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Burning Obsession

Page 4

by Rice, Rachel E.

  He had been nervous all day, as if he was going to the prom for the first time and this was his first date. He had been all over the world, yet he could not figure out what caused him to act insecure in front of Sydney.

  She wore her silky auburn hair up and her dress was red Valentino, cut low in the back. She chose the color because it made her feel alive. The color stimulated every sense in Alan’s body. He stood with his mouth ajar. He took her hand and escorted her through the door.

  “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Wait I have something to compliment that beautiful dress.” He hurried into his room and brought out a red velvet box. Alan opened it and Sydney was stunned. It was a large teardrop diamond and pearl necklace.

  “I can’t wear those diamonds they cost a fortune.”

  “You can wear them because they are yours. I’m giving them to you. I bought them as an investment, but they are too beautiful to keep hidden away, just like you.” Alan placed the necklace on Sydney’s neck before she could say a word.

  “Now put on the earrings.”

  “I’ll wear them only with the condition that you take them back after dinner.”

  “I guess we can agree on that but…”

  “I will not wear them until you agree.”

  “Ok.” The two entered into the hall, and the elevator was waiting. Alan held her hand. She felt warm, she felt sexy, and she felt glorious.

  The elevator opened and there stood Nadia and Jeremy. Jeremy reeled back.

  “Come in,” shouted Nadia. I can’t believe our luck. There must be a full moon or something, Jeremy. What are the chances of you two showing up on our honeymoon?” Nadia grabbed Jeremy’s arm and Jeremy flinched and blinked as if he was a cat with a canary in his mouth.

  Sydney didn’t smile. Alan’s smile was wide because he was happy to get Jeremy out of his way. He knew that he could never get close enough to Sydney with Jeremy pretending to be protecting his brother’s possessions.

  The elevator was too small to contain all the feelings Jeremy felt for Sydney, the elevator was too small to hold Alan’s desires for Sydney, and Nadia’s gaiety, the elevator opened up just in time because it was too small to hold two large egos and two alpha males.

  Sydney felt smothered with the news of Jeremy’s marriage to Nadia. So she tried to push a smile to the surface, but Jeremy knew Sydney was faking. It was the way her forehead wrinkled, and her brown eyes stared at him as if she was in another time and place.

  “I’m happy for you both, will you excuse us.” Sydney took Alan’s hand and led him to the restaurant. Nadia and Jeremy trotted behind them.

  “We’re going the same way, Alan. Do you mind if we join you. We need to celebrate with people we love,” stated Nadia, not knowing that the truth was hanging around like a ghost.

  The four sat looking at Sydney. Sydney didn’t care to be on display for Nadia to pick her apart, eyeing her hair, asking about her gown. Jeremy noticed the jewelry, and his eyes glowed with jealousy and envy.

  “Did Danny give you that necklace and earrings? They are expensive.” He said not being able to keep his cool. Everyone at the table noticed in his voice there was more to Jeremy’s inquiry than was on the surface. His eye brow rose when he looked in Sydney’s face and spoke like a drunken man who had long given up caring what others thought.

  Jeremy should have discussed the beauty of his bride, but that was the furthest thing from his mind. Nadia felt uncomfortable, yet she did nothing to display anger or concern.

  “I gave her the jewels,” Alan stated arrogantly, “and she would look beautiful if she wore nothing.” His gaze met Jeremy’s.

  “I don’t think we’re wanted at this table.” He stood. “Nadia let’s go.” Jeremy took Nadia’s hand and pulled her from the table as she tried to apologize.

  “I think he’s in love with you Sydney.”

  “He’s just protective of me,” She said turning her head to face Alan and away from Jeremy and Nadia. Sydney had to stop Alan from discovering what she knew all along. It appeared that everyone was discovering and uncovering Jeremy and Sydney’s secrets.

  Alan moved closer to Sydney and took her hand. Sydney was still trembling from Jeremy’s outburst. She loved Jeremy, but she couldn’t understand why he wouldn’t give her time to get over the loss of Danny. If he had she would be with him today. He tried to force her to decide on him and now that had backfired. “Alan I’m happy Jeremy left. I hope we didn’t ruin his honeymoon.”

