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Pretty Little Lies

Page 23

by Jennifer Miller

  I hear Luke sigh and then say, “Rebecca…” I step closer to the door and peek in. Rebecca is standing in front of Luke so I can’t see him. I see her reach behind her back and slowly start to unzip her dress.

  I feel sick. I’ve seen enough. I start to back away, then turn and run as fast as I can down the stairs. I feel like I can’t breathe. I hold in a sob and when I’m on the sidewalk outside the club, I put my hands on my knees and suck in breaths like I’m starving for air, my heart is pounding so hard I hear it in my ears. I was going to let my guard down and give Luke another chance. I started to trust him again. I’m so fucking stupid. Things were going to be different this time.

  I stand up straight as the word different keeps replaying in my head. Different…different…things were going to be different. I start to feel angry. At myself. What the fuck am I doing? What is wrong with me that whenever things get hard, I run or let people tell me what to do? Why am I so quick to relinquish control of my own destiny?

  This isn’t seven years ago, I’m sure as hell not the same girl I was then. Luke isn’t the same man. I believe Luke when he says he wants me, wants an “us,” and that Rebecca was a thing of the past. Why am I so quick to assume the worst? That bitch up there is trying to take my man and my response is to just run away? No. NO! I don’t think so.

  I turn on my heel and march my ass back into the club. The bouncer gives me a strange look when I stalk by, but I just take a cue from Kevin and nod at him. I march all the way across the club, up the stairs, and I don’t stop when I get to Luke’s office. I barge through his door and looking out of the corner of my eye, I’m surprised to see that Ms. Hussy still has her clothes on, despite trying to rid herself of them. Luke’s eyes widen when he takes in the complete fury on my face. He’s standing an arm’s length away from Rebecca and now that I can see his face, it brings me relief. He’s happy that I’m here.

  I stand next to him, link my arm through his and face Rebecca. I extend my other hand to her, “Hello, my name is Olivia, I’m Luke’s girlfriend,” oh yes, I’m going there, “and you are?” I’m not about to use her name.

  Luke smiles and unlinks our arms so he can place his arm around my waist instead, pulling me even closer to his side. “Girlfriend?” Rebecca asks Luke, barely even acknowledging me.

  I intervene before Luke can respond, “It’s rude to look at him when I’m the one that addressed you.” Take that bitch. “Yes, girlfriend, and you would be?”

  She looks at me with eyes full of anger, “I’m Rebecca. Luke and I were in a relationship for a couple years and we lived together.”

  I look at Luke, “So this is the one you were telling me about?”

  Luke only has eyes for me. If I had to guess, I would say he almost looks proud and somewhat smug at the moment. “Yes, this is Rebecca.”

  Looking like a proud peacock, Rebecca says, “Oh, so Luke talked about me huh? I’m not surprised, I know he still has feelings for me, so let’s quit this game and get back to you and me, Luke. Go ahead and let her down easy, I’m sure she can handle it.”

  Luke’s jaw tightens and he opens his mouth to say something but I beat him to it. “Yes, Rebecca. Luke told me all about you. I know you broke up before he moved back to Illinois. I know you wanted a commitment but he…what was it? Oh right, he didn’t. I also know he’s spent the last seven years missing me as much as I missed him. Now I suggest you get the fuck out of my boyfriend’s office and do not come back here, unless you want me to kick your ass all the way back to Miami.” I know I’m being a bitch, and it feels fucking great. I feel liberated. It’s amazing to finally get a backbone and not assume the worst. For once, I’m taking control instead of letting people try and take it from me.

  Rebecca’s mouth falls open at my comment, “Luke, are you going to let her talk to me like that?”

  Luke’s jaw ticks on the side indicating he’s clenching his teeth. I turn towards him, reach up and smooth my hand down his jaw. His eyes meet mine in surprise, “Don’t, baby, she’s not worth it.”

