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The Unwritten Rules, naked coed exhibitionists

Page 20

by Ardor

  By the time all this was done she had moved of course so I sketched Ms. Robertson in her new position. She was facing the class and talking about the painting standing in approximately the same position. I got lost in the drawing and was surprised when I looked back up at the front of the class to see she had disappeared. I started to look around when I heard her voice coming from behind me.

  "Ms. Harper those sketches are very flattering but don't you think you should be taking notes for that paper I asked you to write?"

  I looked behind me to see her standing over my shoulder looking down at me.

  "Yes Ma'am, sorry."

  I turned back to my computer pad and closed the drawing program. Then I opened the word processor so I could take notes. As Ms. Robertson went back to her lecture I tried to take notes. The problem was that I had to hold the device with my left hand so I could type with my right hand. It felt awkward and slow.

  I fumbled around with the device trying to get comfortable but not having much luck. Then someone made a noise to my right. When I looked over I saw it was the guy sitting next to me. He held out a little plastic thing to me and whispered, "Here, try this."

  "Thanks." I whispered back with an embarrassed smile as I took it from him.

  I looked over at his desk to see how he had it set up. It was a little stand. I set it down on my desk and then put my computer pad in it. It held the pad at just the right angle enabling me to type with both hands easily using the software keyboard. It was still a little weird but very workable. I turned back to thank my neighbor again but he was looking at Ms. Robertson. He glanced at me briefly and I whispered thanks again. He smiled at me and nodded his head quickly before we both went back to listening to the lecture.

  "Back in 1866 it was quite shocking to depict a woman in this position. Women were painted nude of course but their legs were always closed. The vagina itself was never the subject of a respectable work of art. Believe it or not even in this day and age the painting still has the ability to cause controversy. In 1994 the book, "Adorations Perpetuelles" or "Perpetual Adoration" by Jacques Henric used the painting on its cover. The French police visited bookstores in order to have them remove the book from their windows. In 2009 Catherine Breillat's book "Pornocratie" also used the painting as its cover and this time the police in Portugal actually confiscated the book claiming," Ms. Robertson paused to smile before she continued, "the need to maintain public order."

  The girls in the class all smiled or laughed a little while the guys looked uncomfortable.

  "This was blamed mostly on the misleading title of the book which caused the authorities to believe it was pornography. The painting has also inspired other works of art. Several books were written about the painting, a poster parodying it and a, movie, by Ms. Breillat was said to be inspired by it." Ms. Robertson said the word movie like she was describing something horrible. "It's a mixed up little film with some very unpleasant ideas about male female relationships. However, I did find one thing interesting about it. In the very beginning they go out of their way to state that, in the scene, that was inspired by this painting, the actress did not display her own vagina but a body double was used."

  "Why is that so interesting?" One of the guys up front asked.

  Ms. Robertson rolled her eyes upward and then looked at him and said, "It never fails to amaze me how little you boys know about something you spend so much time focused on."

  Most of the girls in class giggled at that even if a few of us were embarrassed by the idea.

  "The actress was perfectly comfortable being naked; she was perfectly comfortable starring in a sensationalistic movie which, in my opinion, was filled was nonsense and made completely for shock value. What she had a problem with was showing the world a close up of her vagina." Ms. Robertson said to the class. Then she leaned over and looked him right in the eye and said, "You don't find that the least bit interesting?"

  His eyes went straight to her dangling breasts, which were practically in his face. After a few seconds of painful silence he looked up into her eyes and awkwardly said, "Well, um, she wouldn't have lasted very long at BSC that's for sure."

  The whole class got a little laugh out of that one. Even Ms. Robertson smiled as she straightened up.

  "Yes, we don't have body doubles do we girls? It's just us naked for the world to see." Ms. Robertson said standing at the head of the class with her arms outstretched and her chest thrust out in a dramatic gesture. Then putting her arms down she continued her lecture. "And of course we can be asked to show at almost any given point in time. This, in a way, makes a statement similar to this painting." She said pointing behind her to the screen.

  "Not the faculty though." The same guy up front said taking advantage of Ms. Robertson's pause as she refer back to the painting.

  "Excuse me?" Ms. Robertson said the words seeming to catch in her throat as she looked at him surprised.

  "I-I just meant that while the female faculty and staff are naked it's considered very unusual for them to be asked to present so you aren't in quite the same position as the female students." He explained nervously with a slightly fearful look.

  Ms. Robertson looked a tiny bit distressed for a few seconds but then she said, "Mr. Montaine, are you, in some back handed manner, trying to get me to present to the class?"

  I stopped taking notes and looked up at Ms. Robertson, who was staring very intensely at the guy with the big mouth. Then I looked around the room to see the reactions of the class. The guys were looking sheepish but hopeful while the women in the class were all staring at him with daggers in their eyes.

