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Burning Obsession

Page 3

by Rice, Rachel E.

  The owner of Hotel Millennium would return next week. Danny would have to ask for a leave of absence, and he began to worry that. Maybe he would not be allowed the time he needed to take off. From what he knew of dealing with the owner, Alan Brule was a generous and sometimes reasonable man, and he was sure that he could find a replacement for a short period.

  Danny sat thinking about the possibilities. Maybe he jumped ahead of himself. Maybe the doctor was a quack. The next morning Danny began his inquiry. He hadn’t spoken to Max. Max probably thought what everyone thought—that Danny McCloud died in the plane crash.

  It was a hard call to make but he sucked in his breath and arranged his courage and called.

  “Yes, who is this?” An irritated Max shouted. “How did you get my private number?”

  “Max, this is…” Danny could not pull the words out of his mouth.

  “Well, I’m waiting.”

  “Max, this is Danny.”

  Max dropped the phone. Danny thought he had a heart attack, but he retrieved the phone after a few minutes.

  “Danny is that you?”

  “Yes it’s me Max, but you can’t tell anyone.”

  Max listened in disbelief as Danny explained why he didn’t contact his family or go home. He explained that he met a doctor that could help him and he needed someone to check out his credentials. When Danny mentioned his name, Max knew in an instance that he was a renowned plastic surgeon and he literally performed miracles.

  “Danny, don’t you know that your family has suffered because you were not with them? Poor Sydney. Do you know you have a baby boy? Go home Danny!”

  Danny’s brow furrowed, tears welled in his eyes, and fell from his lush green eyes staining his face. He was determined to go home if just for a moment to see his beautiful Sydney and his wonderful little children.

  “Max, make arrangements for me to see the doctor. I’ll get in touch with you in a week. I have to go.” Danny hung up the phone and gathered his courage. He cried for what he had to do. He cried for the face he would lose. He cried for Sydney and his children. But he never cried for himself.

  Danny saw Alan and explained that he had an emergency in the US and that he had a replacement that could run the hotel as precisely and efficiently as he had done. Alan, hoping to catch his plane, heard Danny vaguely. The phone rang and Danny exited.

  Nadia called Alan with news.

  “I have just purchased a painting for you. The painting is great to hang in your office in one of your hotels.”

  “The copy you sent is beautiful. When can I see the real thing?”

  “When you arrive in Paris the paintings and the woman that posed for them will be there.”

  Alan found the paintings to be captivating. He could hardly wait until they were in his possession.

  The idea of meeting the woman in person proved more than Alan expected and he would not give up the chance to see her; and perhaps purchase more paintings of her to hang in his bedroom. The idea intrigued him so that he did not hear Danny when he stated that he was going to the states to see what he could do about the scars on his face. He dismissed Danny with his hand which meant that he understood and go.

  Alan, flying out to embrace his future; Danny, flying out to embrace his past.

  Los Angeles

  Everything about LA’s airport appeared so familiar, except when he traveled this time no one noticed him. He wasn’t the star, where he was forced to purchase a Lear jet to ferry him and Sydney between New York and LA. Now he was just another Joe getting on and off of a flight. Not even TMZ showed up. The only one waiting for him was his manager and friend Max.

  Max didn’t recognize Danny; his mother wouldn’t have recognized him. His face cut in zigzag patterns across his forehead, down his lips, over his eyes and a large scar on both sides of the once gorgeous face. The only thing remained were his hair, eyes, and his beautiful teeth. That was the only way Max could have recognized him.

  Max scanned the airport for a tall young man and then he found Danny in the crowd. He looked up and saw the eyes, pools of green, honest and caring. When Danny discovered Max at a distance, he forgot he was unrecognizable, but broke out in a most child like smile. His smile said Danny. Max hurried in his direction and grabbed him, and hugged him, and tears fell from his eyes.

  Max reached for his shirtsleeve and passed it across his face wiping away the tears of joy and sadness.

  “Danny, it’s good to see you.”

