Book Read Free

Pretty Little Lies

Page 14

by Jennifer Miller

  Luke chokes on his food.

  Aw, damn.

  Good thing I know the Heimlich maneuver.

  ’m glad I don’t end up needing the Heimlich maneuver after all. It was touch and go for a moment, but just as I get up to slide in next to Luke to offer assistance, he held his finger up to me, indicating he was fine and to give him a minute. I wait patiently as he gets himself under control.

  Maybe I should have made sure he wasn’t drinking or eating anything before I dropped that bomb on him, “Are you okay?”

  He nods his head yes but it takes him another few minutes to regain his composure. He uses his napkin to wipe the tears from his eyes, evidence that he was truly choking and he looks up at me and slightly stutters, “You’re married?” His voice sounds gravelly.

  “No. I was married. I am now divorced.”

  “Sorry. That’s what I meant to ask.”

  It is quiet and awkward between us for a few minutes, neither of us quite knowing how to continue. Luke finally asks, “How long were you married?”

  “Four years.”

  “How…when…do you…I mean, are you...,” sighing and running his hand through his hair he finally gets out, “Dammit to hell, what I’m trying to say is that I didn’t know. I had no idea you were married.”

  I decide a bit of levity is necessary, “Yeah, I kind of gathered that based on your reaction. No worries, how could you have known?”

  “I’m sorry. I’m just shocked. Wow, four years huh?” His eyes look sad but determined and his jaw keeps clenching and unclenching. “I’m guessing you met someone when you were in college?”

  “To your first comment, it’s okay, I’m doing fine. And we said no lies, so it seemed that divulging my marriage was the right thing to do. The fact that I was married is a part of my life that I can’t change and I’m not going to lie about it. And to your last question, yes, I met Deacon in college.”

  He flinches when I say Deacon’s name as if stating it made it more real. “I don’t want you to lie. I’m glad you told me. So that would mean your last name isn’t Summerton any longer, is it?”

  “No, it’s not. Initially, I wanted to keep my maiden name because with my career I thought it might be smart, but when I suggested it to Deacon, he insisted I change it. I did, so now I’m Olivia Brooks.”

  “Brooks,” he repeats to himself. “Well it makes sense why I couldn’t find you on any social media site or when I tried to Google you.”

  “It does.”

  “So, what happened? Why the divorce? If it’s okay to ask…” he trails off, a question in his voice.

  I smile at him because I know he is trying to let me keep my privacy if I choose, but that he’s curious too. “It’s okay to ask, but it really isn’t an easy story to share.” I take a swallow of my coffee because my throat feels dry “I’m sure you want to know more about what happened.”

  “Honestly? Yes and no.”

  I wasn’t expecting him to say that, but I understand what he means. If our roles were reversed, I’m not sure I would be interested in hearing the details about how Luke, the former love of my life, met, fell in love with, married and then divorced someone else. Curiosity would without doubt win in the end because my imagination would only make things worse, but initially, I would probably just want to throw up at the thought.

  “Olivia, I meant it when I said I want to know everything about every minute and every day we spent apart from one another. I don’t expect that it is all going to be easy to hear, but that doesn’t change the fact that I still want to know.” He reaches for my hand and I hesitate, not sure I want to let him hold it. We are supposed to be trying our luck at friends, but this feels intimate. “Everything that has happened in your life since you left matters, and it ended up bringing you right back here, with me. So yes, I do want to talk to you about this and learn more. That is, if you want to talk about it with me.”

  I squeeze his hand and pull away, “I will tell you about it, but not here. Would you mind having this conversation another time? I’d prefer to have more privacy than this when I share that part of my life.”

  “Of course. Sure. I’m sorry.”

  “Thanks.” I smile back at him and ask, “So tell me, when you aren’t busy running your club, what do you like to do for fun? Still a big sports fanatic? ESPN obsessed?” I purposefully change the subject to something lighter and easier.

