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The Unwritten Rules, naked coed exhibitionists

Page 2

by Ardor

  "It really isn't, you'll see, once you get here. Which I hope you'll still be doing?" Tammy said hopefully.

  I laughed and said, "I'll be there, don't worry. Probably around two or three o'clock tomorrow."

  "Great, do you know where the admissions office is?" Tammy asked.

  "Yeah, I have a map of the campus."

  "OK, then I'll look forward to seeing you tomorrow."

  Chapter 2

  After shutting down my laptop I looked around my room and saw that just about everything I needed was packed. There wasn't much really. My art supplies made up the bulk of it. After that it was just a few boxes of personal stuff, some toiletries and my make up. That was it, being naked really simplified things.

  I took three huge suitcases of clothes with me to Paris and that was just for a few months. There would be twice that coming with me to school if I going to a "normal" college.

  I closed my laptop feeling a little better about things. That is until I realized that I still had to tell my mother I was going to BSC despite her disapproval. I pictured the fight and the name calling that was probably headed my way and wanted to curl up again.

  Then I thought of Tammy and her motto, nothing to hide, nothing to be ashamed of, and decided I was going to be as much like her as I could. What was the point of going to Blanke Schande College if I couldn't embrace it's philosophy. Not to mention that the best way to make Mom believe I was serious would be to boldly walk downstairs naked as could be.

  I cupped both my boobs, lifted them up, looked down at them and said, "Come on girls, looks like you're hitting prime time."

  Then I put my laptop with the other things that were coming with me to school and walked out of my room, naked. I walked down the hallway, naked, and I walked down the stairs, naked.

  Although, that last part was a little weird. I don't usually go bra-less so I wasn't used to the way my boobs bounced as I walked down the steps. I actually had to slow down a little to keep them from bouncing out of control.

  I cupped both my boobs again, looked at them and said, "Looks like we're gonna have to get to know each other all over again." Then I laughed at myself and thought, "If I keep talking to my boobs people are gonna think I'm nuts. They'll probably send me to the booby hatch."

  I laughed at my stupid joke, more out of nervousness then anything else probably, and smiled all the way down into the living room where I ran smack into my mother and Dean Bennett.

  Dean was my boyfriend through most of my senior year of high school. He was sweet and very handsome but not terribly smart. If it wasn't for our study sessions I don't know if he would have made it out of high school. In fact he was trying to pick up his GPA in community college so he could get into a better school.

  It ended as well as it could and frankly I was relieved because he was starting to get on my nerves. He didn't get my art, no matter how many times I explained things to him, and sometimes, when we were out together it felt more like baby-sitting then dating.

  He was handsome, popular, and I couldn't bring myself to break up with him so close to the end of the year. So I stuck it out, helped him get through exams and before I left for Paris I broke up with him as gently as I could. Now here he was standing in our living room and here I was staring at him stark naked and dumbfounded.

  "Joan, I thought you were getting dressed!" My mother said with a shocked expression.

  "I'm going to Blanke Schande Mother. So if I can't spend an evening naked with you, and apparently my ex-boyfriend, how am I going to do it for the next four years?" I asked angrily.

  "You can't be serious Joanie." Mom asked stunned.

  "What's going on?" Dean asked trying not to look at my boobs and failing.

  "My daughter is a slut and she's throwing her life away. That's what's going on here." Mom said angrily.

  "I don't believe that, not for a second." Dean said shocking Mom into silence. "Joanie is one of the smartest people I know. She wouldn't do that, she wouldn't act that way."

  Did I tell you he was sweet or didn't I? He didn't even know what was going on and he believed in me. Why couldn't my own Mother have half that much faith in me?

  "Now what the heck is black sand?" Dean asked looking like a confused puppy.

  I almost laughed but managed to restrain myself.

  "Blanke, Schande, College, Dean." I said slowly and clearly. "It's a small prestigious college upstate and I'm leaving for it in the morning."

  "Oh." He said a little disappointed.

  "Don't leave out the best part Joanie." Mom said in an annoying tone of voice. “Tell him why you're naked."

  I sighed and said, "Because the women of BSC don't wear clothes. They're naked all the time. Just like I am now."

  Dean didn't say anything but a slow smile crept across his face.

  "See mother," I said self righteously, "Dean doesn't think it's such a horrible crime to be naked."

  "Well, of course he doesn't," she said angrily, "you're standing there with your tits practically in his face."

  "Mother, why do you have to be so crude?" I asked her.

  "Crude? I'm crude?" She asked like I was crazy. "You're standing there stark naked for anyone to see and I'm the one being crude!"

  "There's nothing crude or obscene about nudity mother. The human body is beautiful. What do you think I spent the last three months in Paris studying? Rotting fruit and potted plants?"

