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Every Breath You Take (Redeeming Love Book 2)

Page 29

by J. E. Parker

  The knob twisted. I took a deep breath. My finger tensed.

  Just a little bit longer and—

  “Shelby.” I breathed out a sigh of relief. “Baby, it’s me.”


  He slowly pushed the door open. “Don’t shoot me, sunshine.” His voice was calm. “I’m only thirty-two. Not quite old enough to die yet.”

  He stepped into the office. My eyes roamed every inch of his body, checking for any injury. I didn’t see any cuts or blood. No bullet holes or other obvious injuries.

  Thank God.

  “Did you…”

  Anthony shook his head. “No. He was long gone by the time I got back downstairs. K9 is on the way, but I doubt we’ll get much of a lead. He probably parked on the curb so he could make a quick getaway.”

  Lucca reached for Anthony. “Toe,” he whined, opening and shutting his hands frantically. “Toe get U’ka.”

  Anthony crossed the room and scooped my son up into his arms.

  Pulling my knees to my chest, I wrapped my arms around my legs. “It was him.” My voice was quiet, barely a whisper. “I saw him.” Digging my nails into the outside of my thighs, I stared down at the floor beside me. “He’s back.”

  Pressure built in my chest and my head began to pound. It felt like the world around me was splitting in half. “Shelby,” Anthony said, wrapping his long fingers around my wrist. “Look at me.” My head popped up; my gaze found his. “He’s not going to hurt you, baby.”

  Feeling like I was on the brink of losing what remained of my sanity, I shook my head back and forth. “He’s going to try.” My gaze dropped back to the floor. “I just need to figure out a way to stop him. I have to make sure I’m ready. That I’m prepared.” I blew out a breath. “I can’t let my panic flare. If I let it take hold of me…”

  “Shelby, stop it.”

  Anthony wrapped his hand around my chin, but I smacked it away and looked at up at him.

  “Do you have any idea how terrifying this is?” His jaw clenched. “It’s not just the fact that my psychotic ex is after me, most likely dead set on killing me. It’s the fact that knowing no matter how strong I try to be, the darkness always has a way of finding and paralyzing me.” Anthony’s brow furrowed. “It scares the hell out of me. What if when he comes back, then I freeze? What if he goes after Lucca and my mind betrays me? What if I can’t protect him? What if I can’t save him? Anthony, I can’t—”

  It was the wrong time to have this conversation, but I couldn’t help it.

  My brain was working overtime.

  “Do you not remember pointing a gun at my chest? Do you not remember being fully prepared to shoot me because you thought I was him?” Anthony nodded at the gun in my hand. “Did you not just have the gun pointed at the door, ready to shoot to kill?” He had a point. “Trust me, you won’t freeze.” He brushed a thumb over my cheek. “Besides, you don’t have to worry about it.”

  Confused, I asked, “What do you mean?”

  Anthony stood up and placed Lucca on his hip. Towering over me, he looked down into my eyes. “You don’t have to worry about it anymore because when that son of a bitch comes back, you won’t be the one standing up to him.”

  “He won’t allow you to arrest him, Tony.”

  Emotions all over the place, my chin began to wobble.

  “Listen to me, Shelby.” I bit my bottom lip to hold back the sob threatening to rip free from my throat. “The day I meet Damien Black, I don’t plan on arresting him.” Uncomprehending, I continued to chew on my bottom lip. “Mark my words, sunshine. The day I set eyes on him again, he will cease to exist.” Before I could open my mouth to question what he was saying, he continued. “Because I’m going to fucking kill him.”



  I was sitting on the couch downstairs, watching Lucca play with his toys in the living room. There were a dozen police officers moving through the house and around the backyard combing the property for any piece of evidence they could find.

  Anthony was barking orders from his permanent perch in the living room. He refused to let Lucca and me out of his sight.

  I was thankful that he was staying close because I didn’t want him out of my sight either.

  Like Lucca, he’s my anchor.

  “You alright, sunshine?”

  I nodded. “I’m fine.” Running a shaky hand through my hair, I looked over at him. “Just don’t leave, okay?”

