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Page 6

by Christina Chavis

  Locking the door on my way out, I stop by the bar for a shot of Jack and a beer before making my way back to the shed. I'm a few feet from the door when I hear Izzy screaming and yelling about her face. A little smile creeps on to my face because I know how much she loves to look at herself in the mirror, and now I doubt she'll ever want to be near another one. Kelly's got a mean streak, and I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of it. I just hope I can convince her to stick around so I can see more of it.

  Seeing her dish out vengeance and covered in blood had me hard as hell. I had to adjust myself a few times while watching her. Damn just thinking about it has me wanting to turn around, go back to my room, and fuck her against the shower wall. Taking a deep breath to clear my mind, I swing the door open and walk into the room. It seems like the few members that were in the room when we walked through and seen Kelly covered in blood decided to come out and see what happened.

  I walk over to where Devil's at and lean against the workbench. Izzy's screaming and crying yelling something about her face, but you can barely understand her. I think Kelly might have damaged some nerves in her face. Devil looks at me and says it looked like they missed one hell of a party. That he can't believe my girl did that to her. He said he loves a girl who's not afraid to get her hands dirty.

  Looking over at him, I narrow my eyes and tell him he better not make a move on Kelly. Brother or not there'd be hell to pay, and I wouldn't hesitate. He throws his head back and laughs. Then he looks at me and says I'd never do that. I already have someone in mine, and I'm just waiting for the perfect time to claim her. If I were you, I'd claim Kelly before she decides to leave your sorry ass.

  He looks to Demon and asks what we were going to do about Izzy. Demon looks at her with a thoughtful look. Then he squats down in front of her and looks her in the eyes. He snaps at her and tells her to shut up. She whimpers, but that's all the leaves her mouth.

  He tells her if she was a man, she would've been dead by now. He tells her when she's able to leave that he wants her out of his town. That just because we don't hurt women doesn't mean any of our other charters don't. That if he sees her in this town again, he will put the word out to end her. He asks if she understands, and she nods. He looks to Justice and tells him to get a prospect to get her and her things and drive her a town over close to a hospital so she can get herself there.



  After my shower, I dressed and laid in Mason's bed, waiting for him to return. I must have fallen asleep before he came back because when I opened my eyes, it was daylight now. I could see the sun trying to creep through the sides of the blackout curtains on the little window. I was warm, and there was a heavyweight on my stomach. I knew it was Mason because I could smell his unique smell. The smell of leather, cigarette smoke, and a hint of his Old Spice body wash.

  I waited for the panic to set in from the weight keeping me in place. But knowing that it was Mason and he wouldn't hurt me, I guess it didn't trigger my fight or flight senses. I was grateful because it gave me time to study him while he slept. He had a short-boxed beard, eyelashes that any woman would kill to have, lips that were made for kissing, and a little teardrop tattoo right under his right eye. It wasn't the only tattoo I noticed.

  He had a sleeve tattoo on his left arm that I couldn't make out because he was sleeping on it. But it was his right arm that had my complete attention. It was thrown across me, and I could see every tattoo. He had a set of prayer hands on his wrist. A banner with what looked to be his mom's name, the date of her birth, and the date that she died. She died two years ago.

  The tattoo that caught my eye was the tattoo of two trees and a lake. It took up the entire top half of his arm. It was a scene that I would have noticed anywhere. It was the Weeping Willow trees that sat in front of the lake in the park beside the local library. We had our first anniversary there. It was a magical night and one that I'd never forget.

  I could feel my eyes water as I reached up and traced the tree that showed our carved initials. I couldn't believe that Mason got our spot tattooed on his body. I was so entranced that I didn't notice Mason was awake until he reached up and wiped a tear from my cheek. Looking down at him, I smiled and told him that his tattoo was beautiful. He told me that he had got it for me. He wanted something as a reminder of me.

