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Finding Home

Page 1

by Goode, Ella


  Charlotte Bloom is a city girl.

  She likes stilettos, sidewalks, and the Starbucks on every corner. It doesn't matter that her heels hurt or the sidewalks cracked or no one at the coffee store remembers her name. The horns of taxi drivers serenade her as she walks to work and fast-paced action fills her days which is why she needs her boss to come home from the farm. There are contracts to be signed. Money to be made. Hands to be greased and—oh my gosh, is that a cow?

  Colton Blackwood is a country man.

  He wants slow walks, slow kisses, and slow love-making, but more than anything he wants that with Charlotte. It doesn't matter that she's scared of the farm animals or that she's suspicious that the store clerk knows her name. He knows that love's the same whether you're wearing a suit in the boardroom or a pair of cowboy boots on the ranch. The trick is convincing Charlotte but, it'll happen because Colton won't accept anything but her by his side.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13


  Also by Ella Goode

  Connect with me!



  My phone buzzes in my hand for the millionth time since I turned off airplane mode. I’m in the middle of nowhere to see my boss, Mr. Weston. It isn’t the best of scenarios but it needs to be done. He up and left without finishing his work. Not only that, but each day more and more piles up. I have important documents that need to be looked over and he’s been ignoring most of my emails. Let’s not even mention all of the calls that he’s sending to voicemail. Being ignored isn’t on the list of things I like. Of course I would have just mailed him the documents but I didn’t have time to wait for him to get around to signing them. Ever since Delilah Howell strolled into his life, everything else has gone to the back burner.

  He hired me to do a job and that’s what I am trying to do. I took the first flight I could not only to get my work done but to make sure Mr. Weston hasn’t lost his ever-loving mind. I need confirmation that he is still sane, and I am still annoyed that I had to take the trip to begin with. My plan is to get what I need from him, check his sanity, and be back on a plane as quickly as possible to head home.

  I enjoyed the flight. It’s one of the only opportunities I get to be out of contact with the world outside. The WiFi wasn’t working on the plane. It was something out of my control so I had no choice but to lie back and enjoy doing nothing.

  Looking down at my phone, I see that this time it’s not a work related call blowing it up but Brent. My lips pull tight as I hit the decline button on the second ring, wanting him to know I did it. I’m sending his ass straight to voicemail. It’s the small things in life that give me pleasure. I really should block the guy’s number but I enjoy hitting the decline button each time he calls. The man is a jackass and I’m sure he’s not used to rejection. Something I don’t mind giving to him for the greater good of womankind. Maybe he’ll learn better manners the next time he thinks he can take whatever liberties he wants with a woman. In his words, I was “only” the secretary. He was lucky I didn’t tell Mr. Weston about how he spoke to me. Weston wouldn’t have been as nice as only hitting the decline button on him. I never said anything because I can handle men of Brent’s caliber.

  What Brent hasn’t realized is that my boss respects not only me, but my opinion. He always asks me what I think of someone before he does business with them. He may not always take my advice but I was adamant about my opinion of Brent. Sometimes words aren’t even necessary. A curt nod of my head can have him tossing a folder aside. We’ve built trust as well as a no-bullshit business relationship. Brent is pretty much shit out of luck. That is probably the reason he is desperate to get in touch with me.

  My mind snaps to Colton Blackwood, who has more manners than he knows what to do with. It always goes there when I don’t fill my head with work. Can someone be too polite? It makes me feel like he is up to something. He continuously calls me ma’am. For some odd reason it pisses me off more than anything else. If he calls me that one more time I am going to throttle him. Maybe he does it on purpose, saying ma’am to get a rise out of me. It sure seems like he’s trying to push my buttons. He sounds as if he’s smiling each time the word comes out of his mouth. I’m not going to let him get a rise out of me—or maybe it’s already too late.

  I’ve dealt with the vast majority of businessmen in one of the biggest cities in the world, and Colton Blackwood is no different. My only hope is that in my short time here I don’t run into him. My plans are to be in and out before anyone even realizes I was there. This isn’t a social call; it’s business.

  Getting Mr. Weston’s signature on the few documents I have is my top priority. I also want to confirm my suspicions that he isn’t planning to return to the city anytime soon. After that I’ll be on a plane back home where I belong. Not trying to find out if Colton’s sexy voice matches him.

  I am a city girl to my core. Born and raised in a fast paced lifestyle. I never do well in the calm and quiet for too long. I may need to start looking for a new job if I am being honest with myself. Mr. Weston seems to be staying put in this country life with Delilah. I am happy for him that he’s found meaning in his life. I just need to be realistic that him staying in the country means that he’ll be wrapping up the life he had back home in the city. When all is said and done it means I need to find a new job.

  The man can technically work from anywhere he wants. Knowing this makes me realize that I may not be as useful to him since I will be thousands of miles away. Regardless of what happens, I am confident that Mr. Weston will give me a stellar recommendation. I’m not worried about finding a new job. It isn’t an opportune time but my skill level and dedication can’t be matched. I’m sure he will provide me with a nice severance package too, which will hold me over until I find something. I am technically under contract with him for another year but I don’t think he’ll need me that long.