  Putting his elbows on the table and clasping his hands under his chin Luke answers, “Well I still love sports, and yes, you are correct. ESPN pretty much runs on a constant reel on the TV when I’m at home. Before I moved back here, I was involved in a football league and I’m really hoping to find one I can join here. I miss it sometimes since I haven’t played much since college. Of course, I enjoy going to the gym, I’m still a movie lover, and actually when I was in Miami I did a little bit of modeling from time to time.”

  It’s my turn to choke. Did I hear that correctly? Luke laughs at me. “Telling you that was so worth your reaction. Pay back is a bitch.”

  I ignore that because I’m only focused on one thing, “I’m sorry, did you say modeling?”

  I swear he blushes a bit at the top of his cheeks. It’s really endearing and makes me lean in closer to him to hear more. Stupid table in the way. Wait. What am I thinking? It’s good the table is in the way! “Yes, modeling. One of my good friends from college, Sienna, works at an agency and she suckered me into coming in once when she was in charge of a shoot and the model was a no-show. To my surprise, I actually had fun, the photos turned out great, and one thing led to another. Before I knew it, I was sent on some auditions where you basically stand there and let them look at you, and I booked a few well-paying jobs. She told me there would likely even be opportunities here in Chicago, if I’m interested.” Luke says, shrugging his shoulders.

  “Wow, I’m speechless.” Holy hell, Luke is a model. Speechless doesn’t even begin to cover it. Just thinking about him modeling makes me tingle from head to toe.

  He grins at me, “Maybe I will show you a few pictures some time.”

  Oh God yes, please do! “You have a portfolio you can share with me?” I so kept my cool with that question. Go me.

  “Yes I do, and I’ve even kept every ad that I’ve been in.” His cheeks deepen in color a bit more with his admission.

  “I would love to see them all,” I tell him honestly. I wonder what he’s modeling in the photos. David Beckham in his underwear flashes across my mind. Woah. I wonder if Luke models briefs. Suddenly it feels very warm in here. I clear my throat and remove my sweater. I try to concentrate on the other comment he made about looking for a new football league before I embarrass myself by being visibly flushed at the mere thought of Luke and that body of his on display. Clearing my throat, I change the subject, “Before you came back to Chicago, where were you living? In Miami? I know that’s where you said you opened your last club.”

  “Yes. When I left here and went to California to open the first club, I lived there for a year. Then, I went to Florida, where I stayed until I came back here to open Zero Gravity.”

  “Did you like living there? I’ve never been to Florida. I’d like to go some time actually, but it’s because I want to go to Disney World.” I admit to him, laughing at my childish secret.

  “Disney World, huh?”

  “Well, for some reason, we never went as a family when I was a kid. I’m not sure why, but I’ve always wanted to go.”

  “Maybe someday I can take you. I can take you to the club there too. Even if it would mean a bit longer vacation, given that they are miles apart.”

  I just smile at him shyly, not making any promises. My heart stutters a bit at his suggestion, but I’m not even allowing myself to go there.

  “What about you? What do you like to do in your spare time and what about your job? I know you haven’t been here too long yet, but what do you or did you do for a living?”

  “Even though I didn’t attend Loyola a
s planned,” he looks away when I say that, “I still went to school for and graduated with a degree in journalism from BU. In all honesty, I started out my college days with some heavy partying.” I have his attention again and his jaw has dropped at my comment. Okay yes, geesh, I was always a goody goody, but he should know things change. “Then, a professor gave us an assignment to start a blog. I started a fashion blog, thinking no one would really read it, but I had fun with it. To my surprise, it really took off and it landed me an internship at a local magazine in Boston. Once they started publishing my articles more and more, I started to get braver and more confident with my writing and started submitting for freelance journalist positions at various magazines. Plus, several even contacted me through my blog asking me to write for them as well. I’ve been very lucky to have a couple that religiously print my articles and request new ones. I even have my own column in one and I freelance for others. I really love it.” I can’t help but smile because that is the truth. I really do love my job and interacting with my followers on Pink Sugar Couture is probably my favorite part.

