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Pretty Little Lies

Page 12

by Jennifer Miller

  I take a moment to think about it. I know I said we could give this a shot as friends, but I’m uncomfortable and nervous. Saying and doing are two different things. Am I ready right now? Can I really do this? Go out with him? Alone? Forcing myself to stop, I shake my head at myself and answer, “Um, okay sure.”

  He smiles his knock-out grin at me and I see his dimple on the right side of his face wink at me. I suppress a groan. That smile is going to be the death of me.

  “Great. That’s great. I’m going to buy you the biggest breakfast ever! Thank you.” He just stares at me with that smile on his face, and I wonder if the awkwardness I feel will ever go away. Every word, every look, every gesture feels far too orchestrated. Spending more time together is the only cure, I know that, but the very thought makes me feel somewhat ill. Stupid nerves.

  I gesture to the bathroom behind me, “Okay, I just want to hop in the shower real quick and I’ll be ready to go.”

  “Oh, yeah. Of course. I will just go wait for you in the living room.”

  “Okay,” I give him a slight smile, “I’ll be quick.”

  He starts backing up towards my door, “Take your time.” He keeps looking at me and doesn’t realize he’s reached the door, before I can warn him he runs into the closed door. He grins sheepishly at me and I try to stifle a laugh. He turns to open the door, takes one more look back at me, then walks out, softly closing the door behind him.

  I collapse right where I’m standing straight to the floor. My mind is spinning, and the tears I was holding in while all the revelations from Luke were coming, now fall freely from my eyes. None of this even feels real, I was in Luke’s arms again, staring into his eyes. All my uncertainties assault me like bullets. Quick, rapid firing, one after another. Is he telling the truth? Was he just trying to get his mom to leave him alone? Is it possible to just be friends? Can I let the past go and really try to move forward? A huge part of me feels like a piece of my heart has been returned to me, but I also feel trepidation, because another part of me, and I’m not sure how much, is still angry at him.

  Deciding to explore these thoughts and feelings later, I try to gather myself so I can take a shower. Before I stand up, I hear a soft knock on my door and Pyper peeks her head in. As soon as she sees me, she comes in and closes the door behind her. When she reaches me, she sinks down on the floor right next to me and takes me in her arms. I grab on to her tightly and soak up all her love and support.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes and no. That’s a really difficult question to answer.” I laugh half-heartedly.

  “Tell me what happened.”

  She doesn’t say please, she doesn’t tell me I can talk to her if I want to, she just knows I need to. Knows I need her. There isn’t even a doubt or a question. “Okay, but he’s taking me to breakfast and I’m supposed to be getting ready. Keep me company while I get ready, so I can tell you at the same time?”

  “Of course.” Pyper stands up, reaches down to me and I grab her hand so she can pull me up. I follow her into the bathroom and begin repeating my conversation with Luke, leaving nothing out, while simultaneously starting the water in the shower. While it is warming up, I quickly brush my teeth. When finished, I take a towel out of the linen closet, hang it on the hook, and then disrobe. I throw my pajamas to the floor to put in the hamper when I’m finished, but hang my robe on the hook with my towel.

  Pyper whistles low, “Wow, so it was all a big misunderstanding? He was just trying to tell his mom what she wanted to hear?”

  “That’s what he said and I don’t believe he would lie about it. I certainly questioned it at first, but given all the time that has lapsed, why would he be dishonest and why even bother with me if there wasn’t validity to what he’s saying? Why make contact with me at all? That wouldn’t make sense. And, Luke could never look me in the eyes and lie – not before, and I don’t think even now. Even when he teased me, he always had this certain look in his eyes---sort of a gleam. And I didn’t see a hint of it.” I furiously scrub my hair while thinking it over, “I can’t really wrap my mind around it completely right now, though. To think about everything that has happened, how that one conversation set so many things in motion…it’s more than I can really deal with right now. I’m going to need time to let it digest.”

  “When he came out of your bedroom he asked if it was okay to sit on the couch in the living room and apologized for pounding on the door, but thanked me for letting him in.”