  “I hope he makes my sister happy.” He said not convinced that this was in Nadia’s future. “She doesn’t deserve another man that doesn’t care for her, and will hurt her and leave her for…” Alan caught himself before he said any more. Sydney studied his statement and his eyes for a few seconds.

  “Let’s have some more wine and forget that Jeremy tried to ruin our night,” Alan said, taking another sip of wine. Sydney felt a chill the way he focused his eyes on her.

  Alan’s look reminded her of Robert before he met Danny. Robert became jealous of Danny because Sydney loved only Danny. And could not want or feel for any man unless it was Danny. That was because Danny was alive and she knew as long as he was on this earth she could never feel anything remotely close to what resembled love for another man.

  It was not the case now. He was declared dead. Sydney heard from Alan and Jeremy that there was no way he could survive a plane crash in the jungles of Brazil.

  Now that Jeremy had married. She would not be a party to breaking up a marriage. She wanted her own man.

  Alan Brule, handsome, tall with an adventurous smile and he loved children, what more could she want?

  * * *

  Jeremy rushed to the room, unlocked the door, pushed it in and stormed to the bed with Nadia following as he dragged her and threw her in it. He didn’t care about her feelings. He tore her elegant silk suite from her body, eyes glaring at her with lust and hatred; hatred that it was not Sydney. The hatred for himself stormed his body. He hurt for not waiting; he hurt for being so impulsive. His pain was tremendous. His regrets of his marriage were as large and full as the love he held for Sydney.

  “Satisfy me now,” he mumbled, gazing into her eyes as an animal that would check for a dead corpse before devouring it. “Satisfy me!” he insisted not waiting for Nadia to reply. Then he turned her over, pulled her up to him, as he breathed hard. He stood looking at her body, hoping he could imagine that it was Sydney, but the image would not come. His eyes closed, he plunged his penis into her.

  His emotions washed over him. He closed his eyes tighter; he could feel the hot, sexual, lust flow throughout his groin. Jeremy turned Nadia on her back. He began to pump up and down, in and out. His sexual hunger saw no bounds. He reached for her breast and sucked them hard until he felt them rise in his mouth. He eased his body down her stomach and opened her legs and his mouth circled her clit with his tongue moving rapidly.

  Then he stopped and rolled over on his back and became silent.

  Nadia didn’t want to upset Jeremy but inside her heart she knew it wasn’t her he was fucking, but someone else. It was not her he had this naked obsession for, which scorched his soul and made him an animal and then rendered him cold.

  Through the lust for his body, and his unbelievable sensual love making, she finally admitted to herself that she would take him at any cost. She needed his lust and whatever he would give her during the sexual acts that they engaged in, and she didn’t care if it was Sydney that he thought about as he pressed his body close to her.

  She didn’t give a dam, only that he was in her bed! Only that he would share his body with her in the most private sexual demeaning ways!

  Los Angeles

  Max arranged for Danny to be admitted immediately to the clinic. He had referred a number of his clients there. When the doctor saw Danny, he knew where he last saw this sad young man, but he had no idea that he was the famous celebrity—Danny McCloud.

  Now Danny had been forgotten. T
wo years was a lot of time for a young actor to be out of the public’s eyes.

  The plastic surgeon operated the next day. Danny couldn’t wait to see his new face but he had to be patient. The doctor informed him that he would never look like Danny McCloud again, but he would look even better. How much better could he look, questioned Max? Max wanted Danny not someone the public had to get use to.

  Danny thought it was better to have another face, one he could hide behind. Maybe one day he could go home to Sydney and their children. Max felt Danny had lost his mind. Why wouldn’t he want to see Sydney? She was still his wife.

  He knew everyone thought he was dead, and it was better to let them think so because there was no way to take care of his family. He was broke. His production company was declaring bankruptcy and his whole life as Danny was over. He had to become another person.