  He asks me if I had any tattoos, and I tell him I have just one. I tell him I got it in high school. He asks if he had seen it, and I tell him no. He gets a curious look on his face and asks if he can see it. Taking a deep breath, I nod and turn to the side. Pulling up the shirt, I let him see the tattoo with his name for the very first time.

  My breathe catches, and my eyes close when I feel his fingers tracing over the tattoo, and he says it's beautiful. He asks why I never showed it to him. I hate to bring it up, but I know he needs to hear it. I tell him I got it the day Steven raped me. That I was planning to show it to him at the party. But things didn't turn out the way I had hoped they would.

  We're quiet for a few minutes before he kisses the tattoo softly and says he's sorry. I shake my head and tell him it's in the past. Then I get up, grab my bag, and go to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and take a quick shower. Putting on the clothes, I was going to wear on our date last night.

  Walking out to see that Mason has taken a shower too and was in the process of drying off with his towel. He's facing away from me, so he doesn't see me staring at what can only be described as perfection. Dropping his towel and my mouth goes dry. He reaches into his dresser for a pair of blue jeans. I watch as he bends over and pulls the jeans over that perfect naked ass of his. I have squeezed my thighs together and bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from moaning out loud.

  He pulls a shirt over his head, and I'm transfixed on the way his muscles move under his skin. I don't even realize he's finished dressing until I hear him ask, "If I liked what I saw?" I'm so dazed all I can do is nod my head. He gives me a cocky grin and grabs his shoes. Sitting on the bed, he looks over his shoulder and tells me to put on my shoes because he's taking me to eat at Rose's Diner.

  When I'm done putting on my shoes, he's at the door and waiting for me. We walk out, and he puts his arm around me, tucking me into his side. At that moment, there's no place else I'd rather be. Walking into the commons area, I almost trip over my own feet because of the sight before me. One of the members is sitting at a table with four other people, legs spread, and a girl is giving him a blowjob.

  The men at the table are eating and talking. It's like they don't even notice the man sitting there and getting his dick sucked. Honestly, I'm not sure he's enjoying it himself because he's eating and talking too. Not even paying attention to the girl that's got his cock shoved down her throat. Mason starts walking in that direction and drags me with him.

  We get to the table, and he stops to talk to Demon. Which meant we stopped right beside the man getting a blowjob with his breakfast. I can't help but watch what is happening. I try to look at the other members at the table, but my eyes keep coming back to the scene beside me. His cock is about average size with a thick vein. I'm watching the girl gag on it when I feel eyes on me.

  Looking up, I realize everyone at the table has stopped talking and was watching me watch the guy get his cock sucked. I can feel my cheeks warm up. I look to Mason, and he's smirking at me. He pulls me in front of him, and I can feel his cock against my lower back. Leaning down, he asks, "If I enjoy watching Torch get his dick sucked?"

  I tell him, "Although, it's very arousing. I'm trying to figure out why he's getting his dick sucked by a girl that is obviously not doing it right. Especially when it looks like he's enjoying the food more than her mouth. Everyone at the table busted out laughing, and the girl sits back on her heels with a huff and narrows her eyes at me. I look at her with a raised brow daring her to say something, but she looks away. Torch tells her to leave, and he tucks himself back into his pants before he starts eating again. A few minutes later, he's p
ulling me to his bike.



  The ride to the diner was short. But I wasn't complaining because I was starving. We didn't get to eat last night, and I was about to make up for that this morning. I had a lot of things I needed to do today. So, I was going to need a big breakfast.

  The outside of the diner looked the same. But the inside looked new. Everything from the tables and chairs to the appliances I could see in the back looked new. Like they hadn't been here that long. It was more beautiful now than it was when I lived here.

  We settle into a booth by the window. It's awkward for a few minutes because neither of us seems you know what to say to the other. To break the silence I asked Mason how long has he been a member of the motorcycle club. He tells me he's been in the club for six years but a fully patched member for five. I asked him what he did before joinning the club, and he said he started working at the auto shop in town after graduation.

