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Pretty Little Lies

Page 22

by Jennifer Miller

  “What I’d like to think every woman would do in that situation. I walked into my bedroom, screamed at him; bitch slapped the girl, and kicked Deacon in the balls. He ran after me, begging at first, then eventually the real him came shining through like always, with threats and mean words. I left, kicked him out of the house with police assistance, filed for divorce, and I’ve never regretted it once.”

  Luke whispers, “That’s my girl,” and it makes me smile, even though the subject matter should make me want to do anything but.

  We sit in silence after I finish telling Luke about Deacon. I can tell he is letting everything I told him resonate before commenting. I just let him be, not wishing to disturb his thoughts, and finish my food.

  After a few more moments, Luke stands up, takes our empty Chinese food containers and throws them away in the kitchen. He comes back to the breakfast bar and holds his hand out to me. I take it, and he waits for me to stand and then he leads me back to his couch. We sit down and face one another.

  “I don’t even know how to say what I want to say to you.” Luke reveals.

  I am silent while I wait for him to work it out.

  Luke looks down into his lap as he speaks, “I hate that you were married to a man like that dick head. I hate even more that it was because of me that you were married to him. I don’t even know how or where to begin to tell you that I’m sorry for everything, Olivia. I want more than anything for you to be able to forgive me, but now, knowing even part of what you’ve been through, I feel like an asshole for even asking your forgiveness.”

  “Luke, I realized something when I was talking to you. I’ve already forgiven you. I look in your eyes and I see the sadness there. I see that you are torturing yourself much more than I ever could. Hanging on to my anger would only hurt both of us, and I don’t want to hold onto it anymore. Besides, while what happened between us may have led me to Boston, I’m the only one responsible for the choices I made. Not you. Not what you said to your mother. Me.”

  Luke finally looks up and reaches out, touching my face, “Things should have been different for us, Livvie. I used to wish I could go back to that day and do things differently. I still do. I would spend hours sometimes daydreaming about going back into the past and changing the events of that day. Ridiculous, I know.”

  “It’s not ridiculous. I wish we could change it too, but in some ways I’m glad we can’t. It may be hard to believe, but it wasn’t all bad. I had some great times with Deacon and made some good memories in college; and while I may have gotten a bit off track for a while, I’m really proud of the career I’ve made for myself. I love it. Those things, I wouldn’t want to change.”

  “I’m proud of you, angel. What you’ve been through, what you’ve made of yourself, you should be proud. You sitting before me now,” he looks in my eyes, “I dreamed about it so many times, but I can honestly say the reality is so much better than the dream. You are more beautiful today than you were seven years ago.”

  I smile and take a minute to gather the courage to ask, “What about you? I know about your career, but what about you personally? No wives you haven’t told me about? No girlfriends?”

  He chuckles a little, “No, no wives. I’ve had girlfriends here and there, and one relationship that lasted longer than the others. Rebecca and I were together for a couple years and even lived together for a little while, but we broke up.”

  The thought of Rebecca makes my stomach sour. Jealousy is a bitch. “What happened?”

  “I told you, angel, I compared everyone to you. That wasn’t just some stupid ass line. There was something missing with Rebecca and me. She wanted a commitment and I didn’t. We broke up for good when I came back to Chicago to open the club, and to be closer to my mom, so I can help out if she needs me.”

  “Oh. Wow. So that wasn’t too long ago then.”

  “It feels like forever ago. Our relationship had ended long before that. Rebecca and I were just going through the motions. I think she hoped I would change my mind, but I didn’t.”

  “I’m sorry that it didn’t work out for you,” I lie. I’m not really sorry at all, but what am I supposed to say?

  His eyebrow raises at my comment and a smirk appears on his lips. He holds my gaze and says, “Are you? Because I’m not sorry at all. I always knew I was holding out for something much better.”

  I stare back and we hold each other’s gazes for a few moments, the heat between us thick and building.

  “Olivia?” He pauses and seems to struggle with getting out whatever it is he’s about to say.

