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Pretty Little Lies

Page 25

by Jennifer Miller

  When he sucks on the small nub that will take me to heaven, that’s all it takes and the clouds part and the angels start to sing. White hot heat hits my belly, I open my mouth in a silent scream, my hips come off the desk and I pump my hips, using his tongue to ride it out. I feel like I’m having an out of body experience.

  I dig my heels into the edge of the desk and on some level, I realize Luke has backed up, hooded eyes watching me, just enjoying the show. As I come down from my intense high, I push down hard with my heels raising my hips too high and suddenly I go tumbling off the desk and crash onto my head. “OUCH! FUCK!” I yell.

  I pop up as fast as I can. “I’m okay, I’m okay. Show’s over. Nothing to see here.”

  I look over at Luke and his eyes are wide and his mouth is hanging open. He chokes out, “Are you okay?”

  “Yes,” I manage through my embarrassment and the fact I’m still feeling the after effects of my orgasm.

  Once Luke knows I’m fine and didn’t give myself a concussion, he laughs so hard that tears stream down his face.

  At first, I look at him completely mortified. A blush, that is already staining my cheeks starts moving its way down my body. He’s laughing at me but then, as I look at my sexy man, I can’t help but laugh right along with him.

  Laughing at myself.

  And it feels so good.

  he last few weeks with Luke have been amazing. We’ve gone everywhere – the aquarium, the zoo, the museum, the planetarium. My favorite date was when we went to Navy Pier. It was chilly that evening, but we still did everything and anything. We played games like children. We rode the ferris wheel and kissed at the very top. We even went on a skyline boat tour just for fun, it was beautiful. Luke held me close and we delighted in the sights as though it was our first time viewing any of it. The skyline at dusk will always take my breath away. Finally, we cuddled up and watched the colorful fireworks at the end of the night and shared several kisses between “oohs” and “aahs”. It was a perfect evening.

  After each date, Luke would drop me off at the condo and walk me to the door, like a perfect gentleman. Other than kissing, and a bit of groping through our clothes, we haven’t been intimate since the night at his club. I’m ready for more, and I’m sure Luke is too. He may be trying to be considerate and hesitant to push me too fast, but the fact is that I have needs and may physically combust if I don’t have some release for all this pent up sexual frustration.

  Trying to regain self-discipline from my daydreaming, I am sitting at my computer and supposed to be typing out a blog post that that will also serve as an article for Got Style magazine. The title is ‘10 Things People Should Never Wear. Ever.’ I expect some will disagree with my opinion but that’s okay, the conversation my views stimulate is one of the reasons I love what I do. I’m putting the finishing touches on the article when there’s a knock on my door.

  “Hi Livvie, whatcha’ doin’?”

  “Hiya, love! Just finishing up a blog post and article, then I need to get ready for my date with Luke. Want to help me pick something to wear?”

  “Sure,” she smiles, “where are you two love birds going this time?”

  I roll my eyes at the use of the words ‘love birds’. “I don’t know. That’s why I want you to pick something out. I’m thinking about it too much, which is making the decision harder than it needs to be. He merely told me our destination is a surprise.”

  Pyper jumps up and down clapping her hands, “Oh yay! I love surprises! Did he give you any hints? Did he tell you how to dress or anything like that?”

  “Not really, other than telling me to dress comfortably and to bring a jacket. And you do not love surprises; you can’t keep a secret to save your life.”

  Pyper gasps and strikes a dramatic pose which entails one hip being cocked and her hands placed on her hips, “That is not true, Olivia Brooks! I am the best secret keeper ever.” She holds her hand out and starts counting out on her fingers, “I never told your mom that time you broke her favorite vase from Italy. I never told Luke where to find you, even when he begged me. I never told anyone about that time you were in college and you sent me the pictures of you almost naked and…”

  “NO! NO! Do not finish that sentence. The official story is that that never happened, remember? We do not speak of it,” I reply in horror.

  “I think I’ve proven my point,” she says full of sass.