  “This feels so strange. I mean, it’s Luke. I never thought…I can’t…” my eyes start to tear up again and I duck my head under the water, rinsing out the shampoo.

  “I think this is great.”

  “Excuse me? What did you just say?” I can’t keep the surprise out of my tone and I’m sure she hears it.

  “You heard me. It’s Luke, Olivia. Sure, a lot of time has passed, but Luke is still Luke at his core, just like you are still the same Olivia you’ve always been. You’ve grown up, and things have affected and helped shape the woman you’ve become, but I don’t believe the core of who we are changes. You still have a huge heart, you are funny, kind, generous…all the things you’ve been from the first day I met you. I think having him in your life again is a positive thing. You guys ran into each other again for a reason. He’s right for you – always has been, so just go with it. Stop overthinking it and take a chance. We are working on getting the real you back again, remember? Jump, Livvie. You can do it.”

  While I quickly run a razor over my legs, I reply, “I do think you are right about there being a reason, I don’t believe in coincidence. I mean, of all the clubs we could have gone to last night, we end up at the one Luke just bought. That’s crazy!”

  “I can’t believe it either, but hey! I bet we can get free drinks now and access to the VIP section and maybe we can even have parties there…”

  Leave it to Pyper to already be thinking about how we can benefit from this latest development. I can’t help but laugh at her. After I rinse all the body wash from my body, I turn the shower off, grab my towel from under my robe, and start drying off. “I’m going to jump, but I’m scared to death. I’m going to need you every step of the way. I’m not too proud to admit it. I know I’m the annoying, needy friend right now, but please bear with me.”

  “Not another word. I mean it. How many times do I have to tell you? That’s what…”

  I interrupt her, “friends are for. I know. It just seems like I am the one constantly needing the support. Just remember, if you ever need me, I’m here for you too.”

  “I know that, without a doubt. It’s you and me babe. Forever. That much I can count on in this life.”

  “Me too, Pyper, me too. On a completely different note, I have NO idea what the hell to wear!!!” I wrap my hair in my towel, pull my robe off the hook, shove my arms in and wrap it around me pulling the belt tight. Once I’m decent, I step out from the shower and look at Pyper with a look of panic on my face.

  Pyper laughs, “I have a feeling you could walk out wearing a paper bag and Luke wouldn’t care. You start blow drying your hair and I will go through your closet and find you something. Cool?”

  “Definitely cool. Thanks.”

  Pyper smiles at me as she walks out of my bathroom and makes her way to my closet.

  I begin blow drying my hair while trying to apply makeup at the same time. Taking a deep breath I try and calm myself down when I realize this is not going to end well. I’ll look like an electrocuted clown if I keep this up.

  Pyper walks back into my bathroom after several minutes, steps over to me, and takes the hair dryer from my hand. She gestures to me to sit at the vanity and starts drying my hair so I can have my hands free to do my makeup. Best. Friend. Ever.

  “I’ve got your outfit all laid out on your bed. I chose a pair of your jeans, a grey t-shirt and a red skinny belt to go over it. Then, I paired that with your red cardigan with the white stripes to throw on if you need to, and your red
ballet flats. I even grabbed your cute, grey tote bag and changed it out for you real quick. You look great in red and I thought it would be perfect. Plus, it’s an adorable outfit, not too dressy, just casual enough.”

  “You’re the best. I’m so nervous. What am I going to talk to him about? My stomach has so many butterflies right now. And is turning cartwheels. And my intestines are in my throat. I hate this feeling, it’s that I’m-going-to-throw-up-any-second feeling and Pyper, if I throw up on him again, I will die. Once was enough, thank you very much.”

  Laughing at me, Pyper turns off my blow dryer and picks up my flat iron that I had heating up. She starts running it through my hair, making it look sleek and smooth. “Calm down. You have plenty to talk about. Seven years of life to talk about, that’s a lot! I seriously doubt you will struggle for conversation.”