  “Why are you crying? I guess you can’t make any money off me looking the way I do. I would cry too.”

  “Don’t say that Danny.”

  “I know Max, I was just trying to get you to laugh and get a curse or two from you.”

  “I’ve made arrangements for the surgeon to take you today and you’ll stay at their facility until you recover.”

  “I don’t have too much money, everything went to Sydney and my children, but I’ll pay you back.”

  “I’m not worried about the money.” Max hugged Danny hard. “You mean more to me than a meal ticket.”

  “Oh, you really are sick.” Danny put his arm on Max’s shoulder and they walked to a black limo.

  They reached Max’s limo and the driver took Danny to the clinic and left him there to prepare for his surgery and recovery. He remembered how Sydney had dropped him off in the desert in Phoenix, Arizona to recover. Sydney saved his life and now he was again trying to get over a life changing trauma.


  Jeremy discouraged with Sydney’s decisions, drank too much wine and at Nadia’s insistence decided to marry her. Without thinking they walked into the registrar’s office and married that day. Jeremy didn’t want his marriage night to be in Alan’s house because the more he came face to face with Alan the more he detested him.

  Nadia asked Jeremy to take her to a hotel in the south of France as a special gift for their honeymoon and later they would go to Spain where they could be together in seclusion at a home he bought for a getaway. Nadia had the notions of a woman in love, who was trying to live her childhood fantasy of the Princess and the Prince, where he would save her and they would live happily ever after. Somehow, the fairytale fractured.

  * * *

  Nadia and Jeremy checked into the Vista Palace Hotel. It sat high above the Mediterranean Sea overlooking gardens with a view of Monaco.

  All Jeremy wanted was to sleep off his drunken stupor. He cared less for the view and even less for Nadia’s presence. Yet Nadia wanted her dream to never end. All Jeremy wanted was to dream of Sydney, because Nadia was just a body for his naked pleasure.

  Through his drunken obsession, he lay with Nadia. As she sat on the bed, he visualized that it was Sydney. When he realized it was Nadia, his anger became intense and his body hurt for the love he wanted from Sydney.

  He didn’t have the passion for Nadia. He wanted to be finished with his sexual pain, so he threw her to the bed and ripped her clothes off and satisfied his every whim and fancy with her body. His penis was an intrusive weapon. He plowed into her and turned his head to the left of Nadia’s face. His body moved up and down sliding in and out of her vagina.

  Jeremy didn’t hear Nadia when she protested. His face contorted, his eyes glazed over, and his mind shut down. His milk spilled in Nadia and on her leg and sheets when he pulled his penis from her. He was still hard as a rock with no relief in sight. He reached for Nadia and pulled her and placed her face down and without any preparation, plowed his hard dick into her anus. Nadia turned around and he pushed her body back in its position. Moving up and down with greater intensity he finally discovered the picture in his mind of Sydney when he first gave her oral sex, where he licked her folds and brought her to an organism. This visual brought him to the height of sexual release. He knelled behind Nadia, pulling her to him, and released his flow in and on her behind.

  She was able to see his face and it was hard and cold. Yet she didn’t care. She felt that if she gave him every sexual pleasur
e that he wanted and didn’t deny him, then he would always come to her no matter who was in his life.

  Nadia enjoyed the lovemaking, she wanted him to express his sexual gratification in any manner he chose, and she was receptive to any and all sexual experimentations.

  She was waiting until she had married him to introduce him to her sexual preferences.

  They woke the next morning to the sun canvassing their room. Jeremy had sobered up and didn’t realize that he had married Nadia.

  “Where are we?” Jeremy questioned sitting up and running his fingers through his hair. Nadia wiping her eyes leaned forward to kiss Jeremy when he pulled away.

  “We’re in Cape Martin.”

  “What are we doing here?”

  “You don’t remember? This is the day after our wedding.” Jeremy closed his eyes in disgust—disgust with himself. He had been in control of his actions. He never did anything that wasn’t calculated. He didn’t plan on getting drunk for two days and ending up married. He had planned another round of attacks on Sydney, not this way.

