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The Unwritten Rules, naked coed exhibitionists

Page 21

by Ardor

  The well dressed man let go of my elbow and crossed his arms over his chest. He looked at me very unhappily and said, "Well then, what's your story."

  I couldn't have felt more naked and vulnerable then I did under the gaze of this horrible man. It took all my strength and will power not to cover myself under his gaze as he looked down on me.

  His friend wasn't much better but at least he didn't try to drag me off to who knows where. Professor Burns still had a kind look on his face and it seemed like he was sort of on my side.

  "Go on my dear, now tell us exactly what happened." Professor Burns said.

  I opened my mouth and tried to speak but I couldn't get a sound to come out.

  "This is ridiculous she's obviously guilty otherwise she'd have no problem telling us what happened." The well dressed man said.

  "We're trying to take a test in here. What are you yelling about Gibson?" A female voice to my right asked.

  "Ah, perfect, a voice of reason. Lenore, please, come help me." Professor Burns said furiously waving her over.

  I looked to see a naked woman of about forty standing in the doorway of a classroom across the hall. She was short, probably just a bit over five feet tall, she had mid length red hair and a pleasant face. She looked unhappily at the well dressed man who's name was obviously Gibson. Then she turned back to her class and said, "Jerry, keep an eye on the class for me I'll be back as soon as I can."

  She stomped over to us, breasts bouncing with each angry step, and asked in a hushed but angry tone, "What, is, going on?"

  "Ms. Harper was telling me about a problem she's having when Professor Torquemada here needlessly scared the voice right out of her." Professor Burns told her.

  Lenore looked at me and then at Mr. Gibson.

  "She's agreed to give a male student relief." Gibson said to her in his defense."

  "But I didn't mean to," I said my eyes starting to water again, "I just panicked and didn't know what to do. Words just came out of my mouth and I didn't know what they meant until after I had said them."

  "OK, OK, shhhhhh." Lenore said pulling me to her in a hug. "Now you listen to me Dick, this is the last time I will tell you, this is not a correctional institution this is a college. You are supposed to be a professor of higher learning not a warden looking for any opportunity to lay down judgment. Especially when you don't even bother to hear the facts! We have good students in this school." She said gently caressing the back of my head. "Some of them just need a little guidance now and then." Then with some venom in her voice she said, "I'm going to have a little chat with our department head and if you're not very careful from this exact moment on the only place you'll find employment, is at Treamont."

  My head was on Lenore's shoulder but I looked up in enough time to see Gibson's eyes go wide. Then he just huffed and he, and his friend, walked away.

  Lenore stroked the back of my head and asked, "There, now, are you OK?"

  I pulled away just far enough to look her in the eye and say, "Yeah, I guess, but, what is Treamont?"

  Lenore smiled at me and said, "Treamont College is sort of like Blanke Schande except that it used to be an all girl's school. The difference there is that it's the small percentage of men and boys that are naked at Treamont."

  I couldn't help giggle a little at the idea of stuffy Mr. Gibson being forced to teach at Treamont College. Lenore, and even Professor Burns, laughed with me.

  The tension being broken Lenore said, "Now, why don't you tell us what happened."

  "Yes, yes, let's go sit down in my classroom and talk like civilized people," Professor Burns said, "and you should have a cup of that lovely tea you girls are always drinking. That will make you feel better."

  We all went into Professor Burns' classroom and sat down. I told them how I had a special exemption to start school a week late so I really had missed orientation. Then I told them the entire story of what happened in class including Ms. Robertson's presentation and how she displayed herself throughout it.

  "Oh, well, a woman like Ms. Robertson presenting like that could get even my old fella out of retirement." Professor Burns joked. "I can imagine what effect it would have on a young man."

  "Perhaps, but he should still be spoken to." Lenore said with a tilt of her head and a smile at Professor Burns.

  "Well, of course, of course, but it sounds like he got a bit worked up and gotten the wrong idea from somewhere. It didn't seem like he was being abusive." Professor Burns said thoughtfully.

  "Do you know the boy's name?" Lenore asked me.

  "No." I said with an embarrassed look.

  "He was sitting one seat over to your right, correct?" Lenore asked me.

  I shook my head yes and she said, "I'll stop by Janelle’s office later today and we'll figure out who he is. I'm also going to have to tell Ms. Astamendi about this little incident."

  My eyes went wide and my mouth dropped open at the mention of Ms. Astamendi's name.

  "Oh..." I said worried about what that might mean.

  Lenore smiled, put a comforting hand on my arm and said, "Don't worry, she'll know just how to prepare you for these kinds of situations. This young man on the other hand..." She said with a little shake of her head.

  "Is he gonna get in trouble?" I asked in a soft voice.

  "Don't you worry my dear everything will be just fine I promise you." Professor Burns said reassuringly.