  Max sat to Danny’s right in a comfortable lemon colored leather chair in the lavish room in the clinic that Max had paid to keep Danny comfortable. He lay quiet with bandages wrapped around his face with oval slits for eyes and mouth.

  “Danny you are making a wrong decision to disappear out of your family’s life. Sydney had a baby and I’m sure it’s tough to raise all those young children alone.”

  “Jeremy will help her.”

  “What about his life? Doesn’t he have a right to a wife and children? What you are doing is plain selfish.” Danny turned his back.

  It was hard enough thinking about the solution, but to have to face it, made it more difficult for Danny. Max never pulled his punches when it came to Danny. He thought of him as his son. A son he never had.

  “Max let me think, I can’t think with you sitting like a hawk standing over me waiting for the wrong move.”

  “You have already made the wrong move by deciding not to return to your family. I never thought you were a coward.” With that said Max left Danny to his thoughts and lumbered out of the room.

  Danny’s doctor walked in as Max exited. “Well how is my patient?”

  “Not good,” Danny admitted.

  “Just wait until you see the face I created for you,” The surgeon exclaimed rubbing his hands together as if he were a chef that had created a delicious meal. “All the scars will be gone and you will be more handsome than before if that’s possible Mr. McCloud.”

  “How did you know my name?”

  “Max is a friend, and don’t worry I’m your doctor. That’s why all my patients have their own quarters. And that’s why it is so dam expensive.” He laughed, looked at Danny’s chart, “Tomorrow the bandages come off.” He extended his hand and Danny reached for it and shook the doctor’s hand. The surgeon waved and left.

  The bandages had become a way to hide and now they were to reveal a new face. He would have another face but it would still be him inside the mask. How was he to run from himself? What was he to do? He lay awake all night looking for a way out and fearing the morning. Danny finally dozed off. The early morning air and sun woke him and he had to face the day.

  The doctor strolled in with a smile and with his staff. He had to show off his creation. Danny felt as if he was the Frankenstein monster with everyone looking on and in wonder of what was to be revealed this morning.

  The nurse carefully peeled away the bandages. First revealing the forehead and the doctor declaring that it was excellent; then the eyes, a smile came from the nurse, which was good. Then the chin, lips and full face, everyone in the room gasped. They clapped and cheered. Danny could tell that every thing was great because the females in the room began staring at him and smiling unlike he had not seen since he was twenty and before the accident.

  “I gave you a new face and took a few years off for good measures. You are almost thirty but you look twenty.” The nurse walked around and handed him a mirror.

  Danny was in shock. A broad smile covered his face. He could now face the world again. “Mr. McCloud, do you want me to recommend a Psychiatrist?”

  “I don’t need one. I think I can handle being someone else. You did a great job.”

  “Indeed I did.” The doctor left Danny to his new face. He couldn’t believe how the doctor had erased the signs of scars and changed the texture of his skin. He even put a cleft in his chin. There would be no way anyone would know who he is. He would take baby steps before he went home.

  Danny began to think about his family. He had all day to think about what to do. Although his face had changed, his voice and eyes remained the same. He could disguise his voice because he’s an actor and that’s what actors do—pretend they are someone else. Now he had the acting job of his life. He would drop his English and Scottish accent and take on an American accent, or until he could return home to be with his wife.

  * * *

  Arriving at Max’s office to surprise him, Danny strutted: cocky, impetuous, brash, and youthful. He smiled and whispered in the secretary’s ear, that Max had agreed to see him.

  She gazed into his eyes and face in a dream state and opened the door to Max’s office. Danny strode in. Max looked up then his head fell back to the papers he was reading.

  “Make it fast, have you any legitimate stage, screen or television credits, anything else, don’t waste my time.” Then he looked up before Danny said a word. “You have a good look. I have a job for you. There’s something about you that remind me of another actor. His name is Danny McCloud. Can you do an English accent?” Max stated tapping his pen on paper.

  “Yes, I think I can pull that off. You said I reminded you of Danny McCloud? What about me reminded you of him?”