  Finally facing the lost of Sydney’s heart, the only thing he could do was make the best of a bad situation. The best thing about being away from Paris was that he didn’t have to worry about Alan and Sydney. Maybe he could concentrate on Nadia for a chance. They lay in bed the entire day and then woke to take a stroll around the hotel to talk to people, and come back to the real world. Jeremy and Nadia strolled hand and hand to the lobby and the first thing he saw was a picture of Sydney.

  “What the hell is this doing here? Do I have to see my paintings everywhere?”

  “I told you that Alan bought most of your paintings to display in his hotels. When you said that you wanted to get out of Paris I booked this room.”

  “I’m sorry, Nadia. But I’m having problems with Sydney.”

  Nadia turned to Jeremy as she held his hand, “The problem you are having is with my brother.” She looked to Jeremy to see his expression. His face didn’t move, his eyes didn’t blink and his throat didn’t clear, yet his hand became rigid. She saw him fidget with his wedding band, dropping Nadia’s hand as they walked, turning it around as if he had a key to unlock it.

  Nadia noticed all his gestures, she thought that his nerves had gotten the best of him and he would be fine once the shock was over, besides, it was him that asked her to marry. Yet Nadia didn’t realize that Jeremy had no plans to marry much less consummate the marriage. That was his plan, to force Sydney to forbid him to marry. If he had to marry, then he would not sleep with Nadia and force her to get an annulment.

  He didn’t plan far enough.

  Chapter 4

  Alan called Sydney every day since he spent time with her family. Steven felt he was not getting anything done with regards to Jose’ especially with the interruptions from Alan. He couldn’t tolerate Jeremy, and he was soon discovering that he had an immense dislike for Alan as well.

  “The phone is for you again Sydney.” Steven stood with his hands on his hip and the phone extended out.

  “Who is it Steven? I’m feeding the baby.”

  “I’m not your secretary and you can guess who it is,” Steven said rolling his eyes up.

  “Take a message.” Steven took the message, but he was not at all happy about doing it, especially since he made up his mind that Alan was trouble. He thought it unnatural for a man to call every hour on the hour. He reminded him of a stalker. He had experiences with stalkers once before, it was one of the reasons he got the hell out of Atlanta, Georgia.

  She handed the baby to the nurse and walked to the phone to return Alan’s call. Steven interrupted her by handing her a cup of coffee. He wanted time to talk to her and find out how serious she was about Alan.

  “Sydney,” Steven said laying his coffee cup on the table and sitting beside Sydney.

  “What Steven? I don’t like when you try to act like my father. What are you going to tell me now?”

  “Have you noticed Alan has taken an unhealthy interest in you?”

  “What is unhealthy about a woman and man having a conversation?” She took a sip of coffee. “The only thing I’ve notice is that you are butting into something that’s none of your business.” And Sydney stood in a huff and continued on to the phone and asked to be connected to Alan Brule’s home. She talked to him for a few minutes. Steven heard her say “yes, yes.” She hung up, stood, and glanced at Steven.

  “Can you stay with the children for two days and keep them busy, take them to the fair so they don’t miss me?”

  “Anything you want Sydney. Where are you going for two days incase I have to notify your next of kin?’’ Sydney shook her head and her lip turned and she shot Steven an index finger.

  “Alan is flying me to one of his hotels in France.” I haven’t been away from the children since Danny and I honeymooned in Spain. I need time to myself. His limo will pick me up this afternoon.”

  “Remember don’t fall for that Frenchman’s charms. They are different from us.”

  “You said the same thing about Danny and how the Scotts are different too. And Jeremy…”

  “All right, so I was wrong about Danny. That was because he was young. I may have been a little off. But that Alan character, he’s an old dog with new tricks.”

  “Sure Steven,” Sydney said, and she waltzed away and began packing for her holiday. A holiday with an exciting handsome man, she thought. She felt she needed time away from everyone and time with someone that made her feel alive.