  “Yeah, you’re right. I need to chill out. We are going to breakfast, it isn’t a big deal. We are going to be friends. It’s cool. I’m cool. It’s all cool.” I’m totally handling this. Of course, just as I’m getting some confidence, a flashback assaults me…I’m speed dating…and I thought I was handling that just fine too. Crap.

  “Yes, you are the epitome of cool. There,” she smoothes my hair one more time with my flat iron, “all done.”

  My hair looks nice and I have finished my makeup as well. I’ve done a grey smoky eye, pink cheeks and a light lip gloss.

  “Okay, I just need to get dressed and I’m ready.”

  Pyper leads the way out of my bathroom, “Okay, go ahead. I will tell Luke you are just about ready to go.”

  “Awesome, thank you.”

  As Pyper heads to my door and walks out, I head to my bed and start putting on my clothes. She even laid out a bra and panties for me. In red too, which makes me smile. I’m going to be very coordinated. My hands shake slightly as I step in my panties and I force myself not to let my mind wander. Once I’m dressed I walk to the full length mirror and take a look. I look nice. Casual, but chic. I care about how I look and it shows, but I’m not over the top either. I turn around and check out the back view, making sure everything is in place.

  I head to my jewelry chest and open it. I open drawers and start going through my boxes of jewelry, I still store lots of it in the boxes I received them in. As I’m opening the top of each box looking for the red tear drop earrings I want, I happen to catch sight of a dark blue box on the bottom that holds some of my old jewelry. Taking the box out of the drawer, I open it. Inside, is a gold baby ring, my senior class ring from high school, an antique opal ring that used to be my great grandmothers, and a ring that Luke gave me when we were dating in high school. My breath catches. I didn’t exactly forget that I had it, but I haven’t opened this box in a long time. Pulling the ring out, I stare at it, remembering when Luke gave it to me.

  I have been cheering my butt off. My voice is strained, and my arm and leg muscles are nearing the point of exhaustion. It’s been such a close game between our high school and our biggest rival, Highland High. I’m not sure why they elected to schedule a game against the Rockets on homecoming weekend, because if we lose, all the guys on the team will be in foul moods all weekend. Girls wearing lovely dresses, sexy shoes, special up-dos, and carrying amazing bouquets, being escorted by pouting dates does not a terrific homecoming celebration make.

  We have the ball, are down by five, with just under one minute remaining in the game. We are only forty yards away from scoring a go-ahead touchdown and securing a win. If we time it right, run down the clock just enough, then score a touchdown, we will win by one. The cheering squad has been huddling shoulder to shoulder, clutching hands, holding our breath. It is too intense to say a cheer. We watch in silence as the clock winds down.

  I gasp when the ball is passed to Luke. He catches it, protectively snuggles it closely to his body, and starts running. Fast. Really fast. Ten yards…twenty yards….thirty yards… forty yards…“TOUCHDOWN” we all scream as the time expires.

  I jump up and down, screaming uncontrollably. That’s my man! I can hear the announcers screaming “THE KNIGHTS WIN!” over and over. All the girls on my squad hug me and we jump up and down, squealing like excited preschool children. I’m so excited for Luke. We all storm the field in excitement. I make my way through, highly electrified, screaming players and fans and search for Luke. I can’t wait to hug him and give him a congratulatory kiss. Players keep passing by me and I don’t see him. I search the backs of everyone, looking for his telltale number ten. Finally, our eyes meet.

  We break out into huge grins and run to each other the best we can through the crowd. “Olivia!”


  I see some people try and stop Luke to congratulate him but he pushes past them, one destination in mind. When we reach one another, Luke picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. He twirls me around and around, laughing.

  “We did it!” he yells in excitement.

  “You did it!” I correct him, “I’m so proud of you Luke!”

  He pulls back from me and smiles that sexy smile I love. I lean in and our lips meet. I don’t waste time, I immediately sweep his mouth with my tongue tightening my arms around his back, then trailing my hands up into his hair and clutching handfuls. Luke responds and pulls me tighter too.

  “Luke! Olivia!”