  "Yes, someone will have a little chat with him that's all. He needs to understand that what he did was inappropriate and isn't allowed here at BSC. You can't just walk up to a stranger and ask for sexual relief here anymore then you could anywhere else and certainly not in public!" Lenore said firmly.

  "That's just not cricket as the British like to say." Professor Burns said with a fatherly smile.

  I don't know why but that struck me as funny. I giggled a little and he said, "There, that's more like it. I like to see our young ladies smiling and happy. You don't worry one more moment about this and you listen to Ms. Astamendi young lady. She knows how to deal with these kinds of things." He said with a little wave of his finger.

  "OK Lenard I think she's had enough for one day." Lenore said to Professor Burns. Then she turned to me and asked, "Did you have another class today or would you like me to find someone to walk you back to the dorms?"

  "Oh, I do have another class. It's um..."

  I felt stupid and had to reach down for my backpack. I got out my schedule, looked at it and said, "Design 101 with Fumiko Mori but it doesn't start for another forty-five minutes."

  "You could stay here with me if you like." Professor Burns offered.

  "Well, um, I kinda promised some friends that I would go get something to eat before my next class. So I really should go to the cafeteria and get some lunch."

  "I'm afraid all I could offer you is half of a liverwurst sandwich." Professor Burns said regretfully.

  "I think you should head out to the cafeteria as you planned." Lenore said with a smile.

  "Thank you Professor Burns but, um... I think I'll go to the cafeteria." I said with an uneasy smile.

  "That's quite alright my dear I think it'll do you some good. You go get yourself a nice healthy lunch." He said with a laugh.

  I packed up my thermos, put everything away and after making sure I was OK they pointed me in the direction of the cafeteria.

  I did feel a little more naked then I did an hour ago not to mention more then a little vulnerable but it was nice to know that my Mother was wrong about this place. I can't even imagine what she would put me through if I came home with that story as my excuse for leaving.

  Thinking of my Mother's attitude about the school only made me more determined to stick it out. So, with purpose in my step, I walked out of the building into the bright sunlight and on to the cafeteria.

  It was still nice out but now that it was past noon it had warmed up a lot. Being naked I was still pretty comfortable though. I wondered how the guys were dealing with the weat
her. I looked around to see that most of them not only had their school stuff to carry but now they had a sweat shirt or light jacket that they were toting around. I smiled to myself as all I had was my light little backpack and my comfortable naked self.

  It wasn't long though until all the tea I had drank caught up to me. Professor Burns was right. A nice warm cup of tea did make me feel better but now I had to pee like a race horse.

  I saw a bathroom coming up just a little farther down the path. It wasn't as private as the one I used in Tammy's office but it certainly wasn't as public as the Matterhorn. There was no way I was ready for that!

  I tried to screw up my courage as I walked towards it. I can do this. Hell, I've got to do this or I'm going to make a puddle in the middle of the path and that would be much worse than being caught sitting on the toilet.

  There was a little path off the main walkway that lead to the bathroom. Bathroom didn't seem like the right word for it though. All that was there were four toilets, two showers and two sinks on a tiled base in the middle of an open grassy area.

  I don't see how you could say there was a room involved in this in anyway what so ever. There were no walls or ceiling, although, I guess there was a floor. I don't think that made it much of a room but that's just one naked girl's opinion.

  I walked up to the toilet closest to one of the sinks and looked at it for a second in doubt. Then I realized that I was squeezing my legs together so tightly to avoid wetting myself that I really didn't have much choice.

  I lifted the lid and then turned around and sat down. I spread my knees a little and then, oddly enough, had to relax myself so that I could pee. Once it started coming out I knew there'd be no stopping it. I just had to get it going.

  I closed my eyes for a few seconds, breathed deeply, concentrated on relaxing until I felt it coming. After it started flowing I opened my eyes and there standing on the main path was a guy looking directly at me. Not knowing what to do I smiled awkwardly and gave him a little wave. He gave a quick chuckle and started walking over to me.

  "Oh God!" I thought as my eyes flicked down to what I could tell by feel.

  I was peeing full stream and there was no way to stop it now. When I looked up again there he was standing in the grass right in front of me.

  "Still getting used to going in public?" He asked sympathetically.

  "It's only my second time. Today's my first day on campus."

  "Wow, then you're doing great. Oh, my name is Mark by the way." He said taking a few steps closer, leaning over a bit and holding out his hand.

  "I'm, Joan." I said taking his hand and shaking it.

  His eyes quickly glanced down and then back up again. I knew he saw everything including a very good view of me peeing my brains out. I smiled at him awkwardly as he let go of my hand and took a step back.

  "So how are you doing? Everything going OK?" He asked.

  "Uh, yeah I'm almost done." I said looking down at my slowly dying stream of pee.