  "So you're not going to get dressed?" She asked in total disbelief.

  "No." I said folding my arms under my breasts not realizing how that would emphasize them until it was to late. "I have nothing to hide and nothing to be ashamed of."

  "We can all see that." My Mother said looking at my breasts and then up to my face. Then she smiled and said, "Since you're being so progressive why don't you let Dean see what he's missing? Ask her to present Dean."

  "Mother!" I said angrily through my teeth.

  "What? You have nothing to be ashamed of and nothing to hide right?"

  "It won't work mother." I said defiantly.

  "W-what's presenting?" Dean asked hesitantly.

  "Um, well, you see Dean." I said trying to figure out a way to break it to him gently.

  "Any girl who goes to this slut school," my mother interrupted, her voice full of venom, "is required to spread her pussy wide open for any guy who wants to see it. All he has to do is ask, isn't that right Joanie."

  "Well, yes," I said looking at Dean who's mouth dropped open, "but she's making it sound so nasty. It's not like that Dean, really."

  "Yeah, right," Mom said angrily, "I'll show you just what it's like."

  She walked up to me in a ridiculous parody of the sleazy guy no girl wants to meet and said, "Hey, nice rack sweet lips. I see your nips are hard so you must be in the mood right?" She laughed obnoxiously and looked at Dean smiling. Dean looked like he was about to have a heart attack and I was so shocked that I couldn't get myself to move. "You know what I'm really in the mood to see?" Mom asked continuing her horrible little play. "A little brown eye, yeah. Why don't you turn around, bend over and spread your ass for us baby?"

  I don't know where it came from but something inside me just snapped.

  "Mother!" I screamed at her angry beyond belief. "If any male on campus even thought about speaking to a BSC woman that way they'd regret it to the very end of their days. Do you really think I'd... OH! You just don't get it!" Then I got right up in her face and said, "And until you do I don't want to see you, I don't want to speak to you, I don't even want to think about you, ever again!"

  Absolutely out of my head with anger I turned around and walked out the front door. As I did I heard Dean say, "You stay here, she needs some time to cool off, I'll go after her. I won't... I'll take good care of her, I promise."

  I was halfway down the front lawn when Dean caught up to me.

  "Joanie, what are you doing? Where are you going?" Dean asked desperately.

  "I don't know but I won't stay in there on
e minute longer with that, that, woman!" I yelled pointing at the house angrily.

  "Joan," Dean said grabbing me by the shoulders and looking me in the eye, "you're naked, you can't walk around the neighborhood like this."

  It was like someone threw a pail of cold water in my face. I looked down at myself and then around me. I was standing in the middle of my front lawn naked as the day I was born. Luckily no one was around. However, everything I owned was upstairs. My money, my car keys, my art supplies, everything.

  "I can't go back in there." I said about to cry.

  "OK." He said pulling out his car keys. He pointed the remote at his car, hit the unlock button and said, "We can sit in my car and figure out what to do next."

  I smiled at him despite my situation and said, "Thanks Dean."

  His car was parked at the end of the driveway which of course meant that I would have to go further out into the world naked. I didn't have much choice and it's something I'd have to get used to anyway so I moved quickly towards his car. If I thought walking downstairs naked was a problem that was only because I hadn't tried moving fast yet.

  My boobs were all over the place. Not wanting to slow down though I just grabbed ahold of them and kept going. When I got up to the car I saw that, in my haste, I had run to the wrong side of the car. Dean had parked too close to my mother's car and I couldn't fit between them to go around.

  I could run back to the house and around the front of my mother's car, around the back of Dean's car or climb over his bumper to get to the passenger side of the car. Climbing seemed the quickest way to safety so I put my foot up on his bumper. As I did I thought about what I must look like. I turned my head to the right to look for Dean.

  I found him sitting behind the wheel of his car. He was looking right at me as I stood there in front of him with one foot up on his bumper and both hands still holding my boobs.

  I froze.

  He looked up my body to my face and we locked eyes for a moment or two. Dean could see all of me from head to toe. I felt myself blush and my nipples harden against my palms.

  "Oh God." I thought not knowing what to do.

  Dean looked down and I saw his right arm moving but because of the dashboard I couldn't see him below the waist. He wasn't...

  Just then the car started to roll slowly backwards and I realized all he had done was take the car out of park. When there was enough room I ran between the cars and over to the passenger side door.

  Dean already had it open so I jumped in and closed the door. I slunk down in the seat and said, "Thanks Dean I don't know what I'd do without you."

  After a moment or two of uncomfortable silence he laughed and said, "You'd be this town's first naked homeless person."

  I laughed back and said, "At least that would make begging for change easier."

  "I'll say! You'd be the richest homeless person in the world." Dean said eagerly.

