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Page 7

by Christina Chavis

  I look in the bathroom, but she's not there. Walking to the back door, I push it open to see the bitch is on her knees with a man's cock down her throat. Pissed the fuck off now, I walk over and grab the man by the shoulder and push him into the wall head first. There's a crunch and a howl of pain before he turns around and starts to come at me. I reach behind my back for my gun and put it to his head.

  Raising a brow, I point to my kutte that has the MC logo stamped on the front. Raising his hands, he takes a step back. Looking at Cassie, he sneers and pulls a twenty out of his pocket and throws it to the ground before leaving. I watch him walk around the corner before turning back to Cassie. She's shaking her head and carb crawling backward as I stalk towards her.

  Reaching down, I grab the bitch by her arm and push her up against the wall. Fuming, I asked, "Why are you fucking men for money?" Especially when I give her twenty-five hundred dollars every two weeks. She pays no bills since the apartment she's staying in is owned by the club. The only thing she has to pay for is groceries, clothes, and car payment. Everything else is coming out of my pocket.

  What the fuck could she need money for so bad that she would need to be on her knees to get it? She doesn't answer me. She just looks down at her pocket, and I see her trying to push a little plastic bag into her pocket. Giving her a rough shake, I smack her hand away and yank the small pouch out of her left pocket. Opening it up, I turn it over and watch as the cocaine floats off in the wind.

  The whole time Cassie is yelling about how she needs it, and she looks like an idiot trying to snatch the powder out of the wind. When it's all gone, and she's a blubbering mess sitting on the ground. Leaning down, I grip her chin, making her look at me. When I have her full attention, I tell her how it's going to be from now on, and if I have to, I will find a way to end her pathetic life. I ask her if she's listening because she's still crying, and when she nods, I give her a list of things to do.

  I tell her she's going to get up and go to the restroom and get cleaned up. Then she's going to clock out and take Johnny home. Get him showered and dressed. That I want all his stuff packed when I get there to pick him up, and she has until I get there to have his packed. He won't be going back to her, and she has a week to find herself somewhere else to stay.

  I wasn't letting my kid grow up with a druggy for a mother. She start's crying harder, asking, "Where am I supposed to go if you make me leave?" Standing up, I look down at her and tell her she should've thought of that before snorting that shit up her nose. Turning, I walk to the door only to turn around when she doesn't follow. Snapping at her, I tell her to get the hell up and go. I hold the door for her as she barrels past me and rushes into the bathroom.

  Walking back to the counter, I ask Tim to go get his mother for me. Then I sit beside Johnny and ask him if he wants something to eat that's not junk food. He asks for pizza, and I tell him they don't have pizza. I ask him if he wants chicken nuggets, and he said, "Yes." Ordering nuggets to go for him, I turn to see Rose talking to Cassie.

  Giving Johnny his nuggets, I tell him I'll see him in a bit and watch as Cassie leads him out. Turning to Rose, I tell about the scene I walked into outback. I also tell her about the cocaine and that I don't want her working her anymore. She nods and asks about Johnny. I tell her I can't have my kid around Cassie, and she's on drugs. So, I'm taking him to live with me.

  Chapter 18


  Leaving the diner, I jump on my bike and head to the clubhouse. Damn, I hate riding on four wheels, but I have to be able to drive Johnny around. I guess I'll be looking for a house sooner than I thought. I better call a Real Estate Agent tomorrow. I can't have my son growing up too fast.

  Pulling up to the garage, I tell the prospect to bring out one of the cages out and put my bike in the garage. The prospect gives me a funny look but nods and rushes to my bike. Walking into the club, I look around for Demon, but he's nowhere to be found. I see Stryker by the bar and head in that direction. Once I'm there, I waste no time with pleasantries and ask where Demon's at.

  He tells me Demon's in his office, and I head in that direction. Knocking on the door, I wait for him to tell me to come in. The door swings open, and Demon steps aside to let Tiff out. She's wiping her mouth with the back of her hand and pulling her skirt down. She looks at me but quickly looks away and hurries down the hall.

