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Finding Home

Page 2

by Goode, Ella

Her tense shoulders drop for a moment. Her smile turning softer reveals a little more of the woman I know she’s trying to hide.

  I knew Charlotte was good at reading people after having a few conversations with Drake Weston. The man spoke so highly of her. It was a fight for me to get her to begin with but I had something Drake wanted as bad as I needed Charlotte. His Delilah. The girl was a little sister to me. We grew up next door to one another. Well, as next door as you can get out here. Oftentimes next door is miles away.

  Delilah's family and mine are close. While my parents wanted to retire and move where it was warm all year round, I knew I’d never leave here. I worked hard side by side with the Howell family. Delilah's dad, Wyatt, and I struck gold, metaphorically speaking. Not only did I get to let my parents retire early, I got to keep the family farm. I still keep my dad’s job because it’s my passion. Charlotte Bloom’s sexy ass has quickly become my number one passion. It might take a while, but I see her as a wild horse. I don't want to break her. I just want to be the lucky bastard whose field she runs in.



  It’s not until we’re pulling up to a large iron gate that reads Blackwood Crossing that I realize he never answered my question. This makes it clear. He isn’t taking me to Mr. Weston’s.

  “What are you doing?” I watch as the gates swing open after he presses a button in his truck. He proceeds to pull through them and down a long driveway lined with trees. I look back, watching them close behind us.

  “Drake is busy today. You’ll be staying with me while you’re here,” he drawls.

  “I’m not staying.” At least that was the plan in my head. I packed a bag just in case because I am always prepared for what may happen.

  “Drake said you’d be here for a while.”

  I turn from watching the gate behind us. The truck continues to move farther away. “I have a plane to catch later on tonight, once Mr. Weston signs all of the documents I need him to,” I say in hopes that this will enlighten him to the fact that I will be headed home today.

  But he just remains quiet and keeps driving. The cab of the truck is so silent you could hear a pin drop. Colton’s face looks stern and his jaw is tight after I revealed that I don’t plan on staying. I keep sneaking glances in his direction but he continues to watch the road, keeping those beautiful eyes on it. Can a person be jealous of a road? I suddenly crave those eyes on me.

  The truck finally slows to a stop and Colton gets out without saying a word. He walks around it, first opening the back door to get my bag, and then the passenger door. He leans his body inside the truck and over me to unbuckle my seatbelt. I may have let out a small moan. I can feel the heat of his skin and I almost stick my tongue out to get a taste of it. My nipples harden, which gets me a small smile from him. I continue to act indifferent, like none of this is affecting me. I will not be my mother’s daughter. That’s my mantra and I silently chant it to myself. Thing is, I can’t remember the last time another person has been this close to me.

  Colton doesn’t make any of this easy for me. Instead of letting me step down from the truck, he lifts me, making sure to hold me tight to his body. I have to slide down him until my feet touch the ground. I wobble, unsteady with lust for this man, but soon gain my composure. Those eyes watch me like a hawk. It’s like he sees straight through my crap, but I am going to fight this as long as possible. It figures the first time I’ve ever wanted a man that he would love someone else. That is just my luck. I need to get away from here and him as soon as possible.

  I pull myself together before I look past Colton to see a cute farm house. It’s the most beautiful thing that I’ve ever seen. Visions of a little girl running through the fields pass through my mind. It reminds me of something you’d see in a movie. Too perfectly put together to be real but there it is. It has everything that you’d expect a farmhouse to have. The wrap-around porch has rockers and a swing on it that make me yearn for a glass of iced tea and a good book.

  I’ve never experienced this much quiet until this very moment. Everything seems to stand still. That is something that I am not at all used to. All of this fresh air must be messing with me. I give my head a small shake and remind myself why I am here. For business, that’s the only reason. It’s definitely not for Colton. It one thousand percent is not for him. I don’t even believe my own lies at this point, but none of it matters anyway because he loves someone that isn’t me.

