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Warrior's Pain (Cadi Warriors Book 4)

Page 32

by Stephanie West

  Cyprian huffed in agreement.

  “I’ve got that. Thank you, Aculus,” Tytus took the case with the orbs and headed toward Kagan’s cruisers.

  When they reached the garden, Cyprian noticed a few dozen Cadi and Toufik setting up tables from the trashed courtyard. He grabbed some chairs and pitched in.

  “I’m amazed there’s anything to salvage for last meal,” Stigand commented as they worked.

  “I’m glad you were able to get the injured to the clinic in time,” Metcor gestured in relief.

  “Let me get that,” Dagaa took the chair. He then handed Cyprian and Metcor a mug of cold brew. “You two look like you could use it.”

  “Thanks,” Cyprian took a big swig. It was refreshing after his run through the jungle.

  “Good going, saving our hides,” Madhava commented in appreciation.

  “Actually, the Toufik found, then killed the Jurou Biljana.” Cyprian nodded his appreciation to Metcor. “And Riley remembered the phrase to disable those orbs. I just ran around like my tail was on fire.”

  Cyprian glanced up at the villa. There was still no sign of the females.

  I should’ve kept her pinned in the grass till I told her everything. That would’ve gone over well. What would I say? I’m not mated to someone else. You’re my mate. Yeah, every female wants to learn she’s been mated against her will, while wallowing around in the dirt. Cyprian cringed as he pictured Riley kneeing him in the shaft.

  “Why am I still surprised by those females?” Dagaa shook his head.

  “That’s a good question,” Kagan laughed. “I don’t have any profound answers. Instead, I suggest we celebrate victory over our enemy.”

  “And tomorrow, we’ll attempt this mating again,” Tytus clapped Metcor on the shoulder. “Speaking of mating, there’s my gorgeous female.” Tytus beamed as he focused on the veranda doors of the villa.

  Cyprian’s eyes roved the small group of females.

  Where is Riley?

  Cyprian started toward the villa, only to have the females intercept him. They all wore the same scowl they’d had for him all day. The females clearly weren’t happy with him. But only one mattered, and she wasn’t present. Cyprian bowed to the females, since it was the respectful thing to do. He then sidestepped the group, before anyone attempted to stop him. He was done being deterred. The general continued to the veranda, then halted.

  There stood Riley, at the edge of the patio. She wore a sleeveless, golden yellow dress that hugged her body, then flared out below the knee. Her violet streaked hair was down, like he preferred. Cyprian noticed the bandage on the back of her neck was gone. If her long dark hair shifted, his conjugo mark would be more than obvious. Add to that, the last half of his name was clearly legible, peeking past the dress, just above her breast. There would be no doubt to anyone present that Riley was his.

  This explains why the females were looking at me like I’m a bastard. I guess Riley’s not pissed because she thinks I’m mated to someone else anymore. Based on her expression she wasn’t thrilled hearing the news second hand. This is exactly what I didn’t want to happen. Cyprian debated cupping his shaft as he approached her.

  “Riley. We must talk.”

  “If you value your safety, you will let me have several drinks before we do this,” Riley glared at him as she brushed past, heading for the row of tables.


  Cyprian growled and spun to follow her. Riley took the lone empty seat nearest their friends. Cyprian stomped over to the seat next to her, and tapped the male on the shoulder.

  “Move,” Cyprian rumbled.

  His brow rose when the male opened his mouth to object. Wisely the warrior got up without uttering whatever foolish thing was on his lips, and Cyprian sat.

  “Real nice,” Riley hissed under her breath, without bothering to look at him.

  “He was in my rightful spot.”

  Riley swung to face him.

  “Really? And how do you figure that?” She asked then turned back to her drink.

  The way Riley spoke so calmly made Cyprian pause. It was like she was asking some banal question about the weather.

  How in the goddess’ name can someone so small, be so damn intimidating?

  Cyprian delved his hand into the hair at the nape of Riley’s neck, and ran his thumb over the conjugo mark.

  “I think you already know, Little Manx.”

  He was glad Riley didn’t brush him off, as his thumb caressed the spot on the crook of her neck. Instead Riley took a large swig of her vinum, then glanced at him.

  “No, I don’t, General. Why don’t you enlighten me?”