  “Hey!” I snap when I feel my bag being tugged from the tight hold I have on it. My eyes drift down to it, seeing a man’s big hand trying to grab the strap on the side. The hand looks giant and rough.

  Oh hell no, I did not come from the city to this little podunk town for some jerk to try to rob me. I debate using my common sense and letting the bag go, knowing you never fight a mugger, but my stubbornness gets the best of me. It usually does.

  I go with pulling back on the bag. I’m in a freaking airport right now. Is someone seriously trying to steal luggage from me inside the terminal? There are people and security everywhere. This man has some nerve. Okay, maybe I’m not in New York, but I am in the middle of nowhere and this airport is dead. My head jerks up, my movements freezing as my eyes land on the smiling gray eyes of a strange man. His gaze is so startling that it momentarily stuns me. This handsome idiot picked the wrong girl to mess with.

  “Only wanted to help you, sweetheart.”

  My mouth falls open, my hand releases the tight hold on the bag, and my mind immediately recognizes the sound of that voice.

  “Colton,” I breathe out. A mixture of anger and arousal swirls through me at the sight of him. I knew this town was small, but small enough to run into the one person you’re trying to avoid at the airport? That’s a pretty big coincidence for this tiny town. Something about it seems very suspicious.

  “At your service.” He smiles, giving me a wink. I reach for my bag but he’s already moving away from me, taking it with him. />
  “Hey!” I run after him, trying to catch up. “Give me back my bag,” I demand. My heels click on the tile floor loudly as I try to keep up with him. I thought country people moved slow!

  I’m used to being around big men. Actually I’m only used to being around one big man, Mr. Weston. He stands out easily in a crowd, which has always made my job a little easier. I never have to waste time looking for him. Colton is as big as Mr. Weston, if not bigger. He might be a touch taller in fact, now that I’m getting a good look at him. Colton isn’t as refined as Mr. Weston; he’s rougher around the edges. He is also smokin’ hot, but I’m not going to admit that anytime soon. His ass is firm and muscular under the jeans he’s sporting. But right now I need to focus on getting my bag back from him. I finally get close enough that I’m able to smack his arm. He stops dead in his tracks and turns to face me.

  “I can carry you too if you’d like.” Those gray eyes flick over to me. “Those shoes look like they hurt.” His eyes travel down my legs to linger on the pair of heels that I’m wearing. They just happen to be my favorite pair. I love them not only because they are pretty but they aren’t too hard on my feet.

  “You could always give me my bag back instead of making me run around the airport in these heels,” I snip back. “These are light and comfy, for your information.” I try to keep a bite to my words because he’s openly checking out my legs. I’m not sure if I have an attitude because what he’s doing is rude or because I like it. I’m enjoying him doing it more than I should, so I’m going to guess my problem is with myself.

  “That’s good, sweetheart, because those heels look damn good on you. I never understood why women wore them before today, but I no longer need to wonder.” That smile grows bigger. “I’ll never be able to erase the vision of you in those shoes from my mind.”

  My heart flutters at his comment—forgetting once again that he stole my bag. It isn't until we are outside and I see his giant truck parked at the curb that I know why he took it. He opens the back door, putting my suitcase in the back seat. He shuts the door and then opens the right passenger door, gesturing for me to get in.

  I want to tell him I’ll never be able to climb up in that thing with my tight skirt but as he opens the door, a step slides out. I should refuse to get in the truck with him because he manhandled me in the airport. I hesitate for a second before I climb in. I don’t even know this man. Why am I so willing to just climb up into his truck? Stepping back, I collide with his wall of a chest.

  “You need me to give you a lift, ma’am?” he says as he stretches his arm to touch the top of the truck, causing him to lean further into me.

  I can feel my entire body flush from being pressed up against him. He has me sandwiched between him and the truck.

  “I’m more than willing to help you in any way that I can.” He smirks. Since my bag is already in the back of the truck, I make the decision to climb in.

  “I don’t need your help. I’m perfectly capable of getting into a vehicle by myself.” I give him a smirk as I purposefully make a show of getting into the truck. I know he’s watching and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want him to. I’m enjoying this back-and-forth we’re having more than I should. I’m pretty sure he is too, from the smile on his lips.

  I settle into the monster truck, Colton closing my door behind me. The entire time he’s smiling and shaking his head like I’m the cutest thing he’s ever seen. I want to knock that smile off of that ridiculously perfect face of his. He’s making me feel all out of sorts. Just like his phone calls always do. I glance over at Colton as he slides his big body into the truck, making the space seem too small now that he’s in there with me.