  I pull my eyes from the lovely home to look over at Colton and wonder if this is the home he thought he’d be raising his family in with Delilah. Everything about Colton screams family man. He’s the kind of man that would come home every night to his wife and hold true to his promises. Although Delilah is marrying someone else, if Colton one day found someone to love I believe he’d stay true to that woman. If he told her she’d be his forever then that’s what she’d be because he is a man of his word. It wouldn’t be exactly what he would want but I know he would love whomever it was as much as he could. As nice as that might be to have it would never work for me. Being second to another woman just isn’t ever going to be my cup of tea.

  I’m not sure why I’m still obsessing about this. It’s a done deal. I couldn’t even be mad at Delilah. It’s not like it’s her fault that the only man I’ve ever been attracted to loves her. Just thinking that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Delilah is such a sweet person. I enjoy her company and the fact that she’s removed the stick from Mr. Weston’s ass. I really appreciate the change she has brought out in him. I wasn’t even prepared for how vast it would be but Mr. Weston is a good man and needed someone like her in his life.

  “A hotel?” I sigh. I’m not leaving without seeing Mr. Weston. If that means spending a night here then so be it, but here means a hotel, not Colton Blackwood’s home. I know I will never be able to resist him if I stay here.

  “All full.” He starts walking past me. “Come in. I’ll show you around.” He keeps on moving. My traitor eyes go to his ass.

  “How do you know it’s full?” I ask, following after him when I see he isn't stopping. “Oh.” I let out a small yelp of surprise when my heel lands on a piece of rock almost making me fall. I catch myself in time but not before Colton is pulling me into his arms, his big, warm body wrapping around me. The hold he has on me is totally unnecessary but I let him keep me in it anyway.

  “I got you.” He lifts me. I’m momentarily shocked until my feet touch the ground again when he places me on the porch.

  “I’ll have it all paved if the heels are a must.” He waves his hand toward where he parked his truck off to the side. I have no idea what he’s talking about.

  “You have a basset hound too?” I ignore what he says, asking my own question. That’s all this place needs: a basset hound with big ears that lays on the porch and never moves.

  “Nope.” As if on cue, a tiny white dog comes flying out a small doggy door. The little white puffball begins to run circles around Colton’s feet. He leans down, picking it up, then turning it over onto its back and cradling it like a baby while scratching its belly. The dog's tongue hangs out of one side of its mouth. The thing can’t be more than ten pounds. It’s so freaking adorable in his big arms. His whole hand engulfs the dog’s tiny belly as he scratches him.

  “I just got Gambit here.”

  “Gambit?” I reach out to pet the small cute dog. I always wanted one growing up but Mom said they were too much to take care of. Then when I got older I worked too much to have a dog in my small condo. Poor thing would be alone all the time.

  “He’s always thieving something,” Colton accuses the little dog. The pup gives me the cutest look and I’m not buying what Colton is selling. “He gets away with it too because of that face he’s giving you right now.” Colton laughs, holding Gambit out for me to take. I reach out and pull the dog close to me. He’s so adorable.

  Colton lets out a long sigh, making me look up. “Looks like he’s thieving again. Right in front of me. You re
ally don’t have any manners, do you, boy?” The dog lets out a small bark. I laugh. My cheeks heat a touch because I think Colton is talking about the dog stealing my attention but I don’t comment on it.

  He proceeds to open the front door. Gambit half jumps from my arms, landing on his feet like a cat and taking off after Colton. “Wait,” I call after them. “How do you know it’s all full?” I question again.

  “I know everything around here.” Gambit and I keep on following Colton down a long hallway. He’s moving too fast for me to take anything in.

  When a phone starts to ring I reach for mine but stop when I notice it’s not my ringtone. Colton slips his out of his pocket as he pushes open the door at the end of the hallway.

  “Blackwood,” he answers. I watch him drop my suitcase on top of a giant bed in the center of the room.

  “You shitting me?” He shakes his head, his eyes darting over to look at me. His eyebrows are furrowed and for the first time he actually looks annoyed about something.