  His eyes soften and something passes through them too fast for me to define. He kisses me briefly on the lips and as always, I warm in my belly at the contact and instantly want more. Returning his gaze to Rebecca he says, “Obviously, the nice approach doesn’t work with you. I tried to ask you nicely to leave before, but you aren’t listening.” Luke turns to me again and pulls me up in front of his body. Looking down, his eyes only for me, he tells her, “I’ve moved on, Rebecca. I suggest you do the same.” His gaze leaves mine and anger fills his eyes, focusing on Rebecca to once more drive his point home.

  “You will regret this, Luke Easton, you and that little bitch. I changed everything to come and be here for you.”

  “I didn’t ask you to.”

  “I wanted to, for you. I know you want me, and eventually you will get tired of your little whore and come crawling back, and then, I will make you beg.”

  “That’s not going to happen. Stop making a fool of yourself and leave.”

  My mouth drops open when Rebecca stomps her foot like a baby before turning on her heel and stalking out of Luke’s office, slamming the door behind her.

  Stepping back from Luke, I place my hands on my hips and glare at him. “Luke Easton, you have some explaining to do.”

  hen Luke looks at me, I see humor twinkling in his eyes and a smirk on his sexy lips. God his lips are sexy, they just scream ‘KISS ME’. “Girlfriend?” he asks.

  “Oh, no you don’t! Not until you explain yourself. What the hell was she doing here?” I hear the accusation in my tone, but I can’t help it. Fury is still coursing through my body at the shock of seeing her. I feel my body shaking from the combination of an adrenaline rush and the shock of finally figuring out what I want.

  “Angel, I was as surprised to see her as you were, trust me. She called to tell me she was in town for business. She’s a physician’s assistant, and I guess she’s attending some training conference or something. She asked if she could see me for a few minutes to see how I’m doing and because she had some news to share.” Luke runs his hand through his hair in exasperation. “I told her I would see her, but that she would have to meet me here. She wouldn’t give me a firm time and there was no way I was going to risk her interfering on my dinner plans with you.”

  Luke gestures to the navy blue couch in his office and we take a seat. His office is really quite nice, painted in navy blue and cream, complementing the colors in the club below. Luke’s desk is across the room, facing the door when you walk in. The glass wall to the left allows him a perfect view of the dance floor and bar area below. The glass is one way; he can keep an eye on what’s going on in his club, but no one can see him doing so. The wall on the right has a long couch against it, which is where we are sitting to discuss Rebecca.

  I sink into the couch, making myself comfortable, “What did she want?”

  Luke sighs, “I’m sure it was obvious. She wants the two of us to get back together. I guess the company she works for is opening an office in the city and she applied for a transfer. She hoped that would mean the two of us could pick up where we left off, convinced that the real reason we broke up was only because I had to leave to take care of my mom. Forget the fact that I never once asked her to come with me or to give a long distance relationship a try.”

  “I don’t understand why she would just assume something like that. Have you been talking to her since you’ve been back in Chicago?” I feel jealousy stir in my belly again. I don’t like thinking about him carrying on any kind of relationship with a woman he lived with, even a friendship, when clearly she had other ideas.

  “She’s called once or twice, but I’ve never really given her the time of day. I have not encouraged her at all, but Rebecca is a woman that is used to getting what she wants.”

  “Well she can’t have you,” I blurt. My cheeks flush scarlet. “Well…er…I mean…”

  Luke’s eyes twinkle again when he looks at me, a smile p
laying on his lips again. “No. She can’t. Apparently I’m taken. I have a girlfriend. Care to explain? Not that I minded that response from you one bit.”

  “I came to the top of the stairs and heard her talking to you. I couldn’t see your face, but I heard her say that you wanted her. When she placed her hands behind her back to unzip her dress, I flew out of here. My automatic reaction was to run. I was down the stairs, across the club and outside so fast, I didn’t even think it through, I just did it. I had to get away.”

  Luke’s eyes widen and he starts to get a look of panic on his face, as though my retelling of what I did is going to change the outcome.