  I suck in a deep breath, which is a huge mistake. His scent is everywhere in the cab of this truck. I can’t escape the masculinity that clings to every inch of it. I knew I should have requested a Lyft. But they probably don’t even know what that is here. With my luck, someone would show up on a tractor. I have to get out of this truck as quickly as possible. I can’t be alone with Colton. Everything about him is too attractive. Even from the beginning, his voice made me quiver.

  The realization of how easily I could fall for this man has me losing my cool. My anger grows as I think about the fact that he is in love with another woman. A woman who just happens to be marrying my boss. I’ll never play second fiddle to anyone. I watched my mother do it time and time again. I will not be like her. I repeat this in my mind as I steal a glance over at Colton. He has a cocky smile on his face like he already knows I’m falling for him.



  I have to tell myself to relax my hold on the steering wheel. My knuckles have turned white from squeezing the damn thing too tight. I’ve waited three days. Three long days that it took to get her sexy ass here and in the cab of my truck. I keep my eyes pinned to the road the best I can, reminding myself that as much as I want to glance over and take her in, I need to get her back to my place in one piece. That means paying attention to the road and not how tight her skirt is.

  She’s even sexier than I thought she would be. If that’s even possible. My mind was blown the minute I saw my city girl walk out of the airplane gate. I’d already pictured her in my mind as the most beautiful woman to walk this earth. Nothing prepared me for the vision that now sits beside me. The urge to reach out and touch one of her long locks of hair is one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to control. I reassure myself that I’ll have a lifetime to do it, so there’s no rush. My plan right now is to get her to my place where she’ll be all mine.

  When I first spotted her standing in the airport I tried to stand still and watch her for a moment. I only lasted a few seconds before my feet were carrying me toward her. I’m not one for hiding to begin with. I looked forward to seeing the look in her eyes when she got a glimpse of me, her future. She didn’t disappoint me in the least. She might have struggled a bit when she thought I was mugging her, but when her eyes finally locked with mine, I saw our future in them.

  I am still working out the parts of getting her to stay, but if I am anything it’s patient. Well, that was before I met Charlotte Bloom. All of my patience seemed to evaporate into thin air when it came to getting her next to me. I relax in my seat, reminding myself that I have her now. The sweet smell of lavender fills the inside of my truck. I wonder if that’s how she smells or if it’s some fancy lotion she puts on her skin. Maybe she washes her hair with it. Thoughts of her lying in bed next to me at night rubbing it all over herself flood my mind. If I am a lucky bastard I might get the privilege of rubbing whatever it is all over her sweet body.

  I make a mental note to order lavender smelling things for the house. Maybe that will calm her and make her stay put. I glance over at her again, unable to help myself. I was right; she is perfect. Overly perfect. My cock hardens more behind the roughness of my jeans at the thought of dirtying up all the perfect she is. I could come in my pants just thinking about spreading my seed all over her perfect little pussy.

  Shit, my thoughts are not helping my dick’s current situation. I’ve never even had such crude thoughts about a woman before. Until her.

  My desire to mess up Charlotte's perfect little appearance isn’t for my own good, but hers. Like Charlotte, I’m good at reading people. She uses her freshly pressed clothes, neatly done hair and what I’m guessing is flawless makeup as a shield. She tries to hide what she really wants behind all of that attitude she gives me. Eyes don’t lie, though.

  It reminds me of one those homes you walk into and they don’t look as though anyone actually lives there. It puts you on edge that you might mess it up. She doesn't want anyone getting too close. That’s the point of everything around her being in its place. I knew it from the moment I heard her sexy, tight voice on the phone. She was begging for me to set her free from the cage she put herself in.

  “You’re taking me to Drake’s, right?” She reaches into her purse, pulling out a pair of glasses and slipping them o
n her face before she toys with her phone. I didn't know a person’s fingers could move so fast but I watch her do it for a moment. “Right?” She pulls her eyes from the phone to look at me. Fuck, no, I’m not taking her to another man.

  “Wasn't sure if you were talking to me or the phone.” I shrug. She glares at me over those sexy glasses. I swear to Christ the woman keeps getting hotter. “Sira or whatever.” I motion to the phone. She keeps on staring at me for a moment before she finally starts to laugh. I have no idea why, but the cute sound coming from her is not helping my dick.

  “Siri?” she says through laughter. Correcting me on the phone's name.

  “I don’t know.” I shake my head. I can’t remember what people are always calling the damn thing. “But I think you’re right,” I agree. I’ve heard Delilah talk to the thing before. I prefer when the phone doesn't make noise at all. The most I’ve used one in the past week was to call and bug the woman that is now sitting next to me.

  It was a happy accident that I ever talked to her at all. Thank fuck for Drake being an obsessed jealous man because he has his assistant answer any calls that come to his woman's phone. I only called to ask her if she really left town because her mom and mine wouldn't shut up about it. They asked me to call and when my mom asks me to do something that I’m capable of doing, I do it.

  She stops laughing to smile at me. “Colton Blackwood. Did you just admit I was right?”

  “When I’m wrong, I’m wrong. You’ll never have to fight me on that. I’m not too proud to say I did something wrong.”


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