  Then he asked me what had I been doing the last ten years since I left. I told him that I went to college and got my Bachelor's Degree in Accounting. I had got my first accounting job about four months after graduating, but it didn't work out and ended up quitting not six months into the position. I told him the boss's son asked me to stay late to help with some paperwork, and with who he was I didn't want to say no. So, I stayed to help.

  I told him how he had been trying to get me to go out with him since I started working there, and every time, I would turn him down. About how after the last person had left and we were still going over paperwork. Paperwork that I thought could have waited until the next day because the company meeting wasn't until that afternoon. I told him how, when he finally deemed us finished, I went back to my office to pack up my desk. I was almost finished when he walked through my door and closed it behind him.

  I told him how he tried to kiss me, and I would let him. He got mad and asked why I couldn't be like every other girl and just sleep with him. Then how he tried to push me onto my desk and have his way with me. I could see the anger in Mason's features as he listened to my story. Then the surprise when I told him I ended up breaking his nose and two fingers for touching me.

  That surprise turned to laughter, and I couldn't help but join in. That was when our waitress decided to come. It wasn't only her, either. There was a cute little black-haired boy following behind her. He looked about four years old and was covered in chocolate.

  As soon as he saw Mason shot out from behind the woman and went running up to him. Mason had just enough time to turn around in his seat before the boy made it to us. He picked the boy up and placed him on his lap as the woman stopped at our table. She completely ignored me and only had eyes for Mason. Putting a hand on his shoulder, she leans down to kiss him, but he turns his head at the last minute, and she ends up kissing his cheek.

  I study the boy that he has cuddled in his arms and can't help but think he looks so much like Mason. They have the same hair and some facial features. When the little boy calls Mason daddy, I know my suppositions are correct. With that knowledge comes the heartbreak. I know I have no right to feel that way, but that doesn't mean anything.

  Another thought comes to mine, and my stomach drops. Is the waitress his girlfriend? Am I about to be labeled a homewrecker? Fuck that. I grab my phone and text Dad to come pick me up from the grocery store that's a block away. He texts back and says he's already there getting things to cook for tonight.

  I tell him I'm on my way there. Then I get up and leave. I hear Mason call my name as the door close, but I keep walking. I'm about to cross the street to the store when someone grabs my arm, and on reflex, I swing hitting them in the chin. Their letting go in an instant.

  The impact has my hand throbbing. Stepping back, I shake it out because it felt like I'd just hit solid brick. My head snaps up when the person I hit yells, Fuck! The person I hit turns out to be Mason. He's rubbing his chin with a look of admiration on his face.

  I'm sure I have a look of horror on my face. I run up to Mason to inspect his face but ended up tripping over my own feet and almost face planted on the sidewalk. If he hadn't reached out to catch me, I'm sure I would've been sporting my own bruise to match the one on his chin. Holding me close, he whispers, "I've got you." I melt in his arms until I remember the girl and kid, I just left him with.

  Pushing out of his arms, I turn and start to walk across the street with him following behind yelling my name. I tell him, "I'm sorry about hitting him and for him to leave me alone." The grocery store parking lot is full, and there's a lot of people staring and whispering at us as we're yelling back and forth at each other. I see my dad's truck and turn in that direction picking up my pace so we can leave. I'm ready to get away from here, and away from the scene, we're causing.

  The faster I walked, the faster he walked. When I reached the truck, I jumped in and practically slammed and locked the door. He tried the handle and knocked on the window. Ignoring him, I asked my dad if we could go and he nodded. Putting the truck in drive, we pulled onto the road leaving Mason standing there with a confused look on his face.

  We ride to the house in silence, and I help dad take the grocery in. After banging just about every door in the kitchen, Dad finally asks, "What has gotten you all worked up?" Shoulders hunched and head hanging, I turn and walk over to the counter. Taking a seat beside Dad, I tell him about the scene from the diner. How Mason didn't tell me he had a girlfriend and a son.