  “That’s really great, and I’m not surprised at all that your blog and column is popular. You always loved writing.” Luke seems genuinely thrilled for me. It’s nice.

  “I really love it, actually. While I’m here in Chicago, I would love to write for a local magazine. I have some great ideas about what I would like to contribute, so eventually I’m going to look into contacting them and see what happens.”

  Luke clears his throat and attempts a smile, “I’m glad that after,” he stops and begins again, “well given what happened with us…well I’m glad that you still pursued your dream.”

  I smile at him to relieve his discomfort, “Me too. As far as what I like to do, I love to read, of course, order and watch movies from Netflix, listen to music, try new products, shop for shoes and handbags, and lately get spoiled at Pyper’s spa,” I tell him, grinning.

  Before he can respond, our waitress comes by and leaves our check on the table. I start to make a grab for it, but Luke beats me to it. “Not a chance,” he tells me. “Are you ready?”

  I take one more sip of my coffee and nod. “Yes.”

  We head up to the cash register and Luke pays the bill. Then we walk to the doors which Luke opens for me and walk towards his car. I feel a bit sad. I’m not really ready for Luke to bring me home, but at the same time I’m emotionally exhausted from just an hour together at breakfast and our conversation at the condo before coming here.

  When we reach Luke’s car he opens the door for me and closes it once I’m tucked inside with my now somewhat wilted rose on my lap. He walks around the front of the car and I can’t help but watch him make his way. He still has a nice ass. I smirk to myself. I can’t help it. I’m divorced, not dead.

  Once he’s sitting in the car, Luke puts his key in the ignition, starts buckling his seatbelt, then turns to face me. “Olivia?”

  I turn toward him too. “Yes?”

  “Do you have anything else planned right now?”

  I don’t, but I don’t want to admit that to him. Maybe I’m being immature, but I don’t want him to know that my schedule is wide open, so I avoid. “Umm…why?”

  “Well, I was wondering if maybe you want to go see a movie or something?” I can see the hope in his eyes. He doesn’t want me to tell him no and I’m not sure that I have the willpower to do so anyway. Before I can respond, he leans a little closer to me, “Look the truth is, I’m not ready to bring you home.”

  That does it. I couldn’t say no now, even if I wanted to, but at the same time I have to admit part of me doesn’t want to make this easy for him. I can admit to myself that I am happy to have him back in my life again. I’m conflicted – that’s for sure. On one hand, I’m still angry with him, but on the other hand, a big part of me knows that I need to let that go if I’m really going to be able to move on and be friends with Luke and have him in my life again, “Okay, sure. That sounds good.”

  Luke’s responding grin is magnificent, and it makes that dimple of his I love peek at me. “Great! How about we catch comedy?”

  “That sounds perfect.”

  “There’s a new one out right now that I think is more stupid than funny, but I think it’s right up our alley. What do ya say?”

  “I’m game.”

  He lets out a deep sigh of relief. I wonder if he was nervous that I would say no. Funny, I was no more ready to end our non-date than he was. Non-date. Does that make it an outing? A meet up? A shindig? I can’t help but chuckle to myself.

  Luke glances at me curiously, raising a brow. I just shake my head at him.

  It isn’t long before we are pulling up to the movie theatre, getting out of the car and walking side by side into the entrance. We head up to the ticket booth and I start taking my wallet out of my purse, “No way,” Luke replies seeing what I’m doing and then proceeds to purchase and pay for both of our tickets.

  “Fine, but I’m buying the popcorn then. And the drinks.”

  “Popcorn? But we just ate!”

  “Doesn’t matter. Who can watch a movie at the theatre without popcorn? That’s like peanut butter without jelly. Like Turner without Hooch. Like Danny without Sandy.”

  Luke laughs, “Okay, okay I get it, I get it.”

  Smiling, I head to the counter and order a popcorn and two drinks. Handing Luke his drink he says, “What kind of drink did you get me?”

