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The Unwritten Rules, naked coed exhibitionists

Page 1

by Ardor

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  The Unwritten Rules

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Bonus Chapter!

  The History of

  My other tittles available on Amazon for the Kindle:

  An Book

  May 2012

  Published by

  Copyright (c) 2012 by Ardor

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the publisher.

  This book is a work of fiction. All people, places and events are fictitious. Any similarity to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. Further more this ebook is meant for adults only. It contains sexually explicit material. Please do not allow minors access to material they are not old enough to understand.

  This ebook was written and published by the author. Please don’t pirate it. I’m not a huge corporation that can absorb losses. I’m one person who works hard and spends a lot of time and effort to write the best story that I can for my readers. If you give away my work or get it for free you are taking money out of my pocket; money that I use to support myself, and my writing. If you’ve received this book for free please go to and buy a copy so that I can continue to bring you more of my work.

  Thank you,


  The Unwritten Rules

  By Ardor

  Chapter 1

  I had sent my application into Blanke Schande College before I went to France on a special summer of the arts program. It was a prestigious program that meant non stop studying, hours and hours a day of life drawing, anatomy classes and more hard work then I thought possible. The program offered some of the world's best artists as teachers though so it was more then worth all the hard work. I had hoped between the honor of being accepted into the summer program and the fact that I had graduated in the top ten percent of my high school class that I could get some sort of special exemption.

  After the letter of recommendation I got from the head of arts program every school I applied to practically begged me to attend. I was hoping that BSC would feel the same way but three days until the end of the program and I still hadn't heard a thing from them.

  I had almost given up and resigned myself to my second choice when I got a phone call at three in the morning from my mother. Blanke Schande had accepted me after all. My Mother wasn't happy and didn't understand why I'd want to go to "that school" but she knew better then to keep the letter of acceptance from me. I have to go almost directly to school once I landed back in the US. I would have just enough time to pack, get a night of sleep and drive out to school the next day.

  The last few days of the program I could hardly contain myself. I spent the flight home going over in my mind the things I wanted to pack. When I got home it was my Mom that finally brought me down to earth. She asked me a hundred times if I was sure this was the school I wanted to go to. I told her yes again and again until her relentless questioning started to make me angry.

  Not wanting to get into an argument before leaving I looked at her sincerely and said, "Mom I've told you a hundred times why I want to go to this school. If you won't believe me then do the research for yourself, maybe then you'll understand, just don't ruin this for me, please."

  She looked back at me unhappily and then smiled and said, "Fine, but if you're so into this school why are you still dressed?"

  "Huh?" I asked unsure of what she meant.

  "If you're so eager to get naked, Joanie, why wait until tomorrow?" She asked with an annoying I told you so grin.

  "Mother what are you trying to prove?" I asked suspiciously.

  "If you can't spend one evening naked, with your mother, how are you going to spend the next four years naked with hundreds, no thousands, of total strangers at that school?" She asked with her hands on her hips.

  I just shrugged my shoulders and started to take off my clothes. When I was completely naked I looked her right in the eye and said, "Satisfied?"

  "Almost," she said with a smug smile, "now I'd like you to present for me."

  I looked at her shocked and asked, "Where did you hear about..."

  "You didn't think I knew about that, huh? It was in the brochure from, that school." She said rolling her eyes. "Now let's see it. Lay down, spread your legs and show me your cunt baby."

  "Mom!" I said shocked that she would talk to me that way.

  "Well, what do you think's gonna happen when you get out there Joanie? Do you really think you're gonna be treated with any respect. Not only are you stark naked all the time but just by asking anyone can see straight up inside you. No boy is going to respect a girl like that. You'll wind up being nothing more then a sex toy for a group of immature, horny, young perverts."

  "It's not like that Mom, I swear." I said near tears.

  "Yeah, sure it's not. I'm still not seeing any pink. What are you waiting for?" Mom asked with a smug look and her hands back on her hips.

  The way she stared at me so self-righteously gave me the strength to do it. I walked over to my bed, laid down on my back facing her and spread my legs wide showing her my vagina.

  "Anything else?" I asked angrily.

  "No," she said in disgust, "that's just the way I want to remember my only daughter before she leaves for slut school. I'm glad your father's no longer with us. This would've killed him. When you get some sense in your head put some clothes on and come down for dinner. Tomorrow we can call one of the respectable schools that practically begged you to enroll."