  “I was standing in front of the club, gasping for air, and I started thinking that this was just like seven years ago all over again. I thought to myself that things were supposed to be different this time. Then, I remembered when I ran seven years ago. If I had just stayed and confronted you, things could have been very different.”

  Tears come easily to my eyes, but I don’t let them fall. “Out of nowhere, I had clarity. I knew I could not allow myself to make the same mistake twice. I was not about to let that woman, any woman for that matter, walk in here and walk all over the progress we’ve made. I was furious. I stomped back in here, and when I saw the look of relief on your face when you saw me, it was like it gave me this amazing super power and suddenly I was confident and not willing to take Rebecca’s shit.”

  “If I had come back here and you told me that you did want her back, well that would have sucked, but at least I didn’t just run. At least I would have confronted the issue for once and known the complete truth.” I purposefully look Luke in the eye, “No running. Not anymore.”

  Luke cups my face and his mouth starts to move towards mine. I lift my head in anticipation, my lips ready and waiting to meet his. We are interrupted when a knock sounds on the door. Luke sighs and drops his hand. I frown. “Who is it?” he bellows. I’m glad he is as unhappy about being interrupted as I am.

  Kevin opens the door and peers around it, “Sorry to bother you sir, but your dinner has arrived.”

  Luke nods, “Thank you, Kevin.”

  Kevin nods in reply and exits the room.

  Luke stands and holds his hand out to me. When I stand, he finally takes me in from head to toe. His eyes darken and become heated with lust, and I know in that moment he only has eyes for me. This dress was definitely the right choice. Luke always liked my legs and his eyes linger there for several moments before returning to mine with a smile.

  Luke looks spectacular himself. Wearing black dress pants, a crisp, white shirt with no tie and a black jacket, I can’t look away. His very presence encompasses the whole room and leaves me breathless. I can’t see, smell, or hear anything but him.

  “You look stunning.” He takes my hand and holds it above his head and indicates with a finger on his other hand that he wants me to do a twirl. I indulge him and twirl for him. His eyes heat even more, if that’s possible. “I’m going to have to keep a close eye on you tonight.”

  “Why is that?” I ask breathlessly in response to the blatant need and want I see in his eyes.

  “Because I’m going to have to fight the other men off with a stick,” he growls.

  “What men?” I ask coyly.

  “Good answer, angel. Come on, follow me.”

  Luke pulls me out of his office and we walk only a short distance to the room next to the office. I follow him in. It looks like a mini conference room. A large table, mini kitchen, TVs, couch, and chairs make up the room. The color scheme of the rest in the club continues in here too, but somehow manages to come off as more comfortable and relaxed.

  The table is set up with a candlelit dinner for two. There are tall silver candlesticks on the table with lit white candles perched inside. In between the candles is a vase holding at least two dozen pink and red roses. Two table settings with flatware and wine glasses are set up across from one another, with salad plates on top already adorned with a tasty looking salad. Down a little ways on the table, out of the way of everything else is a large, silver domed top covering whatever Luke has chosen for dinner, as well as a bottle of wine chilling in an ice bucket. Music is playing softly, adding to the very romantic setting.

  “This is lovely.” I smile, looking at him.

  “I’m glad you like it. I had food brought in from one of your favorite places,” he says proudly.

  I look at him curiously, “Where?” Luke holds my chair out for me, waiting for me to sit. I think I have a pretty good idea since even the covered dome can’t completely contain the amazing smell permeating the air.

  He takes the dome top off with a flourish and exposes my favorite pizza from Gino’s East. I laugh, “Perfect!”

  He replaces the top with a smile and grabs the wine bottle out of the bucket, opening it using the corkscrew strategically placed next to the bucket. After a loud pop from the air pressure, Luke fills our glasses and places the wine back in the bucket and takes his seat.

  Luke has thought of everything and I love it. He even has my salad dressing on the side, just like he knows I like it. While my salad does not have tomatoes because I despise them, his does because he loves them. The fact that he remembers small details about me warms my heart and makes me fall a little bit deeper under his spell.