  I blush to myself realizing what I’ve done. “Oh. I’m sorry. I got you a Dr. Pepper, I remember that was your favorite. Well, at least it used to be. I should have asked you and not assumed.”

  Luke laughs at my expression, “I like that you remember. I still love Dr. Pepper, this is perfect.”

  It’s nice to know some things don’t change; it’s comforting. I admit satisfaction at my actions as well. Even with all the time that has passed, it’s nice to know that some things are consistent, dependable. Some things are still easy and natural.

  We make our way to theatre 10, where our movie is playing. Luke turns to me, “Do you still like front row in the top section so you can put your feet up on the bars?”

  “Sure do!”

  Luke leads the way and I follow him up the couple of stairs and we head towards the middle of the front row in the top section. Once we take our seats, I place the popcorn between us.

  We may have just eaten but that doesn’t keep us from shoveling the popcorn in our mouths. I watch Luke lick butter off his lips so I’m looking at his mouth when he starts talking to me. I look into his eyes, hoping he didn’t notice my staring. “So, angel, are you up for a game of twenty questions while we’re waiting for the movie to start? I want to see if some of the things I remember about you are still the same.”

  “Okay me first! Favorite color?”

  “Blue. Yours?”

  “Teal. Favorite movie?”

  “The Shining. Is yours still Beauty and the Beast?”

  “Of course. I’m a sucker for a happy ending and Disney.”

  He smiles and asks, “Favorite food?”

  “Pizza. Is yours still steak?”

  “You got it. Meat and potatoes all the way baby,” he rubs his flat tummy. I can’t help but look down and wish I could see under that shirt. I need to stop with this, what is up with me? Slutty much? “Ocean or mountains?”

  “Ocean,” he replies immediately. “Besides Disneyworld in Florida, where is a place you’ve always wanted to visit?”

  “Hmmm… that’s a tough one because there are so many, but Paris comes to mind first. How about you?”

  “I would love to visit Ireland one day. I’ve heard it is beautiful, plus drinking ale at an Irish pub would be pretty cool.”

  “Okay I have a good one,” I tell him, “If you suddenly found yourself turned into a woman for a day, how would you spend the day?”

  “Well that depends. Am I a beautiful woman? Where would I be living? Would I have a nice body? Do I have a boyfriend?”

  I laugh at him, “Why does any of that matter?”

  He smiles, “It doesn’t. Honestly I would spend the day at home exploring the equipment.”

  I laugh hard and loud at his comment. “Nice.”

  “Hey, I’m just being honest. Here’s one for you. If you won a million dollars tomorrow what is the first frivolous thing you would buy?”

  “Oh that’s easy, a black leather Chanel bag with chain straps that are silver and has the silver c’s in the front. It would have a magnetic closure and cell phone pocket on the inside.”

  Luke cracks up laughing, “Why does that not surprise me?”

  “Don’t knock my handbag obsession. There are worse things I could be addicted to!”

  “If you say so!”

  The movie is supposed to start in only a couple more minutes so we won’t get to twenty questions but this has been fun. “One more question for you. If you could have any super power, what would it be?”

  Luke smirks and I see his eyes brush over my body from head to toe then looks me in the eye and I see a subtle simmer beginning in his eyes. My face and body heat in reaction. “Well, the 16-year-old boy in me wants to say x-ray vision and the twenty-five-year-old that I am now, well, he has to agree.”

  With perfect timing, the lights in the auditorium lower, and I am grateful; after his comment, I’m sure my face has to be bright red. I can feel it burning, but I can’t fight the slight smile that I feel on my lips.

  As we both reach for popcorn, our hands brush against each other making tingles shoot all the way up my arm and even straight between my legs. I’ve seen him all of one day and already he has me wanting him. I hope I can keep a lid on these desires, but I think it is safe to say being around him is not going to make it easy.

  ack in the car on our way to my condo after the movie, Luke and I are quiet. The movie was funny, just the right amount of humor combined with stupid – which made it perfect.


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