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Shattered & Mended (Shaken Series)

Page 24

by Julie Bailes

  As soon as the ring’s on her finger, she drops her bouquet and jumps into Wyatt’s arms, kissing him fiercely. When the crowd hoots and whistles grab their attention, Allie pulls away and begins her vows to Wyatt. “I love you, Wyatt Evan Cooper. You’re my soul mate, my one true love. I promise to hold and cherish you, and to trust you with all my heart. I vow to be your life-long lover, companion, and best friend. I promise to laugh with you, cry with you, and hurt when you’re hurting. I vow to provide you with the highest honor and to give you the respect you deserve. I too, promise you my forever. All the days I have left in this life, I vow to spend them loving you and only you,” she sniffs.


  Finally, I’m Mrs. Wyatt Evan Cooper. I thought the day would never come I’d promise this amazing man my forever. Getting to this point hasn’t been easy; I put up one hell of a fight trying to resist him, but he’s irresistible.

  “Al, may I have this dance?” Blake asks, with gleaming eyes and a sweet grin.

  “Only if you promise not to make me look bad. No showing off,” I warn.

  “Promise,” he winks. I accept his extended hand, and he leads us onto the dance floor. “You look absolutely beautiful,” he announces, snaking his arms around my waist and pulling me in.

  “I know,” I say, fluttering my lashes.

  He chuckles. “Seriously, when those doors opened and I laid eyes on you, you took my breath away.” He spins us around and dips me slightly, causing me to become nauseous. When we’re erect again, I place my hand over my mouth and take a deep breath to try to calm my stomach.

  “Are you okay?”

  I nod. “I’m fine. Just got a little nauseous with the spin and dip.” I’m not lying, necessarily. It did contribute to me becoming nauseated, but it’s not the main reason.

  “Too much cake?” he laughs.

  “Something like that,” I smile. Truth is, I have a major surprise for Wyatt, and I can’t wait to see his reaction. I tried to hold out until we were married, but that man knows how to paralyze my brain and make me his sex slave. Three morning pees, and six pink lines later, we’re pregnant.

  The song changes to a slow pace, and Blake pulls me closer to him. I rest the side of my face onto his chest and immediately notice the rapid hammering coming from his heart. We sway side to side, and I can’t hold it down any longer. I’ve had too much cake and punch. “Give me a moment.” I put up one finger and escape from his hold. Going over to the nearest trash can, I empty all that’s within me. Before I’m able to stand, I feel his familiar hands rest on the sides of my hips. Blake spins me around and places his hand beneath my chin, then lifts my face to his. His other hand cups the side of my face, and his thumb wipes away the one lone tear that escaped from the force it took to get everything out.

  “Movement, huh?”

  I nod.

  “You’re a sorry liar, babe,” he smiles, kissing my forehead.

  “Babe?” I ask, caught off-guard by his name for me.

  “I’m sorry, I meant Al,” he blurts.

  “Who’s the sorry liar now?” I ask. I fucking knew it. Did he think I wouldn’t figure it out? I’ve caught him admiring me multiple times over the last few weeks. Checking me out and leaving the room when Wyatt and I would get too mushy. He pulls his hands away and tries to turn away, but I take his arm and forcefully pull him back to face me. I reach up and take his face into my hands. I gaze deep into his hazel eyes, and that’s when I see it; I see that spark in his eyes, the love he has for me. Why now? I pull his forehead to mine. “You remember, don’t you?”

  He nods, and I catch sight of a tear rolling down his cheek. He swallows hard and whispers, “Yes.”

  P.S. This IS NOT a CLIFFHANGER. Allie’s and Wyatt’s story will NOT change. Please, save your nipple twists and box kicks for a future story.


  First, I thank God for giving me knowledge, creativity, and life. To my husband, you are my rock! Without you, my shaken series wouldn’t exist. Thank you for believing in me, and being the glue that mends me back together when other tear me apart. I will forever and always, love and appreciate your existence. And to my three love bugs, you’re the reasons that I write. I write to prove a point, never give up on your dreams, nothing is impossible.

  Hilary, dammit, I love you so hard! Our levels of crazy are off the charts. Thank you for always being there when I need you. No matter what you’re doing, what time of day it is, you’re there for me whenever I need you. You don’t baby my emotions or stroke my ego, and you know when to tell me to suck it up, shut up, or raise hell. You’re the first and only woman to BITCH me, and… I liked it! Your motto is forever embedded into my brain… Make that shit happen! We’re an amazing duo. Readers, get ready, we’ve got material that is going to ROCK YOUR WORLD!

  Sara, my sista from anotha mista, I’m so happy our paths crossed last year. I’m not sure how we survived so many years apart… Thank you for always being there for me, listening to my crazy, and getting crazy with me. You are such a wonderful person, a heart of gold, and throw a throat punch like no one else. Together, we’re dangerous!

  Christine Stanley!! Girl, I love you as much as coffee, and that’s a-fucking-lot! You’ve accepted me for who I am. Your support is mind-blowing. You are the cheese to my macaroni, the milk in my cereal, the cream to my coffee… you get my drift. Anyway, I can never put into words just how thankful I am for you and all you do for me.

  To all my bloggers, even those who haven’t discovered my awesomeness, thank you. Without you, no one would know who we indie authors are. There are far too many for me to name, but you know if you’ve helped me out or not. And if you have, I promise you a flogging when we meet in person. Kellie, you spank ass, and you spank it well! You’re my favorite sticker war whore. Ty, my peanut butter, thank you for giving me a chance and forming a friendship that I will always cherish. Amber, my favorite harlot, you just get me. And no matter what your schedule is or how backed up you may be (get your head out of your ass, I’m talking ARCs), you put me first. And if this isn’t true, never tell me! Plus, your love for peen is just as strong as mine, so I have to love you. There’s just so many of you I could go on for weeks. Seriously, I give thanks, leg humps, and ass slaps across the world to you witches.

  Shaken Shaker’s!! You ladies are fucking AMAZING! Your pimpage amazes me. When I’m down, you lift me up. When I’m out, you spread the word. Your support means the world to me, and I can’t wait to meet each of you face-to-face.

  To my readers, thank you! HUGE THANKS! Thank you for clicking that button and taking a chance on an ass slappin’, flogger slining, leg humping, and potty mouthed author. Without you, my writing is nothing. I hope you’ve enjoyed my crazy characters as much as I have. Please, if you read the series, consider leaving a review. It’s the best gift you can give an author. But please, NO SPOILERS (not shouting, just want to make sure you see it). Stay tuned because Blake’s happily ever after is coming 2015. Again, thank you. If you see me at an event, don’t be shy. I bring my flogger everywhere I go, and I will use it!




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