  Stepping inside, I take a seat, and Demon closes the door before taking a seat himself. We study each other before I start talking. I'm just finishing my story when the door opens, and Stryker walks in. He looks between us before stepping in and closing the door behind him. He sits in the seat next to mine and asks, "What has happened?"

  I give him the CliffsNotes version and look back to Demon. I ask if it's okay to bring Johnny here for a few days until I can buy a house or rent one to move into. He says, "It's alright to bring him, and he will spread the word that all activities inappropriate for children's eyes been done behind closed doors. He says he'll have someone to clean the place up too. I thank him and get up to leave.

  I'm walking out of the clubhouse when I hear Stryker calling my name. I look back and see him running towards the door before it shuts. I wait for him to come out then start walking to the truck. I'm waiting for him to say something, but he never does. I see him walk to the other side of the truck and get in. I follow suit, and we're gone in the next minute.

  I'm two blocks away when I get a call from Sarah telling me that Cassie was loading up her car and trying to leave with Johnny. I ask her to stall them for me cause I'm right around the block. Hanging up the phone, I punch the sternwheel and step on the gas. I'm just pulling around the corner when I see Cassie pulling a crying Johnny by the arm towards a car and Sarah trying to stop, her. I slam on the breaks with the tires squealing and just remember to put it in park before getting out and running towards the scene before me.

  Running up to where Cassie is still trying to drag a crying Johnny to the car, I grab her hand and tell her to let go before I break her fucking hand. She let's go, and Johnny runs behind me and attaches himself to my leg. Looking down, I rub the top of his head before glancing at Stryker and asking him to get Johnny's things from the car. Ten minutes of rummaging through the stuff in the car and he only came back with a bookbag full of clothes. No car seat. No toys. Nothing but that one bag out of a loaded vehicle.

  I ask her where is all his stuff, and she looks away before taking a step back. I've had enough of this bitch. I tell Johnny to go to Sarah. Once she has him, I ask her to go upstairs to the apartment and pack anything that is his up for me. Picking him up, she turns and walks in the building. We all watch as she walks up the stairs until she's out of sight.

  Turning back to Cassie, I stalk towards her with determined strides. When I get close enough, I grab the bitch around by the throat and slam her back into the car. Leaning down, I tell her, "If she ever tries to take my son again, I'll kill her." I know she can't talk because my hand is cutting off her air. So, I tell her to nod her head if she understands.

  When she doesn't nod, I pull my gun out and put it to her head to drive my point home. Her eyes widen even farther, and she nods her head vigorously. Letting her go, she drops to the ground on all fours coughing and spluttering. Looking down, I tell her to get the hell out of this town and not to come back. Nodding, she stands and stumbles to the driver's side and driving away.

  We watch until we couldn't see her taillights anymore before walking up to the apartment. Walking through the door was like walking down the back alley of a bar. The apartment was littered with trash. There was liquor and beer bottles on every surface. Chip bags and if I'm not mistaken, there looked to be condom wrappers there too.

  Making a noise of disgust, Stryker gives me a shove, and we continue to Johnny's room. It pained me thinking of my son having to walk through that shit just to go in and out of the apartment every day. But his room... His room damn near gutted me. There was a lock on the outside of the door. The little race c
ar bed I bought him was taken out at some point, and he was sleeping on a mattress that was laid out on the floor in a corner.

  The rest of the room was filled with crap that looked like it should be in a junkyard. There was literally nothing in the room that belonged to Johnny, but the mattress and the stuffed bear riding a motorcycle. I bought it for him a few months ago. I'd stopped coming into the apartment three months ago because Cassie wouldn't stop trying to get me to stay every time I came. So, I had just been having her bring him down to me when I came to get him. I can't believe I've let this happen. Reaching down, I grab my son and bring him to my chest and think god that I got here in time.

  Giving the room one more look, I turn to Sarah and ask if she knew about this? With a shake of her head, she tells me she hasn't watched Johnny in over four months. That Cassie said, "She had someone to watch him, and I wasn't needed anymore. That she figured the man that had been staying there for the last few months was watching him." I nod and look around one more time before grabbing the stuffed bear and handing it to Johnny.