  “I concede, you win. Good point. You are a master secret keeper and the bestest friend ever. Thank you for the reminder that as my best friend you can embarrass me and ruin me in seconds should you repeat half of what you know about me!” Of course that goes both ways, I think to myself, smiling wickedly.

  “Damn straight,” Pyper replies. “Now, let me go through your clothes and find you an outfit.”

  “Thanks, bestie,” I say, still trying to kiss her ass. I’m no fool.

  “Yeah, yeah.” She winks at me and raises her eyebrows. She’s no fool either.

  While she’s in my closet sliding hanger after hanger across the bar, looking through everything, she turns to me and says, “How are you doing, really? I mean, you know, how does it feel to be back with Luke?”

  “I haven’t been this happy in a long time,” I confess, “but part of me still feels… I don’t know. I guess the best word would be fear. Part of me still feels afraid. I guess I haven’t completely overcome the fear yet?”

  Pyper raises her eyebrows and a concerned look flashes across her face, “Afraid? Fear? What do you mean?”

  “I know, without a doubt, that Luke is what I want. When I saw Rebecca in his office and ran out, as infuriating as that was, it gave me clarity. It made me realize I want to be with Luke. I think on some level, I’m waiting for the next ball to drop. I hate feeling like this. Like I’m just waiting for something bad to come and ruin it all.”

  “Why do you think you are feeling like that?” Pyper gives up her task for the moment and is leaning her hip against the doorframe of my closet door; her attention completely on me.

  I click publish, my blog is done, then I shut my laptop so I can give her my full attention too. “I know that part of the reason is because I’m still learning to trust Luke again. While I understand why he told his mom what he did, it doesn’t change the fact that he should never feel like he has to lie about how he feels about me.”

  “Olivia, you were just kids,” Pyper reminds me.

  “You took the words out of my mouth. I was going to say that I know we were young and he just wanted her off of his back. I get it, but the part of my heart that is still protecting itself says that isn’t an excuse. I forgive him, but I haven’t completely let it go yet.”

  “Just keep giving yourself some time. No one says you should be over it yet, or maybe you never do get over it completely Olivia.”

  “Yeah, maybe.”

  Pyper is about to turn back around when I blurt out, “His mom wants to see me.”

  Pyper’s head snaps back around to me. “Woah. What did Luke say about that?”

  I think back to a conversation Luke and I had last night on the phone. “He told me that he told his mom that we are seeing each other again. He says she is sorry for what happened and she wants to see me in person to apologize and make amends for what she said. She feels bad for how she treated me back then.”

  “Wow, Olivia. That’s huge. What did you say?”

  The heaviness of my heart with the weight of my decision makes me sigh, “I told him I would think about it. He was quick to assure me that I didn’t have to, but I think I’d like to. Maybe it would help me let go of the last bit of bitterness I’m hanging on to. Plus, I think it would make Luke happy.”

  “I’m not telling you what to do…”

  I smile because she and I both know she always tells me what to do, “But…”

  “But, I think you should see her too. I think it would help like you said.”

  “Maybe. One thing I do know, the decision is mine to make
, no one else’s.” I look at her a little pointedly.

  “Right you are,” Pyper smiles knowingly and turns back around to finish her task of finding my outfit.

  I’m getting the hang of this being in control thing. Deacon made me so insecure. All of my choices and decisions felt suspect. After a while, it was just easier to give him complete control. Moreover, if without complete control, he was abhorrent and there was no way to deal with him. Since I’ve been away from him and taken control back of my life, I’m remembering more and more every day what a strong, independent, intelligent woman I am who is fully capable of deciding her own path in life. It doesn’t hurt that I have the great support of Pyper, and now Luke.

  Pyper walks out of the closet with clothes in her arms. “Okay, I’ve got it all figured out. Let me show you and feel free to tell me how awesome I am. I’ve got these black leggings with this long, gray, off the shoulder sweater and this black tank top to go underneath the sweater. Then, I grabbed this teal scarf which will look great with the gray and either these black ballet flats or these knee-high black boots.” She holds everything up for me, as she talks about each one, for inspection.