  “Hmm?” I ask feeling breathless, I’m lost in his gaze. I want him to kiss me. So much. I want to feel his soft lips against my own, his tongue stroking mine. I want his need for me to be evident in the way his hands hold me close, trying to make me a part of him. I don’t want there to be any space between us. I want to explore his body with my hands.

  Interrupting my thoughts, Luke starts speaking and it takes a minute for my brain to process his words. “I’m going to ask you to go out on a date with me some time soon. Not right this minute. But it’s coming. Will you consider saying yes?”

  I can’t help but smile at his obvious nervousness. It’s sweet. “I will consider it,” I give him a big smile so he knows my answer will be yes.

  He smiles back at me, “Good, I just thought I would be a gentleman and give you a heads up,” then his face turns serious. “Do you think,” he stops and swallows to clear his throat. Just as he’s about to speak again, he shakes his head. “Spend the rest of the day with me,” he blurts, “I don’t want you to leave. Let’s watch a movie, or something. I will make popcorn,” he promises with a smile.

  I look at him, positive that he changed his mind and whatever he was going to say to me, he decided not to. The moment now broken, I respond knowing there is nothing else I can say right now, “I would love to spend the rest of the day with you.” I tell him honestly.

  Luke’s grin is magnificent. He leans towards me and my breath catches. He places a small kiss on the tip of my nose, and then he stands and gestures to the cabinet across the room, “My DVDs are in there. Go ahead and pick something out. I’ll make us some popcorn.” With that, he heads to the kitchen to do just that.

  I sigh to myself and wonder again what he was really going to say to me before he changed his mind. Maybe eventually he will ask me. In the meantime, I’m anxious for when he will ask me on a date. I already know my answer will be yes.

  open my eyes and sigh deep and long. I don’t know why, but I’m feeling different this morning. I don’t feel stressed or tense. My body feels relaxed all the way into my bones like I just had an amazing massage. I haven’t felt this content in a long time; I didn’t even know I was missing this feeling until now. I’m not sure what time it is, but I should get up and start the coffee, maybe I can actually beat Pyper to the pot for once. I yawn and begin lifting my arms over my head for a nice full body stretch when I realize something is off. I feel a weight pressed against me and I look to my side and see Luke. He’s lying with his back pressed against the back of the couch, his arm stretched out under me and I’m using it as a pillow. His other arm is stretched across my waist and his eyes are still closed.

  Once I recover from the fact I completely forgot where I am, I just revel in my close proximity to him for a while. Looking at him, I start at the top of his head and take in his dark, sleep disheveled hair. His long eyelashes look even darker against his cheeks. My eyes trail down his straight nose to his full lips. I love how he seems to constantly be sporting a five o’clock shadow, even after he shaves. It’s one of my favorite things about him, it’s so damn sexy. The small dimple in his chin, his high cheekbones and strong jaw make me want to trace them with my fingers or tongue.

  My eyes continue down the line of his neck, to his chest. Not for the first time, I long to see under his shirt. I want to trail my fingers down his muscled chest, see if he has the abs I’m certain are hidden under his
shirt. In his sleep, his shirt has raised a bit and a strip of skin is exposed, revealing the hair on his belly. I want to touch it. Follow it down.

  I jump when I hear, “It’s a good thing you can’t start fires with your eyes. Given the look in them right now, I’d be in flames.”

  I blush. Busted.

  “Don’t worry, angel,” he says while touching the blush at my cheeks with his fingertips, “I watched you sleep for a long time last night too, the only difference is I spent a long – uninterrupted - time enjoying the view because you didn’t know it.” This only makes me blush more. “Besides, I’m glad that you like what you see.” And now the cheeks are on fire, giving away just how much I like it. What, am I sixteen? Stupid cheeks.

  I want to tell him that I’d like to do a whole lot more than just look at him, but I don’t. Instead I say, “I was disoriented when I woke up. I don’t even remember falling asleep.”

  “We were almost at the end of the movie and you fell asleep on my shoulder. I didn’t want to wake you, so I just settled us on the couch together. I couldn’t resist the chance to hold you.”