  “Do you remember the day we met?” Luke asks, eyebrow raised.

  I smile. “Of course. In health class.”

  He returns my smile, “Yes, in class. You came into class late that day and all the chairs were taken. They had more against the wall but as you walked in, taking in the filled seats, all I could think was…” he stops. “Well, maybe one day I will tell you what I thought.”

  “What?! No fair! You can’t just tease me like that!”

  “Oh yes I can, you have to earn those thoughts, love. Anyway, do you remember what I said to you?”

  “How can I forget?” I ask, rolling my eyes.

  Luke chuckles, “I told you that you were more than welcome to sit on my lap since there wasn’t an available chair. Man, I was cocky.”

  I laugh, “Was?”

  Luke narrows his eyes at me, but continues. “Your cheeks flushed a little and you rolled your eyes at me, stalking over to get your own chair from the stacked ones on the side of the room. I jumped up to help you, our hands touched when we reached for a chair at the same time, and your cheeks became fire.”

  “That’s really embarrassing,” I mumble.

  “No, it’s beautiful, you’re beautiful,” he says looking at me, “In that instant, I made myself a promise that you would be mine. I wanted to be the one to put that blush on your cheeks again and again. I wanted to see how far I could push you before your cheeks would become that color. Would it be a few sweet words, a slight touch, a whispered promise, or an inevitable compliment that would put it there? I wanted to find out. I was determined to find out,” he whispers the last.

  I feel my cheeks flush at his words and my heart flutters in my chest. “Just like that,” he says, reaching across the table to touch my cheek. “Each day after that, I made sure I was sitting next to you in class.”

  “I remember. You were annoying. Asking me out on a daily basis.”

  “And you kept telling me no.”

  “Until I finally realized that I didn’t know why I kept saying no. One day I decided when you asked me again, I would finally say yes. Only, you didn’t ask me that day.”

  “I had given up,” he admits, “for the time being. I was working on developing a new strategy.”

  I laugh. “I can’t imagine what that would have entailed.”

  “If I remember correctly it involved baseball, ducks, and roses.”

  A loud laugh escapes me, “What?”

  “Don’t ask.”

  “Okay, but one of these days that is going to need explaining.” I tell him.

  “We’ll see. I remember the day I actually beat you to class. I don’t even remember why I was early for onc
e. Normally, I would try to time my entry into class about the same time you arrived so I could snag the seat next to you. This time I beat you, so imagine my surprise when you sat next to me,” I smile at the memory and he smiles too, “and you asked me out.”

  “Now, wait a minute. I don’t remember it that way!” I pretend to be serious when I know that is exactly what happened.

  “Oh, don’t even try and deny it, angel. I had finally worn you down. You wanted me.”

  “I’m not denying that, but I do believe what actually happened was that I asked you why you hadn’t asked me out lately.”

  Luke smiles, “And I looked at you and smiled and said I didn’t want to be shot down again.”

  “And I asked you if you would ask me again if you knew you weren’t going to get shot down.”

  “I believe my exact words were ‘hell yes’.”

  My smile is bigger now, “So I said, go ahead, ask me. And you did.”

  “We were inseparable after that. That was the best day.”

  “I was pretty happy too, if I remember correctly,” I tease. That day is ingrained in my mind. No way could I ever forget it. .

  “As much as I hate what ended up happening to us a couple years later, Olivia, I would go back to that moment with you again and again and again to hear you tell me yes again.”

  “A few weeks later you gave me your letterman’s jacket to wear. I loved walking around and wearing that, even though it was way too big for me.”

  “I loved seeing you wear it too, but I loved seeing those gorgeous legs in your cheerleading uniform even more.”

  “You loved getting your hands under my cheerleading skirt even more than that.”

  Luke’s grin is downright devilish, “Very true.”

  We both laugh, and I love this reminiscing. Luke takes the dome off the pizza and serves a piece to me and then one to him. I pick up my knife and fork and begin cutting pieces to eat, and it tastes divine.


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