  “I like it. Comfortable and warm like Luke said, and I’m thinking I want the ballet flats. Can you also grab my black Coach bag with the long strap please?”

  Pyper goes to the closet again, “Oh yes, perfect choice!”

  “Why, thank you my dear!” I tease.

  “Can I help you do your hair and makeup like we used to?” Pyper asks.

  I laugh, “Sure! That would be fun! I want to throw my hair up in a braided bun anyway and you do them the best.”

  Pyper does a slight bow, “At your service, ma’am.”

  I giggle at her and head to my bathroom with Pyper following.

  An hour later, I am standing against the wall, while Pyper takes a picture of my outfit so I can post it on my blog later. I have to admit, I do look really fashionable. I may be casual, but Pyper had fun with my makeup and gave me a very smoky eye with gray eyeshadow and put lots of pink on my cheeks and lips. With my hair in a bun with what looks like a huge braid wrapped around it, combined with my off the shoulder sweater and leggings, I look like I just stepped off of an old episode of The Hills. I look very casual chic. I like it.

  “Thank for your help, Pyper.”

  “But of course! I’m going to go get something to drink. Want anything?”

  “No, thanks.”

  I grab my leather jacket from my closet, and just as I finish changing out my purses, I hear a knock on the front door. Perfect timing. I grab my phone off the charger and head out of my bedroom, closing the door behind me.

  Pyper must have let Luke in, because I hear voices coming from the kitchen. I pause in the hallway before completely revealing myself and listen to them banter back and forth. “All I’m saying is that you totally owe me, Easton. If it wasn’t for my helping you out when she was going on those horrid dates, you wouldn’t even be together now.”

  I hear Luke laugh, “Okay, well I will give you that. Your sleuthing was very helpful.”

  “Helpful? It was freaking gold and you know it. I was like a freaking double agent for you!” Pyper says, sounding very affronted that he wasn’t kissing her feet.

  “I wouldn’t go that far. I mean you passed on some helpful information, but double agent sounds a bit…I don’t know…dramatic,” Luke says.

  I hear Pyper snort and I have to smother a giggle, “Do you know me at all? Of course it sounds dramatic! Now, what are you going to get me as a present to thank me for my help?”

  “Present? Are you serious? I already had to bribe you with two pairs of Christian Loubotin shoes. Do you know how much that set me back? Wait, what am I saying? Of course you know.” Luke sounds exasperated. As much as I enjoy listening to him sweat, I decide he’s had enough.

  “I knew it was shoes, Pyper. I knew it! You are so predictable.” I say.

  Pyper turns to me with a sheepish look on her face, Luke turns to me with his signature sexy smirk as he looks me up and down. I have eyes only for him. He looks delectable in jeans, a blue button down shirt that is untucked and rolled up at the sleeves. His black boots finish the look. It’s not the clothes – it’s how he fills them out. He makes my mouth water. Walking over to me, he hands me a few pink roses. “You look gorgeous as always,” he says, giving my heart wings and making me smile. I place a soft kiss on his lips in thanks.

  “Thank you. For the compliment and the roses,” I tell him with a smile.

  “I’ll put them in a vase for you, Olivia,” Pyper takes them from my hand. “You guys go ahead. Have fun. Don’t worry about me. Here. Alone.”

  “Oh, please. I don’t buy that sad speech for a second,” I tell her, “you could have your choice of the litter on Date Me, so why don’t you take advantage.”

  “Date Me?” Asks Luke, a question in his voice.

  “A dating site,” Pyper tells him then turns to me. “My last date through them didn’t go well and I’m just giving up. I’m just meant to be single, I think.”

  She’s too much. “Oh, please. Is this the same girl that kept making me go out over and over and even go speed dating?”

  “Speed dating?” Luke asks and is ignored when Pyper says, “I did that for you, not for me.”