  He looked at me like I was stupid. It was almost comical. “I’m not going any-fucking-where. Far as I’m concerned, my ass is going to be glued to yours for the foreseeable future.”

  With that, I snorted.

  Anthony’s phone rang.

  Without looking at the Caller ID, he answered it. “Moretti.” He audibly sighed. “She’s fine, Maddie.” He looked over at me, eyes wide. “You want to talk to her?” Standing up, Anthony brought me his phone. “Baby, please, talk to her. She sounds like she’s half a beat away from having a stroke.”

  I pressed the phone to my ear. “Shelby!” She screamed loud enough to wake the dead. “All we h-heard were gunshots. Anthony told us to stay in the house. The cops they w-won’t let us over there. T-they threatened to arrest Hendrix if he t-tried to come over t-there a-again.”

  Now there’s a sight I’d like to see.

  “We’re fine, Mad.” My voice was amazingly calm. “We’re not hurt.” Maddie sobbed, and my chin wobbled in return. “Please don’t cry,” I begged her. “You’ve cried enough already.”

  And she had.

  Not just over me but over everyone else too. Maddie had endured enough pain to last a lifetime. She didn’t need to suffer through mine too. She deserved better than that.

  “Shelby,” she continued to sob. “I can’t lose you or L-lucca.” More sobs; more crying. “I love you both t-too much. You’re like my s-sister.”

  My head fell forward; my tears began to fall. “I love you too, sugar. More than you’ll ever know.”

  Tires suddenly squealed on the road in front of the house.

  I froze, and Anthony ran to the front door. Still shaky from what happened earlier, Lucca jerked and began to cry.

  “Shelby!” Maddie screamed through the phone.

  She must’ve heard it too.

  Crossing the room, I scooped Lucca up into my arms.

  Was Damien back?

  Panic assailed me, but it quickly receded when I heard Pop’s loud mouth shouting from the front lawn. What he was hollering about, I didn’t have a clue. All I knew was that he sounded a wee bit pissed.

  Okay, he sounded a whole lotta pissed.

  Suddenly he appeared in the foyer, pushing past a handful of cops to get inside. “Where the hell is she?” He screamed, searching the house for who I assumed was me. “Damn it, Moretti, I asked you a question!”

  “Motherfucker—” Anthony’s voice was cut off by the sound of Pop’s heavy footsteps as he stomped across the foyer.

  When Pop’s big body stepped into the living room where Lucca and I were, I took an instinctual step back. Adrenaline still pumped through my veins, and I was on the edge of completely losing my shit. If he started with me right then, I was liable to grab the fireplace poker and stab him in the eye.

  “Shelby.” He sounded relieved to see me.

  That relief, however, was short-lived when he took a good look at me. I hadn’t looked in the mirror yet, but I’m sure I looked like shit. My face was streaked with tears, and my hair was a mess. My entire body throbbed from where Anthony had tackled me to the tile floor. I’d probably be covered in fresh bruises come morning.

  “What the fuck happened here?” He barked in a harsh tone.

  Anthony stepped in front of Pop, placing a barrier between him and me. Relief washed over me. Putting my lower hand on his back, I leaned into him. I needed his warmth, his comfort. He pushed back into me and took my right hand in his.

  In my head, I could hear him saying, I’ve got you, sunshine.
  “You need to leave, James,” Anthony said in a demanding voice. “Now.”

  “Fuck no!” He hollered. “Not until I know what’s going on.”

  Anthony’s entire body stiffened. “Someone shot at the house. Everyone is fine. I’m handling it. That’s all you need to know. Now feel free to get the hell out of my house.” His tone was short, clipped.

  “Oh fuck this.” Pop ignored Anthony’s suggestion to leave. “Shelby, I need to talk to you. This shit can’t wait any longer!” I shook my head against Anthony’s back because now really wasn’t the time. Still, Pop continued. “Five minutes. Just give me five damn minutes!”

  My heart rate skyrocketed.

  Deep in my gut, I knew that something about this entire situation was off.

  Just what that something was, I didn’t know.

  More footsteps. “Shelby!” Maddie shouted my name from the foyer before moving into the living room. “Where is she?”

  Guess the police out front changed their minds about letting them in.