  Then she walked out in a huff and left me laying there on my bed with my legs spread. I rolled over on my side, brought my knees up to my chest and hugged myself.

  "It's not like that," I thought to myself, "I just know it's not like that."

  After that little scene I started to doubt myself though. I had to know for sure before I left. I hadn't packed my laptop yet so I decided to scour the college website for anything that would prove Mom wrong. In too much of a hurry to get dressed I just opened my laptop and turned it on. After surfing to the site I looked around for anything that would help. The website made it all look almost wholesome. Sure the girls were naked but they all looked so clean and friendly. It reminded me a lot of some of the naturist websites I've seen. Well except, of course, for the fact that all the guys were dressed.

  I clicked on the student services link and saw something that I hadn't noticed before. There was a link titled, "Special Services for Female BSC Students." That brought up a box that asked for my social security number and date of birth. It seemed kind of high security but not only was I curious about what was on the other side of that security but I was getting desperate to prove my mother wrong.

  I put in my social, my date of birth and hit enter. This quickly brought up another page that I hadn't seen before. There was a long list of links for everything from academic planning to financial aid. There was a section for incomi
ng students that seemed to be what I was looking for. In that there was a link that gave the psychology of the female nudity rule and a link to a list of the classic presenting positions complete with pictures.

  As I clicked through the poses I looked at the girls closely. They didn't look unhappy or victimized. They also didn't look like slutty porn stars either. Oh, the pictures were sexy, with some of the poses that was just impossible to avoid, but even when spread wide open the girls all seemed to somehow retain a wholesomeness to them. They looked cute and sweet. Almost as if they were saying, yeah, this is my body, so what?

  Was I rationalizing though? What would my Mom say if she saw these pictures? I sighed in frustration. I just didn't know anymore. I navigated back to the main page and looked through the list of links for something that might be more useful. Somewhere towards the bottom I saw a link titled, "Incoming Freshman Support Chat-room." I clicked on it and a window popped up with a progress bar. Once it reached one hundred percent a large image loaded on the left.

  Apparently it was a video chat-room. The large image showed the side view of a naked woman sitting behind a clear plastic, or glass, desk talking to someone out of camera that must have been standing right in front of her.

  She looked up at whoever it was, smiled and said, "Yeah." Then she looked down at her breasts, cupped and lifted both of them while casually strumming her thumbs across her nipples. Then she looked back up, smiling at whoever it was and said, "They're hard almost all the time. An occupational hazard I guess." She let go of her boobs and shrugged making them jiggle and asked, "Now what were you looking for? Oh yes, hang on, it's right here."

  She got up out of her chair and went over to a file cabinet. Her back was to me now but I could see her from head to toe. She was stark naked and didn't seem to care in the slightest.

  She opened the top drawer on the cabinet and took out some papers. When she was done she closed the drawer but either it was well greased or she just pushed to hard because it slammed closed and the whole cabinet shook.

  A stack of books and some small boxes fell over. She cursed and then handed the papers to whomever was on the other side of her desk and then started to clean up the mess.

  She sort of squatted down with her feet about shoulder width apart. I could tell she was still naked but I couldn't see more then her back. She leaned forward to get something in front of her and her butt came up, her cheeks separated and I saw everything.

  It was so unexpected and shocking that I gasped loudly. She stopped what she was doing, looked around and then looked back at me over her shoulder. She smiled and said, "Thank god, I thought I was hearing voices for a second there."

  She put the stack of books back on top of the file cabinet and then grabbed her chair and pulled it up to the camera. Sitting down in front of the camera I could only see her from the waist up. She smiled at me and said, "Hi I'm Tammy Lambardo. I see you're already naked. Are you thinking of applying for next year?"

  I suddenly remembered the built in web-cam and microphone on my laptop. She could see and hear me as clearly as I could see her!

  "I, um, actually am registered for this year. I'm leaving for the school tomorrow morning." I said nervously.

  "That's unusual. We generally don't admit students after the school year has begun. What's your name?"

  "Joan Harper, I only got my letter of acceptance a few days ago." I said worried now that I might have screwed things up somehow.

  She swiveled her chair to her right and reached back to the see through desk I saw her sitting at when I first entered the chat room. I couldn't help but look at her body as she stretched out in front of the camera. Her breasts moved on her chest as she angled her body to try and reach back. Still not able to reach whatever it was she needed her butt lifted out of the chair and her left leg came up.

  All her weight was on her right leg now and her left must have been hooked under the desk to keep her from falling over. I couldn't see it below her knee. What I could see clear as day was her pussy.