  “Whatever, Pyper. Stop being a bore and go meet some people. Why don’t you jump like you told me or is that advice only good one way? Or don’t, because you know what I think?”

  “Oh no. Do I want to know what you think?”

  I choose to ignore that question, “I think you will meet someone when you are least expecting it.”

  “I can set you up with one of the guys from the club I bet,” Luke offers.

  “Ew. No thanks. I prefer my men to be tie-wearing professionals, thank you.”

  “Hey!” Luke and I both say at the same time in defense.

  “I’m allowed to have a type, you know.” Pyper says, sticking up for herself and I swear her nose is slightly raised in the air, but I won’t call her out on it. This time.

  “Of course you are. I love you no matter what. We are leaving. Bye.” I tell her with a smile, putting this conversation away for later.

  “Bye, Livvie. Have fun, and I love you too. Luke, take care of our girl.” Pyper says.

  “Always.” He tells her, but he’s looking at me when he responds.

  We head out the door and close it behind us.

  When we are in the elevator, Luke pushes the button for the parking garage and turns to me, pressing me against the wall. “Remember when we rode down this elevator together for the first time when I convinced you to go to breakfast with me?”

  “Yes, I remember,” I tell him looking into his eyes, loving the feel of his body pressed against mine.

  Luke leans in closer, his lips are almost touching mine and he says, “I wanted to kiss you so bad it was a physical ache in my stomach. I wanted to touch your hair,” he says while putting a lock of my hair between his fingers. “I wanted to cup your face in my hand,” he says and then does it. “I wanted to look deep into your eyes,” My eyes couldn’t look away from his if they wanted to. I’m in a trance listening to what he’s saying, “and tell you that every second, minute, and year apart from you caused physical pain. I missed you, angel. I wanted to press my lips to yours and taste you, to see if you taste as good as I remembered.”

  My heart is racing, his words slamming need through every inch of me. “And do I?” I ask, my voice gravelly with lust.

  “Even better,” he whispers, and he puts his mouth on mine. I open immediately and he sucks my tongue in his mouth. He tastes better than I remember too. I pull back a little and nibble and suck on his bottom lip. He groans, then pulls me closer to his body, leaving no space between us. The tips of my fingers are digging into his back and his hands are tangled in my hair, clutching fistfuls. Nothing else matters but him and this moment.

  I barely register the ding of the elevator a
s it arrives to the parking garage; I’m so caught up in the taste, smell and feel of the man in my arms.

  We hear a throat clear and reluctantly pull apart. Luke turns around and I get on my tip toes to see over his shoulder. An older man using a cane is standing there waiting for us to vacate. Fortunately he has a smile playing on his lips. “Sorry, sir.” Luke murmurs as he grabs my hand and leads me to the car.

  Once we are both situated in the car, Luke opens the console between us and he pulls out black silk. “I want you to put this on please.”

  I look closer at his hands to see he has a black sleep mask. “Why do I have to wear that?”

  “Because I want you to be surprised.”

  I hesitate.

  “For me, angel?”

  I can’t say no to that, “Okay. I’ll wear it.”

  He leans over and kisses me on the lips and lingers for a moment, “Thank you.”

  I will do anything this man asks me to do if he keeps kisses like that coming. I look at the mask warily, but take it and put it over my eyes. “Can you see anything?”

  “Everything straight ahead is completely black. There is a little light coming from the bottom but I only see my lap.”

  “Okay that’s fine, but no tilting your head back to try and see,” Luke teases.

  “Oh alright, I promise. Geesh, I’m not six-years-old, you know.”

  Luke laughs. “Alright, we are off to your surprise.”

  I grin to myself. I can’t wait.

  e drive for a while and make small talk about how his mom is feeling, how it looks like it might rain, and Luke talks about a recent shipment of some dated scotch he was able to acquire that he’s excited about.

  I finally feel the car come to a stop. “Wait right here, I will come around and get you, okay?”

  “Okay.” I really have no idea where we are, and I feel a little anxious. I hope I like it.


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