  I remember now. We had sat together and watched an old action film. I really wasn’t up for a romantic comedy because I knew the kissing parts would make things a little heated. For me, at least. I would have wanted to recreate the scenes on the T.V., making them my reality, so I thought an action movie was the way to go. We ate popcorn, and since both of us had seen the movie before, we talked some during the film. It was a nice time and I enjoyed just hanging out with him. It was comfortable and felt like old times. The whole night, I kept waiting for him to finally ask me on a date, and surprised when the moment never came.

  “That’s okay. I slept really well, actually,” Luke smiles at my admission, “Oh crap! Pyper! I bet she’s worried.”

  “No she’s not. I sent her a text from your phone letting her know you were sleeping with me.”

  “What?!” I laugh. I can’t help it. I can’t believe he did that. Pyper must have been in Team Luke heaven.

  Luke smiles, “I just told her you were staying on the couch. I didn’t want her to worry about you.”

  “Well I guess you thought of everything,” I tease.

  Luke smiles bigger. That sexy mouth of his starts descending towards mine. He’s moving slow, I’m sure waiting to see if I invite him to continue. I want this so much. Heat floods my belly in anticipation and I start to move my mouth to his. I’m giving in to my desire, I’m so tired of overthinking everything. His lips barely brush mine when I realize this can’t happen. Oh my god! “No!” I cover my mouth with my hand, freaking out. “I have morning breath!”

  Luke leans back and sighs, “I don’t care. Let me kiss you, I’m dying to kiss you.”

  I become a pile of Olivia goo at his words but I refuse to give in. “Sorry. I can’t.”

  “I will go to the store right now and buy you a damn toothbrush, or use mine for the love of god. Just kiss me.”

  I laugh, “No, but I promise to make it up to you, okay?”

  His eyes narrow, “I’m holding you to that.”

  I smile flirtatiously and then close my mouth because again, ew. “Please do.” Oh yeah. Go me, getting my flirt on! “I need to get home. Thanks for letting me crash on your couch.”

  “Believe me love, the pleasure was all mine.”

  Yep. Goo.

  “I want to see you tonight, do you have plans?”

  Here it comes, I smile in anticipation. “No plans that I know of, why?”

  “Will you go on a date with me angel? I would love for you to come to the club. I can send a driver to pick you up, we can have dinner together, and maybe dance a little if you say yes.”

  “I would love to.” And I would. The thought of being on a date with him feels right and I want it. Desperately.

  His grin is cocky now, “How about I have my driver pick you up around eight? Would that work for you?”

  “Sounds perfect.” I am reluctant to get off the couch and step away from the warmth of his body, but I do. “I’m looking forward to it.”

  “Me too.” Luke stands up and pulls me into a hug. He places a tender kiss on my forehead.

  I pull away from him and Luke reaches in his pocket and holds my keys out in his palm. “Oh! My car! We left it at the park. How is it here?”

  “After you were asleep, I called a couple guys that work for me and had them take care of it.”

  “Thank you.”

  “No worries, love.”

  I smile at him then go to his dining room table to get my purse and make my way to his front door.

  “Olivia, wait!” Luke calls.

  I turn around and see him approaching me with a few pink roses in his hand. He hands them to me, “For you. Think of me. See you tonight.”

  “See you.” I smile and turn back around and walk out the door.

  When I arrive at the condo, I head straight to my room and into the bathroom so I can start getting ready for the day. I want to work on an article for Trend Magazine. They contacted me asking for another piece to publish in next month’s magazine, so I need to get that done.

  I also want to call my parents, go to the grocery store for a few things, and I’ve decided to join a gym today. It’s time to do things like that for myself and who knows, maybe I will meet some people too!

  Several hours later, I’m feeling quite accomplished since I completed everything I had hoped to on my to-do list. Standing in my closet, wrapped in nothing but a towel, I am once again pondering what I should wear to the club tonight. I want to make Luke sit up and take notice when I walk in. The thought of his bright blue eyes roving over my body taking in the outfit I wear just for him, lust evident on his face, makes a shiver of anticipation run through me straight to the center of my legs. Keeping my control around Luke is proving to be more and more difficult.