  “Don’t lie to me, Little Manx.” Cyprian had to work hard not to growl. “It’s plain to see the females told you. This is not how I wanted you to learn about the conjugo mark.”

  Riley polished off her drink, then grabbed his, and took a large gulp.

  “You want to talk about lies, General? How about the one where you told me I was free?” Riley gestured to the mark. “Neither of us are free. Are we? Then there’s the sin of omission. You had several chances to tell me. But, no, you squandered that time playing mind games, treating me like I was your slave.”

  Cyprian closed his eyes in frustration. He should’ve told her. Now Riley wanted to be free of him.

  “I know you don’t believe me, but I didn’t intend for things to happen this way. I don’t want to argue with you in front of everyone. Let’s go somewhere,” Cyprian suggested as he realized they’d captured everyone’s attention.

  “No, we certainly can’t let them see us fight, since that’s your idea of foreplay.” Riley stood up from her seat and glared at him, before turning to walk away.

  Cyprian shoved back, knocking over his chair. He no longer cared if he ruined dinner. He wasn’t about to let Riley get away again. Cyprian caught Riley by the wrist and spun her toward him.

  “Enough,” he growled.

  “Don’t,” Riley cried. Such utter devastation twisted her face. Her eyes were glossy, her chin quivering. “I get it. You were doing your duty when you bit me. And you were doing your duty when you tried to force me to tell you what I was hiding. I’m sorry you did your job so well, and got trapped by the needy human. Well I’m letting you off the hook. I’m not your job anymore.”

  Cyprian let go of Riley’s wrist and stepped back, stunned. He got a sinking feeling in his gut. She made the comment about his duty once before. Riley wasn’t angry because she thought he was mated to someone else, or because he mated her against her will.

  Goddess you’re such a fool, Cyprian cursed himself.

  “You’re right. That is the excuse I fed myself,” Cyprian admitted with a growl. “I made the excuse that I was doing what I had to do, because I didn’t want to admit the truth to myself.” Cyprian wrapped an arm around Riley and tugged her against his body.

  “I can’t.” Riley pressed against his chest with her small hands, but he didn’t relent.

  “My foolish honor refused to let me admit, that whenever I’m near you, I lose control. I don’t lose control - ever,” Cyprian growled. He tightened the grip he had around Riley’s back, pressing her lush body against his. “You frustrate me till I’m so twisted in knots.” Cyprian dipped his face to the crook of her neck, and breathed in her scent. “You amaze me with your giving soul, strength, and bravery.” His mouth nuzzled the conjugo mark on Riley’s neck, his nose teasing her ear. “I was lost the moment I caught your intoxicating scent, and laid eyes on you. You are so wild, Little Manx. I had to have you.”

  Riley looked up at him with uncertainty in her gaze. His mouth hovered close to hers.

  “You are mine. I never lied about that,” he growled. “You know it’s true. Stop lying to yourself.”

  Riley opened her mouth to object, but Cyprian silenced her.

  “Don’t fight me. Don’t force me to tie you up, because you know I will. I may not be able to get you to spill all your secrets, but there’s one thin
g I’ll force from your lips.”

  It wasn’t an idle threat. Cyprian wouldn’t let Riley escape again. He’d seduce her till she admitted who her male was.

  “Cyprian,” Riley whispered as she gripped his biceps.

  “That’s right,” he husked.

  Cyprian was so close to kissing Riley, but if he did, he’d end up throwing her down in the grass till he forced his name from her lips over and over.

  Riley gasped when Cyprian tossed her over his shoulder.

  “Honestly Cyprian? You tied Riley up too? You owe Tytus a big fat apology.”

  Cyprian ignored June’s taunt as he took off for the villa with his shocked mate slung over his shoulder. He took the stairs to her room two at a time, kicked the door closed, then tossed Riley on the bed.

  “Just wait a minute,” Riley insisted as she backed up.

  Cyprian could see her pulse fluttering in her neck, the way her eyes were dilated, and how flush her skin had become. Riley wanted him as much as he wanted her, but apparently, she needed more convincing.


  “Take off the dress before I tear it off you,” Cyprian rumbled.

  The general said he couldn’t think straight. He wasn’t the only one. Riley tried to maintain a grasp on the situation that was rapidly spiraling out of control.