  Without moving from behind Anthony, I yelled back, “Over here, Mad.”

  Hendrix along with Grandmama and Keith followed her to where I stood.

  Great. The entire family is here.

  Maddie was still wearing her bride-to-be slash across her chest, and I smiled at the sight. Despite the hell I was living in, the sight of that damn sash did funny things to my heart.

  Grandmama was the first to grab me. In a frenzy, she ran her hands over my face, arms, and waist. “Are you hurt?” It was the second time I’d seen her cry. The other time was over Maddie. “Shelby, baby, tell me you aren’t hurt.” Her gaze locked on Lucca. “My sweet boy,” she cried. “With that smile on your face, I know you’re doing just fine.”

  I shook my head. “I’m not hurt.” Wrapping my fingers around her forearm, I held on tight. “We’re okay.” I paused and took a shaky breath. “We’re both okay.”

  Without wasting another second, she pulled me into her arms.

  Moments passed before she took a step back. Maddie quickly took her spot. “I’m going to kill him myself!” She growled as she threw her arms around me and dug her fingers into my lower back. “Swear to God I am going to end him!”

  Not likely.

  Maddie couldn’t kill a spider, much less a human.

  Anthony growled from in front of me. “Nobody touches him but me.”

  We’ll see.

  Letting me go, Maddie stepped back and leaned against Hendrix. He wrapped an arm around her, but his eyes never left Lucca and me.

  “Shelby!” Pop once again screamed my name loud enough to wake the dead. “I need to talk to you.”

  For fuck’s sake!

  I stepped out from behind Anthony and handed Lucca to Hendrix.

  “No.” I inhaled deeply and tried to regain my composure. “In case you haven’t noticed, right now isn’t a good time.”

  Pop moved closer, but I didn’t retreat.

  “Yeah,” he replied, “we’re going to talk about that in a minute because I’m not leaving here until I know exactly what happened.”

  I shook my head back and forth. “Not your business, Pop. It doesn’t concern you so you might as well turn around and head back—”

  His face reddened. “Everything involving you concerns me!”

  Anthony stepped forward. “The hell it does.” He clenched his fists at his sides. “You have no damn right to question anything concerning her. Now get the fuck out of my house!”

  At that, Pop’s anger reached a whole new level. “I have every damn right!”

  Maddie, who looked as confused as the rest of us, spoke next. “Why?” She looked at Pop. “What is going on with you? You’ve been acting all sorts of crazy lately when it comes to Shelby, and now you’re saying it’s your right to be concerned about her?” Again, she asked, “Why?”

  Pop took a deep breath, his nostrils flared. His eyes burned with an emotion I couldn’t decipher and I knew whatever was about to come out of his mouth would change my life forever. Call it instinct, call it a fricken premonition, whatever, but I knew things would never be the same again.

  “I have every right because she’s my fucking daughter!”

  My world stopped turning.

  My mind stopped processing.

  No! That can’t be right!

  Maddie gasped, Grandmama stilled, and Hendrix yelled, “What. The. Fuck!”

  Meanwhile, my heart began to pound against my rib cage so hard, I feared it would burst free of my chest and spill onto the floor.

  She’s my daughter, she’s my daughter, she’s my daughter.

  Clutching my aching chest with my palm, I took a step back. My knees began to shake, and I knew I was seconds away from falling face first onto the floor.

  Keith moved toward me. “Shelby, sweetheart,” he said reaching for me. “Let’s sit down for a minute.”

  Screw that.

  I shook my head and swatted his hand away.

  Anger surged through my veins, replacing the remnants of fear that had continued to linger from the attack. Adding a dose of starch to my spine, I squared my shoulders and headed for Pop.

  Anthony tried to step in front of me, blocking my path, but I ducked around him. “Not now, stud muffin,” I said through gritted teeth. “I’m about to handle this shit.”

  Clenching my hands into fists at my sides, I stopped a foot in front of Pop and looked up at the big bastard with all the malice I could muster. “I want you to answer one question.”

  He visibly swallowed. “Did you know about me before I came to Georgia?”