  As my eyes trail one end of my closet to the other, I spot the perfect dress. I bought it a while back on a whim and haven’t worn it, the tags are still attached. Taking the hanger with my dress off the rod I hold it in front of me giving it a once over. A black, sequined, strapless mini-dress. Perfect for a night at Luke’s club and even more perfect to make Luke’s jaw drop. I smile at the thought.

  I walk out of my closet, dress in hand so I can get the perfect lingerie to go under the dress. Rooting around in my dresser, I find exactly the set I had in mind. A black strapless bra that has ruffles on the top of the cups with a black thong that has ruffles around the legs. It’s perfect. I slip the panties on, put the bra on and walk to my floor length mirror. I have to admit, I look hot. Not bad, Olivia, not bad.

  My phone chimes. I walk to where it’s charging on my beside table, pick it up and see a text from Luke. “Can’t wait to see you. Kevin, one of my staff will be there to pick you up in twenty minutes. Don’t open the door unless he identifies himself. See you soon, angel.”

  I type a reply, “Can’t wait to see you too. XO.”

  His reply is quick, “I think I will take that X and O in person, beautiful.” I grin.

  I set my phone down and turn, picking up the dress lying on my bed. I remove it from the hanger and take off the tags. I unzip the hidden zipper in the side and slip it on, zipping it in place. I walk to the mirror again and take a look. I curled my hair into soft waves and it looks shiny and pretty. My makeup is dramatic around the eyes and my lips a glossy, light pink. I just need some black stilettos and I’m good to go. I sort through the shoes in my closet picking out the perfect pair, then reach up to the shelf where I store my handbags and grab my hot pink clutch for my necessities.

  I contemplate taking a picture of myself to send to Pyper. I know she would approve and will be sorry she missed it. She’s working a late night, completing inventory at the spa. I guess she just got a new product line in.

  Ten minutes later, there’s a knock on my door. Looking through the peephole, I see a man dressed in a suit and tie. Without opening the door, I say, “May
I help you?”

  “Hello, Ms. Brooks. My name is Kevin and I am here to drive you to Mr. Easton’s club, Zero Gravity.” I open the door and smile at Kevin. He nods his head in acknowledgement and waits politely as I shut and lock the condo door. We walk to the elevator, enduring an awkward silence until we get to the parking garage. Kevin is driving Luke’s car and he holds the passenger door open for me so I can get in, and closes it behind me. Once he gets in the car and starts it, we are on our way to the club. It is kind of strange being in Luke’s car without him.

  Before I can open my door, Kevin has gotten out of his side and holds the door open for me, offering his hand. I take it and am careful as I get out to keep my legs together in my short dress. “Follow me, Ms. Brooks,” Kevin says. He offers his arm and I take it. He walks straight past the bouncer at the front door and takes me into the club.

  The place is pretty empty, given the early dinner hour. I am once again amazed by how nice the club is, but this time, I also feel pride knowing Luke was the master behind the design. “Luke will be with you momentarily, Ms. Brooks.”

  “Thank you, and please call me Olivia.” Kevin smiles, gives me another nod -which is obviously his chosen form of communication, and walks away. I stand there a moment and consider walking over to the bar to order a drink, but decide that since I’m pretty sure I know where Luke’s office is, I will just start heading that way.

  I walk the length of the room and go up the stairs on the left side. I remember seeing a door there and I assume it leads to staff rooms. If I’m wrong, no harm done, I will just keep searching until I find him.

  As I approach the door, I notice it isn’t closed all the way. I start to push it open further to peek inside, when I hear Luke’s voice. “Rebecca, I don’t know what else to say.”

  My heart starts to pound. Rebecca? As in the Rebecca that wanted a long-term commitment from Luke? Here? Now?

  “Then don’t say anything. Let your body do the talking. I know you want this, Luke, you can’t deny it. I see it in your eyes. I knew the moment I let you leave without fighting for you, it was a mistake. I want you, Luke, and I know you want me too.”


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