  Telling her to leave everything there, I'll have some cleaners come in and throw all this shit away. Turning, we walk out saying out goodbyes to Sarah before heading to the truck. Opening the back door, I realize we have no car seat for him. I've only ever had him over the weekends, and that knowledge has my stomach twisting because I have no idea what it takes to actually raise a kid. Now, I'm glad Stryker decided to tag along.

  Throwing the keys to Stryker, I tell him to drive, and I get in the back before buckling Johnny in the middle seat belt. Starting the truck, Stryker looks back and asks, "Where to?" Thinking for a minute, I tell him to go to Cypress Circle, and I'll show him where from there. The ride is quiet outside of Johnny, making his version of a motorcycle noise. Twenty minutes later, we're pulling into Kelly's driveway, and I pray that she isn't still mad at me because I'm going to need her help.

  Chapter 19


  A good run has always helped me clear my mind or think. This time the run helped me realize how much of an idiot I was. Dad was right; I should have let him explain and not run out the way I did. I just hope he doesn't hold it against me the next time I see him. Which would be soon because my car and stuff is still at his clubhouse.

  I'd been running for an hour when I'm pulled from my thoughts. I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. Stopping, I stretch and look around, noticing a van not too far away. It looks just like the van that had stopped outside my car. My skin prickles and I take off running. Not fast enough that you would think someone was chasing me but quicker than I've been running since I left the house.

  I'm turning on Cypress Circle when the van speeds pass me and on down the road. Stopping, I look after the van and shake my head, thinking that I must be losing my mind. Getting my nerves in check, I continue on home at a much slower pace. Not like it's going to help because I felt like I was going to pass out by the time I reached my driveway. There was a black truck parked in the driveway, and I was holding on to it, trying to catch my breath when the front door opened.

  Thinking it was Dad, I yelled, "I'll be there in a minute. I was trying to catch my breath so I won't die of a stroke." I hear a little voice yell, "Dad help her; she's going to die." Then I hear little feet running. I look up with wide eyes just in time to catch the little body that's hurling towards me.

  Falling on my ass, I look down to see the little boy from the diner clinging to me and crying. He lifts his little head and looks me in the eyes before saying, "Please don't die?" I open my mouth, but nothing comes out. Closing it, I look up to see Mason standing at the door looking at us with a thoughtful look on his face. Looking back down at the little boy, I pull him close to my chest.

  I rocked him until he stopped crying. After he stopped and looked up at me, I explained that I wasn't really dying and that he had nothing to worry about. Holding on to him, I used the back of the truck to help me stand. Making my way to the door, I look down at the little boy and see him looking up at me. I smile at him, and he smiles back before laying his head on my shoulder and putting his finger in his mouth.

  When I get up the stairs, Mason reaches out to him, but he clings to me, and I look up to Mason with pleading eyes. He comes closer and whispers something to the boy. Looking up at me, the boy leans up and kisses me on the cheek then climbs into Mason's arms. I stare at the little boy, and he stares back at me. Shaking my head, I look up and see Mason studying me.

  Not knowing what to do or say next, I bolt up the stairs. I need a shower, but really all I want to do is get out of that situation. I walk straight through my bedroom and into the bathroom. Not bothering to stop and gather clothes. I'm in the shower for about ten minutes before I hear the bedroom door open and close.

  I sigh because I already know who it is. I knew the minute that little boy jumped in my arms that Mason was here, and I was going to have to apologize and explain why I just up and left him earlier. I figured I had more time. I was hoping to put off this conversation for at least a couple of days. Turning off the water, I grab two towels from the cubby. Wrapping one around my body and my hair in the other, I stand in front of the door taking a few deep breaths before opening it.

  Mason is sitting on my bed and flashes of the last time he was on that bed comes back to me. I feel my face get hot because it's one of the places we made love all those years ago. Just thinking about it has me squeezing my thighs together to stop the ache that started when the erotic memories resurfaced. Shaking my head to get the scenes to go away, I walk into my closet and start pulling clothes out of my suitcase. He doesn't say anything while I'm getting dressed. I wish he would so I wouldn't have to be in the same room with him.