  If the man wasn’t so imposing, standing at the foot of the bed, she might have had a fighting chance at resisting him. Cyprian’s penetrating gaze was unnerving. His demand that she disrobe, instantly sent a flood of desire coursing through her. Riley scrambled off the bed. She had to get away before everything turned to shit.

  “Lust from your bite. That’s all this is,” Riley panted, as she fled toward the bathroom.

  “You keep telling yourself that.” Cyprian lunged and grabbed ahold of her, cupping one full breast, as he tugged her back against his chest. “But I have more than enough time to convince you.”

  His thumb caressed her pierced nipple, making it bead beneath the buttery silk fabric. Cyprian’s fingers delved past the low neckline of her sleeveless dress. With a sharp tug, and the sound of tearing fabric, the general had her naked. The tattered dress fell around her ankles.

  “You don’t love me. You hate humans,” Riley gasped and sobbed in the same breath.

  Cyprian’s thumb and index finger pinched her nipple, rolling the turgid tip. The hand cupping her stomach, drifted lower, to play in the curls on her mound. Riley couldn’t help but tip her head when his mouth worked from her shoulder up her neck, to the sensitive spot beneath her ear.

  “I loved you the second I saw you kick that Verrater in the shaft,” Cyprian husked in her ear.

  Riley’s brow creased hearing Cyprian express the sentiment.

  “You love me?”

  “I do. But I don’t expect you to admit the same or willingly accept it, stubborn Little Manx. I’ve not been a very good mate. I plan to make that up to you.” Cyprian’s tongue traced the shell of Riley’s ear, eliciting goosebumps allover her skin. “I’ve noticed you have erogenous zones covering every inch of your body. And there’s so many ways to bring you to climax. How long do you think you can hold out, before I have you screaming the words I want to hear?”

  Cyprian’s mouth enclosed around her earlobe, and Riley felt a slight pinch, followed by a luscious burning heat, that spread down her neck. It seared past her nipples, stabbing straight to her clit. The effects from his earlier bite had begun to wane, only to flare to life again. If Cyprian’s hand drifted any lower he could take her pulse. Riley’s clit throbbed incessantly. There was a needy cramp, as moisture pooled low in her stomach. Riley wanted Cyprian to move his hand, to relieve the ache between her thighs, but he kept painfully still. She clutched the arm cradling her stomach, and tried to coax him to move.

  “Your ear is sensitive,” Cyprian husked, then placed open mouth kisses down the crook of her neck, and along the top of her shoulder. “And so is your neck.”

  Cyprian lifted Riley’s hand to his lips, then sucked her index finger into his hot mouth. His tongue swirled around the sensitive tip. When he bit down with his blunt front teeth, Riley felt a responding twinge in her clit. He moved on to kiss her palm, then laved the inside of her wrist. Cyprian lavished attention on one spot, one benign little spot, yet he had her burning all over. Every nerve stood at attention. She thrummed with anticipation. Riley wanted Cyprian to touch her everywhere, but she also relished the torturous assault he made, as his mouth travelled along the inside of her forearm.

  “So sensitive, and soft,” he growled low.

  Cyprian draped her arm, back around his neck. Riley speared her fingers into his short hair, holding on for dear life. She ground her ass against the bulge she felt at her back. Cyprian gripped her waist tighter, halting her wanton moves.

  He’s evil. Riley wasn’t wrong when she first called him a demon.

  Riley’s breath came out faster, as Cyprian trailed a large hand up her side. His fingers ghosted over her ribs, then lightly made a circle around her right breast, but avoided her eager nipple. His thumb ran back and forth over his name branded on her chest.

  “I’m going to need you to write down your name, so I can have it placed on my chest during the mating ceremony tomorrow.”

  Cyprian cupped her chin and turned her face to the side. Riley looked back at him, and was caught in his onyx gaze. The emotions there swallowed her up. The things he said as he touched her tenderly, sank in. Cyprian did love her.

  His mouth consumed hers, and their tongues tangled. Riley felt herself being swung up in Cyprian’s arms. She sighed into his mouth, when he pressed her back into the mattress. Riley clutched Cyprian’s broad muscular shoulders as his weight came down on top of her. She whimpered when Cyprian pulled away.