  Call me crazy, but I was momentarily giving him the benefit of my doubt. I didn’t know Pop too well, but I knew my mama like the back of my hand. Knowing her, she probably didn’t even tell him she was knocked up.

  Stupid cow.

  Pop shook his head. “No.” His answer was firm; resolute. “I didn’t know you existed until the night Maddie was hurt.” Hendrix growled beside him, but Pop didn’t pull his eyes from mine. “But the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew.” Again, he shook his head. “You look exactly like your mother.”

  Physically needing to protect myself, I crossed my arms over my chest. “How do you know I’m yours? Just because I look like some woman that you used to screw doesn’t mean I’m the result of your sperm meeting her egg.”

  I was uncharacteristically calm.

  Usually, I would’ve already thrown a punch or two.

  “Your mother’s name is Dixie Ann Cole. Her birthdate is July 3rd. She has golden blonde hair and blue eyes that are identical to yours. She’s five foot five and has a birthmark on her inner bicep that’s shaped like a whale.”

  His words hit me directly in the solar plexus.

  It was a minute or two before I could speak again. “Her name isn’t Cole any longer. It’s Mason.” His eyes slid closed as my confirmation sunk in. “How did you know her?”

  “We were married.” He opened his eyes and turned to look at Hendrix. “Until she ran off, leaving me, and abandoning Hendrix.”

  Hendrix was my brother.

  My big brother.

  I couldn’t even begin to process it.

  Pinching the bridge of my nose between two fingers, I dipped my face to the floor. “Did you look for her after she left?”


  His answer pissed me right the hell off. My head snapped up. “Why?”

  “Figured we were both better off without her. When she left, she wasn’t in good shape. She’d relapsed, started doing drugs again. Her and I, we’d been clean for three years, but when she fell off the wagon so did I. Only difference was: my vice was alcohol, hers was cocaine.”

  Jesus fricken Christ.

  I spun around and locked eyes with Anthony, who’d been surprisingly silent. I needed to know he was still there. “How old are you Hendrix?”


  He answered immediately. “When is your birthday?”

p; June 5th.

  I mentally calculated the time between dates. “I’m only nineteen months younger than you.”

  Pop stepped closer to me, and I instinctively took a step closer to Anthony.

  “So this is why you’ve been acting so crazy lately?” I asked.

  I didn’t need to look at Pop to know he was nodding. “You’re my daughter, Shelby. I just want to keep you safe.”

  It was the wrong thing for him to say.

  Focusing on the anger that boiled beneath my skin, I whipped around and charged him. Hands balled into fists, I slammed them against his broad chest. “You son of a bitch!” I screamed. “If you wanted to protect me you should’ve chased my mother down and made sure she wasn’t pregnant. You should’ve taken me away from her the moment I was born!”

  Once again, I was being irrational. I realized that.

  Still, I couldn’t stop the rage, the fucking hurt that welled up inside of me.

  “You have no idea what she did to me!” I pointed towards Hendrix who held Lucca in his arms. “What she did to us!”

  Pop opened his mouth to speak, but I kept yelling, cutting him off.

  He needed to know; he deserved to know, what had happened to me.

  And quite frankly, I was tired of running from my past.

  “My mother,” I hissed, emphasizing the word mother, “was a drug-addicted prostitute.” Pop froze, and Hendrix sucked in a breath. “My life with her was hell. When I was a kid, she used to lock me in the closet for days at a time while she got high and screwed every man within a twenty-mile radius.”

  Maddie’s hand wrapped around my wrist.

  “When I learned how to escape the closet, she started locking me outside. Summer, winter, rain, shine, it didn’t matter.”

  I felt like vomiting at the memories.

  “I was thirteen when the first of her customers snuck into my room one night.” Maddie’s hand tightened on my wrist. “I barely escaped his wandering hands.”

  “Shelby, sweetheart—” Grandmama called my name; my eyes found hers. “Honey, you don’t have to do this.”

  Yes, I did.

  To be free of the chains that held me captive, I needed to set the demons that tormented me free. I needed to acknowledge the past, accept it, and prepare to fight for my future. If I continued to allow the darkness to hold me prisoner, there was no way in hell I’d be strong enough to defeat Damien.


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