  Pulling out my brush, I start to brush my hair, trying to prolong the conversation for as long as I can. When I'm done, I slide on my ballet flats and walk back into the room. Mason's not on the bed, and I let out a relieved sigh, thinking he left. Only for that thought to be shattered when I turn and see him standing beside the bedroom door. My face falls, and he chuckles at my reaction.

  Walking over to me, he grabs my hand and leads me over to the be. Sitting down, he pulls me beside him and takes my hand in his. He looks at me for a minute before telling me I can asking him anything I want to know. So many questions fly through my mind. I don't ask about the little boy because I already know he is Mason's. Anyone can look at them and tell that.

  So, I ask the next best question. Which is, "Are you and the waitress together?" He tells me, "His name is Johnny, and no, we were never together. I'm waiting for him to elaborate. But when he doesn't, I get frustrated and ask him, "How did he end up with a child from her if they weren't together?"

  That's when he tells me the story of how he ended up with Johnny. Throughout the story, my mind kept coming back to the whole threesome part of the story. I could feel my panties get wetter the more I thought about it. Johnny's mother was a lucky woman. I have seen Stryker, and he was just as hot as Mason. I surely wouldn't mind being in her position.

  After telling me everything, I felt like an idiot running out on him at the diner. I'd hoped he wouldn't ask about it, but he did, and I had to tell him that I thought he was cheating on her with me. Making me the other woman. The homewrecker. Hearing myself say it out loud made me feel like an even bigger idiot because we aren't even dating for me to be in that position.

  Biting my lip, I look down at my hands because I don't want him to see the pain that I'm sure is written all over my face. I watch as his hand goes to my chin, and he gently lifts my head before placing a soft kiss to my lips. Pulling back, he looks me in the eye and says, "You would never be the other woman. You would be the only woman if I had my way. You'd never have to worry about that."

  My heart swells, and I give him a big smile. Then because I can't help it and really want to know, I ask him, "Do you have threesomes all the time with Stryker? He raises a brow and smirks at me. My face heats up, and I start to get nervous. Jumping u
p, I make my way to the door intending to forget about that question when pushed up against the door, and Mason's front connects with my back.

  He raises my hands and puts them against the door, telling me to hold them there. One hand goes to my breast, and the other goes to the front of my pants. I stifle a moan when he leans in and whispers in a seductive voice, "Does it make you hot thinking of being in a threesome with me? I bet you're soaked right now, just thinking about it." When he bites my earlobe, I moan and rub my ass against his hardening cock.

  He rocks into me and pushes his hand down the waistband of my pants, going right for my clit. Rubbing in slow circles, I feel myself gush, and for a minute there, I have a thought that maybe I should be embarrassed about it. But that thought flies out the window when his fingers slip inside me. Moving them in and out of me, I can't help but buck my hips. Trying to ride them to completion, but it's just not working.

  Letting out a frustrated sigh, I push off the door, making him remove his hand from my pants. Turning around, I remove my flats and unbutton my pants. Raising a brow, I ask him, "Are we doing this, or are you just going to stand there? Cause if you're not up for the task, I can get my vibrator and take care of myself." That's all that needed to be said before he was naked and picking me up and walking towards the bed.

  Chapter 20


  Seeing the emotions play across Kelly's face as I told her about how I ended up with Johnny was an insight into the kind of person she was. I could see everything. But the one thing that stood out besides angry was her curiosity. So, when she brought up the threesome part of the story, I wasn't even surprised. I had seen her mind wander a little and knew she was thinking about it.

  Having her against the door, and my hand down her pants, all I wanted to do was pull them down and shove my cock so deep into her that she'd be feeling me for days. I couldn't help but rut up against her as she rode my hand. My cock was painfully hard. I needed to find relief soon. I was just about to open my pants when she let out a frustrated sigh and pushing away from the door.


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