  “It’s the eyes. When he was your age and I’m assuming you are about twenty, he had that same innocent look in his eyes almost the same color, kind of vulnerable, easy to get hurt, brooding.” Max paused, “God I miss him, made me a lot of money. He was like my own son.”

  “Maybe I can take his place?’

  “No one can take his place!” Max slammed the pen down on his desk. “He had something and you can’t bottle or duplicate what he had, you just can’t.” He shook his head side to side.

  “Give me a chance; maybe I can replace the great Danny McCloud.”

  “Did you hear me boy, no one can take his place.” And Max put his head down.

  “Max it’s me. It’s Danny.” Max stood and stared.

  “Come here let me see.” He held Danny’s hands and looked again then he realized that it was indeed Danny. “Oh My God Danny it’s you.”

  “Max I think I’m going to stay in California, at least for now.”

  “That’s a great idea and we can get you working as soon as possible. You need a new name. It won’t take me long to come up with something. I want you in here tomorrow and then we can begin to plan a comeback, but a comeback as a younger man. You know you have that look when you first came to my office, only you’re not scared. This may work in your favor. A twenty something looking star with the experience of a seasoned actor. That will work.”

  “I want to stay in my house if I still own it.”

  “You know you can stay with me if you like. Sydney wouldn’t sell that house. She has been keeping it up.” He smiled. “If you want to stay there, after all, it’s your home and you have a right to be there.”

  “I need a job and the sooner I can get to work the better.” He stared at Max and Max knew what was coming next.

  “Sydney is in France,” he said.

  Danny paced in front of his desk. He fiddled with the pen on Max’s desk and began stabbing the paper. “No, it’s not what you’re thinking Danny. Jeremy married a curator who sells his paintings. Her name is Nadia Brule.”

  “That’s curious; the man I worked for in Brazil is named Brule. I wonder if they’re related. Well… I’m not going back, so that’s that.” He took a deep breath. I think I’ll drive out to my home. Max can you get me a car?”

  “I have a job for you and you can get your own car once you land that job.”

  “You never make it easy for me do you?” />
  “I just want you to be all you can be. Now get out and I’ll see you tomorrow.” Max put his head down and gestured for Danny to leave. Raising his head before Danny made it to the door, he handed him a key to his home and his own car. “You’ll probably need this. There are workmen there to upkeep the property. Tell them I sent you. I had to hire new people.

  I’ll send a document to Sydney that I have someone supervising the upkeep of her property. She won’t know. Why your mother wouldn’t recognize you with that face. Hum… Nicholas Grant, that’s a good name for you.”

  Danny left Max’s office and headed to the Hollywood hills. All the sounds and smell of the air took him back in time; a time when he was a different man and so jealous of Sydney that he almost ruined their lives. His heart quickened as he neared his home. The house was still as beautiful as ever with the lush green lawn and flowers. The gardeners were planting sunflower plants. He laughed as he thought about the argument he and Sydney had about planting those flowers. He thought they would eventually take over the place and they did, yet he tried to make her happy. He even had the house redecorated because Sydney declared that she would never set foot in there again.

  He tried to sell it but had no takers because of the falling home prices and the movie business was precarious. His companies almost bankrupt him. That was one reason he found himself on a plane to Brazil.

  The gate opened and he drove into the long scenic driveway, and stopped at the front door. The caretaker met him and introduced him self. They talked as Manuel opened the door to his home and he stepped inside.

  “My name is Nicholas, call me Nick.”

  “Yes, I know I received an e-mail from Max. If you need anything call me.”

  Manuel closed the door behind Danny. Danny started the climb up the stairs and to his bedroom. He wondered what kind of memories awaited him at the top of the stairs. Each step caused him to smile. He remembered when Sydney walked in on him and a girl left over from the party he had the night before. He didn’t know she was in his bed. It was the first time they cursed at each other. She was so jealous. She paid him back by flirting with all the men at a party the next night at Phillip’s Malibu beach home.


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