  “Easy, Little Manx. We have nothing but time.”

  Riley’s mouth opened to protest, but all that came out was a breathy Oh.

  I’m in trouble.

  Cyprian admired her naked body. Riley looked down to see what he saw. A blush covered her skin. Her breasts with their pierced rosy buds heaved. The muscles in her stomach noticeably trembled. Riley couldn’t help but rub her knees together, as she clenched her thighs, attempting to dispel some of the need that plagued her.

  Cyprian grasped her ankles, removed her slippers one by one, then tossed them aside. He curled an arm around her extended calf, and kissed her instep. Riley never had a foot fetish, but she was reconsidering that stance. Cyprian held her foot still as his tongue darted out to flick the skin of her ankle. His other hand leisurely caressed the inside of her knee, then meticulously worked its way up her thigh.

  “Cyprian,” she gasped as his fingers hovered near the crease in her thigh.


  Cyprian turned his eyes away from her ankle, to focus on her. He looked so serious. So god damn sexy. Those dark eyes, firm lips, strong jaw, and wild black hair, made her tremble with desire.

  “You’re torturing me.”

  “No. If I was torturing you, I would tell you in graphic detail how I’m going to devour and lick the swollen pink bud between your thighs, till you beg me for relief, spilling enough nectar to soak the bed. Then I’m going to slowly impale you on my shaft, working it into your body inch by inch, so I can savor the way your hot slick walls flutter and clasp me. I’m going to make sure I hit the spot on the roof of your channel, and the one deep inside, till you scream my name and milk me to release. Then when you think you’ve had enough, I’m going to pin you on your stomach and push myself into your tight little rear, as I bite your neck, and worry your clit. Now, Little Manx, hold your knees and spread wide for me, so I don’t have to go get the rope.”

  He really is trying to torture me.

  Riley stared at Cyprian in shock, as he took her hands and placed them beneath her knees, then splayed them, opening her up to his view. Cyprian’s fingers traced her soaked folds, spreading her lips to expose her swollen pierced clit. With a feral growl, his mouth descen

  Riley writhed as Cyprian clasped her thighs, his large fingers digging into her pliant flesh. He kept her hips tilted up, holding her open for his torment. She wanted him so desperately that it wasn’t long before she was crying incoherent sounds of pleasure. Each flick of his tongue, forced another strident sound past her lips.

  Just as Riley neared the peak, the heavy sensation in her stomach coiling tighter, Cyprian pulled back.

  “No, Cyprian, please,” she whimpered.

  Cyprian knelt between her thighs, and tore off his kilt. His thick, iron hard cock jutted from his pelvis, aimed straight for her weeping vagina. Riley panted, and gripped her knees tighter.

  The general looked her in the eye, as he squeezed her ass with one hand, and fisted his cock with the other. He placed the satiny, engorged crown at the mouth of her pussy, but didn’t press forward. Instead he stroked his length back and forth, while she watched in anticipation.

  “Who do you belong to?” Cyprian demanded with a deep growl, his eyes searching hers.

  As much as Riley wanted Cyprian to do all the mind-blowing things he’d threatened her with, there were a few things she needed to say. Riley took a deep breath, calmed her heart, then smiled up at her stunningly handsome man. Cyprian stilled, seeing her change in demeanor.

  “I couldn’t help but notice you, when you first boarded Ion’s ship. You’re so damn huge, and fierce. Then, when I saw you again on Distraho, I knew,” Riley husked, her voice thick with emotion.

  “You knew what?” Cyprian asked, his expression shifting from predatory to tender.

  He released Riley, and crawled up her body. Cyprian rested his weight on his forearms, his face inches from hers.

  “I knew that my life had changed. And even when I thought you owned me, something inside me gravitated your way. I knew you were there to save me, and I don’t mean just from Distraho,” Riley whispered as she ran her hands over Cyprian’s broad shoulders. “Life’s been throwing me a lot of curve balls lately, and I’ve grown a little jaded. I’ve never been able to depend on a lot of people.”

  “I know.” Cyprian gently cupped her cheeks. “I am sorry for the part I played in hurting you. I did not earn your trust or your affection.” Riley saw raw vulnerability when Cyprian spoke.


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