  He laughed and said, "Well, that's good to know but I meant here at school. You know adjusting to being naked, finding your way around and all that."

  I looked up at him felling like a grade a moron.

  "Oh, um, sorry." I said and bit my lip.

  "It's OK I know you have a lot to deal with and I'm sure shaking hands with some strange guy in mid stream isn't helping much either."

  "Um, it is kinda weird." I admitted to him.

  "It would be a little weird if it wasn't a little weird, don't you think?" He asked with a comforting smile.

  "I guess so." I said with a small but genuine smile.

  "My wife always says..."

  "You're married?" I asked surprised because he looked so young.

  "Sure, we were high school sweethearts. We came here together and got married right after our fourth year. It was her idea to come to BSC. I thought she was crazy, especially when she started having trouble adjusting, but we stuck it out together and now we're both happily working on our doctorates." He said with a smile.

  "How much trouble did she have adjusting?" I asked as I felt my stream of pee start to die down.

  "Oh, it was pretty bad. She hid in my dorm room all the time. She'd close the door and put on my clothes. The worst was when I found out she'd been eating like a bird and hadn't been to the bathroom in days. I was really starting to get scared for her." He said as the last of the pee dribbled out of me.

  I looked down at myself and then up at him.

  "It's OK, you have nothing to be ashamed of, just do what you have to do." He said reassuringly.

  I made an OK you asked for it face and then squeezed down one more time. One last squirt of pee came out. I looked up at him and then reached for the toilet paper. He smiled at me warmly like he'd seen this kind of thing a thousand times. Which, I guess, being at Blanke Schande for as long as he has been he probably has.

  "So what happened?" I asked as I wiped.

  "I got a few seniors to help me. We staged a sort of, intervention, and got her through it. Ever since then when I see a girl who looks like she might need some help I try to lend a hand."

  "Oh." I said biting my lip and realizing that I must have looked like I needed help.

  "Don't worry about it," he said with a friendly smile, "at Blanke Schande we're here to help each other."

  "I guess I could use a friendly face around now." I said as I stood up and flushed.

  "Hey, who couldn't now and then, right?" He said as I walked over to the shower.

  He stood where he was and watched as I walked in front of the shower. This one was set up differently and I looked at it puzzled for a moment.

  "If you just want to rinse off, um, down below, turn the lever on the shower head on top to the off position and the lever on the shower head below to the on position. The just turn on the water like you would in any shower." He said helpfully.

  Once again feeling stupid I took off my backpack and put it in the grass far enough away that it wouldn't get wet. Then I did as he suggested and turned the water on, adjusting the temperature, before I stepped in front of it. Facing the shower head I stood with my feet about shoulder width apart, pushed my pelvis forward and spread my lips under the water.

  Then I turned around, bent over at the waist a little and spread my butt cheeks letting the water wash over me back there. I tried not to look at him as I stood there like that but my eyes just kinda went to him. He was looking but somehow it wasn't in a creepy way. I finished up, shut off the water and then looked for a towel.

  "There aren't towels at every station but if you sort of squeegee yourself with your hand you'll usually dry by the time you get where you're going."

  "Oh, um, OK." I said then I bent at the waist to wipe what water I could off of me.

  I rubbed down my legs and then stood up and ran my hands over my butt. I was standing there with a butt cheek in each hand when I caught Mark out of the corner of my eye. I stood there for a second looking at him and then I laughed at myself.

  "What's so funny?" He asked.

  "If someone would have told me a year ago that I’d be standing in public, stark naked, squeegeeing my wet butt while a guy I just met watched me? I would have told them they were totally out of their mind. Yet here I am." I said with a smile and a little shake of my head.

  "You're gonna be fine," he said with a smile. "As long as you can look at the situation with a sense of humor you can get through anything."

  "I hope so." I said as I bent down to pick up my backpack.

  "You're way ahead of Eveline, my wife, and this is only your first day." He said as I walked up to him.

  "I guess and she's totally at ease with all of this now?" I asked.

  "Sure, once you make it through your first few weeks, a month on the outside, it's all pretty much down hill from there. So where are you headed now?" He asked.

  "Just to the cafeteria for some lunch." I said wondering if this married, obviously much older guy was hitting on me.<
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  "That's where I'm headed. I'm meeting Eveline for lunch. Would you like to join us?"

  "You sure she won't mind?" I asked wondering how she'd feel when her husband shows up to meet her with a naked eighteen year old girl.

  "Nah, she also likes to help out the new girls. You'll find most of the upper class students do." He said as we walked back to the main path.

  As we walked towards the cafeteria we talked casually about the school. I tried to keep my mind on our conversation as we walked. Having something to focus on helped to keep me from getting nervous. He asked where I was from and how I liked the school so far. The usual getting to know you stuff and before I knew it we were at the cafeteria.


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