  "Dean," I said a little shocked at his enthusiasm. "It's not like you haven't seen me naked before."

  "Well, actually," he said looking at me out of the corner of his eye, "I really haven't."

  I looked at him and said, "We has sex in the back seat of this very car."

  "Yeah, but it was dark and neither one of us actually got undressed. You took your panties off but you still had your skirt on. Your blouse was open and your bra pushed up but it wasn't the same as seeing you like I did when you came downstairs, into a well lit room, or just now in front of my car. Or even right this second." He said smiling but not looking at me.

  "Oh." I said suddenly feeling very naked.

  Then I thought about Tammy and all the other women at BSC who were probably just like her.

  "Nothing to hide, nothing to be ashamed of." I said repeating Tammy's motto quietly to myself.

  "What?" Dean asked.

  "Just something one of the BSC women told me. Dean, look at me." I said trying to be strong.

  Slowly he turned his head towards me.

  "So now you know what I look like naked, big deal. In fact," I said about to offer to present for him when I caught some movement out of the corner of my eye.

  I turned to look at the living room window and saw my mother standing there glaring at us. After I made a little grunt of disapproval Dean followed my stare to see what I was looking at. When he saw my mother in the window he turned his head so that he was looking off to his left at the ceiling.

  "Can we get out of here?" I asked Dean.

  "Where do you want to go?" He asked with a nervous laugh.

  "I don't care, anywhere, we can just drive around. We'll come back later, after she's asleep, to get my stuff."

  "Joanie you're naked and I don't even have an oily rag in this car." Dean said concerned.

  "Dean, I'm going to be naked for the next four years. What's the difference if I start right now or tomorrow afternoon?" I asked thinking I was making perfect sense.

  "Because you're allowed to be naked at that wacky college, you're not here." He said looking at me and raising his voice a little.

  "It's not a wacky college." I said folding my arms under my breasts and pouting. "It's a perfectly legitimate institute of higher learning that's very well respected thank you, and if you're gonna start yelling at me like that, woman," I said pointing back at my house, "then I'll just deal with this on my own."

  I started to reach for the door handle but Dean stopped me by saying, "I'm sorry I raised my voice Joanie and I wouldn't ever call you names. I'm sorry I said it was a wacky college. All I meant was that it's not legal to walk around naked out here."

  "Actually, non sexual nudity is technically legal here." I said quietly.

  "You're serious?" He asked unsure.

  "Yep," I said proudly, "the school's web site has a listing of the public nudity laws for every state and city in the country so we can get used to being naked in public if we want."

  "And you're totally OK with everyone seeing you naked?" He asked doubtfully.

  "Yep." I said trying to sound more confident then I really was.

  "I take it back," he said laughing as he started up the car, "the school's not wacky you are."

  "Hey! I thought you weren't gonna call me names?" I asked knowing he was only joking.

  He shrugged and said, "If the shoe fits, well, I guess in your case, don't wear it."

  I gave him a playful slap on the shoulder and smiled at him.

  Chapter 3

  Dean backed the car out of the driveway and started to drive down the street. I could almost feel him looking at me out of the corner of his eye. Waiting for me to tell him to stop and take me back home. I didn't say a word. I just sat there in my seat, tits held high, as we drove through the neighborhood but once we got out on the main road I couldn't help sinking back down in my seat a little.

  Dean looked over at me guiltily and said, "Sorry, I should have stuck to the back roads."

  "No," I said sitting up, "this is my choice and I have to deal with it."

  I sat back up and looked around as we drove. There were a few cars on the road but it was getting dark already and they probably couldn't see much. If I just sat here normally, well as normally as I could, then no one but Dean would probably even know I was sitting here stark naked.

  "Joanie, this is crazy. Let me take you home," Dean said almost pleading, "you can get dressed and forget all about this school."

  "Dean, if you take me home and I'll end up leaving for school tonight after Mom and I have another nasty fight."

  "Why do you even want to go to this school Joan? You're obviously uncomfortable sitting there naked." Dean asked.

  I sighed and decided to be honest with him.

  "I'll admit it's not always easy but BSC isn't just a fantastic school it's a whole new way of thinking. It's a completely different look at how gender roles are played out, at how men and women interact with each other. It's very exciting Dean."

  "You know I hate it when you talk like that." Dean said with an annoyed look.

  I sighed again and said, "I just want to experience something special, something exciting, before I settle down, OK? Does that make sense to you?"

  "Yeah, that I understood, but who are you kidding Joanie? According to your mother every other word out of your mouth has been art, art, art, almost since you were old enough to talk. I guess I don't have to try and pretend anymore that I understand all that symbolism stuff in your art," Dean said looking embarrassed, "but even I can see it's amazing. You're not going to settle down. You're probably going to go on to become the world's most famous naked artist or something."


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