  “All right. Give me ten.” He hangs up the phone. “I gotta go, sugar. Make yourself at home.”

  “I’m not staying,” I tell him. He walks over to me, ignoring my words of protest.

  “Yeah, you are.” Both his hands come to my face, holding me in place as he kisses my lips. I stand there, once again stunned as he softly presses his lips to mine. How he can make the kiss both soft and possessive at the same time I have no idea, but he does.

  Then he strolls from the room like nothing happened. It isn't until I hear the front door close behind him that I realize he’s won this round.



  I look down at my hand, debating if I should run over to Aunt Jenny’s house to see if I might need stitches. She could do it up real quick for me or I could do it myself. I have a feeling Charlotte would not take to kindly to me stitching myself up at the dining room table.

  It was a stupid mistake. I should have put my work gloves on before I’d even jumped down into the ditch to begin with but my mind wasn't fully with me as it should’ve been. It wasn't until I was knee deep in mud that I realized barbed wire had been wrapped around the calf’s neck. The harder the animal tried to fight free the tighter it got.

  When I cut the wire, the calf moved faster than I thought she might—or maybe I wasn't running at a hundred percent today. That wire went flying, with part of it catching my hand and giving me a good slice. There was no mistaking that it would leave a scar. It wasn't the scar that bothered me. It was the fact that I wasn't paying good enough attention. I’ve never been one to be distracted. Charlotte Bloom has me all twisted up. I won’t be able to rest easy until she wears my ring on her finger, takes my last name and has my child in her belly.

  “I’ll send someone out to fix the fence tomorrow,” I tell Annie. I’ve rigged it up so it should hold overnight. “When did you get a calf?” I don’t recall her getting one but I’m not shocked. The woman picks up strays. Not any strays, like an easy cat or dog, no, like sheep, pigs, and that damn llama. My eyes drift over to the thing. I tend to be good with animals but that llama is a fucking asshole. I get this fence fixed and somehow it breaks it again. Every damn time. If I didn't know any better I’d think the thing was doing it on purpose so I’d show up here. It was two weeks ago it broke out and was walking down the middle of the main road blocking traffic both ways. I swear it knew it was walking perfectly in the middle to block both sides of the road. I still have no idea where she got this llama and I’ve looked for its owners with no success. Annie swears it was hanging out in her front yard one day, inside the fence it’s always breaking out of.

  “That’s sweet of you, Colton.” Annie reaches up and pats me on the cheek.

  “Anytime,” I tell her before heading toward my truck. I knew when Annie called I had to go. She was my kindergarten teacher and pretty much the town’s sweet grandma. After her husband passed away five years ago she started collecting the animals.

  “Miss Minnie is going to be heartbroken when she finds out you got a girl out at your place.”

  I look over at the llama, who I’m pretty sure is glaring at me. Word does travel fast. Doesn't help that my girl has called the police station twice since I left the house. I’m sure everyone is getting a kick out of that. Good. They needed something new to talk about.

  I also think Miss Minnie the llama and Annie need a collie. “I’m getting you a collie,” I tell Annie as I open my truck door.

  “I don’t know how to take care of a dog.” You’d think I said I was bringing over a gator. How is it that the one animal she doesn't have around here is a dog?

  “He’ll keep an eye on that llama.” And her, but I keep that part to myself. If I was none the wiser I’d think I was seeing things, but the llama side-eyes me and spits in my direction. Is every female going to give me a hard time today? It sure as hell feels like it.

  I shake my head, pulling off back toward home. I smile, knowing Charlotte is going to be worked up when I get there. I’m going to enjoy every second of calming her back down. I’ve never witnessed someone’s eyes light up with such passion in my life. The sight is breathtaking. Hell, everything about the woman is.

  I’ve never understood how a man could fall so hard and fast for someone. I’ve watched a few men chase Delilah around and found it rather amusing. Now, here I am all but breaking the law to keep Charlotte here. I reckon I am about to break the law, but there isn't anyone that is going to hold me to it.