  Alan was prompt. They arrived quickly at the airport. They jumped on his jet and in less than a half an hour they were in Nice, where they stood in the front of the Vista Palace Hotel about 19 miles from Nice.

  Sydney and Alan stepped out of the limousine, and as they entered the hotel, the employees recognized him and gave him a warm greeting.

  “I have a suite in the hotel.”

  “And where will I stay?”

  “Why, in my suite.” He scanned Sydney’s face. “Don’t worry; you will be pleased with the arrangements.” They took the elevator to the penthouse apartment. When they entered, Sydney stood still and before her was a panoramic view of the French Rivera.

  “This is beautiful Alan.” Sydney walked to the balcony. The Mediterranean Sea lay sprawled before them, and beautiful gardens coursed through the hotel grounds.

  “Look Sydney there is Monaco.” Alan stood close behind Sydney with one arm around her waist and one arm pointing. “Do you want see Monaco?”

  “Can we?” Sydney sounded like a little girl on her first field trip.

  “Rest and I’ll call you for dinner,” He said taking her hand and leading her to her room. “See I told you, you’re going to love this room.” Alan opened the double doors and they revealed large rooms that could have been a separate living quarters, which included an area for a maid and butler.

  “Let’s go into the library,” Alan pointed. They entered and facing Sydney hung a picture of her and baby Jeremy over the fireplace.

  Sydney’s hand covered her mouth. “Oh my God.”


  Steven didn’t take his new duties seriously. He longed for companionship. He needed a little excitement in his life. He needed to know that he was alive, especially since he felt dead inside. It was time he came from under his cloud of funk. He jumped out of bed, informed the children’s nurse that he was going to go out shopping, and if she needed him, call him on his iPhone and he would be there in a quick minute. Steven sauntered to the closet to select one of his bespoke suits. He had it tailored made in England, but wanted one made in France.

  Sydney had given him enough money where he could splurge on himself. He liked nothing better than spending a shit load of money on himself and his significant other. But the love of his life had disappeared and took his money and heart with him.

  After putting on the final touches, a Jaeger-LeCoultre watch, which Jose gave him as a present with his own money, he decided it was time to enjoy the little things
in life. Knowing that Sydney wouldn’t let him drown, he got a credit line from her that he could payback whenever he straightened out his life.

  Steven strutted out the door of the hotel suite, down the hall way and onto an elevator with two handsome male guests. The younger man with blond hair and full lips, a slim muscular build, turned and smiled. The man with a full head of grey hair took the younger male by the arm and dragged him out of the elevator with the younger male still looking behind and winking at Steven.

  Frenchmen are so forward, and cute, things are looking up, Steven thought. Just that gesture brought a glow to Steven’s face and lifted his spirits. He now strutted with confidence and flair. After stopping and asking a question, Steven discovered where he could find custom made clothing.

  An elegant dressed man in a blue grey fine wool suit heard his conversation and agreed to drive him to a shop. The most he thought that he would get out of it would be a ride and an expensive suit. The man was polite and a gentleman. After a brief conversation, he stopped in front of the Place Vendome a hotel.

  “It’s a hotel,” Steven said puzzled.

  “Yes, a hotel,” The Frenchman said.

  Steven wasn’t sure whether he knew what he wanted and it sure wasn’t a tryst with a stranger. He had had enough running around. He wanted to settle down and find a good man. Maybe marry.

  “Bespoke, custom made,” the stranger repeated with a French accent.

  Steven smiled at the handsome stranger. He shook his hand and the driver exited and stood at the door and opened it. Steven stepped out and looked up and then around. Then he walked into the hotel.

  On leaving the hotel the same car was waiting for him. The driver opened the door took his bags and placed them in the car and gestured for Steven to come in.

  * * *

  Alan was dressed in a black tux and an unconventional black silk shirt. He looked handsome and dangerous to Sydney. Just her type. He arranged earlier to have dinner in an exclusive restaurant in the hotel. Every portion of the dinner would be prepared especially for his guest.


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