  We break apart to see Pyper coming towards us, yelling our names in excitement. Luke gives me another light kiss on my lips, then sets me down. When Pyper reaches us he asks, “Do you have it?” I lower my brows in confusion, I’m not sure what he’s talking about.

  Pyper smiles, “Of course!” She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a small box, handing it to Luke.

  Luke takes it from her and turns to me. I feel my eyes widen as I look from his eyes, to the box he is holding and back again. “I wanted to wait until the dance tomorrow night to give this to you. As excited as I am right now because we won, and as much as I feel on top of the world because of this game, it doesn’t compare to the way I feel about you. So, to prove it, this seems like the perfect moment to give you this.” He hands me a box and says, “Open it.”

  I take the box from him, my breath catching in excitement. I take the lid off the top and sitting inside is a silver ring with an open heart. I smile. The ring is beautiful in its simplicity. Luke has never given me jewelry before. “Luke, it’s beautiful, I love it.”

  He takes the ring out of the box and places it on my right ring finger, “You have my heart, angel, completely. I just wanted you to have a reminder in case you ever need it, but I hope you never do. Never doubt how I feel about you.”

  I look at the ring on my finger and dream that someday, he will be placing a different one on my other hand, “I love you Luke Easton.”

  “I love you too, Livvie.”

  He cups my cheek and leans in to place a kiss on my lips.

  Blinking as an attempt to clear the memory from my mind, I remember how I contemplated tossing the ring away after he broke my heart and realized the emptiness of the promise made that day. But, I couldn’t bring myself to go through with it. Instead, I kept it buried in the bottom of my drawer. I get a little choked up looking at it. I place it back inside the box, put the lid on, and keep searching for my red earrings. Giving up, I just grab some silver hoops and place them in my ears. I walk towards my bed, grab my bag, once again silently thanking Pyper for having the forethought to do this for me.

  Just as I’m starting to walk out my bedroom door, I feel my cell phone buzzing in my bag. I fish it out and look at the screen. The number is unknown. I answer it anyway, “Hello?” I hear silence. “Hello?” I say again. Still silence. I look at my phone and see the call is still connected. Weird. Shrugging my shoulders, I hang up and tuck the phone back in my bag.

  When I’m just outside the living room entrance, I see Luke and Pyper looking like they are in a serious conversation, but they immediately quit talking when I walk in. Luke stands up and smiles at me, but Pyper raises one ey
ebrow - a talent I envy- and gives me a smirk. I wonder what they were talking about, but I make a mental note to ask her later.

  I smile a little at Luke in return. “I’m ready to go. I tried not to take too long.” I feel uncertain and shy.

  “I would wait for you as long as it takes.” I admit that makes me melt a little and I smile a bit bigger at his words.

  Pretending what he said didn’t make my stomach jump, I head to the front door, assuming he would follow. “Bye, Pyper, see you later.”

  “Bye. I may not be here when you get back, I’m going to the spa to work for a little while.”


  “Bye, Luke.” Pyper says looking at him intently.

  “Bye, Pyper,” Luke says, “and thanks again.”

  Pyper doesn’t reply and we walk out the door and close it behind us. Luke places a hand at the small of my back as we walk to the elevator. We are silent, staring at the elevator door – or at least I am - the entire ride down to the parking garage, but I can see portions of Luke’s reflection despite the elevator’s design, and realize that Luke keeps looking over at me. The butterflies in my stomach are going crazy again.

  When the elevator reaches its destination, we step out into the garage. Once again, Luke’s hand presses on my back and he gestures with his hand to the right, “My car is this way.”

  As we approach a black car, he walks to the passenger door and opens it for me. Looking at him I ask, “What kind of car is this? It’s very nice.”

  He grins, “It’s an Audi R8; she’s my baby.”

  I grin back, “She? Your baby?”

  “That’s right.”

  I start to sit in the seat but I pause when I see a single yellow rose lying in its middle. I look back at him curiously and he smiles. “For you.” He reaches down, grabs the rose and hands it to me, “Did you know a yellow rose not only means friendship, but it stands for new beginnings?”

  I take the rose from him, “No I didn’t know that. Thank you.”


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