  I hit the button for the front gate to open. As I wait, my eyes look up the long driveway that leads to my home. It’s there I notice shoe tracks on the side of the driveway. I curse under my breath. I should have known better than to leave her here alone. Of course she tried to walk to the road. At the moment I find her stubbornness adorable but it won’t be so adorable if she’s gone or hurt herself trying to make an escape.

  I pull out my phone, sending a quick message to the local police station before I pull down the rest of the driveaway knowing I’m going to have my hands full here in a minute. I bet she’s pacing the floors waiting to unleash on me. As soon as I know she is okay, I will tend to my injured hand. I believe it’s still bleeding but it will have to wait until I see to my girl.

  I’ve barely stopped the truck when I see her throw the front door open and march down the stairs. She looks fit to be tied and I can’t say I mind the outfit change either. She’s in a pair of tight black pants and a silky blue-gray blouse. I’m guessing she changed before hiking down to the gate. I don’t think anyone could make that walk in a skirt and heels but I wouldn't put it past her. She’s a determined little thing that doesn’t take no for an answer. I have no doubt that if she wants something, she gets it. I am the same exact way; I just go about it a little differently than her. I wanted her so I got her to my house and locked the gate to make sure she stayed. Same thing. I was just a little more smooth in getting my way. I find it works better. For me at least. Someone made it so it didn't work so well for her. Whoever that someone was, it was one of the assholes I am going to have to show her I’m not.

  Some people might not care for stubbornness. They probably figure that it’s too much trouble or not worth the fight. Not me, at least not when it comes to her. I’m inviting all of that feistiness she has inside her.

  I just want to be the something she is fighting so hard to have.



  Gambit jumps up from my lap, running off through the small dog door. I follow after him wondering what he’s after. I’m sure if he has a dog door he’s free to come and go but I’m not used to dogs roaming around. I find myself attached to the cute little thing already. It even followed me down to the gate when I tried to make my escape. I didn’t try too hard. I keep telling myself it’s because I’m worried the dog won't know how to get back home. It’s the lamest excuse I’ve ever come up with in my life. It’s a straight shot back to the house and he’s a dog. Of course he knows how to get back home. />
  I only made the trek because I got frustrated with the police station. After calling Mr. Weston and going straight to voicemail, I tried finding a ride. That was not an easy task. In fact it was impossible. Finally I called the local police station to ask if maybe they knew of a way to find a car service. When I told them where I was they told me to wait for Colton.

  I told them he was the reason I was trying to get out of there so fast. It was hard to make out what was being said through the woman’s laughter. It sounded like she said that no sane woman would try to run from Colton. I’m pretty sure she said that I must be crazy too. She made sure to slide in there that he was the one always running from women. That last comment got my attention. I felt my body tighten at her offhanded remark. The idea of him sleeping with women and running off made my stomach turn. All of them having to chase him down. I wouldn't have pegged him as the type, but I should have known better. All men are the same. I am surrounded by those types at work. That’s why I never date. One too many bad dates will leave a bad taste in your mouth.

  This dispatcher actually took a minute to stop laughing and pretty much called me a liar. She said there was no way that I was at Colton’s house because he didn’t take women home. Then she started interrogating me. I was essentially being held against my will and the only thing this lady cared about was getting information about Colton. These small-town folk are all kinds of crazy. When I realized that I was getting nowhere fast, I hung up on her. I am not liking this town. The only thing I like here is Gambit, because at least he is loyal and tried to be an accessory to my escape.

  I see Colton’s truck pulling up the drive as I swing open the door. That explains why Gambit took off out of it moments ago. My irritation has been festering since Colton left without any explanation. He didn’t tell me where he was going, when he’d be back or what was so important that he needed to leave that second. I guess he doesn’t have to tell me what he’s doing but we hadn’t settled the fact that I wasn't staying here. I have a feeling that choice isn't so much up to me anymore. It doesn’t look as if anyone is going to help me get the hell out of here. Mr. Weston will come looking for me at some point. Maybe.


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