  She knew then…Hunter was probably going to win. But the least she could do was make him work for it.

  Turning back to the pile of clothes she bent down to pick them up, making sure to stick out her ass so he could see everything everything.

  “I think I’ll wear the black,” she murmured. Black latex would look amazing with the pink hair of her disguise. “Thank you for helping me.”

  Kenzie could have sworn she heard him growl as she left.

  Chapter Five


  The music poured from the fancy club and spilled onto the street. It had a dress code and a fee so high it made sure only certain people could get in. But Kenzie walked right up to the bouncer like she owned the place. She smiled at him and grabbed his arm so she could hop up on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek.

  “It’s been a while Fred,” she murmured, squeezing his bicep so he knew she’d noticed he’d bulked up. “Anything fun happening tonight?”

  The poor mortal looked at her with stars in his eyes. “Nothing crazy. Just another Thursday, you know? How have things been, Trix?”

  Tossing her long pink hair over her shoulder Kenzie gave him a wink. Ash and Finnick’s irritation at the attention she was giving the other male told her they were close – the bond sure made things interesting. “Oh boring,” she said with a little laugh that sounded nothing like her normal self. “I’m here with my GBF, Hunter. Isn’t he pretty?”

  Fred eyed Hunter up and down with an appreciative look and instantly the irritation through the bond turned to amusement. “He is very pretty,” Fred admitted. “Taken I assume.”

  Hunter winked. “Unfortunately.”

  She had to look away to hide her smirk. Fates, she loved how he played these games.

  “Too bad,” Fred said. “If you’re ever single, Hunter, you know where to find me.” Then he unclicked the red velvet rope for them. “Have fun, Trix, and try not to get into too much trouble.”

  She giggled and flipped her hair again like some vapid, vain creature. “You know trouble is my middle name. Come on, Hunter.” And just like that they were in a club so ritzy only Selene had been able to get her in before.

  It was why she’d made sure to befriend the bouncers. They were the real gatekeepers of places like this.

  Once they were in the club Kenzie pushed through to the bar. A nod to the bartender and the girl let her head to the back, holding up a hand for Hunter to wait. The employees only exit went to the back alley. Kenzie shoved the door open.

  And there were Finnick and Ash, dressed to the nines in an alley with a dumpster. “Hello, Trix,” Finnick murmured. “I want to fuck you in this disguise. The pink hair really tickles my dick.”

  Both of them pushed past her, rubbing against her in all the right ways. “Didn’t think I could pass as gay?” Ash asked, tugging one of her curls.

  Kenzie snorted and led them back to the main club, kissing the bartender’s cheek in thanks.

  “I’ve got four lemon drops for you, Trix.”

  Kenzie pulled a flash drive out of her boobs and slid it across the bar. “Thanks for everything, Betty.”

  The flash drive instantly disappeared into the bartender’s tits and it was like it never existed. Kenzie fully supported revenge on a shitty ex.

  “He’s over there.” Betty jerked her chin over to the VIP lounge and started mixing more drinks. “Be careful.”

  Grabbing the drinks she winked at the girl who had talked with her all night when they’d had a party there for Selene’s birthday once. Kenzie would never forget the favor. For a normal human she was surprisingly easy to talk to.

  Kenzie turned and handed a drink to each of her foxes. “Someone want to make a toast?” she asked.

  The three of them didn’t look like the foxes she’d come to know and love, but they were still hot if a bit generic. Like a sea of Brad Pitts or something.

  The tallest was Finnick of course, and he raised his glass first. “To fun.”

  “And games,” Ash said.

  “And winning,” Hunter murmured. “What would you like to toast to?”

  Kenzie considered her glass and the three foxes before her. “To new beginnings.”

  All three of them grinned at her, sharp teeth glinting under the lights. The clink of their glasses was quiet as the bass pounded and then Kenzie downed her drink.

  New beginnings.

nbsp; Even though she’d accepted the mate bonds with Ash and Finnick things were still changing and evolving. They were still learning how to be with her and how to be together – the three of them. And they all knew Hunter was a part of that equation.

  But exactly how was yet to be determined. For someone who was an alpha fox he was surprisingly hands off with most things.

  “We need to split up,” Kenzie said. “Three dudes with one chick is an automatic giveaway. So who wants to dance with me?”

  Ash pulled her close and winked at Finnick. “You can have next.”

  Finnick rolled his eyes but disappeared into the crowd with Hunter. “Don’t forget who’s the better dancer, Ash,” Finnick said over the comms.

  “It’s hard to forget when I’m the best,” Ash muttered.

  Their voices in her ear made her shiver as Ash pulled her out onto the dance floor, mingling with the crush of bodies as they slowly danced their way over to the entrance of the VIP lounge. The music thrummed through her and it was as easy as breathing to dance with Ash.

  Hands everywhere, bodies pressed against each other, Kenzie let herself relax and enjoy the experience. Ash’s hands directed her, roaming over her body as he buried his face in her neck. Grinding against each other they were just another couple losing themselves to the music in a crowd of hundreds doing the same.

  Kenzie wrapped her fingers in Ash’s hair, breathing him in, feeling the way he surrounded her. It was so easy to fall in love with him over and over when she looked up into those blue eyes that had stayed the same through the enchantment.

  “Brad is definitely here,” Hunter muttered. “How do you plan to get into the VIP lounge?”

  Kenzie didn’t need to get invited.

  After all, being Trix was much better than being Kenzie here. And Selene liked when people assumed they weren’t protected. Kenzie had laid out a few guys in this club. Money made the world go round so they were always allowed back.


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