  She was clean shaven and her lips were slightly spread. I gasped again and she looked back at me and smiled. Then she stretched a little father bringing her pussy up closer to the center of my screen and snatched a folder off her desk. Sitting back into her chair and facing me she smiled again and said, "Sorry about that. I didn't mean to flash the gash but when you've been naked as long as I've been you don't even think about it."

  "H-how long have you been naked?" I asked as she looked through papers in the folder.

  She stopped looking at the folder, cocked her head, looked upwards as she was doing the math in her head and then said, "Oh, about eight or nine years now I think."

  "Wow, you haven't worn clothes in nine years!" I said shocked.

  "Well, maybe a coat here and there when I have to go off campus, and one time when my husband took me to this fancy restaurant I wore this gorgeous evening gown that was almost as good as naked. Other then that nope, not a thing." She looked dreamy eyed for a second, laughed and then said, "That dress had me so horny I blew him in the restaurant and fucked him in the parking lot."

  "Oh!" I said shocked that she would admit something like that to a stranger.

  "Sorry sweetie," she said with a laugh, "I keep shocking you don't I? You'll get used to us lifers. We're naked mentally as well as physically. Nothing to hide, nothing to be ashamed of that's our motto."

  "Wow," I said impressed, "I don't know if I could be that open."

  "After a while you don't even think about it. You'll see once you get here." She said looking through her folder.

  "That's kind of why I'm online actually." I said feeling a little ashamed.

  "Yeah? Oh, hang on, here you are." She said pulling some papers out of her folder and looking through them. "Hmm, we sent you your acceptance letter weeks ago... Well, you're the impressive one, aren't you? No wonder they gave you an exemption. Graduated at the top of your class... Honor student, and look at this recommendation from nothing less then the Pantheon-Sorbonne in Paris!" She said looking at me over her papers. "Very, very, impressive..."

  "Thanks, I worked very hard for those honors," I said feeling myself blush just a little.

  "I'm sure you did. So why aren't you here now?" She asked putting the folder down and looking at me through the camera.

  "Well, I just flew back from Paris today. I'm leaving for BSC early tomorrow morning but, um, my Mom found out about presenting and, well..."

  I couldn't look at her as I spoke. Here was this beautiful woman completely naked and totally unashamed. Just asking this question made me feel bad but I had to know. I had to be sure.

  "She said if I went to BSC I'd be nothing but a naked sex toy. She called me a slut and said no boy would ever respect me... It's, not really like that, is it?"

  "Oh honey," she said with a sympathetic look on her face, "it's nothing like that I promise you. If anything you'll get more respect from the boys here then you will at any other school."

  "Really? But how when they can..."

  "I'll tell you our secret," Tammy said interrupting me, "you know how some girls say they're sisters while in reality they're just catty little bitches?"

  "Yeah." I said with a smirk having known more than a few of those types in my day.

  "Well, here we really are sisters. What you do to one of us, you do to all of us. The last thing any guy wants is to be surrounded by thousands of naked women that won't even look at him." Tammy said with a cat ate the canary grin.

  I couldn't help giggle to myself as I said, "I'm sure."

  "So if one of the guys, no matter who it is, steps out of line you tell one of your sisters. It'll be all over campus before he can take another breath. Here's the thing though," she said looking at me very seriously, "make sure you report what happened honestly and exactly the way it happened. If it's been found out that you lied, exaggerated in any way you could get expelled for it."

  "I would never do that I promise," I said with my eyes

  "I'm sure you wouldn’t," Tammy said with a friendly smile, "it's all besides the point really. The seniors usually keep an eye on things to make sure there're no problems. They explain the unwritten rules to the freshman and generally keep everyone in line."

  "Unwritten rules?" I asked wondering what they might be.

  Tammy just smiled at me and said, "Don't worry about it. It'll all make sense once you get here." Then she looked back at her papers and said, "In fact by the time Stacy is done with you it'll make so much sense you won't even understand the outside world anymore."

  "Stacy?" I asked wondering if I should know who she was.

  "Stacy Perchanski is a grad student, one of our brightest and a really sweet girl, she's volunteered to room with you since you're coming in late. She'll fill you in on everything you need to know."

  "Oh, cool." I said happily.

  "You OK now honey?" Tammy asked concerned.

  "Yeah," I said with a sincere smile, "I just didn't realize that being naked could get so complicated."


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