  How I slept with him, and he had a girlfriend and child somewhere last night waiting for him. But he never went home because he was with me. Stopping when I see the look on his face, I feel my face heat-up and tell him we didn't do anything. We just slept together in the same bed. He starts laughing and says, "Baby, I know what you meant."

  Then he asks, "Did Mason say the girl was his girlfriend?" I reply with a "No" and gaze out the kitchen window. Then he asks, "Did you ask him?" Responding with another "No" I tell him I just got up and left. I fidget in my chair from his intense gaze. When I can't take it anymore, I get up and head for the door.

  When I get to the door, I yell and tell dad I'm going to the store. I close the door and start to go to my car only to remember it's still at Mason's clubhouse. Fuming I walk back in the house and tell dad I'm going for a run instead. Putting on a crop-top, a pair of running shorts and sneakers I'm ready to go. On the way out the door, I grab my iPod. Putting in my headphones, I stretch before running towards town.

  Chapter 17


  When we got to the diner, it was a bit awkward at first, but once the conversation started, things were going great. I thought coming to the diner for breakfast was a good idea because there had been a few things I wanted to talk discuss with Kelly. But what I didn't count on was Cassie being here or her having Johnny here with her at work. Cassie has been a pain in my ass since we found out that Johnny was mine and not Stryker's. Fuck, getting a girl pregnant in alcohol fueled threesome is one way to keep your ass sober enough to remember to wear a condom.

  Don't get me wrong, I love my son, but I would've chosen a better mother for him if I could. Cassie was a clubwhore who got kicked out for bringing drugs into the club. She might not have been a constant user, but she had a habit. A habit that caused her to be turned from the club and her dealer to be run out of town. It was problems that the club couldn't and wouldn't put up with.

  About two months after she was kicked from the club, she comes back, claiming that either me or Stryker was the baby's daddy. Threating that if we don't help her, she would get an abortion. She was put up in an apartment and given a weekly allowance. One of us went with her to all of her appointments. When Johnny was born, we had a paternity test done, and Johnny turned out to be mine.

  But she's been trying to get with me since then. I've turned down every advance she's made towards me, but it doesn't stop her from trying. If I'd known she'd be here today, we would've eaten breakfast at the clubhouse. I have no idea why she'd have Johnn
y here when I've been giving here money for a babysitter. I'm going to have to call Sarah and see what's going on there.

  Johnny runs to me, and I pick him up. He cuddled into my chest when Cassie arrives at our table. She bends down and tries to kiss me, but I turn my head, and she ends up kissing my cheek. I look across to see Kelly studying Johnny and me. Johnny says, "Daddy, who's that?" I start to tell him but stop when a look of hurt crosses Kelly's face.

  She picks up her phone and starts texting someone. A few seconds later, someone replies back, and she gets up without saying a word and starts for the door. I call her name, but she doesn't even look back. I kiss Johnny's head and tell him I'd be right back. Looking at Cassie, I tell her we're having a talk about what just happen, and she better have a damn good expiation for it.

  Rushing out the door, I take a left and catch up to her at the end of the sidewalk. Grabbing her arm to stop her from crossing the street, I'm caught off guard when she rears back and clocks me in the chin. It was a powerful hit, and I understand now how she was able to knock Izzy out. I can taste blood in my mouth, and I'm sure it's going to bruise. The brothers are going to have a field day when they find out about this.

  Walking into the diner, I see Johnny still sitting at the table and Cassie nowhere to be seen. Walking over to him, I been down and ask him where his mom went. He points to the back. I grab his hand and walk him to the counter where Rose's son, Tim, is working. Putting some money on the counter, I ask Tim for a cookie and a glass of milk for Johnny. I tell Tim I'm going to go talk to Cassie and ask him to watch Johnny for me.


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