  "Asshole?" A female classmate somewhere on my left said just loud enough to be heard.

  "No, no, ladies. Let Mr. Montaine speak. If he has a point I'd like to hear it." Ms. Robertson said calmly.

  "I wasn't, I didn't, I mean, I wasn't trying anything. All I meant was that you aren't in the same position as the female students so you can't know what it's like to present." He said apologetically.

  Ms. Robertson's face went blank for a second and then she said, "You have a point Mr. Montaine."

  Ms. Robertson walked behind her desk and opened her top drawer. Then she took off her right earring followed by her left and placed them in the drawer.

  "I believe deeply in the principles that this school was founded upon. I won't disrupt those ideals by having anyone think that my, vagina and anus, is any more sacred than any other woman's on campus." Ms. Robertson said hesitating only slightly on the words vagina and anus as she took off her diamond necklace and put it in the drawer. "This will make a slightly more dramatic, presentation, then I had originally planned but it fits into the lecture very well. I will do it just as most of you ladies do, and the subject of the painting has done, completely naked." Ms. Robertson said as she stepped out of her high heels and then reached up to let her hair down.

  Her long brown hair cascaded down around her shoulders giving her an entirely different look. She was still lovely but now she seemed much more obtainable, much less intimidating. She closed the drawer and walked around to the front of her desk and then sat on the edge of it.

  After taking a deep breath she lifted her right foot and placed it on the desk of a student to her right. Then she lifted her left foot and placed it on the desk of a student to her left.

  Ms. Janelle Robertson was now stark naked, spread wide open and suspended in mid air in front of the entire class. Her vagina and anus were plainly visible to all. She looked out at us and in a somewhat shaky voice said, "What Courbet tried to do with his painting was call out the hypocrisy of other works of art. Yes, they painted nudes and alluded to eroticism but they didn't have the nerve to paint what they truly wanted to paint. This," Ms. Robertson said placing her hand between her legs directly on top of her vagina, "is what they were really about yet too cowardly to admit to."

  Ms. Robertson spread her lips slightly with the thumb and finger of her left hand and continued by saying, "For all the t
alk of the beauty of the female form this is what is desired most yet it is hidden out of fear or misguided attempts at morality. So Courbet, put it right in your face where you couldn't avoid it. This is exactly what we do here at Blanke Schande. We demystify the female body. We bring it out in the open in hopes of changing what it means to everyone, both male and female alike. By making the vagina public in a way no one else does we take away the stigma that often surrounds it. We say this is a natural and beautiful part of our bodies that shouldn't be hidden away out of fear or shame. You gentlemen also benefit, in more then the obvious way." Ms. Robertson said with a smile at Mr. Montaine.

  She continued by saying, "By being constantly surrounded by naked women, who will display themselves to you for the asking, the simple naked form becomes almost common place. By the time most of you gentleman become sophomores, or juniors at the latest, you will have learned to look deeper into a woman then the depths of her vagina to the person she truly is.”

  Looking out into the class room at her female students Ms. Robertson said, “You ladies will become comfortable and secure in who, and what, you are. I've known students, both male and female, who say they couldn’t even consider a romantic relationship with someone who hasn't spent enough time here at Blanke Shande to understand our philosophy. It's not the nudity but what we teach those who come here about how to handle themselves that they find invaluable. It's what makes the men and women who graduate from this school stronger and more capable then the students of any other school in the country and maybe even the world."

  Ms. Robertson looked out at the class while holding herself spread open. Then she slowly dragged two fingers of her right hand up the length of her vagina between her lips and over her clitoris as she looked at the boy who had put his foot in his mouth and asked, "Does that satisfy your requirements Mr. Montaine? May I assume I can now speak freely about presenting with some, small bit of, authority?"

  He slunk down in his seat a little and quietly said, "Yes Ma'am."

  "Excellent," Ms. Robertson said with a wide smile as she gave her clit one more rub before she put her feet down and stood up.

  Without pause she went back to her lecture on the painting still displayed on the screen behind her. She talked about brush strokes and composition. She went into the mystery of who the model was and how that may have caused a rift between the artist and his mentor.

  The funny thing was that she seemed to stand in front of the class a little differently. While she was certainly no shrinking violet with her legs clamped tightly together before presenting, now, she did seem to be somehow subtly more at ease with herself and she stood with her legs farther apart when speaking.

  At one point, when she was taking questions from the class, she sat on the edge of her desk again with her legs far enough apart that the lips of her vagina opened up a little. You couldn't really see inside her but it did give quite a tantalizing view. I caught several of the guys in class trying to discreetly reposition themselves. I couldn't help but wonder how many of them would be looking for relief or wind up running to the bathroom after class.

  When the guy to my right, the one who had lent me the stand for my computer pad, reached down to readjust himself my eye caught the movement and out of reflex I turned my head. After seeing his hand his between his legs I looked up to his face. He looked at me, blushed and quickly took his hand out of from between his legs. Our eyes locked unable to look away for a few strained seconds until I caught him glancing down at my breasts. Panicked I quickly turned back to my notes.

  "Oh god," I thought, "he isn't going to ask me for relief is he?"

  I looked at the little stand under my computer pad and wondered if he'd think that meant I owed him or something.

  Then Ms. Robertson said, "OK people, I think that will do for today. Read chapters three and four in your textbook and be prepared to talk intelligently about the impact of the realistic portrayal verses the abstract portrayal of the human body in a work of art."

  As Ms. Robertson was speaking everyone started to put away his or her stuff and get up to leave. I saved my notes and powered down my computer pad. As I was putting it in my backpack I took a quick glance over at the guy who lent me the stand. He was looking at me like he had something to say and another quick glance told me he was still hard as a rock.

  I stood up out of my seat and then bent over to get the towel I was sitting on. Oh God, I could feel my tits swaying with every movement. They were all over the place and I couldn't do a thing about it. I was sure his eyes were tracking every movement they made even though I didn't have the nerve to look.

  I had my backpack on the seat of the desk I was sitting in and I had just finished putting my towel in the little holder at the side when I felt him step up to me. I was freaking out on the inside but somehow on the outside I managed to barely keep my cool. I looked up at him and as he was about to say something I quickly held out the stand and said, "Thanks for the loan it really saved my, um, butt."

  "Oh god, why did I say butt?" I thought.

  "You can keep that. I buy them by the dozen. I loose them all the time so I always carry extras." He said with a little laugh.

  "I couldn't." I said uncomfortably still holding it out to him.

  "Don't worry about it, really. I get 'em cheap." He said with an awkward smile.

  "Oh that's a relief." I said the last word catching in my throat.

  "That's kind of what I wanted to ask you about." He said looking a little uncomfortable. "I mean if you have time and are..."

  My mind panicked and went into overdrive.

  "I'd love to, really, but, I'm late! No time now. Maybe next week or something, OK?"

  "Yeah, sure." He said stunned.

  I smiled back and grabbed my stuff and took off saying, "See you next week."

  It wasn't until I was halfway down the hall that I realized that not only did I say I'd love to give him relief but that I might do it for him next week!

  Chapter 16

  Totally distracted by what just happened I kept walking down the hall, making left and right turns without thinking, until I realized that I didn't know where I was. I stopped and looked around feeling lost in more ways than one until I heard a voice from behind me ask, "Are you all right Miss?"

  I turned to see a short grandfatherly man in a rumpled suit standing by a doorway smiling at me warmly.

  "I, um, wasn't paying attention to where I was going and now I'm kind of lost." I admitted feeling stupid.

  "No problem, happens all the time, where were you heading my dear?" He asked with a friendly smile.

  "I, um," I said stumbling suddenly realizing I wasn't even sure what my next class was, "I'm not sure."

  "Are you sure you're just lost my dear? There isn't anything wrong is there?" He asked concerned.

  I looked at his friendly, concerned, face and he seemed so fatherly and sweet that I just let the real problem slip out of my mouth before I knew what I was saying.

  "I think I just accidentally agreed to give one of my classmates relief next week."

  "Oh, I see, I see, and this classmate was one of our young men I take it?" He asked in a kindly manner.

  "Yes." I said and then bit my lip and felt my eyes start to tear up.

  "Oh my dear," he said patting my arm gently, "there's no need for that, none at all. Why don't you tell me all about it and we'll get this sorted out right away."

  "I, well you see, I was in Art History class when..."

  "Is something the matter Professor Burns?" A well dressed man in his thirties asked as he came up to us with another gentleman who looked slightly older.

  "Ms.?" Professor Burns asked looking at me questioningly.

  "Harper, sir." I said quietly.

  "Yes, Ms. Harper was just telling me about a situation she's found herself in. It seems a male student has asked her for relief." He said looking at the man seriously.

  "And you agreed to this?" The well dressed man asked me with a disapp
roving look.

  "Yes, well no, I mean, I didn't mean to. I just sort of accidentally agreed to it."

  "This is very serious breach of the Blanke Schande code of conduct. Do you realize that you could be expelled for such behavior? Didn't you pay attention during orientation?" He asked harshly.

  "But I didn't go to orientation." I said feeling my eyes begin to well up again.

  "That's the weakest lie of all," he said in disgust, "you, young lady, are coming with me to the Dean's office!"

  He grabbed me by the elbow and tried to lead me off but Professor Burns stopped him and said, "Now see here! We don't even know the full story. You could be needlessly causing an innocent young lady to miss her classes for no good reason. Common sense demands that you at least allow her to explain herself before convicting her of the crime."


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